Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1892320-RB-Romance
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1892320
Friends that are secretly in love with 1 another. Then the truth comes oddly.
R&B Romance

“Hello!” said a voice on the other end of my phone. With one word I knew who it was. It was Mycheal! His voice so deep and smooth that my pussy gets wet instantly. Not to mention that I damn near have an orgasm every time I lay eyes on him. Tall, chocolate, bald and the body of a god describes Mycheal Alexander. Damn that man is fine.

“How are you today Khandi?” he taunted.

By this time I had turned of the stove, exited the kitchen and was high tailing it to my bedroom.

I said damn near out of breathe, “I’m good Mycheal. Just cooking a little dinner.” I made it to my fun drawer and was laying down in my bed with my hand already between my legs in record time.

“Well Khandi did you make enough for two? I sure could use one of your good home cooked meals. My stomach is over here on E.” he stated .

I’m barely hearing his words but listening intently to his voice as I’m rubbing my clit and wishing it was his tongue between my thighs. I said in a very loud raspy whisper, “YES, YES!” Not really remembering that I was still on the phone at this point. I was lost in the images of Mycheal and the rumble of his voice on the phone and before I knew it I had a very hard orgasm. I heard Mycheal saying hello and I finally caught my breathe enough to tell him to hold on. While I’m sitting here trying to catch my breathe and gather my thoughts I realize that I didn’t conceal what I was doing to good this time.

Finally, I re-join him on the phone and I’m praying that he doesn’t have any clue of  what I had just done. “Of course you can come for dinner. Grab a bottle of wine and I will see you in 45 minutes.”

Lets stop here, so I can give you a little background information about myself and Mycheal. My name is Khandyce Love Waters. I am a 30 year old plus size African American female that lives in Chicago, IL. I am the Vice President at Waters & Williams Law Office located in Downtown Chicago. I am single, no kids and a work-a-holic. I haven’t been in a relationship since my first year at Spellman. Which happens to have been over 10 years ago. So with that said I must say that my sex life was off the chain until about 2 years ago when I decided that I was going to change my ways. I had an amazing sex life but I came to a decision that I wanted to settle down soon and I should stop bed hopping. I slept with men, women and sometimes both. Now, I’m stuck fantasizing about the man of my dreams Mr. Mycheal Alexander, my best friend.

Fantasizing about him is great. I get what I need with him on my mind and a toy in my hand but I’m so tired of that and I’m craving him. I want that man and I want him bad. I wish I could build up the courage to go to him and tell him how I really feel. The truth is I want to lick the sweat off his radiant body as I slowly undress him from head to toe. But we are friends and have been since my years at Spellman and his at Morehouse.  He has never made a move on me or given me any hint that he is slightly interested in me sexually or otherwise. From what I have seen over the years he only likes stick figure chicks with big butts and boobs for days. Like I stated early I am a plus size girl. I have thick thighs, a round ass, a large chest and a not close to flat stomach. I love my body and I am very confident in who I am but I’m not built how he loves his women. So for now I am a stuck fantasizing about Mycheal until I find a man that appreciates and loves every inch of my voluptuous body.

Back in the kitchen I return to cooking dinner. The stove is back on, oven on 350 and my clothes back in place with a little extra treat underneath. I hit play on the CD player and Marvin Gaye starts singing to me. I dance around the kitchen collecting the dishes so I can set the table for two. With a smile on my face I glance down at my watch and notice my dinner guest should be pulling up at anytime. I check the pot roast in the oven, put the rolls in and stir my gravy. Last thing I have to do is put the homemade sweet potato pie in the oven when I hear the doorbell ring. I glance around the room and make sure everything is looking good in my penthouse apartment.

At 7:45 my doorbell ring. Mycheal is always on time. A smile flashes across my face as I know my dream man is about to walk through my door. I answer the door and I’m greeted with a perfect smile and a bottle of Pinot Grigio, which is my favorite. I receive my hug and kiss on the cheek, then he walks right into my apartment. “Khandi, it smells so good in here. I’m so ready for this good old meal because I know you put your foot in it girl!” he exclaims. He leads us into the kitchen rubbing his belly and licking his lips the whole way. It takes everything in me to hold back the laughter that is trying to pass by my lips. This is his reaction every time I cook for him. Some things never change and other I can only hope do! “Is there anything I can help you with?”

