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by Louise
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1897361
When she wakes up after getting drunk she's surprised by who's next to her.
         I felt the sun shine on my back, heard the birds singing outside the window, my alarm hadn't

gone off yet which meant it was still early morning.  My head was pulsating; oh it felt like it was going to explode, what had happened last night. I began to turn over when I felt something against my stomach, wrapped around my waist. 

         My eyes sprang open and I saw an unfamiliar room and next to me was Mason Taylor, one of the scariest people in my year. What the hell had happened last night?

         I closed my eyes thinking hard, last night was the party for the art class after we had held a showcase, at the after party the students where hosting there had been alcohol. I remember telling them that I wasn’t going to drink but Jody had grabbed a beer and shoved it down my throat. After that everything goes fuzzy… oh this isn’t good.

         I turned to look at Mason who was still asleep next to me; he was the scariest guy in the year. His long jet black hair was framing his face and making him look even paler, the sunlight hit his face that was turned towards me in the sunlight his hair shone blue, his eyes were closed and I could see his long eye lashes and perfectly straight nose and thin lips.  When he was asleep he looked peaceful and cute.

         His arm tightened around me and I could feel the strength he possessed. This movement brought my attention to his bare arm, I could see all the muscles under his skin, when he wore clothes he always looked thin but looking at him now he seemed to be well developed with lean muscle. Wait with clothes… I finally realized that his chest was bare and I couldn’t see what was under the sheet around his waist.

         I quickly turned my gaze to my own body; I was wearing my underwear and bra. Where were my clothes? I pulled the sheet up around my body. What had happened last night?

         My mind flashed to the obvious conclusion, I had gotten drunk, (the headache was enough to prove that) and I had slept with him. No… that can’t be right something else must have happened.  I pulled the sheet up around my head.

         My sudden movement must have woken Mason because he pulled me tighter and when I looked at him I saw him blinking.

         “Good Morning,” he said and slowly sat up.

         I sat there silently too shocked to form an answer.

         “Are you feeling better?” there was a look of concern in his eyes I had never seen before but as he sat up the sheet at his waist began to move and I quickly looked away.

         “What happened last night?” I asked in the most dignified voice I possessed and I was proud of it considering the current situation

         “Guess,” he said smiling and stood up bringing the sheet with him around his waist. I averted my eyes and looked around the room, I saw my clothes were at the side of the room and dived for them.

         I heard him laugh behind me but didn’t look as I pulled on the dress I had worn yesterday.  There was a noise behind me and when I turned I saw that he had pulled on some jeans.  He was standing in the middle of the room, shirtless and I could see all his muscles in his chest and stomach, I took a deep breath and fought to keep my gaze away from him, he has a commanding presence because is 6 foot tall and shirtless.

         “Are you hungry?” he asked walking towards the only door.

         “No,” I said but then my stomach began to rumble.

         “Really?” he said and gave me a questioning look; he continued to stare at me as he walked to the door and tie his hair up behind him.  He walked out the door and I was left standing there all alone feeling a bit like an idiot.

         I grabbed the rest of my clothes and ran over to the window; we were obviously at his house. I said a quick thank you to God because it was a ground floor; I quickly opened the window and ran. I didn’t know where I was or where I was going but anywhere was better than here.

         It was later that day and I was at school now, I had struggled to explain my absence to my parents, my father wasn’t the easiest of men. He drank a lot and always seemed to be angry, at times his anger spread over to mum and me. I tried so hard to achieve well because that kept him calmer.

         Thanks to my alcoholic adventures I was sporting a new bruise on my back which made it impossible to wear my school bag properly, so instead it was a shoulder bag.

         I had already thought about what I would do when faced with Mason at school, I had thought about it all morning, I was going to ignore him. Mason has a reputation as being a delinquent, there are many rumors about how he fights a lot and hangs out with a bad crowed. It was better to not get involved with people like that.

         “Ah that guy looks scary” I heard someone say as I walked toward the school cafeteria at lunch time.

         “He looks angry,” their friend said.

         The moment I heard that I panicked, Mason must be in there. I continued to walk and saw him sitting at the first table closest to where I was. I quickly looked away and pretended he wasn’t there. I walked straight past him and breathed a sigh of relief.

         “Are you ignoring me?” said a voice beside me, he sounded pissed and he was talking pretty loudly, “even after last –”

         I quickly turned to him and placed my hand over his mouth quickly cutting him off. His eyes got darker and people began to whisper around us.

         “Oh my God I can’t believe she did that,”

         “Does she want to die?”

