Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1899415-The-odds-and-ends
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1899415
Cautious paranoia
Quietly strong.
Preserving better parts of oneself
For a time like this
A time when one feels most out of sorts
Perplexed by certain inevitability that had already been foreseen
Sound of mind
Insight provides a certain amount of clarity
Things may seem acrimonious momentarily
Although it does pass with a quickness
Still growing more impatient with the fickle nature
Breeding weakness in the foundation of morale
Begets some rather regrettable hypothesis to formulate
Therein lies the danger of questioning everything
Thinking outside the box
Lands you lost in the sauce of
Doubting motives
Giving trust
Earning respect
Remain hard as a stone
Convictions, and tenacity
Initiatives, and ambitions
Your only friends now as you face uncertainties
The weakest link in launching these assaults?
Ability to see the truth for what it's worth
Too many misconceptions
Silent, and stealth
Set it sights, and took aim
No regard for linguistics
A mind with a mission to accomplish
Once over, began to scrape the bottoms of it
The emptiness adds to already confirmed inferences
Bad feelings one had about this
Proves that time invested was in fact not worth it
Another investment to abort
These are all things kept under quiet consideration
Beneath frustrations left unexplained
Total disdain within for exposing such an aggressive weakness
Suppress that so when it does escape from the barrel it won't be heard above a whisper
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