Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1898875-The-Escape
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Community · #1898875
This story is about a serial killer who escapes from prison
It was very devastating, what the hurricane did. Every home within miles was destroyed, all the schools, churches, and buildings, everything was ruined. The jail that I was staying in was partially ripped apart by the vicious winds, my cell had become open, and I had a chance to escape so I did. I ran away from that place knowing that they would find out eventually that I was missing. Considering I was a very known serial killer by the cops around here, I knew I had to leave and go somewhere else, so I did, I ran to Georgia. I knew that if I could escape long enough I could do something that I love doing, killing. What my plan consisted of was, first I would have to ditch my jail clothes and look like a citizen that was devastated by the storm, so I found some old clothes that was once somebody’s and put them on, they were a little big on me, if anyone asked I would simply just say that I had nothing else. I also knew that I would need to get a ride to Georgia, because even though I live in Miami Florida, it was still a long walk. So my plan was to hitch a ride from, well I was hoping for someone older that would be easier to trick, or to make feel sorrier for me.

That’s when I met Lenny, he was about 70 or 75 I would say, and he seemed rather nice. I had gotten him to give me a ride, and for a little while a place to stay at even. In the car he was asking me all these questions and being as smart as I am, I came up with answers rather quickly. I told him my name was Gary Slater, and I had no friends or family, and the ones I did, I lost to the hurricane, Hurricane Eric. But anyways, after all his questions he asked me if I wanted to listen to the radio, and not caring, I said yes. So we were listening to some old song, country of course, considering that’s all people down here in Florida listen to, anyways so the song was over with and a man, who I guess was a part of a news team or something, said,
“Everyone should watch out because a serial killer had escaped from Miami Jail earlier this week, his name is Craig Lee, and we are told he is about 25 years old, blonde hair, brown..”
And that’s when I turned it off, I didn’t want Lenny knowing he was in the car with the run away serial killer. That’s when I said,

“Wow everyone around here should probably keep an eye out, we wouldn’t want even more drama on top of what just happened.” He agreed. It seemed like forever after that had happened, but I guess it was only about fifteen minutes after that when we approached his house, apparently he lived nowhere near where Hurricane Eric had struck. Lenny told me that he had a wife named Jenny, and no children anymore, that they were all in college now, and that I could stay in the guest bedroom for as long as I needed, so I thanked him and we walked up to the front door, where we were greeted by his wife. She looked very frantic and said,
“Lenny where have you been!? I’ve been worried sick about you, did you hear about the serial killer that escaped after the hurricane struck?”
Lenny said, “yes dear, but I would like to introduce you to a young fellow, his name is.. Gary, and he needs somewhere to live right now, he lost everything to the hurricane, so I told him he could stay here as long as he needed”
Jenny just said hi, and dinner was ready. So we went to the kitchen, and I saw the most wonderful looking dinner I had seen in a long time, considering that I had been in prison for about 10 years and hadn’t really eaten real food. I said, “wow Jenny, this looks amazing I haven’t eaten food this good in a while, ever since my wife died tragically a couple years ago.” I don’t know why, but she seemed a little shocked, that I just said that I guess. Instead she just said

“It’s really not that big of a deal? It’s pork chops, mashed potatoes and gravy, but thank you Gary.” So we ate dinner, and they let me take a shower, and I guess me and Lenny where about the same size because his clothes that Jenny gave me, fit. I was laying down in the guest room watching T.V. and that’s when I heard her telling Lenny, that I seemed polite and generous and just a good young kid. It made me mad to be honest, and that’s when I got the urge to strike, and do what I do best, kill.. I went to bed, and woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and eggs, Lenny was at work, he was a lawyer I guess, anyways, me and Jenny were talking about just what had happened and how I met her husband, and stuff like that. Then she said she was going to go upstairs and take a shower, and would be back downstairs in a little bit, and that I could help myself to eat however much I wanted, but I had other plans. I waited for her to come down the stairs, and that was when I was going to do it, I was going to kill Jenny.

