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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1901658
A Drow thief comes across an Elven princess and steals an irreplaceable gift.
With a yawn Lilith moved into her bedroom. It had been such a trying day and all she really wanted to do was curl up with one of her books. She was wearing a long sparkling silver gown with long sleeves and a small metallic green leaf near the neckline. She drew her long raven black hair over her shoulder and slowly started to unbraid it. Her pale slender fingers working delicately over the silken strands.

Once she finished she tossed the small leather thong, that had been holding her hair, off to the side. She reached up tucking a strand of hair behind her pointed ear. She then pulled off the small jewel incrusted, silver circlet that acted as a crown, and sat it down on her vanity table. Then she glanced around her immaculate bed chamber.

There was a large four poster bed settled perfectly at the rear of the room. An armoire, a writing desk, and her vanity table and mirror placed against her walls. There was a small stone fireplace next to her writing desk with two large plush chairs in front of it. She only ever used the darn thing in the winter months, there wasn’t much need for it this late In the spring.

Lilith flopped down into one of the chairs lazily, running her fingers over the soft velvet coverings. Her bedroom was usually done in soft earthy tones in the spring. She loved the dark green chairs in her room, they were probably her favorite piece of furniture besides her bed, which had silver silk sheets, and a large silver quilt her mother had made for her before she passed away.

Standing she moved over to the desk and picked up her book, then she walked back to the chair and sat down once more. She was thankful for the elven gown she wore, the material was so flexible, and it never stretched permanently or lost its shape. She opened the book and started to read, a smile tugging at the corners of her full mouth.

She loved to read about adventures and romance. Something she was almost forbidden to experience. Being the princess of a great elven kingdom did have its perks though. However she constantly longed for normalcy. Just once she wanted to go walking off through the woods by herself. She was not aloud into any of the forest. Her father thought it was far too dangerous for a woman. She was not aloud to go any where without the escort of one of the royal guards. Just one day she wished she wasn’t a princess so she could experience some of the things that others get to do on a regular basis.

Pulling her legs up underneath her she sighed, her eyes skimming the words on the page. She was reading about lovers. A pair who were forbidden to see each other because they were from different cities that were at war with one another. She was near the end of the book and the woman’s city was about to hang the man she loved. A tear rolled down Lilith’s cheek as she read faster, her heart pounding as she waited to find out whether the man was going to survive or not.

As she continued to read her eyes began to droop. She was far more tired then she had first realized. With a yawn she kicked off her tiny silver slippers and looked down at her book, satisfied that the man in the story had escaped certain death. As she read on her head started to fall back against the chair, soon her book was held limply in her lap as she drifted off into a silent slumber, her peaceful breathing the only sound in the room.


Xion breathed heavily as he hid in a shadowed corner. His white hair and dark drow face hidden carefully within his shabby cloak. His reddish-pink eyes searching the corridor ahead of him. He didn’t think he would get caught so easily. If only he hadn’t knocked over that vase in the thrown room he would have made off with hundreds of gold coins worth of treasure.

Why he even thought he could break into the palace and steal the crown jewels was beyond him. He could hear the guard’s heavy footsteps, he had to find a place to hide, and fast or he was going to end up in the dungeon rotting with so many other thieves and mischief makers.

With a whispered oath he pushed himself out of the shadow and ran silently down the hall. There were several doors to choose from. He ran to the first and swore under his breath as he found it to be locked. He moved across the hall to a large finely done oak door. He turned the handle and to his relief the door swung open. Without bothering to look into the room he came in shutting the door behind him.

Lilith jumped as she heard her door close. The sun had already set and her room was filled with the glow of still burning candles. She looked toward the noise that had woken her and saw a man standing there concealed within an old dusty brown cloak. She stood up infuriated that someone would just barge into her private bed chamber unannounced. The book she was reading crashed to the floor, the sound was almost deafening in the eerie silence. “Who are you!?” She demanded her eyes blazing.

Xion whirled around as he heard the book hit the floor. He took in the shadowed woman standing near the fire place. From the looks of her disorderly appearance he figured she was a simple maid. Her hair was tumbling messily around her shoulders and her dress was slightly wrinkled. He back up moving towards her keeping his eyes on the door. He pulled a dagger from within his cloak and then turned toward the woman.