         I wasn’t thinking probably when I grabbed his face, I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the cafeteria behind me, I didn’t even realize where I was taking him until we ended up on the roof.

         “Please don’t mention what happened last night,” I said the moment the door to the roof closed.

         “Why not?” he asked arms crossed but there was a glint of humor in his eyes and I knew he was having fun playing with me.

         “Because it was a mistake, it was my first time, it wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t drunk,” I felt tears well up in my eyes. It was my first time; I was embarrassed and wished to forget it had happened. There were reasons why I had decided to never drink alcohol.

         “Fine I’ll keep quiet,” he said and I breathed a sigh of relief, “If you tell me why there were so many bruises on your body.”

         I felt the blood go out of my face, of course he would have seen them, they were all healing and most were fading.  I began to feel faint; I didn’t want to tell him, I didn’t want to tell anyone.

         “Hey, Alyssa,” I heard him say, “are you alright, it doesn’t matter you don’t have to tell me.”

         My legs still felt weak as I looked into his face to see only kindness in his eyes, he reached out and grabbed my arm leading me to the ground to sit down.

         “Are you alright?” he asked after a couple of minutes, he had sat down beside me.

         I nodded and looked into his face, wasn’t he supposed to be scary and ruthless. Why was he being so kind to me?

         Mason pulled me to my feet, “do you need to go to the nurse?”

         “No,” I said quickly, “no, I’m fine,” I said in a slower calmer voice. Mason began to lead me back inside the school.

         “It’s okay I’ll be fine,” I said and pulled away from him walking quickly.

         True to his word Mason never told anyone what had happened last night but for the rest of the day I was left thinking about the kindness he had shown me, it was so strange and went against what everyone said about him.

         I was returning from my part time job, I normally work an earlier shift but today I had to work over time so it was dark by the time I was walking home. I always got nervous when I walked home at night and tonight for some reason I kept getting goose bumps up my arms.

         There were massive gaps in the street lights and I began to pick up my pace to be able to see the light casted off of street lights.  I was nearly at the next street light when I heard a noise; I slowed down because it was coming from in front of me.

         I saw a dark shadow walking towards the street light, heading in my direction, there was something familiar about the figure. I slowed and stopped watching the approaching person, their outline seemed to be masculine but when they reached the light they collapsed.

         I don’t know what took over me but I ran towards them, the person had fallen on their face but he had put his hands in front of his face so he was protected.  I pulled them on to their back and was shocked to see Mason’s unconscious face covered in blood and bruises.

         “Mason,” I said and shook him, “Mason!” but he didn’t respond.  I didn’t know what else to do, mum would be at work still and dad would be drinking, I pulled him up and brought him to my place.

         My mum and dad weren’t there so I felt a tiny weight lift from my shoulders. I placed Mason on my bed and quickly grabbed some water and cloths. I placed it beside him and began to sweep his hair out of his face and wash away the blood. I don’t know why I was so worried about him or why I was looking after him. It must be because of his concern about me at school.

         After I wiped away all the blood, I saw his face had a couple of cuts and bruises and he looked paler than normal.  I ran and grabbed some antiseptic cream to clean his wounds but I knew this bit would hurt. 

         The moment I touched the cream to his face he jumped and his eyes opened.  I saw him look around my room with an expression that can only be labeled a deer in the head lights.

         Finally his eyes focused on me, “Alyssa?”

         “How do you feel?” I said and studied his face.

         “Where am I?”

         “I found you passed out on the street, this is my house. I didn’t know if you wanted to go the hospital or not but you’re pretty injured. What happened?”

         “There were some drunks picking on a girl, I tried to intervene but it turned violent,” he looked at me, “you probably don’t believe me, what with my reputation at school.”

         “No,” I quickly replied, “If you say that’s what happened I believe you. I haven’t seen you do anything that lives up to all those rumors about you.”

         He looked at me properly the first time that night and smiled but winced because he had cut his lip.

         “Oh no.” I said and began applying more cream he continued to wince. After I had finished putting the cream on his face I placed bandages on all of the cuts.

         It had been silent for a while apart from me asking if he was in pain. I was going to ask again just to break the silence when instead he asked me a question out of the blue.

         “Do you remember anything about last night?”  I looked into his face and saw his eyes were glued to my face.

         I quickly looked away and shook my head.

         “Why are you helping me?” he asked and I looked back at him to see puzzlement on his face.

         “We’ll um,” I felt embarrassed saying this but I continued, “You’ve been so nice to me and I felt like you needed help. I help people when they need it.”

