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Rated: 13+ · Assignment · Children's · #1892725
dedective Rocky who goes to Egypt to find a mummies and belongings have been stolen

“Is this the science department? Maybe you can help me I am here for a interview with someone called Rocky.”
“That is me,” he said happily
“and you are?”
“my name is Pandora, and can I say how nice it is to meet you sir. I have read many of your books on Archaeology and Ancient Egypt.” She said with a smile.
“You have, I am impressed and very pleased that you liked them. You sound perfect for the job Pandora. How would you like to be my assistant?”
“You mean that I have the job, but don’t you want to interview me first.”
“You seem like the perfect candidate for the job. Unless of course you just said thoughs things, so you could get the job?”
“I would never.”
“Good then. You can start by packing our bags for the trip.”
“Might I ask where are we going?’
“Egypt and you my dear are coming.”
“Rocky do you think it wise to bring the girl?”
“I believe it will be a good way for her to prove herself and to see how much she really knows.”
“I will not let you down sir” she said again with a smile.

Arriving in Ciaro the town was in chaos.
“What has happened here?”
“The Egyptians are very superstitious people. I have been doing a little looking around and they seem to believe that there is some kind of curse upon them. Its probably to do with The Book of the Dead, Canopic Jars and other important texts which have been stolen from the tomb.”
“so what are we going to do?”
“Finding out who ever broke into the tomb would be a start.”
“Well if we are truly going to find out who has stolen The book of the Dead and the Canopic Jars we need to talk to someone who knows there way around preferably someone that the people trust if we are going to get anywhere, like Sati. She would probably know more about who might want to do such a thing. Besides it will be nice to see her again.”
“So what are we doing here?”
“Sati happens to work here, we need her if we are going to find out who has done this. I thought I explained that, we need her help if we are going to do this.”

Enter sati
“Sati I need your help”
“You want to know who broke into the temple? Firstly you will get nothing from them, they are to afraid to say anything. Because of the curse.”
“Do you have any ideas who might have done it? People’s lives are at stake including our own if we do not find out who may have done this and return everything which have been stolen from his tomb.”
“I have an idea of who might have stolen them but I can’t be totally sure that it’s her”
“so it is a female”
“yes, she calls herself a archaeologist though she is more of a gold digger than a archaeologist. I think she said her name was Inhapi.”
“Is there anything else you could tell me?"
“I can show you where you can find her”
“You should be able to find her at her camp, just outside of town.”
“It wouldn’t happen to be in the desert in Abydos.”
“Yes, how did you know?”
“Because that was where the Canopic Jars and The Book of the Dead were stolen from.”
“You do not suppose. No she wouldn’t, would she. Especially after knowing what the curse will do to us if the Book of the Dead and the Canopic Jars are not returned.”
“My guess is she does not care, she will sell them on the black market and disappear.”
“We have to stop her, it is bad enough having to see people die before your very eyes, what comes next sores and boils.”
“Something like that.”

As I Noticed a tall dark move towards me. I herd it speak.
“It is so nice to finally see you at last professor.”
Looking at the young girl and her face was like looking into the past, literally.
“Inhapi my love is that you? No it can’t be, I herd that you had died.”
“No, that is my mother you are thinking about.”
“Well then who are you.”
“My name is Inhapi, I named myself after my mother. You see she died during child birth. When I got a little older I found a letter amongst her belongings it said that you were my father. That was one of the reasons why I had my men follow you. I wanted to know a little more about my so called father.”
“You know you could have just asked me. I would have been happy to tell you anything that you wanted to know.”
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“It is just that the resemblance is remarkable. You look so much like your mother, except the eyes there….”
“I know, there green like yours.”
“I need some time alone with Inhapi Zachary. It is ok her mother was a student of mine at one time. It will be ok.”
“I will see you back at camp then Rocky.”
"yes, back at camp”
“I new you would eventually come looking for me,” she said with a smile.
“I know many things about you professor as I also know why you are here. You have come to destroy me.”
“I have not come to destroy you. I only came to talk to you and to see if you would change your mind and give up the texts, The Book of the Dead and the Canopic Jars. Do you realise what you have done. People are dying because of this curse that has now fallen upon them.”
“That’s right, the mummies curse” she said with a laugh.
“All rubbish its all just superstition.”
“No its not, its real. As real as the fur on my body” said Rocky.

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