Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1897188-Whispering-Pines
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Mystery · #1897188
Someone is making trouble at Whispering Pines. A short story.
Jimmy Crane's tiny frame looked even smaller in contrast to the oversized past-its-prime leather easy chair he was reclining in. His focus was an equally old colour television tuned-in to his favourite cartoon; The Flintstones. As luck would have it, they were airing his favourite episode; the one with Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm singing 'Let the Sunshine In'. The song was fitting, he thought, as he was feeling more than anger towards the people in the room with him. Someone stepped in front of the TV. Jimmy became further aggravated by the interruption.

    "Hey. Move! I can't see my show!" He barked, noticing it was his accuser. The screen went black.

    "No more Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm until we deal with this matter Jimmy. Do you understand?" The man stated in a firm voice of authority.

    "Go to Hell! I already told you I didn't steal anything." Jimmy barked.

    "Are you aware of how serious this is Dad."

    Jimmy Crane Jr. examined his father reclining in the chair. He looked older than the last time he visited. His clothes were two sizes to big. He wore a pair of grubby old sweat pants that looked as if they had not been washed in a month. His prized Fenway Park Red Sox shirt was caked with a weeks worth of stains. His tousled white hair challenged Einstein's famous mop. His dad was angry, but for him this was the norm. He was not a very happy person.

    Junior could not remember a time when he saw his father smile. His face was not a friendly one, nor easy to look at. It revealed a landscape of parched skin reminiscent of a desert gouged by deep cuts from thirsty soil. It was the face of a neglected heart hardened by years of regret. His mouth; stuck in an irreversible frown, and his eyes were framed by the dark circles of permanent fatigue. He refused to face mortality and he loathed how his ageing body was mutinying against him. The old man had allowed toxic bitterness to poison his soul.

    "Did you hear me dad?"

    "Its nice of you to visit Junior." Jimmy stated, ignored the question. "What's it been? Three months?"

    "They will call the police Dad. They will charge you with theft! Is that what you want?" Junior replied ignoring his dad's accusation.

    The old man surprised Junior as he sprung out of the recliner, driven by his anger, grabbing his cane for support and stood to confront his accuser. His loose pants dropped to his ankles revealing a diaper. His daughter-in-law sprang to his aid.

    "No Linda, sit down. I can handle this!" The old man slowly drew up his trousers and he found the draw string. His anger cresting, as he struggled with tying a knot, dismayed by fingers that did not want to cooperate.

    Junior witnessed his indignity, and sympathized for his father. His stomach was beginning to turn in response to the lingering odor of feces and urine that was a ubiquitous irritant throughout the hallways and rooms of the Whispering Pines senior Residence.

    "Let me help you with that Dad." Junior offered.

    "Back off sonny!" the old man growled. A woman appeared at the opened door.

    "Is everything Ok here Mr. Crane?" She asked.

    "Yes. Mrs. Findlay. Everything's fine. We're just waiting for Dad to explain what he's knows about this ordeal." Junior answered with a voice of frustration. The woman focused on the old man. He was standing, supported by his cane facing the window.

"Are you Ok Jimmy?" She redirected her question. He ignored her. "I thought you should know the Police have been called regarding the theft. Management is meeting with legal to determine whether or not to pursue the other matters. I will come for you when the Police arrive so we can deal with all this in the privacy of my office."

    The old man continue to stare out the window. He witnessed a Crow poaching eggs from a Robin's nest. It's not Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm he thought to himself. The fuse he lit was burning much faster than expected.

-- A few days earlier --

    Junior glanced at the dashboard clock as he pulled into the driveway. It was half past six; Linda normally served diner at 5:30. He raced into the kitchen to apologize to his wife. She wasn't there. The dining room was table was set. His guilt grew.

    "Linda!" he bellowed.

    "In the family room." She responded. He found her watching the news. She had a drink in her hand and pointed to another on the table.

    "Whats this? I haven't even apologized yet?" He plopped down beside her, giving her a peck on the cheek and proceeded to chug his fresh squeezed lemonade.

    "We now turn to Rachel Hansen who has been working on the story of another viral YouTube video." Announced the news anchor. "We should warn you that the footage you are about to watch contains scenes that may be disturbing to some."

    "The video you are watching was recently posted to YouTube. It appears to depict the horrid conditions at senior's facility. Authorities have removed the video, but not before it received over a million hits. We are only able to show you some of the less graphic pieces of the video. Officials are seeking information on the source and location of the video. We have obscured identifying features of individuals appearing in the film in respect of privacy. If anyone has information about this video, or its contents, we ask you to please contact your local law enforcement agency. Thank you."

    Junior and Linda watched the low quality video composed from a set of disturbing scenes attacking the dignity of senior citizens.

    The first scene was an elderly woman in a what appeared to be an adult high chair. Her face, which was blurred for privacy, was laying flat in a full plate of food apparently asleep, or worse.

    The next scene was an elderly man running down a hallway naked and screaming being chased by a nurse, his hands covered in what looked like feces.

    "My God, I can't watch this." Linda exclaimed with disgust. Who lets this happen? These are people!"

    The final scene was a shot of a elderly man holding up his shirt revealing a number of dark bruises on his chest.

    "Thank you Rachel. We'll keep you posted as this disturbing story develops." Linda turned off the TV.

    "You don't suppose that's what its like at Whispering Pines do you?" Linda asked with concern.

    "Are you kidding dear? Whispering Pines is a first rate private facility. Those shots were more likely taken at a public facility with funding constraints and staffing issues. Dads paying them good money for premium comfort and compassionate care. They have everything there; arts and crafts, gardening, games, you name it."

    The phone rang. Linda answered it.