I smile. “You can pour us a glass of wine?” I leaned back against the counter with my legs crossed at the ankles; like that was going to stop the volcano between my legs from erupting. I looked at him up and down, licked my lips and almost drifted off to fantasy land. You could the amount of sexual tension in the room with a knife but its one sided. I caught myself just in time because he was making his way over to me with wine in hand. He was doing a little dance to Marvin Gayes “If This World Were Mine” while singing every word and looking directly at me. He looked so sexy in his black Dolce pin striped suit, white dress shirt, red tie and black gator shoes. A shiver shoots down my spin and I have to hold on to the counter to prevent from falling to his feet. “Damn this man is so sexy!” I take my glass from him with a smirk on my face because he is coming closer and I know what his next move is. With one move he sit’s the glasses on the counter and grabs me so close the I smell the sweetness of his breathe. Then he leads us in a dance that soaks my panties and stiffens my nipples. Oh, this man is so smooth! As he softly sings in my ear and holds me close to him I can only imagine if he really was mine.

The oven timer goes off and the song ends. Oh, how I really don’t want this to end but I know it has too. He lets me go and I make my way to the kitchen to take the roast and rolls out of the oven. As I sit the food on the table he glides over with our glasses of wine and takes his seat. I run back to the oven to put the pie in to cook while we eat. “Dessert too! I’m so glad I called you Khandi.” he said with a fat boy smile on his face. I take my seat across from him and offer him to start fixing his plate. Without hesitation he digs in.

The whole time we are eating of course we have good conversation as we always do. Our chemistry has always been strong in the friend department. We can talk about anything from politics to sports. We always have a good laugh and good times but I wish there was more. After dinner we retire to the living room while the sweet potato pie cools off. Both of us stuffed to the brim and can use a break from the indulging. I press pause on the CD player and pick up the remote to the TV. I hand it to Mycheal and tell him, I don’t care what we watch. He flip the TV on and start scrolling through channels. Then suddenly he stops and turns to me. I get a little nerves because this look in his eyes I’m not familiar with. “Can I ask you a question Khandi?” I shook my head yes as I’m afraid to speak. “What where you doing when I spoke to you earlier before I came over?” Oh shit I thought. Now I’m frozen in place afraid to speak at the thought that I may stutter! “Well, I was in the kitchen cooking. I told you that when we where on the phone.”

He looked at me intently, “I know you told me that but I think you where doing something else.

“Well what do you mean Mycheal? I was cooking like I told you.” I snapped. Trying to avoid talking any further.

He moved closer to me and took my hand in his, “I believe you where in the kitchen cooking when I first called but I don’t think you stayed in the kitchen cooking the whole time.”

Now I’m thinking to myself what should my next move be. Should I lie to him or should I just tell him the truth? Is it time for me to get my feelings out in the open or do I keep escaping to fantasy land every night? I have to say something to him but I cant seem to find the words.

I took a deep breathe and let it out slowly. Then I looked up at him; right in his eyes, licked my lips and said, “I was in the kitchen when you called but your right; I didn’t stay in the kitchen the whole time.” I have to choose my next words carefully. This could be the beginning of the end. Our friendship could be ruined and I’m not ready for that but I have to be a women about this. To late now. I can’t lie my way out of this one. He already knows the truth. I can see it in his eyes and I can feel it in the air! “I was in my room laying in my bed.”

He stared at me inquisitively for a second before he started to speak. He moved closer to me and my body reacted accordingly. “What where you doing in your bed?”

I looked down at my hand inside his hand and I felt like a little girl again. So unsure of what to say and how I should move forward. Barely above a whisper I said, “I was masturbating.”

Now, by this time I was literally shaking. I had no control over my body or his reaction. I couldn’t even look at him so I don’t know what his face was projecting. The next thing I felt was him grabbing for my other hand and pulling me close to him. He pulled me into his embrace with a hug so tight that I had to exhale to be comfortable. He whispered in my ear, “Stop shaking. Its okay. I’m not judging you. Everyone masturbates.”