He stopped dead in his tracks as he heard footsteps just outside the door. His eyes widened and he dropped the dagger running for the nearest hiding spot. He laid down on his stomach and slid under the bed.

In all honesty Lilith found herself more curious then afraid, she bent down and picked up the large platinum dagger that he had dropped, looking it over curiously. She was about to open her mouth to speak but was interrupted by a brisk knock at the door. She swung her hands behind her back hiding the dagger. “Enter.”

A large heavily armed guard pushed the door open. He regarded the princess curiously and then spoke. “I apologize for the intrusion my lady, but there is a thief within the palace, he came this way. Have you seen him?”

So he was a thief. Lilith thought a moment seriously considering turning the strange man over to the guards, but her curiosity was getting the best of her. “No… I’ve not seen any man. I didn’t even hear anything, I have been sound asleep.” The lie slipped out easily and she smiled sweetly at the guard.

“Thank you my lady. No need to fear, we will post a guard outside your door. He wont be able to harm you.” He bowed his head to the princess.

“My thanks sir, I have faith in you.” She smiled sweetly and then turned towards the bed as the guard left the room shutting and locking the door firmly behind him.

Xion didn’t even dare to breath the entire time the guard was in the room. Why on earth was this woman lying for him? The way the guard spoke to her it didn’t seem she was a mere maid, perhaps a noblewoman or a countess staying in the palace. He doubted she could be much more then that. Carefully he slid out from under the bed and stood up, staring at her with a rather puzzled look on his face.

“Now perhaps you will tell me who you are?” She asked, attempting to hide her excitement.

Slowly he pushed back his concealing hood revealing his almost completely black skin and snow white hair. His hair was long and drawn back in a loose pony tail. His eyes were an odd red color, gleaming at her from across the room. “Why did you lie for me?” He asked not quite ready to give out his name.

She shrugged her shoulders placing the dagger on her desk. “I’m not sure. Curiosity perhaps. He said you were a thief, anything specific you were after?” She smirked leaning against her desk.

“Just browsing.” He said, a hint of amusement in his deep voice.

Lilith carefully moved towards him, hoping that the dagger was the only weapon he had on him, but then again she highly doubted it. She looked him over, what was he? Drow? She had heard of the drow. They were supposedly very dangerous creatures. They had the same build as elves, the same pointed ears, but their skin was much darker and their hair much whiter. Her father told her that the drow were an evil, despicable race. They were usually assassins or thieves. They worshiped the spider goddess Lolth. They were a race ruled by women. “You’re a drow?”

Xion chuckled taking a few steps toward her, holding his hands out palm up signifying peace. “I am. Do you know much about my kind?”

“I know a little.” She said lifting her chin in challenge. “What made you walk through my door? There are plenty in that hallway.”

“This one was the first door I found unlocked.” He stated calmly. “Are you going to turn me over to the guards?”

Lilith smiled softly. “No… not yet at least. It would help a little if I knew your name though.” She ran her hands through her hair only now realizing how horrible she must look. Normally she didn’t give a rats about her appearance, but standing in front of this blindingly handsome drow was nerve racking.

Watching her attempt to fix her tumbled appearance he took a few more steps toward her. He figured it couldn’t hurt to give her his name. “I am Xion, of the house of Rilynath.” He bowed elegantly to her, his eyes not once leaving her face. She was rather pretty. Even with her hair a mess, she looked untamed, even wild. His gaze drifted down to the generous swell of her breasts. All at once he felt warm and uncomfortable, he returned his gaze to her face.

Did he just look at her breasts? Surely not. Lilith was somewhat taken aback by his wandering gaze. She felt her nipples harden and rub against the fine material of gown. Heat started to boil low in her stomach. She took in a deep breath and moved toward the desk again, putting as much distance between them as she could. “Would you like some water then, Xion?” She lifted a pitcher of water that had been sitting on the desk and poured some into a glass.

