Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1899011-pokeprologue-part-1
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1899011
When mistakes are made, there's no going back.
Rough draft of my version of a prologue. I decided to make the dates less consistent with the real world in terms of technology but being as it's not based in the real world, technology in this world it grew much faster and has now slowed at this point.

It was the summer of 1900 in the city of Viridian, streets were full of cars, people moving from building to building going about their work. More importantly the birds were singing and squirells climbing trees as usual. This is not the viridian of the future. No, there are no pokemon in this town with the exception of three but that'll have to wait. Victor Giovanni was going about his usual day. He was the lead genetic engineering specialist and founder of Rocket Industries. They specialized in producing the most advanced pieces of technology, all from military grade weapons to simple espresso machines. Everyone loved their products for the most part, there was obviously competition and they didn't have full control of the market. But that didn't matter, all this was to help fund their military and advanced genetic projects. Everyday he went to Rocket Industries to check on their latest project. they were investigating the possibilities of creating new species, their reasoning was since one of their competitors created a completely new species of bacteria, they would be the first to create a complex organism.
Giovanni walked though the double glass doors and into the seven story building that was Rocket Industries, he proceeded to the elevator in the main lobby where an armed guard pressed the button to the lowest level that was two stories down. the elevator opened revealing a series of armored doors a full 15x15 foot door and was at least another two feet thick. Giovanni was dreaming big, the creatures he wished to create would be the most powerful on earth and would demonstrate man's ability to reshape the world in his image, but that was not his goal. He wanted to create these creatures purly for research and the possibility of creating species that would inhabit teraformed worlds beyond this one once man explored them. He was not going to let them leave this facility, in fact as soon as he created a decent amount to prove his standing in history, he would kill them all. The doors opened and he entered the laboratory, there were twelve large tubes that went from the ground to the ceiling, each filled with a red liquid. This was used to suspend the specimen. He admired them all but one in particular caught his eye, he looked to his left and saw one that was ocupied. He turned to a technician. "Is this the first embryo that survived?" he asked.
The technician pushed his glasses up and pointed behind him, "no in fact we have two more that are stable, we're almost done with our new species of turtle as well as these two that are completely new according to your specifications."
"Excelent, are the safety mechanisms put in place?"
"Yes Giovanni we've taken care of everything." the technician walked down the rows of tubes and showed him the first, it was four legged, looked black through the liquid and appeared to have some sprout growing out of its back. "This is species number 1, a plant animal hybrid. as requested we looked into the possibility of animals using photosynthesis in situations where there would be a lack of plant's to eat, in a sense it does not need to eat as much. We also gave it some special defenses, unlike regular animals these ones have metabolisms and healing proporties that allow them to have rather peculiar attacking mechanisms. This one can attack with vinelike tentacles that are actually extra limbs. It's skin can flake off and is razor sharp if shot at a predator. pretty frightening if the DNA was constructed properly."
"How does its skin flaking off aid it, wouldn't that leave its rough skin vunerable?" Giovannia was intrigued,
"Absolutely not, it can heal over within seconds."He moved to the second occupied tube. "This one was our first attempt, we took a regular turtle and modified it, this is a two leged turtle, it stands upright as opposed to on all four limbs, it can suck moisture from the air or water and uses it to squirt at predators, and trust me, you cannot break its shell it's practically like diamond."
"And this third one, is this our predator?"
"Oh yes, and highly dangerous, we tried to make a dragon, when it matures it will grow wings, but has a special gas chamber near the stomach that stores a highly flamable yet stable gass that is ignited when the creature regulates the temperature of it's toungue to the flashpoint that can allow it to ignite the exhaled gas. There are other special tricks these creatures should be able to do but I won't waste your time."
"I am particularly worried about this one, how do we kill it if it gets out of hand?"
The technician pointed up " The creature has a failsafe, there is a sustained flame at the end of its tail that keeps it alive, if it is extinqushed the resulting decompression inside the body will kill it. so we can simply use the fire systems."
"Excellent, when wil they be finished?"
"by tomorrow Giovanni."
