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by Katya
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Dark · #1899014
Part 2 of Daddy's Little girl
My Daddy does many special things for me. Although He is a man of few words, He always finds ways of showing me how special I am in His life. Last night was the best night I have experienced since the night we first got together. The thought of the night still puts a smile on my face…

My boss told me I was to work some overtime because the previous person who had my position was dead-beat. She never did her work. She showed up, socialized, took her breaks and lunches, then went home. When I got hired, I needed to complete months of stacked paperwork that she never finished. I hated her already. It was about 11:37 PM when I heard some noises from outside of my office. Thinking it was just the janitor, I ignored the noises, and continued to work. To further block out the noises, I plugged my ears with my earphones, and turned up the music. Because I was by myself, I decided to listen to my favorite band, Within Temptations. Immediately, I was calmed.

Unfortunately, it was not the janitor that made the noises. Also, because my music was blasting in my ears, I did not anticipate what happened next. One minute I was inputting some data onto the computer, the next, there was a gloved hand on my mouth, and another with a knife on my throat. Shocked and surprised, I did not comprehend what was happening at the moment. Then I heard Him speak.

“Move, and I will slit your pretty throat. Scream, and I will break your neck. Do you understand me?” He said gruffly. My heart skipped. Fear gripped every part of my body. Normally, when a person is put in a situation like this, they would fight, or scream, or even cry. I did neither. My body froze. All I could think of was that I was alone. Although there were security cameras all over the building, there were no security cameras in my office. Even if there was one, they would not be able to capture him. There was no security guard on duty, since the building was secure. I was completely alone. Fear crawled up and down my spine. I felt hot and cold flashes go thru my body. My cheeks started to grow hot, and my breathing became labored. I could feel the cool steel pressing against the right side of my neck. It rested directly on top of my jugular vein. I could feel it starting to dig into my skin. I could feel my pulse rise and fall rapidly against the knife. So I closed my eyes, and hoped he wouldn’t kill me.

I nodded obediently. I did not want to die. I wanted to see my Love again…I wanted to see my Daddy . This was the only way I could. He dug the tip of the knife even deeper in my throat. Pain shot throughout my whole body. Then he moved his hand that covered my mouth. He began to unbutton my blouse. One by one, the buttons came undone, revealing my tank top. My tits were hard from all the blood pumping in my system, and because Boyfriend does not allow me to wear any underwear, they stuck out. He noticed.

“Oh? My, what a dirty little whore you are…I’m guessing you enjoy the predicament you’re in. Heh, I can enjoy myself tonight,” He said evilly. After he said that, my mind decided it was the best time to abandon me. Fear enveloped me as the words took root in my mind. I could not remember my name, I could not remember where I was, I could not remember anything. Unfortunately, my body reacted just as he said. I suddenly felt all the blood rush to my head. Although my conscious mind had no control over me any longer, I knew I did not want this. But my body….my body betrayed me. My body betrayed my Man.

Roughly, he tore off my tank top, and began to pinch my nipple hard. It made me wince and moan softly. I kept my eyes closed, trying to make my brain function again. Then he began to grab my right tit hard. I moaned a little harder. I could hear his breathing start to get labored. The fear that enveloped me gave way to new feelings. Particularly, the way his hand abused my right tit. I hate admitting this, but it felt incredible! I was supposed to hate this. I was not supposed to enjoy this. My Boyfirend…what will He think of me? I was his, and no one else. The necklace wrapping around my neck with a lock was proof of that. But I didn’t fight my assailant. At the time, I wanted to attribute it to my shock and fear, but I knew that was not it. This asshole…this attacker…this son of a bitch was touching me the way my Love did. I hated myself for responding the way I did.

I could not help myself. A lump started to form in my throat. I knew I was going to cry; and I knew he this shitbag would enjoy it. I bit my lip to hold back the wave of disgust and pleasure going through my body. He grabbed and pulled at my full tit and nipple, pinching down hard. I bit my lip harder to stop myself from letting a scream of pleasure come out. I wanted to fight him. I didn’t want him to get in my mind. I didn’t want him touching me.