He noticed her flush cheeks, the change in her intense green eyes. What had she been thinking about? He reached up and unclipped the clasp under his chin. He took off his cloak and tossed it over one of the chairs near the fire place. Underneath he was wearing a pair of buckskin trousers and a baggy, somewhat stained white shirt with ruffles near the wrists. He wasn’t a fan of ruffles, but he was a fan of wearing clothes… and clothes he didn’t have much of at the moment. “No water for me thank you.” He smiled up at her.

She watched him out of the corner of her eye. The rippling of muscles under the white stained shirt. The warm stirring within her increased and she took in another deep breath, taking a sip of her water. “Your probably going to be stuck in here awhile, that guard wont leave till sunrise.” She didn’t even know why she was helping this drow thief. It was dangerous, and stupid, but she couldn’t help herself. She felt like she was embarking on a dangerous adventure.

Xion raised a brow and leaned against the chair watching her. “Curiosity can’t be the only reason I am here. Come now, why would a noble maiden harbor a wanted, drow, thief in her bedroom?” He grinned, thrusting his hands into his pockets.

“I don’t know. Really I am not sure. I live a very restricted life, and this is dangerous, and forbidden.” She smiled at him and then blushed. “Men are not even aloud in my bedchamber unless I have a chaperone.”

“Mmm, then your doing a lot of things your not supposed to.” He chuckled softly to himself and moved to stand in front of her. He reached down and grabbed her hand bringing it to his lips. He lightly kissed the back of her hand. “I am in your debt my lady.” He let his lips linger on her hand, his breath warm on her skin. She was so soft. “Perhaps you could tell me your name…. pretty elf.”

Lilith was shocked. She thought he knew who she was, but then again if one didn’t live in this area they may not know what the royal family looked like. She shivered as he kissed her hand. A bolt of electricity and fire raced through her veins. Her whole body visibly tensed. “My…name…” What was her name? She forgot her name!?

Seeing her reaction he kissed her hand again. “Don’t you know your own name… pretty elf?” He chuckled and straightened keeping her hand in his. His index finger lightly caressing her palm. His hand started to move up her arm to her wrist and then her forearm.

She should have pulled her hand away, she wasn’t even sure why she didn’t. Instead she watched his hand make its way up her arm. She was nearly holding her breathing, waiting, watching. She didn’t say anything, her mind had gone completely blank. She looked up at the drow, an intense passion coming to life in her emerald gaze.

This noble woman was certainly not like any he had come across. He could see the longing and passion in her eyes. He took another step toward her, his hand releasing her arm. He reached up lightly tracing his fingertips over her neck. His mouth incredibly close to her own. “May this humble thief steal a kiss from the pretty elf?” He grinned his mouth hovering over hers.

His hot breath on her soft lips made her shiver. Goosebumps rose along her pale skin and she let out a soft but audible whimper. This drow was the most charming man she had even met, either that or the most dangerous. She wanted to tell him no… she should have told him no, but before she could stop herself she answered him, “yes.”

Electricity arched between them as Xion pressed his lips against hers. One hand continued to trace along her neck, the other went to her waist and pulled her against him. His tongue snaked out from between his dark lips and licked along hers, begging for entrance.

Lilith willingly opened her mouth, her tongue nervously stroking along his. The kiss was explosive, it was like nothing she had ever experienced in her entire life. The strange feeling in the pit of her stomach grew stronger, her breasts began to ache, her muscles tensed as she stood rigid against his body.

“You’re so tense, pretty elf.” He whispered against her petal soft lips, his hand playing along the small of her back. “Relax. I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.”

She was still unsure about all of this. This drow; this man, was exhilarating. However, what she was doing was simply unheard of. She was a princess, her fathers only child and therefore, she and the man she wed would inherit the thrown. What was she doing?

He felt her slight resistance. Gently he started to rub her lower back his lips still hovering over hers. He waited while she battled with herself. He was not going to force himself upon her. He may be a thief but he was no rapist. “Are you ok?” He asked his voice holding a slight edge. His trousers felt painfully tight, he wanted her, and now he was afraid she might refuse him.

Nodding her head Lilith leaned forward and kissed him again. She opened her mouth immediately and let her tongue go on its own little exploration. She didn’t care what the consequences were for this. There was a need burning within her, a need that she knew only a man could sate. Hesitantly she ran her hands up his chest. Her fingers nimbly untying the collar of his stained white shirt.