Giovanni was pleased, he was going to be the first to create a new class of animal, he walked over to a locked safe and unlocked it. He took out a ball it was red on top and white on bottom with a black R in the center of the red. "I want our copies of these creatures sent to our other facilities, so they may create their own, I have a list of creatures we can create."
The technician was puzzled "How much do you intend to create?"
Giovanni set the ball down, "one hundred and thirty species. We created the first few synthetic species, we will create the first synthetic ecosystem, once we have those titles we will not longer need them."
"You mean kill them?"
"Exactly, i don't care how docile some of them may be, but these things are probably not fit to live in our world, I want a study done immediately following their release from their formation tubes to confirm my supicions we're making super predators and super prey, basically our prey would probably be able to kill any regular animal on this planet that would not be good for mankind."
"You think they'll kill us?" the technician was a little worried,
"Nonsense, we are well armed all you have to do is shoot them, i just think they would be highly invasive to native species and wiped them all out from fish to lions all would be threatened." Giovanni left the room, and up the elevator. The technician was left dumbfounded, how was he to create 130 new species? and all for one man's pride, well if it had to be done, he would do it, after all it was for science.

It was one month later, September of that year, Giovanni was ready to see his new specimens he went to the second basement as usual, where he found technician Morty. Morty rushed to him in distress, it was then that his pride left him and he heard the alarms going off.
"What the devil is this?" he asked rather angrilly.
"We had an accident but it's under control now."
"What?" He was rushing to the formation tubes, some of which were shattered."
"It was species 1, it destroyed everything, species 2 and 3 are on lockdown, 1 is as well it was a hassle getting it in back in its room, two men were seriously wounded."
"And what of our ecosystem project?"
"Destroyed, all of it, there's no way to recreate them all in time from scratch."
"I know what we'll do." He saw one tube which was still intact, "take the DNA from the three and mix it with all our current data, we'll combine the DNA into one super species, we'll use it as a carrier to deconstruct as many as we wish from it, it will save us valuble time."
Morty was furious with Giovanni's ambitions, "combining all that DNA would give it a consciousness equal to that of a human, and plus you can't simply create a creature by combining DNA so many conflictions would result in something that would look horrendous and never survive a day during creation."
Giovanni raised his voice, "You're the scientist, you can make it look like whatever you want, I said use all our data, I did not say omit your own asthetics or personal ideas. I want this creature made now! I don not want our problems with one species to jeapordize our efforts with others."
Morty didn't like how he was being rushed, this was delicate research, the slightest problem would ruin everything, He had species1 under control so why not just restart everything? But it was Giovanni's decision not his. By consolidating all their research into one creature they would create a vessel that would stand the test of time should they loose their data, they would only need to take a DNA sample from this one to start over. This was the purpose of what would be species X.
They walked over to the isolation chamber housing species1, inside it was just lying in a corner doing nothing as if it knew it did wrong.
"Have we tested it with native species?" Giovanni asked
"Yes and it's very troubling." Morty flipped through his notes, "These creatures are highly territorial and invasive, if they are ever released into the wild, as you feared, they would wipe out any and all competition."
"We're do we fit in?" Giovanni crossed his arms contemplating the situation.
"We'll interestingly enough they are highly intelligent as well, it seems they want nothing to do with us and will only attack if threatened, so we have nothing to fear."
"Except our natural resources." he interupted Morty.
"At least we have the security doors to keep them down here."
"I don't pay you to be optimistic in such matters." Giovanni started walking to the elevator. "Start production of Species X and keep me updated."
"Yes sir, but with all these creatures we're going to be making, should we start to give them names? I mean, when we go public with this the public will be considerably confused on which is which."
Morty was right, if names were given to them it would help promote his work. It would help the public identify with his creations. "Do it." Giovanni pushed the up button.

It was now October of that year. Production of his creatures was going smoothly, most species were given names to better identify them and he was almost ready to go public. He did the usual routine of passing through security and this time went one floor lower to a new third basement, this was their most secure room, which housed all of their creations, a total of 133 were completed with their knowledge of the first three they were able to speed up the production process. Morty was on vacation so Giovanni went to his seccond best engineer, Ms. Calstin.
