Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1898660-Haunted-Hotel
by mvogel
Rated: E · Other · None · #1898660
A girl and her family going on vacation
I’ve always wanted to go to Florida for vacation. Now that I’m going I wonder what I am going to do. My name is Sally Wiggen and my family and I are going to Florida. It’s my mom, dad and my sister. My sister is 9 years old, my mom is 34, my dad is 38 and I am 12 years old. My family and I are going to have so much fun. Even though my sister can be mean and all but other than that it should be fine. Sitting next to my sister for like a whole day isn’t that good. I just want to get out and stretch and stuff, we’ve been driving all day and I’m cramping up. I hate driving to places that are far because it is too far and a long of a drive. But once I get to Florida it will be fine. Since we’ve been driving all day were going to stay at a hotel for the night. I can’t wait till we get there because I get to stretch and go to the bathroom. I wish we would’ve flown but whatever it’s fine. I’m not going to like die from cramping. But anyway we’re going to be arriving soon, thank god!
Were just now entering the hotel. I’m so glad I get to stretch and I can finally go to the bathroom. You probably didn’t really want to know that but all well. But there is something odd about this place; I’m not seeing very many people here. But it’s easy for us because we actually can stay here. If there were a lot of people here, we would probably have to leave and find somewhere else to stay. We would have to go back in that car again and get cramped up again. We’re going to our room now; I’m still not seeing people really walking down these halls. Anyway, we’re going to be going to bed soon, it has been a long day from all that driving. I am going to bed soon my family are already sleeping. The feelings of the warm blanket wrapped around me, made me not want to leave the bed. I was so close of closing my eyes but then I heard something. It sounded like something was banging on something. I woke everyone up and ask them if they heard it, they said no. Maybe I was just hearing stuff. They were so tired that they couldn’t even keep their eyes open, they went back to sleep but then I heard it again. But this time I went to go check it out. I walked quietly out of the room trying not to make a noise. I’m not seeing anyone in the halls. It’s completely empty, know one walking around. No workers in sight. I go back to the room were staying in and try falling asleep. This time someone or something is calling my name. I got so scared that I jumped. I woke my family up again and they don’t hear anything. They think I’m just going crazy. Maybe they are right but I‘m not sure. Just when we were all quiet, we hear someone screaming. My family actually heard it this time. I’m not going crazy after all. My dad is going to check it out, I asked him if I can come to, he said no. He told me to stay with my mom and sister. Were waiting for him to come back. There was still no show; he’s been gone for like 30 minutes. I told my mom that we should go look for him. Were leaving our room and went searching for dad. We don’t see him anywhere. Were getting really worried. The lights start flicking on and off while we are walking down the halls. The lights go out and we heard something go flying across the room. We are not sure what that is but we didn’t move. The lights come back on and then we continue walking, trying to find dad. We still can’t find him. We’ve been searching everywhere and we still can’t find him. Were checking every floor and still we haven’t seen him. I’m getting really worried because when we entered this hotel there was like no one here and now we can’t find my dad. What’s next, we won’t be able to find my mom. Maybe he left and got some fresh air but he would’ve told us before he went out. So I don’t think he would have done that. My mom and sister were all going to split up and maybe we’ll find him. I’m all by myself now; hopefully we’ll be able to meet up with each other. If I find out that my mom or sister is missing. I don’t even know what to do. The lights are flickering off and on. I’m not sure if the lights are going to shut off but hopefully not. I’ve been walking around by myself for like 20 minutes not seeing my dad. I saw my mom and sister again; thank god nothing happened to them. I went up to them
I said, “Did you find Dad?”
“No,” my mom and sister both responded.
I said, “Wonder where he could be. I don’t think he would have left the hotel, he would’ve told us and where he would be going. We should go look outside their maybe a chance that he did go outside. If we checked like everywhere in here, and he still isn’t in sight then he probably is outside.”
“Okay, let’s go,” my mom responded.
Were going downstairs and going outside. Hopefully he’ll be somewhere outside because if he isn’t in here he has to be outside. Were almost to the door and the door just locked like that. There was no one there to lock it and it just locked. That was weird. We look for another door and that one locked when we were almost there to. What is going on? We all looked at each other, all creeped out. We don’t know what to do there is no way out of here. We go back upstairs to the second floor into our room. And maybe we’ll have a plan.