He continued to touch me. He lifted my skirt from the front, and grabbed my right inner thigh hard. At this point, knew I was wet. With all of his fingers, he squeezed my inner thigh hard, causing my body to convulse a little. The horny part of me wanted him to reach its final destination, but I knew it was wrong. I began to cry. Tears filled my eyes quickly, and started streaming down my cheeks. All the while, I kept my eyes closed. I didn’t want to look at him. I didn’t want to see his face. I just wanted him to finish, and leave.

I knew he was looking at me. I could feel his eyes on my face, watching the tears trickle down my cheeks. He dug the knife in even deeper. I could feel something warm going down my neck, and I knew I was bleeding. I tensed up, and closed my legs. He removed his hand from my thigh, and pulled my long black hair sharply. I whimpered softly, crying out a little. He then hissed in my ear, “Close your legs one more time, and I will use this knife to fuck your little hole. Is that what you want?” I shook my head. I couldn’t even talk.

“Good,” he said. He let go of my hair, and ripped my skirt away.

“Spread them,” he ordered. I obeyed immediately. I was completely exposed to him now. I’m sure at this point, he could see the effect he had on my body. I know he could smell me. Shit, I was able to smell myself, I was so turned on. He removed the grip he had on my hair, and immediately plunged two fingers inside my wetness. I screamed out both in pain and in pleasure. He pushed in and out, and I could hear the sloppy sounds my wet pussy made. It was so shameful…but it felt so good. I wanted it. I wanted him. As he mercilessly fucked me with two fingers, I knew I was losing this battle. I started to moan out loud, and since no one could hear me, I knew he wouldn’t get caught. I knew I wouldn’t be saved. So I relaxed my body, and let him have his way.

No one would know…my Beloved wouldn’t know. No one would know except him and me. For a moment, clarity returned to my head, and I knew if I wanted to come out of this ordeal alive, that I needed to comply. So I relaxed my body, and allowed him to violate me. As soon as I relaxed, his fingers fucking me didn’t hurt as badly as the initial insertion. He continued his attack on me for quite a bit, while the knife stayed lodged at my neck.

He quickly stopped, and I heard rustling in the background. Teary-eyed, I opened my eyes for a minute. My pupils slowly adjusted to the darkness around me. He turned off the lights, and I didn’t even notice. I was so engrossed in the computer screen, I didn’t notice that he turned off the lights in my office. The knife then suddenly disappeared from my neck, and as quickly as it left my neck, I felt cloth wrap around my eyes. I quickly shut them. My hands gripped the handles of my chair tightly as he blindfolded me. After tying the knot, he pulled me up to my feet. The clothes he ripped off dropped. Whether it dropped on the floor, or on the ground, I didn’t know. But I did still have my blouse covering my shoulders and back. He roughly pulled it off me, completely exposing my naked body to him. I heard more rustling in the background, then he held my hands behind my back. He tied my hands together, and when I tried to pull them apart, I felt a very stiff kind of material on my wrists. I thought to myself that it must be zip-ties.

Realizing that they were zip-ties, I felt somewhat comforted. My Boyfriend was the only one who knew I preferred zip-ties. Feeling somewhat comforted, my fears somewhat alleviated. However that didn’t last as long as I hoped. He turned me around, and pulled my hair downward, bringing me to my knees. Knowing I was too powerless to stop him, I sat on my calves. I heard something that resembled a belt unbuckling, a slight pause, and then the sound of unzipping. After a bit of what I assumed was his pants falling onto his ankles, he grabbed my hair tightly, and pulled me towards him. My face hit his cock and balls roughly. I smelled his scent, and knew immediately it was not Him. Fear once again gripped my. I swallowed, and pulled away slightly. I closed my mouth, and tightened my jaw shut. My assailant really expected me to swallow his dick? Really?! He pulled my hair back roughly, and I felt his mouth by my ear.