"How is everything today?" Giovanni asked, Calstin was in the process of taking blood samples from species 2 which was now called a squirtle.
"Just great" she looked up, "All of our new Pokemon are healthy and doing great."
"Pokemon, is that what Morty's been calling them?" Giovanni laughed
"He thought it was a pleasant name that the public would be fond of." She placed the blood sample in a briefcase.
"I like it," Giovanni pointed at the ceiling, "How's species X doing upstairs?"
"Let's find out." they walked to the elevator and went up to the second level. they passed all the tubes used for the previous 133 and to a set of double doors. Calstin put her eye to a scanner on the wall, which unlocked it. It revealed a dimly lit room that was lit with blue lights in the center was one tube that was ocupied by a pink creature with a long tail, it was suspended in the fluid inside the tube.
"Meet Mew, probably the most beautiful creature we've created in my opinion." Calstin said.
"Looks good, too bad it's only purpose is storage."
"Oh not quite." Calstin pressed a tablet next to the tube revealing Mew's brainwaves.
"What is this?" He was puzzled.
"This is the brainwave activity of Mew. Morty did not want Mew to be a storage box for your creatures DNA. He thought you would appreciate it if he created the most powerful creature ever. One that would be just as smart as us and experiment in telekinetic abilities."
Giovanni was a bit mad at Morty going renogade on this project but was facinated by the fact that he was so far succeeding in his personal goal. "Does it have such abilities?" Giovanni asked.
"Yes, in fact Mew is listening to our conversation as we speak, it's tried to communicate with me on several occasions though it has not fully grasped our language as of yet. the tube is surounded by a field that tries to block its abilities so that it won't accidently break the glass or harm us."
"Where is morty now?" Giovanni was suspicous, sure he was very pleased with Mew, but he was sure Morty would not try to create something so powerful.
"He's visiting relatives in Johto." they left the room and sealed it shut.
"Increase security on all levels. especially this one" Giovanni was on his way out.
"Why?" Calstin realized Giovanni was suspicious of Morty.
"Lets just say I feel troubled about Mew." Giovanni went up the elevator and outside. He looked up at the sky, bright clear blue, not a cloud to be seen. What would happen to the birds in the sky or the fish in the sea? He knew things were about to change. Morty gave Mew the abilities not to make it powerful. He wanted to make sure no one used Mew like an external hard drive. He gave it these abilities to give it a voice. They couldn't eliminate Mew, he knew Morty's goal. Morty didn't want Mew killed like all the others because of its intelligence. it was smarter and more concious than a human, in a sense it was. Morty did not want to put it down when it would all be over. If Mew could communicate with humans it could do the same with pokemon. Giovanni didn't care that it could communicate with pokemon, what was troubling to him was that because it was trying to grasp their language, it would realize it was a prisoner and if Morty made it powerful, they would have to control it in case it escaped.

A week later Morty returned to Rocket industries, Giovanni was waiting for him. Morty was told to go to the seventh floor. He when he arrived on level 7 the elevator opened and he was greeted by two armed guards wearing black uniforms. They escorted him to a red double door with a gold plaque labeled, 'Giovanni President Rocker Industires'. Giovanni was sitting in a red leather chair at his desk, the entire wall behind him was a window that allowed him to look at the city behind him. The guards threw Morty in front of the desk.
"When I said create Mew i said to make it a living vessel for our research not to go on some random crusade for synthetic animal rights." Giovanni slammed his fist on the desk.
"I had no intention of doing such a thing." Morty explained.
"Oh yes you did, if you didn't I wouldn't have to put extra guards on each lower level."
"There is nothing to fear from my creation so long as you treat it fairly." Morty noticed a glock 19 lying on the desk he feard Giovanni was not going to accept any answer he would give him.
"You see that's the problem," Giovanni picked up the glock. "I don't want something complaining about the way I treat it, if I gave it life I decide its fate." he locked a bullet in the chamber, "As we speak Mew is listening to our conversation despite our efforts to block the abilities you gave it. It has told many of my staff that it wishes to be released, how can it be our vessel if we do not posses it?"
" Then release it, it may be willing to donate its DNA every now and then if you acknowledge its freedom."