Surprise lit Xion’s face, and then he smiled against her lips. Letting her tongue delve into his mouth. As she started to untie his shirt he groaned pulling her hips against his and grinding his erection against her through their clothes. “I’m on fire, pretty elf.” He groaned against her sweet lips.

“So am I.” She pulled his shirt up over his head and tossed it to the ground. Her hands ran over his bare skin, his skin was not smooth like she imagined it, it was bumpy. She broke the kiss and looked down at his chest. What she saw nearly brought tears to her eyes. There were so many scars. Some of them rather large, and some of them very small. She had never seen so many scars on one being before. Leaning down she kissed one of his scars, right above his left nipple. She traced the thin scar, with her tongue, all the way to his shoulder and then nipped his skin.

This woman was a minx. A noble woman perhaps, but she certainly knew what she was doing. He reached down lacing his fingers in her hair and dragging her mouth back to his. He kiss her hungrily, his mouth taking and giving, demanding the same from her. He started to pull her backwards toward the bed.

Another moment of doubt slipped into Lilith’s mind but she quickly shooed it away. She would have this moment, if only for her own sanity. As he started to back her toward the bed she reached down to his trousers and slowly started to undo them. She tugged on them rather frustrated unable to do much without looking.

Perhaps she wasn’t too much of a minx. It didn’t seem she could even figure out how to remove his pants. He chuckled softly and stopped at the foot of the bed. “My my you are an impatient pretty elf.” He smirked and reached down quickly unlacing his trousers for her.

Lilith blushed crimson and she watched him. She didn’t move forward to remove his trousers just yet. Instead she turned her back to him, “Would you unbutton me?” She asked smiling at him over her shoulder.

Smiling and taking in a deep breath he reached to the tiny silver buttons on the back of her dress. Carefully, and rather slowly he started to slip each one out of its hole. Button by button he revealed her smooth pale skin, a stark contrast to his own. He reached the last button just above her bottom, and stood back a soft smile on his face.

The room was almost too silent for a moment. She stood as if thinking things over yet again. Though really she was trying to tease him. Slowly she turned and slipped the dress off of her shoulders. She pushed the elven garment down her small, and fragile body. Stepping out of the dress she kicked it to the side and smiled up at him now completely naked.

Xion nearly fell back onto the bed as she revealed her hairless, naked, body to him. His heart slammed against his chest and he licked his lips. His eyes took in every inch of her. Her slender thighs, the tiny slit between her shapely legs, her perfectly round and perky breasts. He wanted to lean forward and taste her small pink nipples.

Following suit, Xion sat down on the bed and leaned over taking his boots off. He set them aside and then stood back up, pushing his buckskin trousers down to his ankles. He kicked the clothing aside and stood back. A grinned as his body fell under her inspection.

She had never seen a naked man before. Her eyes roamed his body curiously. She knew what a mans body was supposed to look like, and this drow was quite the man. He was lean and muscular, hairless just like elves were. He had scars all over his black body. Her gaze fell upon the jutting erection between his thighs. She took a few hesitant steps forward and pressed her lips against his.

Letting his hands run over her body, he took in a deep breath. He started to grind his manhood against her abdomen. A groan rumbled in his throat, and he reached up between them grabbing one of her breasts and massaging it gently, his thumb and index finger lightly tugging at her small nipple.

Drops of moisture appeared at the tip of his shaft as he continued to grind against her. Lilith shivered and then moaned out softly. She didn’t know she could feel such sensations. His fingers teasing her hard nipple sparked a raging fire inside her. She ran her hands down his body on her own little quest. She wrapped her hand around his member and began to stroke him gently. Breaking the kiss she looked down, watching what she was doing to him. She smiled softly, stifling a giggle, his hard penis was dwarfing her petit fingers.

He continued to play with her nipples as she watched herself stroke him. He let out another groan and bit his lip trying not to be to loud. The last thing he needed was one of those guards bursting in. That was rather interesting, why would a guard be posted at the door of a simple noble woman or countess? He shook his head and pushed the thought from his mind as she pressed her thumb against the tiny droplet of pre-cum that had gathered at the head of his cock.