“You are going to suck my dick, my little whore, and you will do a good job. If you decide to be brave, and bite him, I will jab my dagger through your neck, and you will suffocate on your own blood,” he hissed in my ear. His breath by my ears brought shivers of pleasure and revulsion down my spine. I didn’t want him in my mouth, but again, my body refused to listen to my brain. My mouth began to salivate at the anticipation of getting fucked by his dick. I nodded despite his vice-like grip on my hair, and he stood. With his free hand, he squeezed my jaw open, thereby opening my mouth, and he placed the head of his hard cock in between my lips. I could smell a bit of pre-cum, as well as his musky scent. Instinctively, I licked the head to taste him. I slowly wrapped my mouth around the head of his cock, forming an ‘O’ with my mouth. He was thick. Slowly, he began to insert his dick inside my mouth. I sucked on it as he was exiting, and relaxed my throat as he entered. Then he slapped my face hard.

“Stop that,” he ordered, “just open your mouth wide open.” So I stopped suckling him. I relaxed my jaw, and let him invade my mouth. At first, he started slowly; he inched his way down my throat gently, holding onto my hair tightly. Soon after, he pushed his cock deep down my throat. Not only was he thick, but also long. He did not pull out immediately; he just kept his cock lodged down my throat. I held my breath, but I knew it wasn’t going to last long. I gagged, and he pulled out slightly. Slowly, he began to fuck my face. A few seconds later, he started to increase his pace. After I acclimated to his size, he started thrusting harder and harder, faster and faster, while simultaneously pulling my hair to pull me towards him. I couldn’t handle it; his cock was so long and so fat. I started to cry harder. It didn’t help with the breathing situation. I gagged, and bile escaped from my throat. I kept it in my mouth, afraid that he might punch me in the face if I let it spill. He pulled out slightly, allowing me to swallow my bile, as well as take a breath. I wanted him to take his cock out of my mouth, but he just held me there. I forced myself to calm down, and take deep breaths. I knew his patience would run thin. I took about 4 deep breaths until he resumed violating my mouth.

I could feel my pussy getting wetter and wetter with each thrust, with each nudge he gave my head while gripping my hair. I felt so powerless, so humiliated. I hated that I enjoyed the taste and feel of his cock getting rammed down my throat. With each thrust, I could feel him getting harder. After a few minutes of fucking my face, he forcefully pulled my head away from his cock. I was breathing and coughing hard. My throat felt ragged and sore. My cheeks burned from the tears that fell from my eyes. The blindfolds were soaked through from my tears. Then I heard him chuckle evilly. I could tell from the way he laughed that he thoroughly enjoyed violating me. He enjoyed the power he has over me. He enjoyed the pain I was feeling from my hair getting pulled, and my throat getting fucked.

“Is that how you like it, cunt?” He asked me. I sobbed out loud as a reply. I then feel a powerful slap on my face. I cried out in surprise and in pain. I tried to quiet my sobbing, but I was failing miserably. I ended up taking several light breaths, knowing I would probably hyperventilate.

“Sobbing is not an answer. Answer the question! Is that how you like it cunt?” He asked again.

I quickly nodded my head in response. I didn’t want him to hurt me. But the way he slapped me…I couldn’t take it. My pussy started aching because it wanted his cock so badly. My mind’s eye kept picturing my Love, and how He would probably discard if He ever found out of my reactions. I tried to appease my conscience by telling myself over and over again that I was doing this because I didn’t want to die, that I wanted to see my Master again, and that He wouldn’t let me go just because I submitted unwillingly to this rapist.

As soon as I nodded my head, he shoved his balls in my face. Not knowing whether I should lick it, or suck on it, or even open my mouth, I waited for his instructions. He pulled my hair back roughly, and ordered me to lick them. So I did. Frantically. I twirled my tongue on and around his balls, lightly sucking on them as well, hoping he would be satisfied with what I was doing. I wanted him to just get it over with, rape my pussy, then leave. That, however, was not his plan. He pulled me up, and threw me on top of my desk. I laid on my stomach, ass in the air, on top of the documents I worked on earlier. He then let go of my hair. Soon after, I felt something hitting my ass. It had a sharp sting to it, but the after-effects wore off quickly. Although he wasn’t hitting me hard, it was swift and consecutive. It also seemed incredibly precise. The instrument felt taut, almost like a rattan cane; or a plastic cane…or maybe even a bamboo cane.

