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Rated: ASR · Short Story · Fantasy · #1901536
Fictional story
"Bye!" I yell as I walk out of my friend Casey's house if it was my choice I'd stay there but unfortunatly its not. I walk home slowly taking my time because well its not like I really have anything to rush home for. As I reach the door to my foster home I can already hear the yelling. As I walk in they turn their attention to me, they always do "where were you?" "do you know what time it is?" "your grounded!" it goes on but I'm heading up the stairs so the sound fades off. That always happens I leave a note, I'm home by curfew but they still yell. I lock my door then retrieve the duffel bag from under my bed. I go to my drawers and take out all my clothes not that there was alot of them and stuff them in the bag then I grab my life savings of six hundred dollars which isn't bad for only being fifteen and throw my bedroom window open. It's cold, windy and its raining maybe I should just wait till tomorrow.... No! its now or never I throw my legs out and climb onto the roof shutting my window behind me, I grab the tree beside the house and climb down. I run all the way to the bus station to catch the last bus. I take a seat in the middle theres an elderly couple up front and a man in the back, I quickly dose off. I fall forward but catch myself on the seat infront of me as the bus lurches to a stop I look around and notice the man watching me. I get up and dazedly walk off the bus but the man follows me okay just walk away I walk hurriedly down the sidewalk when I see a sign with the town name on it Oh! I'm in the wrong town! I turn around to run back to the bus but the mans there walking towards me I turn around maybe he'll turn I glance back and the man is gone I start sprinting towards the bus when two hands reach out and grab me. I try to scream but his hands covering my mouth so I kick. I hit him and started running "that was a mistake" says a voice from behind I keep running something grabs my foot and I fall I try to get back up and a big black wolf jumps out of the bushes I sit there stunned as it turns back into the man from the bus I try to move but the man grabs me agin and throws me over his soilder "your gonna pay for that" he mumbles but keeps walking. I hear music I look over his shoulder and see a building with lights practicly in the middle of the forest The man kicked open the door and dropps me on the floor "look what I brought in!" he yelled and there were a round of cheer. A man bent down infront of me "arn't you pretty" he said reaching out to touch me I kicked him in the stomach knocking him to the ground I jumped up and raced to the door but one caught me throwing me so I hit the wall "don't touch me" I yelled I heard the door open and close and I looked to see who came in it was a boy who looked maybe a year two at the most older than me "who brought her here?" he asked his eyes dark "G-Galon" one of the men stuttered "I thought I told you not to do that anymore" he inquired at the man who brought me here "I know but she was all alone and shes so pretty" he said reaching out to touch my face I punched him in the face I wasn't usually this violent but I knew he would hurt me "fuck" swore Galon the boy smirked at me and walked up to me putting his hands on either side my head trapping me in "you're going to answer my questions" he told me "I''ll answer your questions if you answer mine" I said "fine" he said and you could tell he wasn't in the mood to waste time "whats your name?" he asked "thats not a question thats an introduction" I replied "I'm Athea" I said "Jake" he mumbled "what are you doing here?" "he brought me here" I said pointing to Galon "can you change into a wolf too? I'm assuming yes so what your werewolfes?" I asked his eyes blanked and he swore "yes" "why were you by yourself?" I was running away from home" I said "why?" he asked "lets just say just because theres a house doesn't make it a home, so are you going to let me go?' I asked "not for another month when the wizard can come and erase your memory until then you'll have to stay in the alpha house" "No! I don't want to" I objected "its that or I give you to them" he said pointing to the pack of men watching us "fine but I dropped my stuff when he grabbed me so we have to get it" "i'll have someone retrieve it" he said grabbing me dragging me out of the building. We walked into a house and he took me up a flight of stairs took me into a room and said "this will be your new room" and walked out I jumped into bed and fell asleep. The next morning when I woke up my bag was in my room I got up and dug through it till I found sweats, tank top and my running shoes changed and went downstairs. I was at the door when Jake caught me "where are you going?" he asked "running" I replied reluctantly turning around "no" "excuse me? yes I am" "I said no" "I don't care I'm going anyways" I said going through the door I broke off into a sprint into the forest. Once I was fairly deep into the forest and a little tired I stopped to look around and started walking the farther I got I started to see these flags I heard a twig snap and looked up there was a man watching me "whats a pretty little human doing all by herself in the forest?" he asked "I don't think thats any of your buissness" I replied "come here" he said jerking his head backwards "you come here" I said caustiously "don't test me girl, come here" he said glaring at me so I glared back "no" I said and took off in a steady jog back towards the house. When