I stopped shaking because I was where I wanted to be. In his arms at last but then I realize that he doesn’t get it. He thinks I was just masturbating. Now I have to tell him I was masturbating to his voice and the image of him in my head. I start shaking again and fight back the tears that are forming in my eyes. I reluctantly pulled myself from his embrace.

“You don’t get it Mycheal. I was masturbating because of you. Your voice makes me wet every time you call. The image of you in my head brings me to a roaring orgasm. It’s you Mycheal. It’s always been you since day one.” The tears start pouring out of my eyes and I have no control over my emotions anymore. “I’ve been in love with you since the first day we met down in Atlanta.”

He lets go of my hands, sits back on the couch and lets out a big sigh. He says nothing for what seems like an eternity. My heart is pounding and there is this unforgiving lump in my throat. I just lost my best friend in this world because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut, my emotions under control or my masturbating private.

He slowly turns to me and says, “Khandyce!”

He never calls me Khandyce and so now I’m really worried. I feel like he’s going to say thank you for dinner then get up and walk out the door. I just lost my best friend. The tears start clouding my eyes and my hands start to shake again.

“Why didn’t you ever tell me how you felt about me? We have been friends for a very long time and for you to have held this in for this many years, I don’t get it!” he said.

Before I could even get a word out he gets up and walks away. Quickly turning to inform me that he is going to the bathroom. Now, I get to sit and suffer in silence until he returns to grab his jacket and piece of pie then heads right for the door. I turn off the TV and press play on the CD player. I switch to Alicia Keys so that I can clear my head. I ran to the guest bathroom right off the living room to wash my face and try to pull it back together before he returns. I stood there for a minute looking in the mirror searching for answers and possibly a miracle. Nothing came to me. Not a single thought.

I returned to the living room to find Mycheal standing in front of my CD collection searching for what, I don’t know. He picks a CD out of my collection and heads to the CD player. He turns and looks at me but without a word he continues to make his way over to the entertainment center. He presses stop and then put in his selection. He turns towards me, walks over to the table to pick up the remote and then comes to me. He take my hand and leads me towards my bedroom. Okay, now I’m confused. My heart is beating a mile a minute and the butterflies in my stomach are going crazy. He pauses for a quick second and presses play for the music to start. He winks at me then continues on towards my room. I gave his hand a little squeeze when I heard my song “Please Excuse My Hands” by Plies ft. Jamie Foxx escape the surround sound speakers strategically placed throughout my apartment. The butterflies are fluttering like crazy. If you know the lyrics to this song then you will understand why my nerves just shot through the roof.

He leads me into my room but passes my bed and heads towards my bathroom. Now I’m more than confused. Why would he be taking me into my bathroom? I don’t understand. He looks back at me and without me uttering a sound he knew what I was think. “Don’t worry Khandi, we will make it to the bed later!” a smile flashed across his face that made me uncomfortable and nervous at the same time.

As, we crossed the threshold into the bathroom I saw candles lit and a bubble bath ran in my two person Jacuzzi tub. “Stay right here. I’ll be right back.” he commanded! He disappears through my room and excitement overcomes me.

I look in the mirror and I pinch myself. Is this really happening? Am I dreaming? Oh my gosh!!!!

Mycheal walks back into the bathroom with two glasses of champagne in one hand and a tray of  strawberries in the other. He sits them both down on the side of the tub and turns to me. He slowly walks over to me with a look of passion in his eyes that makes my pussy go crazy and nipples harden. He stands directly in front of me, pauses for a moment and just stares at me up and down. He gently licks his lips and says, “You aren’t the only one that goes to fantasy land. I’ve always wanted more with you but I didn’t think you wanted me. Every since the first day I laid eyes on you in the cafeteria I knew I had to have you.” My eyes started to fill up again with tears. “You are the only women I want in my world, in my arms, in my bed, in my life”

He kissed the tears away as they gently fell down my face. “Speechless” seeping from my speakers and Beyonce voice soothes me. “Do you remember when I made you this CD? Have you ever listened to all the songs on it? I’ve been dropping hints to you for years about my feelings for you. I figured you weren’t interested but I could never quit move on until I was sure. It’s no accident that I call you every night. I’ve known for months what you do when I call you. Your so into what your doing that you don’t realize I stop talking so I can hear the faint moans escaping your lips. I only speak every so often so that you don’t stop or catch on!” he said as he reached for me.