"No, you made this creation of mine, you will now destroy it and start over according to my design. Is that clear?"
"I will not kill it." Morty was defiant.
"Then you will not leave this room alive and I'll be forced to find my own way of killing it, which I assure you will be very painful for it." Giovanni pointed the gun at him.
"I cannot allow it to be murdered." Morty turned around and started walking away. He knew Giovanni was probably going to shoot him in the back but he was making a statement, he could not be coerced into killing an innocent creature.
"This is your last chance." The guards were waved allowing Morty to reach the door.
"No, it's yours, if you do not release it I assure you it will escape. and you'll be responsible for the consequences."
It was at that moment that Giovanni shot Morty in the back penetrating his heart. Morty was dead instantly and fell to the ground. the guards picked him up and draged his body to a hidden elevator just behind a bookcase in his office.
"I guess I have to do all the dirty work around here." Giovanni said to himself, he placed the glock in the drawer.
He got up from his chair and started towards the door. An alarm suddenly sounded along with the fire alarms and lights. Giovanni rushed to his desk and picked up his phone. "What the hell is going on?"
The lead security officer answered " The pokemon are attacking! Mew has broken free and is..." the phone went dead, Mew had cut the electricity to the building.
Giovanni turned to the two guards, "Kill it now!" they rushed to the stairs, Giovanni followed. it was all quiet until he reached the second floor. in the main hallway there were about twenty guards with rifles waiting at the series of blast proof doors maintaining control of the hallway in case they break through. "What's the situation?" Giovanni asked Hector, head of security.
"several of our technicians have been killed inside, mew broke through and is flying around trying to find a weakspot in our defenses."
"Flying around?" Giovanni was surprised.
"yes apparently it can fly as well." an explosion has heard through the door along with a loud roar. "We have a greater problem, some of them have fully matured during this riot. apaprently they choose which stage of growth they are at."
"you mean they can control their maturity level?"
"Precisly, little charmander has already matured into charizard in just a few moments bypassing it's second stage of growth."
"Then we must activate the sprinkler system good thing that doesn't run on electricity."
"We tried!" Hector yelled, it found a way to beat it's safety system. we can't kill it simply with water anymore.
"evacuate the building." Giovanni said
"We can stop this!"
"No you can't they're too strong, evacuate the building we're going to bury them, without any source of substinance they'll die in a few weeks.
"Sir we have the weaponry to kill them, a bullet will kill."
"Only the smaller ones, the stronger ones were designed to take more of a beating your bullets won't be enough." Giovanni went towards the stairs, "Im blowing the building, either evacuate or be left down here." he proceeded upstairs
the guards all followed rushing upstairs to avoid the chaos down below. there were still technicians down there. Dr Calstin was still on sub level 2 where mew had broken out, she suffered a few cuts from flying glass but despite being in such close proximity to mew, she was unharmed. What Giovanni failed to realize, though it didn't matter, was that mew was forcing a mass breakout, not a riot. Mew did not want to harm anyone, mew was smart enough to know he'll gain sympathy if he does not harm anyone, so long as this Giovanni person keeps trying to kill them all.
Dr Calstin was bandaging up her leg where glass sliced into her. She saw mew just floating in a corner focusing its head at the ceiling.
"What are you doing?" she asked, since no one was going to save her she thought it might be best to try to assess her own situation by finding mew's intentions. she started to hear the pokemon held below start to break down the security doors, she knew that if they did the building would most certainly be sacrificed to entomb them.
Mew looked at Clastin, it couldn't speak a bit of english and since Rocket industries didn't bother to build a translator he would have to communicate telepathically. "Your master thinks we're just an experiment, that our lives don't matter, we'll they do so we are breaking out."
Calstin was in shock, she knew what that meant for the world. Mass extinction. "You cannot do that, you may know better but the others don't if they escape they'll destroy almost every living being on the planet."
"That's your problem, not mine. maybe you shouldn't have made the rest of them so powerful and territorial." Mew started floating from side to side checking every corner of the room.
"You'll be responsible for the lives of hundreds of people!" she yelled.
