Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1898880-robbey
by billy
Rated: 18+ · Other · Death · #1898880
a group of people destroy
Jon works in Detroit at a place called trollarch he is the CEO and founder. His company went bankrupt, when the lost a contract to a important job. When the had to sll there building and fire their employees. After many years Jon trollston decides to rob armed bank to get 6million dollars and restart the company again. When he was getting people to help him he said that they would get a percent of the money he got 10 people to rob the bank 5 people to plan the robbery and 50 people to get weapons and ammo and vehicles. When everything was set up they all surrounded the bank. They all walked inside like regular people then they took everyone hostage and jumped the counter and killed the security cameras. The disabled all alarms and hacked into the safe.
When they did that a cop came to the nearby atm to withdraw money. He saw the crime and went in to stop the crime when he did he called more people in to help him after they attacked him and took him hostage the cop managed to get to a phone. And call 9-1-1 he then had the swat team come they all knocked everyone out and escaped out of the basement they hoped into trucks and drove off. The drove all the way to Florida Then when they got there they were followed by undercover cops. Then they all rented an apartment and divided the money. Then they were attacked by the swat team. All but 3 escaped the three were arrested and sent to army prison. The rest were on their way to Canada. But before they could go to Canada they went to a army supply store and bought stuff for their cars so they didn’t break easy they also go explosives to trap the cops the bought more guns and ammo. After 6 nonstop days of driving the group of now
just 60 decided they need to stop somewhere and get tents to spend the night in so the cops can’t find them. They went to a outdoorsmen store and noticed a large group of cars then they realized that there were cops in the store. And then they just started going faster and faster until they were caught speeding by a cop they pulled over. When they cop got up to them the shot the cop hide the car and set a trip wire around it so any other cops went to investigate they would blow up. They got to the border and tried to pass into Canada but when they got there they were attacked by the F.B.I but they got 15 more people taken away leaving just 50 people left in the
group of 10 cars they gave up trying to pass into Canada and they turned around and drove as fast as they could back into America. So they decided to go try to find a place in the city to live in but they were being tracked by a helicopter and the helicopter had been tracking them since they left the border so they tried shooting it down all they did was kill the spotlight the helicopter turned around and went back somewhere. All they knew was they knew who they were. They finally had time to stop and rest from being chased they pulled off into a abonden building road they slept in there cars. The next morning they saw lights and sirens down the road they were blocking the roads searching the cars for us. So we drove through the woods on hidden paths to get around them. After 6 years of running they end up on a plane to Japan to lay low when they reached Japan they hide there for 5 years. They went back to America and tried not to attract so much attention to themselves. After a month they all went there separate ways they all decided o go back to their families. Then as Jon was sitting in his house making a dinner for himself his brother Billy Trollston came in and said the cops know that every one of us were back in
America. And before they knew it they were ambushed by a wave of bullets and Billy pulled out a gun and started to shoot them. They grabbed the money they had and food and clothes and weapons and jumped out of the second story window and hit the top of a army car they jumped in the car they landed on and stole it Jon asked Billy why they shot them not arrest them he said that when he was talking that they were trying to kill us all. So they ended up buying body armor to wear when they are moving around to shorten the chance of being killed but with them only being 35 they couldn’t run for too long. They gathered everyone that assisted in the robbery and warned them so then they all meet up in a old abandoned warehouse and they all got a game plan for how to run they decided to commit another crime by waiting for the police to attack them and start killing them all and stealing police cars and dress up as them and go and but C4 all over the place and blow up the headquarters the police had they accomplished this crime well it let the police know for certain they were back in America and it also showed the kind of weapons they had permissions to so that let them have more time as the ops tried to plan another move they were already striking aging in another state later the police gave in and they put out a reward for whoever has any idea what they’re doing and what state and town there in no matter what they were doing they had to call the police on them when the cops came to get them they just ran away. The cops gave up so they just let them run around the country and waited for them to run out of supplies they had to use up so they can kill more cops. After another 2 years they had no more reports of them anymore it turns out that people decided to attack them they only managed to kill only 15 out of the 30 so there were only 15 left to kill if another group of people
Do that they hope it could finish their attacks. The leader of the group was badly wounded but he made a full recovery and they all kept attacking more banks and stores and people’s houses soon they just decided to end more cops by planting bombs in Rhode island’s police headquarters when they set them off there was a count of 2,983 people killed and wounded in the aftermath. Then the cops set off to tell the military to attack the last 15 people but it turned out that there was more than 15 there was 60 people they had recruited more people in there group they were planting bombs more often in towns than in cities. But after they found that out there was a report of a group of people attacking a airport and massacring everyone and thing. After that they had finally cost the country 1,000,000,000,000$ so after that they went around the country and just kept holding up banks. And stores. After another 6 months they were found in the woods camping but when they went to go arrest them there were attacked by traps and a spray of gunfire. After 6 hours of the fight going on the police decided to give up and retreat and hide until they had more people. But that never happened when they were on there way they were meet by 25 people that shot at them until they stopped and when they did stop they took the cars and
Ambushed the cops that called for more police soon they sent in a helicopter witch was also shot out of the sky. After 4 days of them attempting to find them aging they were stopped by more groups and they were set on fire and then they stole there weapons soon the police just gave up all together and let the have there fun destroying there country. The group that soon stretched to 203 people was attacked and crippled by the military. After them fighting for 4 and ½ days they group was finished they retreated until they had nowhere to go and they were all killed and they were done. So after years of fighting the country finally was back to normal and they were done attacking people the country and banks got the money back fixed up the places and buried all the people. So 16 years later the country was back on its feet and they had never been working together as hard as they were now.
© Copyright 2012 billy (jake1123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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