“I never knew. I didn’t know that you felt this way for me. I had no clue that you heard me moaning on the phone the last couple months. I thought for sure that you did hear me tonight tho. I got so lost in masturbating earlier that I didn’t care if you heard me at the time but I was embarrassed at the thought that you may have when I was done.” I said pushing away from him. “Why haven’t you told me this before Mycheal? I’ve been losing my mind over you since we met but especially these last two years.”

“I guess for the same reasons you never said anything to me about how you feel.”

I was thinking to myself; I very seriously doubt that. Your body is perfect but mine not so much! “The reason I never told you how I feel is because I don’t look like the other girls you’ve dated. I’m not skinny like them.” He places his finger to my lips and says “Stop right there. Don’t say another word. Just know this, you’re a beautiful women. Your body is a masterpiece. I love every curve on you. I can’t wait to finally get my hands on the voluptuous body of your! It kills me every time you walk away from me but I love your walk away.”

With those words I was putty in his hand and at his mercy. He dropped his finger from my lips and replaced it with his lips. “Baby, give me you for tonight. All of you! Then we will take it from there but I have to have you.”

I couldn’t even speak. All I could do was shake my head in reply to his unbelievable statement. I stood there frozen in place and time. I never wanted this to end. I finally got my happy moment and I was going to enjoy every second of it.

He kisses my neck as his hands make there way to my back. He feels for my zipper and slowly unzips my little black dress! Once he has it fully unzipped he turns me around so that my back is to him. I’m looking at him in the mirror not wanting to take my eyes away. Thank you universe for telling me to slip on something a little special under my dress just in case. As he slip my dress off my shoulders he stops and looks up when my dress falls under my breast. My black lace bra hugs my bountiful breast perfectly. He looks in the mirror as if he sees into my soul. He reaches up and take my right breast into his hand. He gently squeezes my nipple while his mouth is going towards my left ear. He kisses my ear and then murmurs “Tonight your body is mine!”

Damn, calm down kitty.

His hands start to wonder across me as he turns me around. Mycheal drops to his knees. He takes my breast into his hands and massages then ever so lightly. A soft moan escapes my lips as my head falls back in pure ecstasy. He take my breast into his mouth and sucks on my pleasurably erect nipples. One hand release my breast as he slides my dress over my hips and it falls to the floor. I am completely exposed now and the nerves have gone. My focus now is pleasure and savoring this night. He rises to his feet and once again takes my hand. “Although, I didn’t want to stop I know we need to. I want to do this right and show you how special you are! I want this to be a night will never forget. This is our night Khandi and no one or anything can ever take that away from us.”

He leads me to the tub and helps me in. I sit down in the warm vanilla scented water with bubbles over flowing over the side. He hands me a glass of champagne and places a strawberry in my glass. He then stands up and walks out the bathroom. For a second I get nervous and think he’s leaving but then I’m re-assured that he’s not when he says baby I will be right back. I throw my head back and squeeze my eyes shut tightly. I thinking about what’s happening and I can’t believe it. I decided to sit here calmly, listen to “Don’t Change” by Musiq , and wait for him to come back. He returns a few minutes later with the bottle of champagne in hand and just looks at me for a minute before I realized he has returned. “What are you thinking about baby? You looked like you was in deep thought laying back with your eyes closed.”

Finally, I can speak. All the nervous have dissipated and my mouth can forms words again. “I was thinking that I wish I had company in this tub with me!” I winked at him and scooted to the other side of the tub.

“Boo, don’t worry I’m gonna join you. I just wanted to make sure we where prepared to not leave your room until breakfast time”

I couldn’t hide my smile after that one. This is gonna be one hell of a night!

He unties his tie and pulls it off his neck. With his tie on his arm he starts to unbutton his shirt. Slowly I see the masterpiece peeking through the open segment of his shirt. As he gets to the last button he pulls the tucked part of his shirt from his pants. He pauses for a minute to glance at me and clearly I’m eagerly awaiting what’s to come. He looks up at me and flashes a confident smile that says more than any words could ever express. At this point, I can no longer hide the excitement and anticipation that is written all over my face. I lick my lips, sit back and watch the show that is taking place right before my eyes. I can’t help but to think how did we get here!

