Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1895456-Change-Approaches
Rated: E · Other · Nature · #1895456
Great change approaches. An older written piece I wrote in school on my free time
People, there is something very wrong with the world today but there is also something wonderful as well.

We are living in a time of great change and I believe that it is not only our technology that is advancing but our souls as well.

As time passed by we grew not only more intelligent but more spiritual as well.

We have waged war and peace.

We have created and destroyed.

We have done good to this world though we have done more bad.

We, the people, are responsible for many things but there is a prime three which cannot be denied:

One, is ourselves.

Two, is each other.

And Three, is this planet.

No matter what is said about my statement these are not my opinions they are laws.

These are the laws of which all things and beings are connected and by which the many and the one is united.

These laws are constant and infinite and although the number of paths are unlimited and the various universes exist, these laws still are.

We are responsible for ourselves, our bodies, minds and souls; for taking care of our lives and standing on our own; and most importantly, for knowing who we are and for living with being only ourselves.

And who are we without each other?

We influence each other daily, with simple advice to even the slightest remarks; our impression on one another is unmistakable.

Could there be a fondness towards animals if there was not the first person to contain such?

Could something exist without having a beginning?

No, we need one another not just because of survival, but for the very creation of souls.

Last and not least, our planet whom in itself is a living organism, teeming with life, coursing with trillions of veins from which water flows, and an uncountable number of organisms contributing like that of cells.

Thus we all are needed, big and small, both great and minor, the strong and the weak. There can not be day without night, no healing without wounds.

But we have endured and now, the final step emerges within sight.

Change, great change is approaching and we must do our best to be ready, though not prepared, for the awe inspiring events that which will unfold. I know not of what will happen; only that something, anything will.

You may wonder how I know this but it is simply a mental calculation.

The almighty cycle of spiritual, human, and global life has been repeating like a broken record for ages.

Have you ever wondered of the balance there is and how it continues?

With day comes light, warmth, and security.

While with night comes darkness, cold, and danger.

There are countless births and deaths each always adding or contributing to society in one way or another.

The world continues its spin along with the sun and other planets.

There is harmony, but despite numerous intrusions bumping the soul, human race, or earth from its regular course; the cycle continues.

What continues this cycle?


Change is the blood, the constant flow, which keeps us and everything in it’s path.

It is what continues the cycle in yet breaks it.

It is what has been, is, and what will be.

It is infinite and is the only thing that passes through existence itself.

For even when everything is gone and done with, that change will still have occurred and shall continue to echo immortal

But I believe that there is a change like no other approaching, in which all paths will be shaken to their core and the world, the people, and the soul shall be tested weather or not to continue holding the laws in place.

Life will not be the same, if anything a few will experience it at first, but the change will occur.

The various paths shall fight for which alternate universe ours shall become and the almighty force of change shall be so strong, so undeniable, that everything and everyone will feel it.

It cannot be escaped, there is no escape, it has already happened.

         So I write this to warn you of this coming, and to hold on to these laws while they last for who knows when reality may become a dream, if it was never even a dream before. You can deny what I say about this event, but there is no escape from the fact that although some things I have said you may doubt there are also other points which are undoubtedly true.

I am one of a select number which believes this change is coming and I hope that number increases such as through writings like this.

I believe, as well as others, that it is only when a person knows the difference between possibility and probability that they  stand  more firm for the wave that approaches.

Know yourself, advance yourself, and love yourself.

Do the same with your friends, your family, even strangers.

Along with this world, this planet, possibly even others.

We are all one of a kind and it is because of this variety that randomness exists, change is constant.

We created the idea of god, while god was always there who created us.

Vice versa.

So do what you must, be who you are, and think what you will of what I have said.

But there is no denying that in every lie and delusion, no matter how large, truth can always be found somewhere near it.

“Whenever we proceed from the known into the unknown we may hope to understand, but we may have to learn at the same time a new meaning of the word "understanding"

-Werner Heisenberg
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