“I have to have you pretty elf.” He started to buck his hips, making her stroke faster.

Lilith leaned forward and nipped lightly at his neck. She whispered softly against his skin, her voice trembling. “What are you waiting for?”

He groaned and grabbed her by the hips pushing her away from him. He smiled at her and pushed her to the end of the bed, her knees pressing against the feathered mattress. “Lean forward.” It was more of a command then a request.

She wasn’t sure exactly what he was going to do but she obeyed quickly, leaning over the bed using her hands to steady herself. She looked over her shoulder and watched him as he moved up behind her and spread her legs apart. She started to breath heavily, her muscles clenched and for a moment she wasn’t sure if she could go through with it.

Xion Looked down at her inviting bottom, and throbbing flower. He reached down, his fingertips lightly dancing over her clit checking to make sure she was ready for him. He felt her shudder and he smiled. She was dripping wet.

Her heart beat quickened as she felt the tip of him rub against her. Could she do this? She had never been with a man before, she had never even kissed a man before tonight. She was about to open her mouth and tell him she couldn’t do it, but it was too late. She bit her lip hard as his cock plunged into her, ripping past her precious maiden head. Tears burned behind her eyelids before falling down her cheeks to the quilt.

Abruptly he stopped, his cock buried between her thighs. By the time he realized she was a virgin it had been to late. He looked up at her, tears flowing down her face. “Oh gods… I’m sorry.” He wasn’t sure what to say to her, it was all rather awkward. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He started to pull out of her.

“No… no, its done, don’t stop.” She said. Though it hurt badly, she didn’t want him to leave her body. There was something about the feeling of him inside of her that heated her even more. “Don’t stop Xion.” She said again looking over her shoulder at him.

Slowly he started to withdraw, and then enter her once more. He went slow, letting her become accustomed to the feeling. He was not one to go around taking the maiden heads of high class women. He knew if anyone caught them her reputation would be ruined.

Slowly he started to pump his hips, watching her face for any reaction. She was so tight around his fleshy rod that it was almost painful. He let out a soft groan and lightly began to massage her hips.

Letting out another whimper she gripped the quilt tightly. It was painful but pleasurable at the same time. She closed her eyes tightly and pressed her face against the bed nearly holding her breath.

With a frown Xion reached around her, his finger dipping within her velvety wet folds. He started to lightly rub at her sensitive clit, trying to make it just a little better for her. “Oh, pretty elf. You’re so tight.” He moaned as his finger started to rub her a bit harder and faster.

Lilith moaned into the bed as he started to rub between her legs. Her body was starting to come alive with new and arousing sensations. The pain was beginning to ease slightly and she started to feel the building of pressure within her. Like a tightly wound coil waiting to spring. She felt him start pumping harder. She moved her hips back at him as he thrust forward.

“That’s it. How does that feel?” He asked, his other hand lightly tickling the crack of her bottom. He pressed his finger against her rosebud gently.

She took in a sharp breath and started to rock her hips harder. “Oh…oh that feels…. Oh that feels good.” She said, lifting her face to look behind at him once more. Her green eyes sparkled with lust, and her cheeks were flushed. The pain had nearly vanished and the pleasure was building

He smiled as he saw her face. He pressed his finger a bit harder against her anus, his hips picked up speed as he moved in and out of her. His fingers massaged at her hard, wet, clit. He wanted to feel her clench around him in orgasm. “Cum for me, pretty elf.” He whispered, holding back his own orgasm. He wanted to give this woman the time of her life.

The electricity in the air was enough to shock Lilith. She moaned and pressed her hips back against his harder. She felt something build, her whole body was shaking. Her lower abdomen clenched and unclenched. She felt like she was about to explode. “Xion!” She moaned, biting down hard on her lip. She was trying to be a quiet as possible.

Muscles clenched around his throbbing member. He could feel it, she was on the edge. He plunged into her hard, his fingers working her faster. “You’re almost there.” He moaned. “I can feel it”

Her mouth opened wide in a silent scream. Her hands gripped at the quilt fiercely. She pressed her face against the bed trying to stifle her moans of pleasure. The burning in her body all at once exploded. Colors burst behind her eye lids. Her whole body trembled as he continued to plunge in and out of her quivering body. It was intense and perfect, she felt it all the way down to the tip of her toes, and all the way up to the top of her head. The pleasure was blinding and beautiful, something she had never experienced before.