I had found a mallet, and hid by the corner of the stairs where she couldn’t see me, she turned the corner, calling my name and that’s when I struck. I hit her on the right side of her head, hoping to instantly kill her, but it didn’t, she was a pretty strong old lady. She said, why and that’s when I did it again, I hit her one last time, and she didn’t even bleed as much as I thought she would, thank god we weren’t on carpet and on the tile now. I drug her body into the woods, and put her way back in there where I was hoping no one would look, I just threw it over there and hoped animals would get to it before people. I then went back to the house and looked everywhere for cleaning supplies, I finally found some in a closet, by one of the bedroom doors, I grabbed bleach and garbage bags and gloves, and I cleaned up the whole area, and threw away all the evidence in a different spot back in the woods too, and I cleaned myself up and got some more clothes.
Later that night Lenny, or Mr. Rudder came home from work and I told him Mrs. Rudder said that her and some of her friends where going out and she would be back later. He just said it’s about time she got out and did something nice for herself. I just agreed, and went to bed.

The next morning, Mr. Rudder seemed almost worried that Mrs. Rudder wasn’t home yet. I tried comforting him by saying she probably got carried away last night and decided to stay with her friend. He thought that was reasonable and agreed, and said, well I really should get leaving or I’ll be late for work, I said bye. Later on that day he came home and noticed Mrs. Rudder not home, he got somewhat suspicious and that’s when I knew it was round 2. He sat on his chair in the living room for a little bit talking to himself figuring out what he should do, that’s when I saw an opportunity to strike, I knew he couldn’t get cops involved in this, so I grabbed what felt like an iron lamp and hit him over the head with it several times, eventually killing him. I did the same as I did with Mrs. Rudder and disposed of the body, and cleaned the area. After this happened I knew I had to leave the area, so the next morning I took Mr. Rudder’s car and drove about 10 miles until the car ran out of gas. That’s when I did the same process over again.

This time it was on old lady , her name was Karen Greene, she provided a place to live and I did it again, I killed her and drug her body in the woods, and cleaned the area, I was trying to get older women that were single, it seemed like an easier job. I did stop for about 3 months, and began again, the last lady’s name was Sylvia Finch, she was rather nice and about 80 I would say. Anyways I was in the car on the way to her house where she said I could stay as long as I needed and we were talking and I don’t know why but for just a second I thought what I was doing was wrong, but I quickly changed my mind and I knew I couldn’t think that again. So we came to her house and her address sounded so familiar, 8237 Maple Dr. sounded so familiar, and then I realized we were around where I grew up as a little kid. So I knew I had to not be seen around here. What my plan was, was that I would do what I did to the Rudder’s but take her body to the river nearby. So tomorrow when everyone was at work around 3 or so, I would do it. My plan actually worked out better than I thought it would. I asked her for something to eat, and she made me a sandwich. I pretended to “choke” & she tried to do the Heimlich maneuver to save me, and I pretended it helped a little bit, but I elbowed her and she flew back. I took the knife that I saw on the counter that she used to cut the salami for my sandwich, and I just stabbed her about 15 times in the chest. There was blood everywhere. I ran out the back door and into the shed, and got a tarp and wrapped her in it. Later that night around 10 I drug it and threw it in the river. I knew that an alligator would eat it. I just hoped no one saw me, because I saw a light in a house come on after a dog noticed me and started to bark. But I was hoping the owners didn’t pay any attention to it. I went back to the house and cleaned up, and watched my clothes because she had no guy’s clothes. And I returned onto the road, but not hitching rides so close to home, because I didn’t want anyone to recognize me. So I’m guessing it was about 7 or so in the morning and I heard sirens. I knew someone found the body.. I didn’t want to act suspicious so I walked with my head down.
About 5 cop cars passed me and didn’t even notice, I was happy about that. They stopped from what sounded right by where I dropped the body off in the river. And then it happened… A cop pulled over and questioned me, and I bolted. I ran straight over the hill towards the river. I fell and broke my leg off of a tree stump. They tazed me, and handcuffed me. Right away they knew who I was, I was told some fisherman saw the tarp and saw an arm and called the cops. They also knew I was involved in all the other murders too, I guess hikers found the body’s and I had my DNA all over them, so they had been looking for me. I was caught and knew what was going to happen, they were going to have me put on as many chargers as I could be on. A couple months later I had been put on death row, and I confessed everything. To this day I still am finding a way out of this prison and I will continue to kill people until I die.
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