         I saw him shake his head out of the corner of my vision and couldn’t react fast enough when he grabbed my arm and pulled me on top of him.

         He was so solid beneath me and when I tried to pull away his strong arms held me in place.

         “What are you doing?” I asked panic in my voice.

         “Should I tell you what happened last night,” he said and his mouth was next to my ear, his breath made me shiver, “you were drunk after one beer, you were sitting by yourself holding your head, no one was helping you so I decided to take you home but you wouldn’t tell me where you live so I took you to my place. When we got there you threw up and we both got covered so I stripped you and washed your clothes. When I came back you had passed out in my bed.  Nothing happened.” He sighed and released me a bit so I wasn’t held in place.

         “That’s all?” I asked in a quiet voice.

         “That’s all,” he replied, “You don’t owe me any kindness.”

         “How come you didn’t tell me earlier?” I asked tears in my eyes, “Was it fun to play with me?”

         I tried to push myself off of him I was so upset because of what I had thought happened. I knew that feelings had developed sure I told him, I just help people but I wouldn’t do this for anyone. I couldn’t move though because he grabbed me again in his strong arms.

         “I wasn’t playing with you,” he said and again his mouth was directly next to my ear, “since the beginning of school I have liked you. So kind to everyone, so happy, I thought I wanted to make you happier. This morning when you woke up and couldn’t remember anything, I used it as a chance to get close to you. I’m sorry.”

         He let me go and I slide on to the floor not moving.  He continued towards my bedroom door, “I like you,” he said I don’t know what over took me but I grabbed his arm and spun him around.

         “What, you tell me this and then leave, that’s really inconsiderate.” I yelled, “I’m shocked because today your kindness and when you worried about me,” I felt tears well up in my eyes, “I like you too!” My body moved before I knew what it was doing and I kissed him. What I now realize is our first kiss.

         When I pulled away I could see him blushing and knew I took him by surprise. But he was blushing, it was so cute.  Slowly he moved his hand and rested it on the side of my face, so slowly that I thought it was painful he moved closer to me until we were kissing again.

         The kiss changed from light and sweet to deep and passionate, I nearly forgot how to breathe.

         I thought nothing could ruin this moment but I had forgotten about my father.

         “Alyssa,” I heard from the doorway of my bedroom, “What are you doing?” he began yelling, “Kissing strange guys in your room!” As my dad advanced I pushed Mason behind me.

         “Dad listens,” I said as he grabbed me.

         “Is this why you were out all last night? With this guy?” I didn’t have time to reply before dad back handed me and I fell to the floor.

         “Dad! Stop your drunk,” I said and got up from the floor feeling the tears roll from my eyes.

         “Do you think that matters,” he said and back handed me again.

         I didn’t even know when Mason got behind me but I felt his arms on my shoulders pulling me up.

         “Who do you think you are?” My dad yelled at him, but Mason was taller than him and even though my dad was drunk he still knew when he would lose.

         “I’m taking her,” Mason said and pulled me out my room. My dad grabbed my other arm and I was held in place until Mason advanced on my dad and he quickly retreated. Mason continued to pull me out of the house, next thing I knew I was at his house. In his room which was the same as this morning. Neither of us had said anything but in his room we stopped.

         Mason turned and looked at me eyes full of anger, “is that why you have so many bruises?”

         I couldn’t say anything, I felt tears fall from my eyes, my legs collapsed and I fell to the floor being gently guided by Mason’s strong hands.

         Mason lifted my head and I looked into his pain filled eyes. Slowly he lowered his face to my cheek and kissed it, twice. He stared into my eyes and I felt his hands on my shirt, he lifted it over my shoulders. I knew now I was only wearing a bra but I couldn’t be embarrassed. Mason lowered his head and kissed the fading bruises on my stomach, then my back and arms. Every bruise I had he kissed and for the first time I felt loved.

         This act of kindness and gentleness, I found myself crying and Mason held me. This morning I had been embarrassed thinking that I had lost my first time to Mason, the scariest guy in school but the next morning when I woke up I felt safe in his arms and loved.  I lost my first time to Mason the kindest person towards me, who cares deeply.

         As it turned out Mason lives by himself in a small house and after talking to my Mum who is leaving my dad, I have been allowed to stay with him. Mason uses his gentle kisses to take away my pain and I am one of the only people who know of his kind heart.

         I wish to stay with Mason forever and live surrounded by happiness and love.

The End

© Copyright 2012 Louise (emmie109 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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