Xion felt her grip his manhood. He groaned and closed his eyes trying to control himself. He wasn’t done with her yet. He didn’t want to finish this too soon. He felt her hot juices seep around his cock and drip onto his balls. He slowed as he felt her start to relax once more.

She breathed heavily and opened her eyes slowly. Her whole body was still rocking with the aftershocks of orgasm. She wasn’t sure if she could speak, let alone move. Her knees wobbled, and she knew if it wasn’t for him she would have fallen.

Slowly and gently he pulled out of her body. He reached down and lightly stroked himself, smearing her feminine juices over his manhood. He smiled softly at her as she looked at him. “I want to make you do that again.” He said softly, a mischievous gleam in his red eyes. “Climb up on the bed.”

Lilith carefully scooted up on the bed. She turned over on her back and flopped down, her head on her pillows. She wasn’t sure what he was going to do to her next, she only hoped that she could stay awake for it.

The room smelled like her. It was her musky feminine scent. Xion inhaled deeply and smiled moving onto the bed. He spread her legs and moved down in between them, his breath hot on her wet folds. He brought her legs up over his shoulders as his tongue lightly began to tickle her clit.

“Oh… oh gods…” All at once she was awake again. Her body once more alive with sensations. He was feasting on her core, something she thought would be rather strange, but it felt wonderful. She reached down; her hands bunching in his snow white hair. “Xion.” She moaned his name and lifted her hips against his probing tongue.

Xion grinned and sucked her swollen clit into his hot mouth. He felt her squirm and moan beneath him. Gently he pushed two fingers into her and started moving them in and out while he lapped at her sweet juices. “You taste so good pretty elf.” He mumbled against her womanhood his gaze on her wiggling breasts.

Lilith arched her back as he started to hum into her wetness. She didn’t think it possible for her to be this close to orgasm already. Either this man really knew what he was doing, or her body was far more sensitive then she ever imagined… then again it could just be both. She grabbed one of her pillows and brought it up over her face quieting her moans.

In an instant her whole life was different. She never knew things like this really happened outside of her novels. What a story this would make. She continued to moan into her pillow, tears were rolling down her cheeks, not from the pain, but from the intense pleasure. She felt like she was about to fragment into a million pieces.

He started to suck harder, even nibble on her hard little clit. He wanted to feel her explode all over his fingers, he wanted to lap up her juices as they flowed out of her slim and perfect body. He hummed and sucked at her clit, urging her closer to climax.

His fingers started to pump faster, in and out, slick with her wetness. He pushed them in as deep as they would go and then pulled them almost completely out. The mixture of her honey, and the faint taste of blood from her torn maiden head was delicious.

Her thighs started to tremble, and she moaned loudly into the pillow. She was so very close. It was like not being able to breath. Just a little more and she was going to explode, there would be bits of her scattered across the room she knew it!

Finally her body tightened and then released; her chest heaved as her cum gushed around his probing fingers. She bucked her hips against his mouth as she soared to the heavens. This man was simply amazing she never thought she could feel this good.

Xion lapped at her cum as it seeped out around his fingers. She tasted so wonderful. He nipped and licked until ever bit of her cum had been taken into his mouth. He loved that taste, she was pure bliss and he knew he would never get enough.

As her orgasm ended he moved up her body, kissing along her stomach and then her breasts. His manhood rubbed against her thigh, smearing bits of his pre-cum onto her soft skin. He groaned and captured one of her nipples between his teeth, flicking his tongue across it. He reached up and pulled the pillow from her face as he lifted his head to look down at her. “Tell me you want me, pretty elf.”

Lilith shuddered, seeing the intensity in his dark gaze. She reached up brushing a trembling hand against his cheek. “I want you.” She whispered to him. She did want him, more then she had ever wanted anything. She would give up her title, give up the thrown, just to have him. She lifted her hips as he thrust into her hard. Her moan was caught by his lips.