I got there Jake glared at me I brushed him off going up to my room to shower and change. When I got back down stairs the only people there was two women and one little girl. One with grayish brown hair who looked to be about fifty five the other black hair who looked thirty and a little girl with the same hair who looked six. The little girl looked at me first "hi" she said and walked over to me "hi, whats your name?" "Lizzie. Whats yours?" "Im Athea" "well its nice to finally meet you" said the older women smiling "I'm Marry" "and I'm Karen" said the women with black hair "hi" I said getting up "oh don't mind us were just making supper" said Mary "all this food? How many poeple live here?" I asked and they laughed "Honey, things are different here. This is the alpha house so that means we have many people here each night" "oh, well do you need me to help?" I asked not wanting to stand there "actually you can" Karen said and they put me to work. We were laughing and Karen was trying to help me get the dough off my hands so we could put the buns in the oven when Jake and two other guys walked in "there I think thats all of it" Karen said smiling while Mary grabbed the tray and put them in so I started mashing the potatoes "Athea I need to talk to you." I looked at him, he looked furious "sure" I said to him then added to Mary and Karen "I'll finish these when I get back" before trailing after him up the stairs into a room that looked like a study. "did you go outside the boundries?" he asked as soon as we sat down "what boundries?" I asked he sighed "Magical boundries. Surrounding the perimeter to keep werewolves from an evil pack out of this area. It's marked by flags did you cross them?" he asked as if I were two "No I didn't cross them. There was this creepy guy on the other side. I'm guessing he was evil because he couldn't cross it" "Gorden" Jake said as if he was cursing "why?" I asked and looked at him, he didn't look mad anymore "no reason you can go now" I got up feeling confused and left. Mary was telling the truth there were so many people here for dinner. I sat up near Jake with Marry, Karen and the two guys who came in with Jake before who I know new were Tyler and Mark "excuse me I have to go talk to some people" Jake said getting up and walking away "so is it true?" Mark asked me "is what true?" I replied "what Gorden told us" Tyler filled in "what did Gorden tell you?" I asked "that you crossed the boarder and he caught you and he had his uh..." he cleared his throat uncombfortably "way with you" "what!" I said a little to loudly I paused a moment " I didn't even cross the boundries!" I said not as loud "oh good to know" Tyler said I pushed my chair back and walked out of the house leaving every one staring after me. I ran out into the forest until I could see the flags I looked around until I spotted him "you lying sumabitch how dare you tell people that" Gorden smirked "so you heard" I was so mad I stepped out of the boundries and slapped him across the face and his smirk dissapeared I jumped back inside the boundries realizing what I did Gorden growled at me "come out here again little girl and I won't be the only one who gets hit" He had the same smug smile as he did before like he knew I wouldn't do it and the same adranaline pushed me forward I stepped out side the boundries slapped him and jumped back he glared at me "why you little-" the sound of laughter cut him off I turned around and saw Jake, Tyler and Mark come out from behind the trees "wow Gorden we thought you were a little tougher" Tyler laughed "maybe you are tough enough to run with the wolves hey Athea?" Mark clapped me on the back laughing making me smile "well Gorden I guess you know not who to mess with now don't you?" Jake smiled watching me "well we should all probably get back to dinner before people start wondering whats going on" I said walking away "I'll kill you!" Gorden yelled after me "yeah well you'd have to catch me first" I yelled back sending the guys back into another round of laughter. I walked in first and the guys followed they were still going on about what happened in the forest and how I "wiped the smirk off his face" I rolled my eyes but couldn't help smiling at them a couple of people rushed up concerened "what happened?" I tuned out as Jake went into the story but on a bright side it wouldn't have to be repeated since everybody there was listening. Once it was over I went to sit back down "are you okay?" asked Karen and Mary patted my arm "yeah I'm fine" I smiled at them just as Mark, Tyler and Jake rejoined us "I'm glad you got here Athea, things were starting to get boring" Mark said and Jake laughed and Mary and Karen looked at him strange even Tyler, Mark and the rest of the table glanced at him as if they weren't used to it "well he was being a jerk" I exclaimed trying to defend my actions though in truth I don't know why I did it "well Jake you better watch it or you could be next" Tyler said pushing him I blushed but Jake laughed and smiled a real smile the first time I'd seen him smile since I got here "Athea wouldn't hit me now would you?" he said drawing attention to me making me blush again "well that depends" I replied and they laughed again. Everyone was in a good mood and supper was going well with chatter every where I wonder if this is what Christmas or Thanksgiving would have been like if I had a real family. People cleared out around seven and the last person left at eight so it was just Mark, Tyler, Jake and Me since Mary who lived here went to bed "we should watch a