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Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1898944
its a fiction story with aliens and romance
I was fifteen when the invasion started. It came slow' it started with a few people missing to everyone gone. All of them taken onto the ship to become slaves. They are trying to find all the humans no one knows why. The only people left are the ones who ran, My family and I did.

"Athena! Spaceship!" was the first thing I heard after I saw it coming toward me. We were out getting food for the others, after we ran we found others and took shelter in old buildings and wherever we could find. They saw me and if I didn`t get away from the others we were all goners. I dropped the food I was carrying and started running as fast as I could. It worked, they didn`t see the others! They were following me! A sense of dread hit me there was no way I was getting out of this one. I heard the sound of footsteps behind me as their guards jumped from the hovering ship to get me. I felt the hand on the back of my neck and then I hit the ground. Hard. I dragged myself up and tried to run again but the same guard kicked me to the ground maybe I can get them to kill me I thought another guard came up "stop! you know we need them in good condition"he barked my hopes were crushed a pair of hands touched my arms and pulled me up "are you okay?" I just stared at him this is the first time I have ever been this close to one they almost looked exactly human except they were purple and had blue eyes "great a mute" one of the guards muttered I looked over to see which on said it but noticed an opening to a building instead I looked at the guards none of them could fit through that hole only me if I could reach it I was home free I looked at the guard holding me and smiled "I'm fine thank you" then tore from his grasp and started running toward the building. I dove for the whole but someone caught my leg and flung me away from it into another guards arms it was the one who picked me up before "nice try" he smirked "and its not my last" I replied glaring at him he laughed "give it your best shot" "watch me oh no hard feelings" I grabbed the arm that was on my shoulder and twisted it flipping him on his back I tried to run but he grabbed my foot bringing me back and flipping me underneath him pinning me down I glared at him "no hard feelings right?" he said before handcuffing me and picking me up I struggled but he just tightened his grip on me when they walked into the now landed ship a women came marching up right to the guard carrying me "what took so long? why are you carrying her?" she asked "she was being difficult it was the only way to get her into the ship" "well were here now and I'm still handcuffed so you can put me down" I snapped and everyone just stared at me "what surprised the human can do tricks?" I said sarcasticly he put me down but kept a hand on me the woman looked at me "you'll be cleaning my room" then turned and walked away "your girlfriend?" I asked the guard with his hand on me he just looked at me "shes a keeper" I said sarcasticly then added "so wheres my new cell?" the alien pushed me forward "dont test yourself human I will kill you" "promise?" I asked sweetly and he grimanced I rolled my eyes and kept walking they didnt put me in a cell like all the other humans because I was a working slave I got chained by the ankle to a wall with the rest of the slaves. It wasn't long before I dosed off against the wall "psst" someone shook me "huh?" I said rubbing my eyes "there coming" the boy beside me said and added "its best to be awake when there here they don't wake you up in a pleasent way" I looked over and noticed a small girl still sleeping hopefully they wouldn't bother her. the guard that carried me yesterday came in wearing the nicest clothes I have ever seen "let me guess" I said getting his attention "your the prince" "exactly" he said "and my room needs to be cleaned" he unlocked my ankle chain and pulled me up I saw a guard the same one that kicked me, walk over to the small girl "wake up" he said and kicked her really hard she whimpered but didnt stand up "I said get up!" he yelled and went to kick her again he would have but I jumped catching his foot with my hand and flipping him on his back "what is wrong with you?" I yelled at him I bent down and helped the girl up "are you okay?" I asked I didn't hear her reply because the guard got up and backhanded me across the face I didn't stay down long though I got right back up and was prepared to kick him in the gut but the prince yelled "enough!" stopping the guard in his tracks he walked up to me grabbing my shoulder "you are a slave you will behave like one" he warned "what about you? huh? you dont act like a prince! you let your guards beat on helpless women! your not a prince your a coward" I said the guard I was fighting with gasped and grabbed me throwing me against the wall I heard it before I felt it the sharp bang when my head hit the wall if I could aggravate them a little bit more I'll be gone I started laughing I got up and started wobbling so I leaned back against the wall "is that all you got?" I asked and laughed again the gaurd came toward me grabbing