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Rated: GC · Draft · Action/Adventure · #1893609
A small farm town is about to be decimated by a hungry giant.
Note: This is an excerpt/draft from the beginning of my novel. Any feedback would be appreciated.

1 And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms  2and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. And they 3 became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed 4 all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against 5 them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and 6 fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.
(Enoch Book 1, Chapter 7)

Like a large shadow looming over the countryside, it waited, like a wild beast hunting it's prey. It's keen eyes focused on each home, firelight flickering in the windows.  He was patient. Some homes began to darken, others remained faintly lit. 

The horses let out a whinney as they sensed something dangerous was near them.  So too, the sheep, goats, and other livestock, their grazing interrupted by a constant raising of the head and surveying their surroundings.  The trees dark against the late night sky and the forest within the trees even darker. 

A low grumble eminated from the intruder. He placed his large dirty hand on his round belly and rubbed it gently, "Just a little while longer."  He patted it all the while watching the homes in the valley below.  With an evil smile creeping over his beard-laden face decorated with bones braided into his coarse hair, he stood up, hands on his hips as he towered over the tallest trees.

He listened to silence.  Not even the crickets were chirping.  Only the sound of snoring men, fussy children and the soft hum of the women lulling them to sleep.
'Now it's time,' his lips quivered with anticipation of the feast he was about to have.  With his head falling back he let out a roar that echoed throughout the valley and caused some hearts to fail as their ears, head and chests rattled with the noise.  Fear caused them to run to their windows and look out while others opened their doors slowly, the blood draining from their faces, not knowing what was coming upon them. 
As the titan began running towards the village, the animals ran running through the wooden fences that tried to keep them there.  The thundering of his large steps shook the earth. Death was coming upon them.

Confusion and chaos ran amuk as people ran in every direction hoping to find an exit, but the giant with grace and agility reached down, grabbed one person after the other and popped them into his large mouth crunching down on their bones with his enormous, double row of powerful teeth.  All with each step he took.  Their blood and broken bodies felt warm and refreshing down his throat causing his heart to beat faster and stronger and his overall spirit perked up with energy and drive.  His eyes radiated a red sheen as the bloodlust caused his face to contort as a demon driving down his prey.

He raided the area until there were no more humans and animals.  Even the strays had been canniballized for his pleasure.  He began to slow down until he found himself surveying the damage he had done.  Homes, barns, fences all swept away as if a strong wind had come through decimating the area.  Some fires burned as a result of the flaming hearths in each home. 

His breath was hard against his chest, his heart still pumping hard and disappointment went through his mind. He wiped the blood from his bearded face and licked his hands and fingers until every drop he could get to was gone. 

His stumbled rumbled loudly and he placed his hand on it and whispered, "It's never enough."  He then continued his way through the empty fields on into the dark forest as the sun was on the horizon. 

On the other side of the abandoned town, peering out from the top of a tree, a man holding a boy, watched the giant disapear into the forest.  The boy shaking, his heart beating hard against his chest.  The man held the boy closer.

"Your safe now." He hoped the sound of his voice would woo the boy back to his attention.  "He's gone." He looked into the boy's face only to see the shock and fear in his light eyes and tearstained face.  The boy was searching the man's face for an answer that just wasn't there.

He sighed and pulled him close whispering, "Hold on to me."  He then carried the boy down out of the tree.  "We'll have to go to the other towns and warn the people."
But there was no response.  Sighing, the man scanned the area, but there was nothing to salvage and no food to take with them.  He wiped the boys tears off his face  with his calloused hand.  "There's a man west of here.  A king.  His name is Enoch.  It'll be safe there."

The boy gazed into the man's green eyes and nodded in response.  Elated that he had finally made contact, he hugged the boy and kissed his forehead.  They then silently began their journey through another field to the nearest town, carrying their grief on their faces and their hearts.

"Rebecca," he whispered it like a prayer. "God will avenge what that demon has done."

"What's the next town?" His voice so soft and shaky.

The man, his eyes in front of him, replied, "Hananel."
© Copyright 2012 Sunshine (cbartsch at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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