movie" Mark said "theres that new horror one that we just got" Tyler suggested "sure" Jake replied to them then he look at me "coming?" he asked "why not" I followed them into the living room where there was a mounted flat screen two black leather chairs, a black leather couch and a glass coffee table. Mark and Tyler sat in the chairs as Jake put the movie in. The opening credits appeared and something about zombies came on I felt my eyelids get heavy as the heroine was running away screaming from zombies well the hero was trying to rescue her and then I fell asleep. I was getting shaken I opened my eyes to see Tyler and Mark asleep in the chairs and Jake asleep behind me with his arm around my waist how'd that happen? "hmm?" "I'm sorry for waking you its just I need help with breakfast do you mind?" she asked "of course not" I said pulling Jake's arm off of me and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and getting up to help her. I was in the middle of kneading dough to make fresh bread just as Mary left to go get eggs from a girl named Jenny when Jake walked into the kitchen though I didn't need to turn around to tell it was him "hey" he said and I turned around to see him rubbing his eyes "hi" I said going back to the dough "where's Mary?" "she went to get eggs" I said putting the dough in the bread maker and turning it on "are you done?" "yeah thats the only thing Mary asked me to do" I said "I wanna show you something go upstairs and change because we have to hike" he smiled at me and walked out of the room so I did what he told me to and went to change. When I came back down I had my back, a T-shirt, shorts and runneres. Jake met me at the door completly ready and had a back pack "ready?" he asked "yeah lets go" I said looking outside to see the sun hadn't come up yet and we headed out. "Where are we going?" I asked "you'll see when we get there!" he said laughing "are we close?" I asked getting curious "yes its only about another ten minutes" "okay" "so tell me about your family" he said we had been going like that the whole hike kinda like twenty questions "I'm a foster kid since my parents abandond me when I was a baby I just bounced around foster homes so I don't really have one" I explained "what about you?" I asked "I'm sorry.Uh well Mary is my mom but its more aproppriet for me to call her Mary since I'm alpha my dad was alpha but he died about 11 months ago" "I'm- it gets better you know? I know it seems like I've never lost anyone since I don't have anyone to lose but when I found out my parents abandonned me when I was old enough to comprehend it well it was kinda like that" I was going to say I'm so sorry but that seemed to be the last thing he wanted to hear he nodded "were here" he said his voice gruff I looked up speechless it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen there was a rock protruding from side making a cliff with a view of a lake and mountains were you could just see the sun coming up I walked out to the edge totally mesmerized "its beautiful" I said I looked back to see Jake watching me "yeah I always thought so" he replied pullling the back pack off and pulling out two water bottles offering me one , I took it popping off the lid and taking a drink "its really amazing out here" I said looking around "I've always loved it though I haven't been out here since my dad died" we both just sat there staring at the sun rise when Jake's phone rang "hello?" there was silence as he listened to what the other person was saying "oh were just at the-" the person on the other side cut him off "okay mom were coming back right now, sorry" he hung up but was smiling "Marry doesn't appreciate it when we dissapear without telling anyone where were going" I laughed and got up. When we walked into the house everyone was eating Tyler saw us and stopped "ooooo look the love birds are back" he said with a moking smile "enjoy your date?" Mark joined in "oh yes were just completly in love" Jake said spinning me making me burst out laughing I stopped spinning at the counter and picked up a plate and grabbed some eggs and bread and sat down beside Mark. Mark looked at me "well Jake I don't think you can have her cause shes mine" he said kissing me on the cheek making us all laugh again. We were the lasts ones to finish so we cleaned up too. I ran up to my room to grab my running clothes and shoes when I came back downstairs Mary looked at me "I'm going running but I'll be back to help with supper" she nodded and I headed through the door and into the forest. When I got home from my run I got cleaned up and came downstairs to help Mary, Karen and another girl whose name was Jenny "hi" I said when I walked in Mary looked up and smiled "you're just in time you get to make biscuts" I laughed but got started "so you must be Athea?" Jenny asked "yeah thats me" "its nice to meet you" she smiled "you too" I smiled back just then the door clattered and Mark, Tyler, Jake and three other guys walked in "hi" I said looking uo "well hello" said one of the guys I didn't know Jake smiled "Athea this is Tayler and Ash" "nice to meet you" "honey I know this is random but I don't know how old you are" Karen said "I'm fifteen I turn sixteen in a few weeks" "well whens your birthday?" "Feburary 13" "oh thats only two weeks from now" Mary said looking at the calender I shrugged putting the biscuts in the oven. There were lots of people at dinner again except this time Tayler and Ash came and sat with us. Dinner went by quickly and I was really exhausted so I went to bed early. I went down to help