me "thats enough your coming with me" the prince said he walked over grabbing my arm. I had the biggest headache and my face hurt but I wasn't going to let it show. When we came to the prince's room he typed in a code and went into the room and handed me cleaning supplis and sat down. I cleaned in silence until he blurted out "I know what your doing" "whats that?" I was playing dumb "your provoking him into killing you" he accused "and that bugs you? I didn't think it would matter personally I thought you'd be glad" I contemplated "why?" he asked I turned around he seemed truly curious "because I dont want to be here at your every beck and call I dont want to have to watch innocent people get abused because your not man enough to stop them!" my voice was raising "fine if you act and behave like a slave I'll make sure my guards never hit another person on this ship" he bargained "deal" I replied thinking of the girl and started cleaning again. The doors opened and the woman came in and looked at me "why are you alone in the room with her?" "just making sure she doesn't steal anything" walking up to her and kissing her "whatever" she said rolling her eyes and walking out. I looked at the prince and for the first time realized he was probably my age maybe a even a year older "she seems nice" I said he turned around and glared at me, remembering our deal I quickly added "sorry" "for your information she is my future bride,she's my key to happiness" he said walking toward me "how do you know?" I asked "when a person of my species finds their true love they get much stronger and they can teleport at first its only when their love one is in danger then its when their around them then they can teleport whenever" "so what stage are you at?" the look he gave me made me wish I never asked "none but my farther will set up a test soon where he puts her in danger and I have to teleport to save her life, its unexpected to make it seem more real the minute I save her we will be wed" he explained I nodded and finished cleaning "I'm done so what do I do now?" I asked looking around "you get chained back up" he said taking me by the arm and dragging me down the halls. As I looked around I saw every human quake with fear as he walked by but to be truthful I didn't find him all that terrifying except when he was mad. We made it back to the slave quarters and he locked me up "remember our deal" he whispered then walked off I rolled my eyes then looked for the girl I saved earlier "are you okay?" I asked her she looked at me "I'm fine thanks for helping me most people wouldn't have done that" I shrugged "it was no problem" we stopped talking then because a guard came back with the boy who was beside me this morning.The boy looked at me after the guard left "how was your first day?" he asked "fine" "I'm Mark" he stuck out his hand "Athena" I said shaking it then looked to the girl "whats your name?" "Elizabeth" she said "its nice to meet you" I said to both of them. We were all sitting beside each other in the corner when the guards came back in to hand out food. It was terrible some sort of chowder I think. Once diner was over most of us just fell asleep since there wasn't anything else to do. I blinked and sat up I heard the clank of footsteps coming towards the slave couters I woke Mark and Elizabeth up. First the prince unlocked me then Elizabeth then Mark well the guards got the rest of the slaves I realized this gave me 10 seconds before anyone would touch me. We walked to the Prince's room and I started to clean well he took his regular position watching me "do you have to do that? its creepy" I snapped at him. I could feel his eyes on me it made me want to shiver "yes you never know with you, for all I know you could steal something or be planning something to kill me" he said his eyes never left me I turned around "oh trust me that plan is almost finished" and then I continued to dust "our deal?" he asked smugly "sorry" I mumbled but shut up when his bride came in "I told you to get the guards to...." she trailed off when she saw me but then continued "we'll talk when the servant leaves not that she comprehend it anyway" and walked out I bit my lip from saying something the prince looked at me and noticed my efforts "go ahead say it" he sighed "why do you let her treat you like that?" I blurted out he just glared at me that was the first moment I realized I didn't know how they learnt English I didn't ask though because I knew this was not the time. I looked away hoping my eyes wouldn't give away my curiosity "because she is my future bride she is allowed to do whatever she wants." he said sharply I looked back to him not answering "fine right now you don't have to act like a servant whats running through your head?" he sounded curious "okay why? your gonna spoil her? She won't be a good princess or queen" I said "and why not?" he asked sounding angry "well a ruler is suppost to make sacrifices for their people not the other way around and that is what she expects" "shut up!" he yelled and started pacing and I watched him after a few moments he broke "what the hell do you mean?" "well if she expects the people and you to give her everything and she thinks she doesn't have to give anything