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by lauric
Rated: 13+ · Prose · Other · #1894916
a dark forest with a darker presence within
The forest was dark and dreary. Up above in the night sky the moon shined bright as it nestled in its black blanket. Through the branches of the trees i could see the beams of the moon’s light as it pierced through the tall canopy. The air was cool almost chilly. A slight breeze would blow through making the trees sway with every breath it took. Under my feet i could hear the soft squish sound coming from the wet grass as i walked upon it. As i trudged through this bleak forest, heading to an unknown location or nowhere at all, my head was swimming through a vast ocean that were my thoughts. The forest had a deafening silence as if nothing were within this forest. It was like i was the only living being here. No creatures could be seen nor heard. The trees swayed in the wind but made no sound. Suddenly like a whisper at first i begin to hear the melancholy tune of someone whistling. My feet came to a pause while i searched around for the source of the whistling.

Scanning my surroundings my eyes darted wildly trying to see something, anything. This feeble attempt led to the discovery of nothing yet now the whistling had ceased so onward i went deeper into this forest. A few moments went by and once again the whistling began this time much louder. It sounded like whoever was doing this was closer, much closer than before. Everything around me began to get much darker as if the shadows were growing and devouring the area around me. Then as suddenly as it had started the whistling once more ceased to be yet i felt an intense feeling of dread from deep within me. This dread within me was telling me to turn around as if something or someone was behind me. Slowly i turned to find a figure standing within the darkness.

As he began to step closer and closer the sound of the whistling intensified. What little light was left to be seen was streaming through the shadows and the canopy of the trees above. From time to time this stranger would step into this light but only for a brief moment making it difficult to distinguish anything about him. Suddenly he steps into a wide beam of pale moonlight yet ceases to walk forward. Standing within the moonlight i could see this stranger, this man who follows me through this dreary forest. The whistling had faded to a whisper once more until finally it was no longer heard. My heart jumped into my throat as i looked upon him. He stood completely still leaning a bit forward as if having too much to drink. his arms hanged long and low with his head slightly bowed down. His body including his face seemed to be covered within shadows. Shadows that swarmed around him like moths to a flame. The environment began to grow into a chilling cold to where every breath i took could be seen in a puff of soft white smoke. My body began to grow stiff and tremble as i felt as if i was being slowly frozen. The man enveloped in shadows slowly raised his head cocking it to the side with a snap. I could make out a sinister smile from within blanket of shadows that covered his face. He then began to laugh softly but with malicious intent. It grew louder and louder as time went by until he was howling ;like a madman.

A gust of wind blew through the forest kicking up leaves and other debris causing me to shield my eyes. When i looked to where he stood i found that he had vanished. Chills ran down my spine as well as a cold sweat sweeping across my body. With little to no thought in turned and ran. Ran as if my life depended on it though it most likely did. From within the trees which now seemed more like black disfigured beings i could hear the sounds of something climbing through the branches at incredible speeds followed by the sound of something leaping from tree to tree. Faster and faster my feet carried me, I felt like i was flying but this was no feeling of joy. I felt as if the devil himself was chasing. From time to time a laugh would catch my ear which caused me to cringe every time i heard it.

Moments later i found myself heading towards a clearing the moon was shining bright within it. I couldn't help but feel that my salvation laid within it. Breaking past the final row of trees i fell into the clearing gasping for breath. I thought to myself that finally i got out of there that i was safe. Raising my head to look towards the moons peaceful rays my feelings of safety and calm were shattered. Standing in the middle of the clearing was that man. The man covered in shadows who laughed as he chased me. Once more he howled with laughter causing the area around us to grow dark and be devoured by shadow. From the ground what looked like tendrils made of darkness appeared and they began to wrap around me squeezing me tightly with every passing second. My vision blurred until finally i saw nothing but the dark abyss i now found myself within. Nothing could be heard but the haunting whistling once more. The haunted whistle of that man who was enveloped in shadows.
© Copyright 2012 lauric (solisalex24 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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