with breakfast but Mary, Karen, Jenny and two other girls were standing around "hey Athea were going shopping! You wanna come?" "sure just let me grab my stuff" I said going back upstairs I grabbed my purse, a hundred dollars and a jacket before running back downstairs. "Athea this is Paula and Rose" "it's nice to meet you" I said smiling then we all piled into Jenny's car and drove to town well I guess it wasn't actually a town but a city. We walked into the mall and imediatly went to there favourite clothing store. "Hey Athea?" Rose called "yeah?" I said "why don't you try on this one on it really bring out your eyes and would go great with your hair" "thanks I will" I said grabbing it. It was a blue one strap shirt with a ruffle on the front at the top. I put it on and walked out "you have to buy it" Rose said "It looks great on you" Karen added "were all getting shirts" Jenny pitched in "okay I think I will" I said with a smile "wheres Mary?" I asked "she went to go get us appointments at the salon no go change so we don't miss them!" Karen ordered ushering me back into the stall I changed and paid for it the was rushed out and over to the salon to get manicures and my hair done. When we were done my nails were done in silver and blue and my hair was curled. "Now we have to go home in time for the party" Mary said "what party?" I asked confused "oh we forgot to tell you its Jake's 17th birthday party today now lets go before were late". When we got back I had to go change. When I came back downstairs I helped everyone set up "oh and its a surprise party" Mary informed me "okay so what else do you need me to do?" I asked " well uh" she looked around "Jake is in the forest at the cliff do you think you could go get him?" she asked "of course" I said "oh but put a jacket on so it doesn't look like you"re dressed up" she said and I grabbed my jacket before going out the door. I found Jake out at the cliff "hey" I said leaning against a tree "hi" he said "Are you coming?" I asked "for what?" Jake asked "supper" "I guess so" he got up and started walking beside me he looked upset "is everythinng okay?" I asked he didn't answer me "Jake?" I touched his arm and he jumped like I just pulled him out of his own world "huh?" "are you okay?" "yeah I'm fine" "Jake" he looked at me "you look different" he said changing the subject but by then we reached the door he opened it and all the lights were off I walked in and he followed I pushed him ahead and took off my jacket so he couldn't see me I flipped on the lights and everyone jumped out and yelled "surprise!" Jake smiled and looked at me "I was upset because no one wished me happy birthday" "Happy Birthday!" I said walking up beside him he grinned. Everything else went like a normal birthday party we ate and had cake well we all sang and Jake opened presents and there was dancing and laughing and talking. It was midnight before the last person left MAry had went to bed so that left me and Jake to clean up. I put away chairs well he handled the tables "sorry I didn't get you a birthday presnt I didn't know till last minute" I smiled and he laughed as he finished the tables and came over to help me with the chairs. Jake put the last chair away "I think I'm going to go to sleep" "Wait I know what my present can be" he said "whats that?" I asked "A birthday dance" he smiled and held out his hand I laughed but went along with it "but just so you know I'm a terrible dancer" "so were evenly matched" he laughed and spun me pulling me back "what do you mean evenly matched? You're much better than I am" "I've had practice" he smiled "oh really?" I said and he dipped me leaving inches between our faces "you look amazing tonight" he whispered "like you always do" I said back not thinking then turned bright red he smiled then leaned down, as our lips touched he pulled me in so we were standing, my arms went around his neck, it was amazing. When we pulled back I laughed putting one of my hands on his chest the other around his neck "well thats much better than any birthday gift I could of asked for" he smiled at me and kissed me again "I'll let you go to sleep now" he whispered and I walked upstairs and fell asleep. I woke up in a great mood and decided I was going to go running I walked downsairs and Jake was sitting at the table eating I smiled at him "morning" he didn't smile back "Athea the kiss last night.." he stopped talking "yeah?" I said edging him on "was a mistake" he let it out in a quick rush "what do you mean?" "I mean it never should have happened" I pushed through the door and started running well fighting back tears. I was running when I saw Lizzie walking she was picking flowers and singing when she walked outside the flags. I ran after her but Gorden grabbed her Lizzie screamed but Gorden put his hand over his mouth "shut up or you die right now" I jumped hitting Gorden forcing him to drop Lizzie, I grabbed her and pushed her "run" I yelled but stopped once she was inside the flags "Athea" she turned back I tried to run but Gorden grabbed me throwing me to the ground I kicked him as hard as I could and started running towards the flags but he was faster than me, throwing me into a tree I hit it with a thud but got back up and stumbled towards the barrier "you never give up do you?" Gorden swore and started running towards me but I jumped landing inside the flags I lay there for a second trying to catch my breath "Athea?" Lizzie was kneeling beside me crying I sat up but was dizzy "shh its okay" I said hugging her "next time you won't get away" Gorden