    "Yes. Can I ask who's calling please? Oh! Hello, here he is." Linda handed the handset to Junior thinking it to be one of his buddies. "Its Mrs. Findlay at Whispering Pines." Linda passed with him the phone, with some concern in her voice.

    "Hello?" Jimmy answered.

    "Hello Mr. Crane. This is Louise Findlay at Whispering Pines. I'm terribly sorry to disturb you, but its about your father." She informed him in a clinical voice. Junior signalled Linda to pick up the other hand-set.

    "Is everything ok?" he asked with genuine concern.

    "There has been an incident Mr. Crane. We received a report of theft yesterday from someone outside Whispering Pines. We wanted to substantiate the claim first before contacting you."

    "Theft?. What kind of theft?" Junior inquired.

    "The property in question is an Apple iPad. Unfortunately it was discovered in your father's room by the housekeeping staff."

    "An iPad! There must be some mistake Mrs. Findlay. What's an 88 year old man going to do with an iPad, I doubt he would even know what it is!" Junior argued in defence of his father.

    "Be that as it may Mr. Crane, we have contacted the authorities, and an investigation will be conducted. There is also the matter of slander, and invasion of privacy."

    "What? On what basis?"

    "It has come to our attention the device was used to record unauthorized videos of patients, residents, and staff. These videos were then posted on public Internet distribution networks for public consumption." Junior started to laugh.

    "You people are crazy. You are dealing with an 88 year old senior citizen that doesn't even know how to turn on a computer! Hell. I wouldn't know how to do all that and I'm 54 years old. Tell me Mrs. Findlay, could you do all of what you described?"

    "This is not about me Mr Crane. But to answer you; no I do not possess the skills perform such actions. Nonetheless we must pursue this matter fully. It may be that your father had nothing to do with it. We are concerned for his well being and feel it would be best that you be here with him to provide family support."

    "By all means! My wife and I will be right over." Junior glanced at Linda, she nodded in agreement.

    "There's no need for you to visit this evening Mr. Crane, although you may if you feel so inclined to. We would request your presence at 9:30 tomorrow morning. We will convene a meeting with our management and local law enforcement to proceed with the investigation. Are you and your wife able to attend?

    "Yes. We'll be there."

    "Fine. Do you have any questions for me?"

    "Yes. Was the video that appeared on the six o'clock news this evening the video in question?" Junior's question was met with silence.

    "I did not witness the video you are speaking of, and so cannot comment. Any other questions?"


    "Very well. Until tomorrow then. Good evening." And the phone went silent.

    "We should call Irwin!" Linda suggested.

    "What? Why?" Junior asked.

    "He's a lawyer Jim, and its his father too!" She reasoned

    "He also lives on the West Coast, and hasn't seen dad in over a year! Look, this is all some big stupid mistake. Its obvious someone has planted the iPad in Dad's room. Its more likely to be some disgruntled employee." Junior stated convinced of his Dad's innocence.

    "That's not what I'm worried about Jimmy!. You saw that video. What if that was Whispering Pines. What if he had something to do with it. You know he hates that place!" Linda was concerned for his father's safety. Junior considered her argument.

    "Linda! He's 88 years old! There's no damn way in Hell he could have anything to do with this!"

    "He is 81 years old and he was an engineer Jim!" she pointed out. Junior rolled his eyes.

    "He was a locomotive engineer Linda! and the only exposure he has had to computers was when I showed him how to play solitaire on that old laptop."

    "I still think you should call your brother." Linda pleaded.

    "Lets wait to see what happens tomorrow. We can call Irwin if it comes to that Ok?" Junior's face was tense. Linda didn't want to press the point but it slipped.

    "We should never of moved him into that place." She stated almost in a whisper.

    "Don't. Don't you dare go there!" Junior exclaimed bolting out of the chair and headed to the door.

    "Where are you going?"

    "I need a drink." And the door slammed behind him.


    Junior left his father at the Window, and sat on the bed beside Linda. She took his hand.

    "Does he look capable of orchestrating everything they're accusing him of? What does an 88 year old senior know about an iPad anyways?" It was a rhetorical question. The old man turned to face his son and moved closer to him. Junior met his angered eyes. His father exploded with rage.

    "I'm 82 years old...Not 88! I know more about a good many things you have no clue about! Let me fill you in on what's going around here. That iPad that was discovered belongs to your brother Irwin. I asked him to send it to me. The iPad that was reported stolen I know nothing about. The allegations regarding the Internet videos; I'm guilty! They were captured using a cell phone with a camera. Irwin did the rest at my request. I never expected things to move so fast." He paused meeting his son's eyes.

    Junior was baffled by what he was hearing. Linda was surprised by the old man's confession.

    "Six months ago I heard the only real friend I had being beaten to death. He was incontinent, like me, and lost control while they bathed him. The next thing I hear is the code sounding to revive him. His family didn't believe the story they gave them. They named this place Whispering Pines for a reason. There are too many secrets!" The old man looked into his son's eyes. " What if that was me sonny!"

    "My God!" Linda whispered looking at Junior. Junior fought to contain his emotion.

    "I'm sorry Dad, I had no idea. They are going to becoming to get us any minute know. What's the next step?"

    "Irwin is on his way with the local press, and some local lawyers. Irwin will prove the iPad is his, and is not the stolen one. I will admit to recording the videos with the cell phone. He will then proceed to show them more graphic video evidence of abuse which will be handed over to the authorities. After that we will begin the legwork for a class-action suit. I will leave with Irwin, moving to Seattle to live in Irwin's luxury condo and hire myself a young attractive live-in caregiver named Daphne just like another famous "Crane".

    "Hi Dad!" It was Irwin, and following behind him was a TV crew.

    "Its about time! Lets go make some Sunshine!"
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