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The meaning of consciousness and unity (old, some views have changed, some haven't) |
Everyone tells you that these are the top ten movies everyone should see, these are the greatest songs of the year, you just have to read these five books. People, this is horseshit. Watch, listen, and involve yourself in whatever it is that You find interesting, not what most other people do. For instance I could care less about history, don't really give a shit. I see it as people living in the past and over-analyzing it. Although we do all have history to us as well as the world, I don't care for it. I live in the now. Not for the future, for right Now. By Now I mean the constant intake of reality, not a point of time. What I mean by a constant intake is the fact that our brains are taking in information at a very fast speeds, but not instantly. We intake light and colors, smells, sounds, temperature, and many other things constantly. However as I said, it is not instantly. So if you want to be technical we're all living in the very very recent past because by the time we intake all this information, there is always more to be acknowledeged. So what is Now? The past? Now is not a point in time. It is a state of being. Now is directly taking place as you, the observer, experience it through your vessle at a constant rate. Clearly speaking, there is no time. We all move forward through 'time' in which the future is always dark and unknown in yet the past clear as crystal. How? More importantly, why? What other's experienced and recorded may or may not be true because simply put, we were not there. I did not experience the 50's. I was not in the hindenburg as it crashed. As frightening as it may seem, none of this happened. I can only prove what I alone experience and even then, to you, it means nothing. You can believe me, but you can't be certain. You can only know that You exist. Nothing else. For all we are aware of this universe may just be smoke and mirrors. Nothing is certain except that everything is uncertain. Everything of course, but you. I. Me. You reading this know without a doubt that you are observing all this and thus exist. One cannot be unconscious and still aware. Every testament, all labels and descriptions, the words of those you know and don't know, are completely lucid and unidentifiable. All of the translations of the world are empty but yours. You are the only one who is certain. You are the only existent. The only acknowledged being. You Are Everything. Outside you, is nothing. Most try to cover up this loneliness with the company and thoughts of others. They attempt to make this 'reality' as real as possible. Because nobody likes to be completely alone. Not to that degree of it being the complete truth that you are the only concrete evidence of being. Other's seek substances to help be it drugs, television, movies, or sex. The amount of which we try to ignore this only fact is staggering. We ignore it as much as possible. Carry on trying to improve ourselves, our world, without even knowing if it's real. The mind tells us it is, but every observer is skeptical. All observer's ironically have the same qualities despite their being's personality and traits. Although we are all essentially the same and one, we are also divided with the uncertainty of each other. What we fail to recognize is that through the appearances, personality, history, and all other composition, what we are staring at in other's is in fact a mirror. We look at each other not knowing if that person on the other side is just an illusion or as solid as we are. What we also do not recognize is that everything around us is the same as well. Through darkness of the unknown the only shining light is that all life and matter are one. There is, nor can be, no other explanation for the existence of our surroundings. If our mind's make it real, that of which we interpret as reality, is not the product that of ourselves? To take in and change to something else, is not having it pass right through us, but to transform it from ourselves. What we see is not how it is, but how we perceive it. The only certainty is uncertainty. We must question that which goes around us as much as what is occuring inside us. We know as little of ourselves as we do others. Many fail to even acknowledge themselves. To look only out from a vessle is to decipher only half of what is Now. We've built so much around us, contemplated and shaped the world and have done the same to ourselves as well. But we do not know. We refuse to. To have no future is to be imprisoned in Now. We excel towards what we do not know and strive for answers, but do not wish to run out of questions to ask. Fearful if there is nothing more to learn that the universe will crumble. And most likely, it would. We cannot know everything. We are able to, but must maintain ignorance. It is through questioning and perception that creates difference and change. Only from being divided constantly can there be a constant consistency. Like that of cells dividing to make something Grander. The individual exists because they are not part of the whole. The more pieces the more to the puzzle. The universe is thought of to always be expanding and perhaps we are with it. Our minds and thoughts change with the present, with the Now. It is said that we are also constantly going through time, we are always heading towards the future. I say not. I say that we move forward yes, but there are no directions. We exist and always shall right Now. There can be no certain future as there can be no certain past. Historians and psychics have recorded both but until it is experienced, unless it is happening Now, then it is no more provable than the existence of those who record such. Now is forever, it is never-ending, infinite. The universe is Now. I am Now. As everything is constant and I am as well to interpret it than there is no difference between myself, as the observer, and that of which I observe. Between the pieces are the cracks and with that separation we are essentially alone. But in spirit, or being conscious, we are the same. We are equal. We are one, in yet divided. We are alone, but also together. We are different, and also the same. I am everything. You are everything. I am you. You are me. The universe is both of us. There is a difference, but no difference as well. Contradicting, hypocritical, and impossible. Both In Yet Neither. |