warned "bite me" I shot back and then looked at Lizzie "we have to go back to the house okay?" she nodded I got to my feet and stumbled a bit but kept going. We mad eit back to the house it had to be atleast three since it took me twice as long to get back "Lizzie!" Karen cried running up to us and hugging her "where were you?" she looked up at me and went pale "Jake!" she screamed and he came running out he looked at me and paled "what happened?" he looked sick to his stomach "Gorden caught Lizzie I.... fought.." I was getting light headed I started blinking but blackness took over "Athea?" someone said but I could barly hear them the I fell.I woke up in my bed I got up but sat back down when a head rush hit me I tried again more slowly this time and it worked I change and washed the bloofd off my face the cut actually wasn't that bad before going downstairs "are you okay?" Mary asked well her Karen, Rose, Paula and Jenny came up to hug me "what happened?" "um I went for a run and Lizzie was picking flower and she accidently went outside the flags and Gorden grabbed her so I jumped in and got Lizzie back inside the flags the Gorden grabbed me we fought and I got back inside the flags" I explained just as the door opened and Jake came in and punched a wall and went upstairs and we heard something else crash Taylor, Ash, Tyler and Mark walked into the kitchen "whats with him?" I asked "uh we ran into Gorden and he gave us a very um descriptive story of your fight and now he's mad that we didn't let him jump through the barrier and try to fight him" Mark said "should I talke to him?" I asked felling unsure "probobly" Ash said and I headed upstairs to his study and knocked on the door "go away!" he yelled and something else crashed so I walked in anyway "um hi" I said feeling awkward "why didnd't you tell me what happened" he yelled "uh kinda just woke up" he hit a lamp "why do you even care?" he shot me a death look "its nothing don't worry about it" "don't just brush this off!" he yelled "I'm not its just not a big deal nobody was hurt!" "nobody was hurt!? Look at your face!" "I've had worse!" I realized we were both yelling now Jake walked up to me "don't push me away on this" he was no longer yelling I turned away "maybe thats why your parents left you cause all you do is push people away when you need them most" he yelled "Athea I didn't-" I didn't hear it because I was already bounding down the stairs I didn't want to go back into the woods since it was dark so I sat down on the swinging bench I was cold but I wasn't going back inside. Mary came outside with a thin blanket and wrapped it aound me "he's just so ugh" I couldn't think of a word "Athea you just got here so you don't see the changes that the rest of us do and how much better hes gotten since you got here" "what do you mean?" "I mean his farther died eleven months ago and I havn't heard him laugh or seen him smile in twelve he hardly shows any emotion any more then you showed up and he's laughing and smiling heck he's even getting mad and thats a whole lot better than nothing" "he kissed me at his birthday party and then this morning he told me it was a mistake thats why I was in the woods he doesn't like me he just feels guilty" Mary looked at me "awe hunny he does he just doesn't want to let anyone in and since you broke through he had to shove you out atleast thats what he thinks he does care about you" I didn't reply "I'll leave you to your thoughts now" Mary said and got up. I just sat there trying to block out everything until I slowly fell asleep. I heard the door open and bang shut I was still half asleep Jake swore I could tell it was him without opening my eyes his hand touched my fave then he wrapped something around me "Athea wake up" I opened my eyes "hmm?" I said I was on his lap I hadn't realized how cold I was until I felt his warmth "what were you thinking? You could have froze" he was half angry half something else I was still to tired to function "but I didn't" I mummbled snuggling into him still really cold "no you didn't" he said wrapping his arms around me tighter "but your close" I half shrugged before I fell asleep again. I woke up in my room I looked aroung then changed before going downstairs I looked outside it was raining "hungry?" Mary asked "famished" I replied grabbing some bread to make a sandwich "Athea?" I heard it at the same time the door opened "yeah?" I said Mark and Tyler came in "you need to talk some sense into Jake" "why?" "he's talking about starting a war between packs" "where is he?" "at the barrier talking to Gorden" I grabbed my jacket and ran out the door. I heard talking before I found them I ran up to the meatting "we need to talk" I said looking ast Jake "oh look its the little human" "go annoy someone else" I snapped and grabbed Jake "your right" "what?" "your right is that what you wanted to hear? I push people away but thats because my own parents didn't want to deal with me why would anyone else? but maybe I was always like this who knows happy now? your right" I said before trudging off in the other direction. I walked into the house and Mark looked at me "is it all worked out?" "I don't know you might wanna head back there and check" I said and they left ""I made you lunch" Mary said pushing a sndwich toward me "thank you" I smiled "um Jakes already headed this way and he doesn't look very happy" Mark and Tyler said coming back through the door Tyler looked at me "you have about a minute before he gets here" "better finish my sandwich then" I started eating. The door banged open I was