Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1899169-Girls-rule-boys-drool
Rated: 13+ · Other · Emotional · #1899169
Just a few reasons why the males are significantly less awesome than ladies ;)
I'm convinced that all boys are poopyheads. Point blank period dot dot dot smiley face. And here's why:

Exhibit A:
Guys think we make a big deal out of everything. But if they would just realize the importance of what we say, instead of putting it off like it doesn't matter...wouldn't be so bad. Us making a big deal of something is just our way of making up for their lack of seeing a significance in it whatsoever. Seriously, it is.

Exhibit B:
"Girls are confusing. They don't know what they want"
OH YES, YES WE DO. I PROMISE. If a girl ever loses interest in you all of a sudden, it's your fault. KIDDING! No, but really. We know what we want, and if you don't meet our standards/requirements or whatever, g'bye. And if you don't meet our standards/requirements and we stay with you, well you best thank your lucky stars that we love you.

Exhibit C:
Don't tell me "Girls just don't understand" We understand completely. Does mother nature visit you every month? do you have to deal with cramps that could kill, BLOOD DRIPPING FROM PLACES THEY SHOULDN'T? moods that go from dandy to mad cow in one second? what about B00BS? they're back breakin' if they're big enough. you got those? cause ya shouldn't.

Exhibit D: (does not apply to all...)
you only talk to the girls you think have potential. based on looks, and nothing else. Never tell a girl she's ugly. You have no idea what deals with everyday, or what she already thinks of herself. I bet you anything that girl woke up HOURS earlier than she needed to, just to give herself some extra time to meet your 'definition of beautiful'. and for you to put her down, and make her feel worthless, is a shame.

Exhibit E:
We know you look at other girls even when you don't mean to. you think it's 'natural'. LOOK AT ME WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU DANGIT

Exhibit F:
Tell me why guys are so different once they're in a relationship. And by that, I mean why do you text us all day everyday, flatter us with your compliments and such, pretend you give a flyin fish about our day, and then once you get into a relationship with us, you change? It's like you do everything you can to win us over and once you've got us you're done trying. Gah, this has got to be my biggest peeve about the male species.

Exhibit G:
Double standards are no-no's. If you do something, don't get mad when your girl does it to you. Oh, yeah, it's cool if you ignore her right? but god forbid her not respond to your text within 2 minutes. That's cool. Except not really.

Exhibit H:
CHEAT AND DIE. And lose your genitals. And get your car/game system/most prized possession attacked by a herd of komodo dragons. and our moms. sadly, alot of our moms know what it's like, and I guarantee you her momma be on you like BAM. Expect no mercy, either.
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