He kissed her feverishly, his mouth devouring hers. This woman, this pretty elf, was intoxicating. She flooded every one of his senses. He knew he would not last much longer. She had him so aroused he was ready to blow while licking her. He felt his balls tighten and his member throb.

She held him close and kissed him wildly. Her nails scratched across his scared back. She felt him swell inside of her and she cried out in pleasure, no longer caring if anyone heard her. Her sheath gripped him tightly and once more she was lost in ecstasy.

Xion bit his lips to keep himself from groaning to loudly. His seed spilled within her. His orgasm came so quickly he didn’t even have a chance to withdraw. Instead he pounded her harder riding both of their orgasms to their peak. “Yes! Oh gods, pretty elf!” He tried to be as quiet as he could.

They both fell limp, his body sprawled out over hers. He buried his face in her hair and breathed in deeply. “By the gods, you are amazing.” He murmured, trying to gain control of his raged breathing. Carefully he slid out of her and laid down next to her on the bed.

She smiled and opened her mouth to speak, but she was interrupted by a cautious knock on the door. Her heart leapt into her throat and she looked over at Xion. “Hurry… hide.” She said jumping from the bed and racing to her armoire. “Just a moment!” She called out, grabbing her robe and wrapping it around her.

For a moment he wasn’t sure what to do. A second knock made him spring into action. He moved off the bed silently and grabbed his clothing and boots, he shoved them under the bed and then slid underneath himself.

Stopping at the door Lilith whirled around looking over the room, making sure there was nothing amiss. With a deep breath she opened her bedroom door and glanced out, looking at the slightly confused guard. “Can I help you? I was sleeping.” She snapped, attempting to sound irritated instead of frightened.

“Um… I apologize your highness. I heard something, I wanted to be sure you were alright.” He was hoping that it was only his imagination, he could have sworn he heard the princess moaning.

Princess Lilith glared at the guard. “I was having a nightmare.” She lied. “It must have been something I ate.”

The guard studied her curiously. “A nightmare? Are you quiet sure you’re alright my lady?”

“Yes of course. I am fine. Please, leave me to my rest. I am quite tired.” She smiled softly at the guard.

The guard frowned slightly. It didn’t sound to him like she was having a nightmare, but then again it was possible. Though It did sound like she was doing something else rather then sleeping but If the princess wanted to pleasure herself in the privacy of her own bedchamber then that was not his business. The guard couldn’t help but grin at the thought, he felt himself harden within his armor. He would have images in his mind to entertain himself later. “I’m sorry my lady, good night.” He said still grinning as she shut the door.

Had he heard that guard right? Xion once again had held his breath the entire time he was under the bed. Though this time it was for a completely different reason. He called her highness… who was she? Not the queen… couldn’t be, she was far to young… but a princess. His heart slammed against his chest and he slid out from under the bed.

Lilith flipped the lock on the door and then turned around, watching as Xion slither out from under the bed. Her eyes once more roaming his dark naked body. She smiled softly and started to walk towards him. “I must have been louder then I thought, those doors are pretty thick.” She noticed the strange look on his face and she frowned. “Xion… what is it?”

“He called you highness.” He was still rigid, he moved over to the end of the bed and sat down looking at her.

“Oh…” She smiled and blushed slightly. “I am Princess Lilith… who did you think I was?”

Xion blinked. He saw that coming, but he still wasn’t prepared for her to confirm it. “I…I thought you might have been a noble woman, maybe a countess… but, you’re a princess?”

She laughed softly and nodded her head. “I thought you knew… but yes I am a princess.”

He shook his head still slightly bewildered. He just took the princess’s virginity. If anyone ever found out he would hang for it. He reached up and rubbed his head slightly. The he glanced back up at her, he couldn’t help but smile. She was radiant. He should have guessed. “So… how am I supposed to get out of here?”

“Well… you can go out the window… but you don’t have to leave yet do you?” She nibbled lightly at her bottom lip and moved toward him opening her robe and dropping it to the floor. She went up and stood in front of him, right between his legs. “After you leave here, do you think I will ever see you again?”

Xion leaned forward and lightly nipped at one of her breasts. “Oh… most definitely my pretty elf.”
© Copyright 2012 Angel Diamante (dark_desires at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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