only half done my sandwich "Athea we need to talk" "just let me finish my sandwich" I said smiling because he was so mad he walked into the kitchen and picked me up and started carrying me upstairs "put me down" I said "no". He carried me into his office and then set me down on a chair "what the hell do you mean I was right?" he yelled "you wanted to be right so there you go" I kept calm "I wasn't right! I was being a jackass and you tell me I'm right? God of course it wasn't your fault you were a baby! Do you really think that no one cares about you enough to help you? You may have been right but you're also and idiot" he was ranting "My parents didn't want me, my foster parents didn't want me what am I supposed to expect?" "That I want you!" I just looked at him he came over in two strides scooped me up and kissed me "kissing you could never be a mistake I just didn't want you to get this close" "so tommorow your not going to tell me it was a mistake?" "no I'm not" then he kissed me again. Jake and I walked downstairs holding hands "see told you they work it out" Mary said looking at Tyler "Jake we set up a meeting at town hall you kinda need to go down there and tell everyone theres no war" Mark said "I probably should" Jake smiled and kissed me "lets go" he said grabbing his jacket and leaving "do you need help with supper?" I asked "nope were having a bonfire but you can go gether woood if you like" " okay" I went into the back yard to find Karen and Jenny already working "do you need help?" "sure" and I got to work. It was around six when it started to get dark and people started showing up Jenny and I were just lighting the fire when Jake and Tyler walked out back Tyler kissed Jenny I hadn't even realized they were a couple I didn't have much more time to debate it though because Jake walked up and kissed me and all my thoughts were gone"hi" he said his forhead still against mine "how was the meeting?" "better than you think" he smiled and kissed me again "Jake, Tyler I need you to come take the table out so we can put the food and drinks on it" Mary called and the boys went to it "so you and Jake?" Jenny asked "yeah" I said blushing "you're a cute couple heck half of us expected you to end up together sooner but Caitlyn isn't going to be happy about this" "who's Caitlyn?" "this girl in the pack whose determined to have Jake marry her" "oh" "don't worry its never going to happen shes such a witch" I laughed Jake came up behind me and grabbed my waist "whats so funny" I looked at Jenny but she shook her head "nothing" I answered kissing him. We had set all the food and drinks out minutes before people got there. We were all sitting around the campfire and Jake and I were eating hotdogs and Jenny was stting on my otherside when a pretty blonde girl with waist length hair showed up she was smiling "hey Jakey" she said sitting beside him and leaning on him I looked at Jenny 'Caitlyn' she mouthed quite a few people noticed and were looking at Jake. Jake pushed Caitlyn off "Caitlyn I'm not sure have you met Athea?" Jake said tightening his arm around his waist "you mean the human?" "yeah" "no I havn't but why does she matter?" Caitlyn said in a pouty voice "hi its nice to meet you too" I said and Caitlyn jumped "Athea this is Caitlyn my friend and Caitlyn this is Athea my girlfriend" Caitlyin laughed "you mean your friend whos a girl?" "no I mean my girlfriend" "oh" she said leaning away "well I have to go" she got up stiffly and walked away Jake let out a breath "well that went better then I expected" "you want something to drink?" Jake looked at me "yeah" I started to stand but Jake pulled me back down and kissed me I smiled at him and got up to grab two cokes "I'll come with you" Jenny said getting up too. I turned around with my drinks, handed Jenny hers and Caitlyn was standing there "hi" I said "listen to me Jake is my man" I looked at Jenny and she was fuming "If Jake's your man then why is Athea dating him?" Jenny spoke up and Caitlyn glared at her stomping away "your're amazing. Thanks for sticking up for me" "I told you she was wicked" I smiled and we linked arms and walked back towards the bonfire. When we got back I handed Jake his coke and sat beside him Jake wrapped his arm aroung me and pulled me closer I put my head on his shoulder. I grabbed a marshmellow and a stick and set it over the fire. I pulled it back to take it off but Jake's hand shot out and he grabbed it popping it into his mouth "mm just the way I like it" "you owe me a marshmellow!" I poked him he smiled and grabbed one "here you go" he held it out to me "get cooking" I replied and he laughed but put it on a stick and started cooking it whenn it was done he pulled it off the stick and was going to eat it but I grabbed it popping it into my mouth "excuse me that was my first good marshmellow I have ever cooked and I wanted to know what it tasted like" he pretended to be outraged I laughed and kissed him "hows it taste?" I asked "I think I want seconds" Jake smiled pulling me closer "hey Jake were all going for a run wanna come?" Tyler came over "oh unless you find here more entertaining" Jake looked at me "go have fun I'll put out the fire" I smiled "Thanks" he kissed me before going off with Tyler. I grabbed the garden hose dowesing the fire and watching the smoke go up before going inside to sleep. When I woke up I went downstairs but everyone looked really sad "whats wrong?" I asked Mary she just shook her head and hugged me I turned around and a man was standing there chanting I was so confused before I blacked out.