back then shes' gonna have everything and the people have nothing they either leave or die and you really don't give them another option" he slammed his fist "she will make a perfect queen!" he yelled "are you trying to convince me or you?" I asked as I finished making his bed I started to pick things up off the ground and he didn't reply he just stood staring at me so I straightened and looked right back he had to be at least 4 inches taller than me and he had short black hair with baby blue eyes and broad shoulders, he was actually kinda cute. No! I would not have a crush on him how petty. When I finished I said "I'm done do you want me to walk back by myself or?" I stopped talking "I'll take you" he said grabbing my hand I felt a shock of electricity he immediately dropped my hand that was the first skin to skin contact we had. On the way back I noticed a sign that said exit hatch maybe I could escape it wouldn't be hard if I could just get him to let me walk back by myself just once... the clank of metal snapped me out of my planning the coldness hit me as it snapped around my ankles Mark smiled at me and I smiled back the prince seemed to catch our exchange and glared at me and the turned and left. "what was that about?" Mark asked when I sat down "I just seem to bring out the worst in him" I rolled my eyes and laughed I heard a clink and looked over the guard locking up Elizabeth, was glaring at me. When he left I looked at Elizabeth "whats your job?" I asked "I clean the humans cells" I looked at Mark "I cook for the aliens "huh" I said "what about you?" asked Mark "oh I clean the prince's bedroom" I said and they looked at me kinda shocked Elizabeth opened her mouth to say something but a guard walked in "time to make lunch" he said unchaining Mark then Elizabeth "he's gonna need help" he said to her they both looked at me before walking off. I wonder what surprised them before? Maybe I should make a run for it when the unchain me next time... no the prince will be there and we both know that he can run faster then me. Maybe if I can make him really mad at me he won"t want to walk me back and I can escape then? No he would bring another guard. I have to gain his trust first so he will let me walk to and from his room by myself that would be my only chance. I snap my head up I can hear footsteps coming closer. I look around at everyone else, there shaking and huddling together it must be the prince. I see his clothes before I see him and roll my eyes he unchains me and grabs me dragging me to his room "She'll make the sacrifices necessary to be a great queen" he said throwing me on the setee "and your positive of this?" I asked "yes, she'll be perfect" "whatever you say" the door opened and I stood up pretending to make the bed it turns out it was his girlfriend "I thought you told the guards to bow to me! I deserve special treatment!" she whined the looked at me "why is she always in here? Is she really that slow?" she complained some more stomping out I looked at the prince and raised an eyebrow "SHUT UP!" he yelled pacing again I took a seat knowing this was gonna take a while "it's just for right now! She will be perfect once in position" "do you actually believe that?" I asked "of course!" he said "who are you trying to fool?" "what do you mean?" "you don't sound so sure so I was just wondering how am I supposed to believe you when you don't even believe yourself?" "tell me about your family" he said randomly but then added "you don't have to tell me about anything now just what happened before we came" I hesitated but started "I had a little brother named Brody he's ten and My mom shes fourty two and my dads fourty five we lived in a large three storie house because my dad was a lawyer and my mom was a wedding planner" I said and looked at him, he looked curious "what did you do when they weren't working "besides school? during the summer we would camp and fly to other countries for vacations" I smiled and let out a laugh at the memory of Brody running out of the ocean screaming when he found out there were sharks in there. When I looked back up at him he was still staring at me "what about your family?" I asked "My farthers king we really didn't go on vacations or anything it was his job to rule and my mom she was beautiful she died when I was little that really changed my dad" he looked down "I'm sorry" I said feeling the need to comfort him I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear biting my lip "it happened a long time ago" "how old are you?" I asked changing the subject "I'm seventeen how old are you?" he replied I was about to answer but the door opened and a guard came in "your farther wishes to talk to you" he said bowing "tell him I'll be right there" he replied getting up to walk me back "he says its important" "fine, walk her back" he said before leaving. The guard looked at me "I'm Atheana" I said sticking out my hand "Talon" he said shaking it. As we made our way down to the wall everyone stared "so why did you come with the prince?" I asked breaking the silence "I wanted to see the galaxies I was tired of only seeing our world" he explained "I havn't even seen the whole earth" I replied "thats to bad it really is quite lovely" I