It came swiftly, one after another, until my ass cheeks felt like it was burning. The pain felt so good! It erased every other emotion from my mind. All I could see and feel was this instrument raining pain on my ass cheeks. One by one, the hits came down, some faster and swifter, some slower and more deliberate. Inch by inch, it slowly crept down to the back of my thighs. The stinging pain of this instrument drove me crazy. It burned, and left trails of pain as it moved from its old location to a newer part of my flesh. At this point, I couldn’t stop crying out. The moans and slight whispers grew into growls. I wanted it. All of it. I wanted what he had to give me. I wanted him to abuse and rape and use my body, and leave me in a pile of my own juices.

He was mean. He was evil. After burning imprints on my thighs, the instrument began to crawl its way back upwards, re-smacking the areas that were already hit. I’m going to bruise. I know it, and Darling will throw me away. But I didn’t care. All I cared about was this moment. All I care about was the pain I was receiving from my assailant. I wanted the pain he caused me. The mental torment, the physical abuse…I wanted all of it. I was ashamed. I was humiliated. It fueled the lust already brewing on high inside me.

After what seemed like hours of torturous spankings from that devilish instrument, whatever it was, I felt the cool, smoothness of leather on my ass. It was a relief compared to the pain he delivered. My breathing was labored, my throat was hoarse, and my heart was pounding in my chest. My ass and thighs were sore and raw. I tried to calm my breathing, and slowly, it was working. That, however, did not last very long. The cool, smoothness of the leather I felt was another instrument. He spanked me hard on my ass not five minutes after. I cried out hard after one smack, and he brought his hand to caress the area he smacked me with. I began sobbing, my whole body trembling as the pain shot throughout me. It was so painful…it was so incredibly painful. After a minute, he smacked the same area. He proceeded to do this ritual for quite some time. After what felt like a hundred hits, he did the same to the other cheek. He would give me a hard smack, then calm me down with his hand. He did this repeatedly, until I stopped responding. I couldn’t cry out anymore out of pure exhaustion. My head was spinning, even though I did nothing but lay on my stomach. I knew that if I didn’t have the blindfolds, I would be staring off into space.

He brought be back quickly by applying something cool on my ass. Not knowing what it was at the time, I thought it might have been an ice pack. It shocked me awake, all feeling coming back to me. Consciousness returned to me as well. I moaned out loud, feeling relief in the areas I knew he abused. After rubbing the afflicted areas several times, he placed it on my pussy. I almost came on it. The growls came back, but a little softly. He then removed it. My assailant then positions himself in between my legs, and pushes his cock inside me. Oh it was so hard, and so big! It felt so amazing inside me. It stretched me out enough to hurt, but felt just right to feel good. Slowly, he began to push in and out of me. He placed his hands on either side of my hips so that he could hold on as to balance himself as he fucked me. After he felt that my pussy has stretched itself to accommodate his size, he began to increase his pace, and deepen his thrusts. The pressure in and around my pussy was so intense, I no longer cared about anything. I couldn’t think of anything. All I cared about was how hard his cock was, and how hard he was shoving it deep inside of me. I felt no shame, no guilt, no remorse, no anything. I thought of nothing but his cock thrusting in and out of me. I vaguely heard sloshing from my juices, and slapping.

One of his hands moved from gripping my hips to gripping my tied wrists. He held it hard as he thrust in and out of me. I growled with every hard, deep penetration, my head spinning in sheer ecstasy. I wanted it. I wanted his cock inside me.

Out of nowhere, I suddenly remember that this man was raping me. I became aware of how sensitive my body became. I could feel each vein pulsating from inside my pussy as he rammed his dick inside me. I could feel the intensity rising. I, then, met each of his thrusts just as hard. My growls grew louder and more guttural, almost as though I were possessed by an evil demon. I knew I was getting there. The muscles in my abdomen started tightening. The pressure was building, and I felt like was about to piss on him. Harder and harder, I pushed myself against him. I begged him not to stop. My head was spinning, the world around me was spinning, my breathing was so labored, my voice incredibly hoarse. I didn’t care. At that precise moment, I didn’t give a shit about anything. All I could think about was the pressure building higher and higher inside me. Very quickly, my pussy walls started to contract, and an explosion hit me. I screamed out loud as he thrust deep inside me, and pulled out. His pace increased as the explosion continued. I felt wetness trickle down my legs, and he quickly pulled out his cock. I felt my wetness gushing out as the pressure lightened. Slowly, the interval between the contractions from my pussy walls grew slightly longer, but the intensity was still there. I felt my entire body shivering as I came. I closed my legs instinctively, and bent my knees. My legs were shaking. My entire body was vibrating from the orgasm I experienced. Slowly, I came down from my high. My breathing was labored, so I took long, deep breaths. The contractions faded away into nothing, my mind slowly returning me to the present. My body was exhausted, but felt so alive. All of my senses because ultra-sharp.