I woke up with a start in my room at my foster home. What happened? I ran over to the computer to check the date. Feburary 13 that can't be right I can't remeber the last month that didn't make sense.
2 weeks later
I was at Caseys "wanna watch a movie?" she asked "whats it about?" "werewolves" she said and something pinged in my mind a distant memory that I couldn't bring up "Um no I should get going" I said distracted I was walking down the street when I heard it. I saw a girl and a boy walking "I love you Jake" and everything came back I ran back to Casey's house where all my money was. "I need it all" "why?" Casey asked loading up my bag with my money "I can't tell you and you have to pretend you don't know where I am or anything okay? I'll talk to you soon" and I ran out the door to the bus station. How dare he erase my memory! I was going to have a thing or two to say to him. I was fuming when I got off the bus and started walking. I got a ride to the town where Jake lived. I walked up to the house and knocked but then just walked in Mary, Karen and Jenny gasped "hi" I smiled "I really missed you guys but weres Jake I can't believe he erased my memory" they ran up to hug me "we missed you too but how do you remember any of this?" Jenny asked "well um a bunch of things people were saying things that reminded me of here it kept bugging me and then I just remembered" "never heard of that happening before" Karen looked puzzled "Wheres Jake?" I asked "Oh Athea hes locked himself in his office and he hasn't come out for weeks" "what do you mean?" "I'll show you" we all walked upstairs. We stoopped infront of Jake's door Mary knocked "its Mary" she called "I'm not hungry" he called back Karen went next doing the same thing "Go away" and then Jenny "I'm not coming out" I walked up to the door and tried the handle. Locked. so I knocked "its Athea" I called and there was a second then footsteps before the door flung open Jake looked at me shocked "Athea" he said grabbing me and kissing me pulling me inside his office and slamming the door it felt good to be in his arms but I pushed him away "I'm mad at you" I said "I don't care" he said pulling me back into him and kissing me "How'd you remeber?" he asked playing with my hair I blushed "well I was at my friend Casey's house when she asked me to watch a movie about werewolves and then when I was walking down the street right after that I saw a couple and the girl said" I stopped talking, blushing I put my head down "said?" Jake asked putting his hand under my chin making me look at him "I love you, Jake" I said and he kissed me "and then it all came back?" he asked and I nodded "so then I grabbed my money and came here furious that you erased my memory" "I did it for your own good" he said but kissed me again "but trust me I'll never do that again" he wrapped his arms around me "god I missed you" he said resting his chin on my head "I missed you too" I said wrapping my arms around him " I should probably take a shower" he said I laughed "I'll be downstairs" Jake grabbed me kissing me before leaving. I walked downstairs and they looked at me "hes taking a shower then he'll be right down" Mary smiled "I knew you were just what he needed" she smiled the door opened and shut and Rose, Paula, Ash, Tayler, Mark and Tyler walked in. When they saw me they gasped but Tyler smiled "hell Athea's back!" he bear hugged me "it's great to see you too" I said hugging all of them "does Jake know?" Mark asked "yeah he's showering" I answered "my god she's a miracle worker" I laughed and we heard footsteps coming down the stairs I looked up to see Jake in clean clothes and wet hair. Jake walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist kissing my cheek "good to have you back" Ash clapped him on the back and Jake smiled "I think this calls for a celebration" Mary said "Ash you go tell everyone theres gonna be a party and to dress nice Karen you can help me cook Tyler, Mark, Jake and Tayler go set up and Athea do you have anything to wear?" "No I just grabbed my money and came here" I admitted "Jenny take her shopping" and with that Jenny ushered me out the door. We were walking around looking for something I could wear tonight since we already bought stuff I needed for everyday living and our salon appointment wasn't till five we had an hour to find me a dress and shoes. We were walking through a store when Jenny found a knee length strapless blue dress that flared out at the hips and convinced me to try it on. "you look like a princess she squealed when I came out of the dressing room she had a green spagehti strap dress in her hand I also grabbed a pair of silver strappy heals and she got black strapless ones we went and wrung them up then headed to the salon. My nails were blue and purple and my hair had these sparkly pins in it I don't know what my make up looked like just that I was wearing silver eyeshadow , eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. We left the salon when Jenny got a text. "We have to change here" she said and we went to the bathroom to change. When we got in the house Mary saw me first "you look perfect!" she said "amazing" Karen added everybody was already changed. It was just Mary and Karen there "lets go to the hall" "Why?" I asked "thats where it is" Karen informed me and then we were off. I walked into the hall looking for Jake when I saw him he was standing in a group talking when he turned around and saw me his jaw dropped and I smiled he started walking towards me when Caitlyn walked up to him wearing a very short pink sparkly dress with no back in it she latched onto his arm trying to talk to him Jake slipped his arm out and said something to her