looked around "Jordan!" I exclaimed running to one of the cages "are you alright? how'd you get caught?" I asked "I'm fine and we came looking for you and they caught me" he sounded weak "oh you shouldn't have done that. Is everyone else okay?" he nodded yes looking behind me I followed his eyes to see the prince standing behind me looking furious "is this your boyfriend?" he said with venom in his voice I gave a smile "why do you care?" I asked "answer me!" he yelled slamming his fist aginst the cage over my head Jordan smiled "yes I'm her boyfriend" The prince glared at him getting madder his eyes turned dark blue "fuck!" he yelled grabbing me I giggled "what?" he asked "the wall is that way I didn't know you could get lost on your own ship" I mused he glared but didn't turn around it wasn't until the door came into veiw that it hit me we were going back to his room why? When we entered inside he threw me on the setee and started pacing before stoping to glare at me "he's not my boyfriend he's just my friend!" I told him and watched the fury drain from his face replaced with relief? no it can't be "you said there were others where?" asked the prince thre was no longer venom in his voice he didnt even sound mad but I kept my mouth shut the prince walked up to me putting both arms on either side of my head "tell me or I'll torture your friend until he does" he threatened me I opened my mouth then closed it then said "I don't know neither does he everytime one of us gets captured they move the group to avoid situations like this" "dammit" he swore under his breath not moving his hands "how many people are in it?" "please don't make me tell you" I begged "fine I'll make your friend" he stood up "no please don't!" I screamed he turned around "then tell me" "I dont know people come people leave the numbers could have tripled or for all I know everyone left" "how many were there when you left?" he asked "I don't- I don't know I can't remember!" I exclaimed he was to close to me "who are you trying to protect?" he asked "my family! the human race" I whispered he was close enough to hear plus I didn't think I could make my voice louder "well if you don't know I can't make you tell me"he grabbed me dragging me back to the wall. Someone was coming down the hallway I could hear them I opened my eyes and drowsily looked around I was leaning on Mark and his arm was around me and Elizabeth was leaning on me. Everyone else was awake the prince walked in and did a double take when he saw me with Mark I leaned away realizing how it might look waking Elizabeth and Mark. Mark smiled at me and Elizabeth stretched. The prince walked over and Mark took his arm off my shoulder and the prince unlocked me and walked away not bothering to unlock anyone else and dragged me to his room. Once in his room he sat on the settee and scrutinized me as I cleaned he got up and walked over to me taking the cleaning supplies and setting it down looking me in the eye he asked "Everyone else is terrified of me let alone humans even most of my kind are scared of me arn't you?" "I might be, I might not be but what is being scared gonna get me now? And you really shoudn't flatter yourself your not that scary" I gave a smirk he gave me a surprised look "Oh arn't I?" he said almost smiling which was a first "nope you talk like your this big scary person but" I paused looking him up and down "I don't see it" he took a step closer startling me, I had to look up at him "how about now?" he asked raising his hand to my face and leaning down hia face was an inch away from mine when there was a knock on the door and Dagon pushed himself away from me so fast I almost fell over he looked at me like he remebered who he was he opened the door and his bride was standing on the other side "I forgot the code" she said and walked in and looked at me "thats enough you can finish later" I nodded and started to walk out but when Dagon came to take me back she grabbed him "she can walk herself back there is a guard there who will lock her up" I walked out of the room but was so caught up in my thoughts I forgot about the exit. I was talking to Elizabeth when a guard came and unlocked me "go clean the princes room just knock on the door when you get there" he said then let me go. I was at the door with my fist raised to knock when I heard someone giggle his bride? probably I looked at the exit and made my choice why would it even matter if I did leave? This is the perfect time since Dagon is so busy with his bride, god the feeling washed over me I can't believe I actually fell in love with him but I meant nothing to him and with that thought I ran to the exit popped it open and jumped. When I landed I looked around and to my surprise we were still in the city I was captured in, what was the name again? oh it didn't matter I sprinted back towards the building we use to be in. I walked into the building and to my surprise everyone was still there "Atheana!" someone yelled and everyone hugged me "wheres Jordan?" "he's still on the ship but don't worry he's safe" and then I heard the horrible clamping of feet "I think she went in here!" someone yelled panick rushed through me oh no! I didn't even know I was being followed! "hide!" I hissed at