Mew floated down to her level, hovering a few inches off the ground. " That's not true. when it comes to your species, we're jut as harmful to you as any other creature, and you know that. We don't bother you unless you bother us, so think of it as nothing is really changing, just simply swapping out a large portion of this planet's creatures. You're still on top, all I want to do is be free."
"Giovanni won't let you escape alive, he's about ready to destroy you all."
"I know, which brings me to the important question. Where do you stand on our escape?" Mew went back to the corner.
"It's not right to have your kind in our world." She protested.
"There are advantages to having us in your world, you'll soon be aware of that."
"What do you mean?" Calstin got up.
"You'll see very soon."

Giovanni rushed to the first floor escorted by several security guards. they went through a series of hallways to a locked door. unfortunately it was electrically locked. Giovanni pointed at one of the guards. "Blow the lock." The guard took out a small explosive and wired it to the door hinges. Everyone went back a few feet and he set off the charge. the hinges blew off the door and it went down with a loud thud. inside there was a series of mechanical timers. "We have two minutes to get out of here." Giovanni set the timers for two minutes. they all sprinted for the exit as fast as they could, the explosives would destroy every bit of the building including the lower sections which were heavilly laden with explosives. nothing would survive this. as they were rushing out they heard another explosion downstairs, the pokemon broke through the last security door, problem was none of them could use the exits which were sealed before they set the charges. they didn't have enough time to break it down.
Outside crowds were gathering around the building, the police had it surrounded after reports of the explosions and gunfire were called in. no one knew what was inside their labs, the company was going to go public a week from then. The police were trying everything they could to ensure everyone's safety, when they got the word the building was going to blow, everyone ran like hell.

Mew was preparing for the event. it was motionless, just meditating. Calstin was scared now, she wasn't afraid of mew, but rather her impending death. Being crushed or blown up was not how she intended to go. she was angry at Giovanni for leaving her down here. She sat down and curled up with her hands over her head and kneck; though she knew duck and cover was worthless, it was better than nothing. Mew saw her scared floated down, curiously because it had never seen this emotion before. then it happened. explosions ripped through each floor of the building starting from the seventh floor going down rappidly. Mew heard all of this and prepared for the worst. Calstin let out a scream in terror. Mew did what was necessary for all of them and attempted to share its ability in mass. It created a bubble around all the pokemon, itself, and Calstin. protecting all of them as the explosions spreaded to their level. the floor collapsed around them and they fell to the 3rd level where the rest of them were being entombed.
Outside Giovanni smiled while the public was in horror, thinking this as a terrible accident. "You had to push it." He whispered to himself.
Police immediately surounded the debries along with firefighters.

Inside the debries formed a dome around them due to the reflection ability that mew used. Calstin opened her eyes when she heard nothing and realized she was alive. she looked up to see mew and all the pokemon that were trapped. she turned to mew. "What happened?" was all she could say.
" I protected you from the building collapse." mew replied.
"But how?"
"I don't know the specifics of that, all I know is I can."
"Why did you save me?" she got up watching her head, where she was the ceiling was at a low five feet.
Mew just replied by saying its name, it figured her question was rethorical so it didn't need to give a reply she could understand. Also mew was done explaining things. It was time to escape.

"All right lets clear the debries and look for anyone trapped inside." a firefighter was organizing volunteers to help aid in the search for missing workers. Giovanni was watching them closely, he didn't want them searching in there, just in case the bombs didn't work. He rushed over to the police officer who was on the radio at his car.
"Sir you need to stay back with the others." the officer put up his hand.
"You can't search the debries right now, there's a possible radiation hazzard." Giovanni lied.
"Hold on." The officer put down his radio. " What do you mean?"
"There's a prototype reactor in the basement of the facility. If it ruptured your men would be at risk if they try to remove the rubble holding it back."
The officer turned towards the crowd, "Everyone back!!" Giovanni had bought himself some time. If he could find a way to prolonge this search effort he could ensure that nothing escaped from below.