After a few minutes, my body started to recover from what just happened. My assailant pulled me by the hair, forcing me to stand up. He turned me around, and pushed me down. He made me lay on my back, on top of my desk. He then spread my legs opened, and entered me again. After such a huge orgasm, my body was still extremely sensitive, so I moaned out loud. This time, he didn’t start slow. He fucked me hard and long. The growls started to escape my throat again. This time, I came after just a few thrusts, although not as intense as the first time. After I came, he pulled out, and jizzed all around my pussy-area, especially on my mound. It was over.

At first, I just laid there, not moving an inch. He only movements my body had were slight twitches, and my stomach rising and falling to the rhythm of my breath. Consciousness once again returned to my head. This time, I was quite aware of what just happened. Shame engulfed me quicker than flames spreading through the driest part of a Californian forest. My breath quickened once more as guilt followed that shame. I didn’t want this. I never wanted this. My body betrayed me. My body betrayed my Master and me. I hated it. I hated me.

It was a humiliation I never felt before. It began to consume me. I knelt down slowly to make sure I don’t hit anything on the way down, and bowed my head in shame. I cried softly to myself, knowing that I would tell Master as soon as I got home. I let my long, straight black hair fall to hide my face, trying to cover my shame.

Somewhere in the background, from the rustling I heard, my rapist must have put on his clothes. He then turned on. I looked around me, but couldn’t see anything. I wiped the excess tears from my eyes, and tried to look at my assailant. I saw black with red striped tennis shoes. Slowly, I looked up. He wore jeans; dark wash denims with light fading in the middle. His pants were loose. My eyes inched upward to his crotch. He had on a black belt with a chrome buckle, nothing too ostentatious. His shirt was black-regular v-shaped neck short-sleeved shirt. I hesitantly looked at his face. It was my Daddy's friend. Behind him, standing by the door, was my Daddy, with a video camera in His hand, and a very obvious hard-on in His pants. Not understanding what just happened, my Daddy turned off the camera, and walked over to me. Although I still felt ashamed and dirty, I was more confused than anything else. He walked over to me, placed the now-dead camera on my table, and knelt in front of me. I don’t know how I looked at Him, but it must have been such hurt look. He gave me a hug, and told me that I was safe the entire time. I remembered the warmth that was trickling down my throat, and saw a sticky clear substance. My Daddy told me it was merely simple syrup with warm water. And the knife…well, it had a round-edge and had absolutely no sharpness to it.

I looked at Him, and cocked my head to my right. I didn’t understand what was going on, so He explained to me slowly. He reminded me of a talk He and I had about role-playing. We were in bed, and I was complaining that we never had spice in our sexual relationship. I confided in him that I wanted to enact a completely realistic rape fantasy, complete with not knowing who my rapist was, while it got video-taped by Him. Realization dawns on me that the scene was exactly the scene He and I talked about. All of the negative emotions I had slowly started to disappear. I began to laugh as relief swept through me like a tidal wave. I cried a bit more because I still felt as though I cheated on Him, but He assured me that He wasn’t jealous, nor was it considered cheating, since he was in the room taking a video to document everything that happened. Out of nowhere, he wrapped a blanket around me, and hugged me. I moved about a quarter of an inch, and I was reminded of the abuse my ass had taken. I still didn’t understand. My Daddy, however, grabbed me by the chin, and made me look into His eyes with my tear-stained ones. He kissed me a little by the corner of my lip, and told me that He loved me.
© Copyright 2012 Katya (kt_aug85 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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