them and everyone scattered I hid in a room I could see the main lobby from Dagon walked in first "search everywhere!" he yelled No! they couldn't find my family I won't let them! As the Men parted to start looking one grabbed Brody so I strolled out of the room "looking for someone?" I asked casually Dagon shot me a look that could kill "everyone out!" Dagon yell and the soilders scattered Brody ran to me "Brody get in the room" "but-" "now!" and Dagon advanced on me I saw someone move from the corner of my eye but shook my head "how dare you leave!" Dagon grabbed me "well I don't know its just you seemed so busy with your bride I just thought it was perfect timing" I said nonchalantly he smirked "jelous?" "oh no me? No it just reminded me of someone that I havn't seen in while, well since I was caught, and decided I should come see them" I said with a smile something flashed in his eyes, Jelousy? Anger? I didn't know Dagon pushed me up against the wall "your lying!" he said with anger in his voice "oh am I?" I gave out a laugh "fine I wasn't with her in that room she was cheating on me!" he whispered feriously my smile vanished "I'm so sorry" he tensed "I need you to tell me that you didn't come here to see someone else or I might go over the edge" he was still whispering "I didn't come back to see anyone well not in that way but I really did miss my family" he relaxed then pulled back "your family is here" he looked around my eyes widened "no" "liar" I gasped "but" he added "I promise I won't hurt them as long as you come back with me" I nodded and we started walking out "wait" I said and he looked at me "can I say goodbye?" I asked he nodded and I turned to go back to say bye but my little brother came running out and hugged me "do you have to go?" he asked "yes but I'll see you soon I promise" I gave a small smile Mom and Dad cautiously came out after and I hugged them "I love you" I said to the three of them before leaving. Back on the ship I was locked up again Mark and Elizabeth were excited to see me unhurt but it was pretty late and we fell asleep. I was awoke to chains wrattling and I opened my eyes to see the prince unlocking me he smiled at me a genuine smile and I smiled back we walked to his room in silence but as soon as we were inside he grabbed me and kissed me, it was perfect he pulled away "I have waited to long to do that" he breathed putting his forhead against mine I smiled at him "wait one sec" he said turning around while he was busy I decided to clean because it was my job when the door burst open and his ex walked in I heard the door closed and then " Dagon please forgive me it was a mistake I love you, you know that please" she said Dagon did not look pleased he opened his mouth and I thought he was going to kick her put when the door opened and five men rushed in grabbing her and holding a knife to her throat and Dagon tensed but nothing happened the one with the knife to her throat swore "shes not his bride" one of them said the one standing closest to me had a big sword like knife in his hand he glared at me and wrapped my hair around his hand pulling my head back and raising his sword I dropped the cleaning supplies and screamed squishing my eyes shut preparing for the blow but then I wasn't bent backwards I was against a wall instead with someones hand touching my stomach I opened my eyes to the four men looking shocked and Dragon crouched in front of me one hand touching me and he said "don't touch her" though it sounded more like a growl "Dagon its okay" I whispered touching his shoulders Dagon glanced at me "Im fine" I said and Dagon reluctantly stood up but still stood infront of me I heard someone step forward and peeked around Dagon "farther" Dagon said stifly "Son so this is your bride" "yes" "you know you can't have her and be king" "yes" "which do you choose" "I choose her-" "he chooses to be king" I cut him off and he turned on me "what!" he exclaimed "I'm not going to ruin your future" the king spoke to me directly "you do realize for Dagon to move on and find a new queen we will have to kill you first" I nodded not able to speak then I looked at Dagon "No" was all he said "I won't ruin your life" Dagon kissed me long and hard "your my life and future with out you I don't have either if you die I will follow you into the next life and kill you" he put his forhead to mine "your the only one who doesn't treat me like I'm a prince and give me exactly what I want, your the first person to stand up to me. Athena I fell in love the first time I saw you give yourself up to save your family, I love you and no I will not give you up" " I love you too" I hugged him "but thats why I have t-" "you don't have to do anything but stay with me forever" Dagon turned around "I choose her" the king looked at me "would you really be willing to die if Dagon still wanted to be king" I nodded the king smiled "thats all I need to hear" he turned to the three other men "the new king and queen" and the men bowed including the king. After everyone left I looked at Dagon and he wrapped his arms around me "so I guess your stuck with me for a while now" I said and he grinned a real smile and then he kissed me.
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