Down below Calstin was searching for a way out, unfortunately there were no holes big enough nor did they reach anywhere close to the top. It was getting hot down there, with all the pokemon breathing along with her, carbon dioxide was building up. Though some of them could live with it such as the oddish and bulbasaurs down there, they couldn't convert all the CO2 to oxygen. they were slowly going to die. She turned to mew. " if you could protect all of us, would you be able to do something about this rubble?"
"mew, mew" mew replied, it looked up and started to glow pink. Calstin noticed it's eyes twitching as it struggled to focus on the debries in front of them. Suddenly pipes and bits of concrete started rising to the ceiling and the ground began to shake. a bit of daylight was starting to get through. then she noticed that mew was not moving the debris but rather destroying it. The debris began to glow and disintigrate. Outside the crowd started to run away not knowing what was happening. Giovanni got on his phone. "Assemble every agent now!"
"Why?" The voice on the other end responded.
"Just do it." he clicked the phone and watched his building dissapear before him.
Giovanni moved closer along with several police and firefighters, he couldn't believe his eyes they were all alive and well in the hole. they only got a brief glimpse before they started to run. All the flying pokemon spreaded their wings and flew out of the hole, the rest started to scurry out and make a break for the trees. mainly because mew told them to do so. a beedrill flew right past one of the officers, "What the hell are they?" he tried to swat it as it flew by. Giovanni looked at mew, who was still in the hole. He turned to the officer, "they are called pokemon, they are extremely dangerous creatures we discovered, you have to kill them before they destroy everything! Shoot that one down there." He pointed at mew. Calstin saw the police aim their guns and rushed over waving her arms. "Don't kill him."
The police weren't going to listen to her, after all they had no clue what the heck was in front of them, so did they really care? No.
mew focused on the officers and threw them back, all of them were knocked down and slid a few feet. Mew shot into the air and flew away. Calstin crawled out of the rubble and looked up to Giovanni. "Look what you've done."
Giovanni looked up at the sky angrilly,"we'll fix this."
"Radiation my ass, where the hell did those things come from?" The officer asked Giovanni.
"A discovery that should never been made." he conlcuded. He looked at Calstin who was brushing herself off. "How did you survive the blast?" He wasn't angry that she survived, he was honestly wondering because the building was designed to have every level destroyed which would result in the death of anyone or anything inside.
"Mew protected me from the blast,it caused a riot because it wanted out it didn't want to harm anyone." She protested.
"Maybe so but now we have to get them all back one way or the other. They will destroy everything on this planet." Giovanni took her by the arm and led her to a vehicle that drove up. "I'll need your help to get them back but you need to get checked out at a hospital immediately.
"I'm fine, and I'll help you track them down, all except mew, he's not a threat to our ecosystem. The rest surely are." she got into a seat and buckled up.
Giovanni was standing at the door. "I know he saved your life, but I don't need your help to track him down. I need you to go to our facility in Lavender and start cataloging the DNA of every animal on this planet. If we don't kill them now, they'll destroy the ecosystem."
"So you want me to create an Ark in case that does happen?"
"Precisely." he shut the door and hit the roof to signal the driver to go. Hector walked up to him, "You know the press will be wanting an explanation on this matter you could face criminal charges for this."
They started walking away from ruined building. The police were preoccupied at chasing after the pokemon. "Yes they'll be wanting an explanation, in the mean time we need to manufacture more of our storage devices, we may be able to capture some, but others will most certainly have to be killed. We'll need to enlist the help of the public, get a press conference started immediately, every second we waste is a second they have to infiltrate our environment and if they start breeding, we're screwed."
"I'll call our facilities in Johto and inform them to exterminate theirs. We can't risk any more being released."
"No" Giovanni stopped him. "If mew is doing this to send me a message then it's already too late and a similar riot is now in progress. We need to mobilize and hunt this thing down."
Hector was puzzled "what message is it giving you?"
"That it cannot be controled." basically what Calstin suggested was that if I released him, none of this would have happened. Well it's my problem to deal with so I'll take the heat on this but we are going to fix this."

Giovanni knew that while he was responsible for the breakout, he was not going to take the fall for this. Nor was he going to find a scapegoat. If the world was going to change irriversibly, he might was well find a way to ensure the public has no memory of his failure.
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