I said “I got it; one of us is going to climb out this window and go get help.”
“Are you crazy one of us could get hurt,” my sister responded.
I said “There is a tree, you could jump on and this is our only option.”
“Sally is right this is our only option. I’ll go get help. You stay here and look for dad even though we’ve looked everywhere, still go look for him.” My mom said.
I said, “Okay, bye.”
“Bye,” my sister said.
My mom leaves us and goes get help from someone. Most likely the police. My sister and I go searching for dad again. We still haven’t seen him. Then we end up going into this room and there is a dead body. My sister and I both screamed. There is a knife sticking out of the body and blood everywhere. He was one of the workers. No wonder I haven’t seen him walking around at all but still. He must’ve been the person that screamed. We left the room, frightened, terrified. Since one of the workers is dead. I don’t know if my dad is dead to. I hope he isn’t. We walked down the hall slow and scared. I walked into another room this time there isn’t a body but there is blood on the wall. My name is on the wall it says “YOUR GOING TO DIE SALLY WIGGEN” It says that in blood. I stood there staring at that. My sister walks in, not to long after I saw that.
“What are you doing?” my sister said.
There is no answer from me. She looks up at what I’m looking at. She is looking at what it says. She stood there staring to. Then we hear a loud bang. That made us stop staring at it. We turn around and start walking to the sound. It is getting louder and louder and louder. And then it stopped. We stopped at the top of the steps. Looking down, that’s where the noise was coming from but we don’t hear anything anymore. We stood there waiting for another sound. All of a sudden my sister and I are getting pulled down the stairs. I see nothing pulling me down. It has to be a ghost/spirit or something. Then we got thrown a crossed the room and we both hit our heads. We’ve been knocked out, I don’t even know how long. We woke up and the lights went out and we hear glass smashing. Both sides of us. Very quietly tears are coming out of my eyes and I’m sure my sister is crying quietly to. We’re going to die. My sister and I grab each other’s hand and we make a run for the door. The door didn’t shut this time. Running up the stairs, running down the halls. I tripped on something and fell on glass. I have a cut but it doesn’t seem that bad.
My sister,” are you okay?”
I said, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just go into the room and I’ll be there.
I got up and ran into the room where my sister is at. Ran straight for the blanket where my sister is hiding underneath. Sitting there, listening for any noise. We didn’t hear anything there. Very slowly the blanket was sliding down from us. We got up ran out of the room and we got pushed. We fell down to the ground. A desk is in the air and it smashed us in the head and knocked us out again. Once we woke up, we haven’t heard anything at all. We thought that maybe it left but we don’t know. We walked back into our room and sat in the room for a while. Still know sound or nothing. I don’t know how but we managed to fall asleep. But then I see why because it has been a long day and we’ve been getting knocked out a lot. But I don’t see how we can fall asleep during all this stuff. Once we woke up my sister and I went down to the first floor. We saw my mom and the police. The police are going to look for my dad. While they are going to do that my mom, my sister and I are waiting downstairs. We’ve been waiting for a couple minutes, and they came back with my dad. They found him. We all left the hotel. The police already left.
I said, “Dad, where were you?” (My sister and I running up to him to give him a hug)
“I was locked up in a room.” My dad responds.
My mom said, “We have been looking everywhere. We thought you left the hotel.”
“No, I wish I did that then get locked up; I thought I was going to die.” My dad responded.
My mom said, “We better get going then. We know were never coming back here again!”
“Definitely not!” my dad, sister and I responded.
We left the hotel, scared, frightened. The police still don’t know about the hotel being haunted. Hopefully one day they will and be able to tell everyone. We’re on our way home. We kind of decided not to go on vacation because of what happened. But that’s not what I expected, I was hoping for a better vacation but that didn’t turnout as planned. Hopefully someday we will be able to go on vacation. This time were not going to stay at that hotel or any hotel ever again.
© Copyright 2012 mvogel (mvogel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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