Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1895451-Acceptance-is-Freedom
Rated: E · Thesis · Other · #1895451
Acceptance is truly Freedom, be you in a cage or mansion. old piece, written 4-5 years
Acceptance is Freedom

In my time on Earth, I have seen many things.
I have heard voices from beyond. Felt the presence of alien entities.
There is no escape from what I have dealt with, but there is a solution.
I have learned to accept what has happened, the horror, the pain, and the madness.
I have accepted that some things when understood can not be forgotten.
But most importantly I have learned to comprehend such things without losing myself in the process.

This can only be achieved through acceptance, for if you live in fear of these unknown things, and if you try to ignore what is real by playing it as imagination, you will be lost to that of which you fear and even in death you will be haunted.

There is no escape from what is there.
Only the illusion that so long as you don’t accept it that it does not exist. Ignorance is not bliss; it is a band aid, a mask for what lies beyond it. To ignore something does not get rid of it, it only feeds it, makes it more potent, gives it strength to the point when you do realize it, when you can no longer deny the reality of it, then you shall be crushed entirely by it.

Do not run to block your family’s ears.
Do not cover your children’s eyes from bloodshed.
And do not say what is impossible, or see something as an illusion, or call off something unexplained as imagination.

Whatever is experienced, is experienced.
The senses do not lie; the mind does not confuse what is real with dreams.
The mind is perfect, it recognizes all that exists.
Believe what you will, but everything is real.
All you can do is accept it, or continue to let the wound of ignorance fester.

Accept everything and you will be more prepared for anything.
For there will come a time when the word illusion is defined as ignorance and those who live in bliss are pitied upon as well.
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