befoe turning to walk to me Caitlyn glared at me "witch" Jenny mumbled I smiled at her "Come on girls" Mary said once Jake walked up to me "you look stunning" Jake said "so do you" I said looking at his suit he laughed when a song started playing "So may I have this dance" he held outhis hand and I smiled and took it" Jake was spinning me around the room when he suddenly stopped "I have something to give you" he said reaching inside his coat pocket. He pulled out a small velvet box and opened it. Inside was a necklace it was a silver chain with a diamond on the end of it "it's beautiful" I whispered "My great-granfarther gave it to my great-grandmother who gave it to my grandpa who gave it to my grandma who gave it to my dad who gave it to my mom who gave it to me. Now I'm giving it to you think of it as a late birthday present" he smiled "I love it" I threw my arms aroumd his neck and hugged him he pulled it out of the box "may I?" he asked gesturing to my neck "of course" I said turning around and lifting my hair I felt the cold metal slide around my neck and Jake do the clasp up. He slid the box back inside his jacket and turned me around "it looks amazing on you" "thank you its the best birthday present I could have gotten" I kissed him. Jenny and Tyler walked over to talk to us then and Jenny gave a little squeal "you gave it to her" she was smiling and I touched the necklace Mary noticed and walked over "you chose the right girl to give it to son" she hugged me and I hugged her back. The doors burst open and two people walked in followed by Gorden and a pack of wolves. Everyone in the room changed instantly and Jake pushed me back against the wall "calm down were just here for the human" Gorden said and Jake let out a growl even though he was still human "who are they?" I whispered to Jake "The alpha and his wife of the other pack" he whispered back "Athea we just wish to talk to you" the women said I peeked around Jake but he pushed me back "no" he said "Its okay I'll be right infront of you" I stepped out from behind "What would you like talk about?" I spoke and they looked surprise "a private conversation please" I looked at Jake "no way in hell am I leaving you alone with them" I nodded "you can say whatever you need to right now" "don't disobey me" the an said "who are you to tell me what to do?" "I'm your farther and this is your mother" I was stunned "you're lying I'm human" "so is your mother and I'm a quarter human which makes you one quarter werewolf so you probably can't change but can run fast for long distances, hear better and see better than regular people" I was in shock " well what do you want?" I asked "for you to come live with us" "no" "Athea you don't get a choice we are your parents" the man or my farther said "no your not! you made the choice not to be my parents sixteen years ago" Jake put his hand on my arm "Athea we understand how you must feel but we gave you up so you would fit in and now that you know about this anyway we want you back" my mother spoke this time "you made the choice not me you don't get to just change your mind" I hadn't realized it but I was yelling I walked towards them though Jake protested. I was right infront of them now "you didn't want me sixteen years ago you have no right to want me now" "we know how your feeling-" My mom started but I cut her off "no you don't! Don't you get it? You know nothing about me! Neither of you do! Hell you probably don't even know my birthday" I brushed past them storming out and walking back towards the house someone was running after me I turned around to see Jake. When he caught up to me he didn't say anything just wrapped his arms around me but the strange part was I didn't feel like crying "I'm sorry" I whispered "never get that close to anything that dangerous again" his voice was ragged "we should probably go back in there" "yes we should. Are you ready?" I nodded. We walked back into the hall and everyone was still in their wolf forms "my god no ones attacking anyone so just all go back to being on two feet again" Jake and my farther nodded and everyone listened. "excuse my um tantrum I guess you call it but I will not come live with you" "why not?" my mom spoke "I don't know you. I don't know your first name or your last name even" "We have the same last name" my dad said "actually I don't have a last name no one ever told me my real one I was just supposed to go with my foster parents last name" "My names Miranda and your farthers is Jack your last name is Kingsley" "I still can't do it but I would love to get to know you better" "I don't trust you in the hands of the enemy pack" Jack said "well if you want to be apart of my life you'll have to get use to them because Miranda, Jack this is Jake my boyfriend and alpha of his pack and I'm friends with a lot of the people here so" my mom smiled at me "Jack" she looked at him expectantly "Miranda, No" "Jack, do it" "fine" "good" "Jake since you are alpha of your pack I would like to propose a treaty between our two packs were we will not attack you if you do not attack us and allow us on your land to see our daughter" Jake didn't do anything so I elbowed him "you have a deal" Jake shook his hand "well its getting late we should get home but we should talk tomorrow" my mom said "good bye" my farther said and they turned and left with their pack right behind them. I looked at Jake "you okay?" he asked "I- I don't know?" I said though it sounded like a question and Jake wrapped his arms around me "well we have forever tto figure it out" then he kissed me.
© Copyright 2012 amzygirl (amzygirl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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