He slowly slides his shirt off his arms exposing more of him than I’ve ever seen. His upper body is just as I thought. A masterpiece! A masterpiece that I must inspect up close and personally. The chocolate that is his skin has been kissed by the sun and looks to be made from dark chocolate morsels. This man drives me insane. I can’t take much more of this slow teasing that he is doing to me. Soon I will become the dominant female that I usually am. I will take over and give him the pleasure he deserves. I will show this man a night he will never forget. For him I will do it all. But right now I will be patient and see what he has in store for me. His shirt hits the floor and my mouth drops open. I somehow keep myself from drooling but can’t stop my hand from traveling under the line of the water to my secret sweet place. He notices my traveling hand and steps closer to tubs edge. He takes a seat on the side of the tub and reaches below the water. His hand disappears but I don’t feel it on my body anywhere. Soon enough I realize that he’s turning on the jets to the tub. He says with a tone of need in his voice, “Do what you, you do baby? Show me how you please yourself. Show what you do when I’m in your head.”

I lean back onto the back of the tub. I let my head fall back and my eyes slowly close. My right hand goes to my breast squeezing my nipple between my fingers while my other hand rubs my clit. A small hint of pleasure oozes from my between my lips. I bite my bottom lip as the pressure between builds up. I open my eyes to find him intensely looking at me. “Don’t stop baby. Get yours!”

My eyes close once again as the image of my affection enters my head and I slip away to fantasy land. My moans increase and the pressure is almost unbearable. My right hand starts to take the same path as the left one. I brush past my left hand and enter into my honey pot. I open my eyes when I feel him moving. He’s blowing the bubbles away so he can watch the action that is taking place below the surface of the water. Not knowing his breathe is teasing my nipples. Once again I close my eyes as I know the inevitable is about to happen. I start to rub my clit faster and place 2 fingers in the  inside of my pussy. In and out they go and faster with each entrance. The moans are so loud now that I know he’s eager for what’s about to take place. The count down in my head starts and my breathing becomes staggered. 10 oh fuck, 9 yes yes, 8, 7 shit, 6, 5 Imma cum baby, 4, 3 fuck that imma squirt, 2, 1! The moaning turned into screaming and shaking. I bucked out of the water and squirted all over the wall. I collapsed back into the tub convulsing in pleasure from the orgasm I have just given myself for him.

“Damn, baby. Damn!”

Is all he said. Nothing more, nothing less but that is all I needed to hear. The smile on his face said it all.

He stands back up. Baby reaches for his belt and starts to unbuckle it; never taking his eyes off me. My breathing finally returning to normal and my body lay motionless! He pulls his belt from his pants and his pants falls just a little bit from his waste. My heart skips a beat.

He reaches for the button and quickly unbuttons his pants then goes for the zipper. No hesitation and no playful teasing anymore. He’s ready! Within seconds his pants lay to rest at his ankles. Now ladies when I say the bulge in his pants was enough to take your breathe away; PLEASE BELIEVE!

I’m focused on what lies beneath his Akoo boxers. I can’t seem to take my eyes away from the dick that is going to please me all night long. He makes a move to take off his boxers and I immediately stop him. “No baby, its my turn now. Come to me!”

He walks over to the tub as I stand up. My body soapy and still a bit shaky from my explosive event. I take a sip of my champagne that has been patiently waiting for me tub side.  As he stands in front of me, I kiss his lips and my hand reaches for the treasure buried within his boxers. At last I have my hands on what I have dreamed about for a decade. I slowly pull the hem of his boxers away from his skin. I look him right in his eyes and I say, “It’s not to late to stop now. That line hasn’t fully been crossed yet Mycheal.”

“I don’t want to stop Khandyce. Do you?” He said my name again. Now I know he is serious and really wants me. “I’ve wanted this for a long time but if your not comfortable with this  then we can stop right now.”

“No. I don’t wanna stop!” I blurted out so fast that I didn’t even realize I was saying it.

He takes my hand into his and helps me pull down his boxers. “Well let’s do this then!” he commanded. So without wavering I did as instructed. He was finally naked as the day he was born. All his glory hanging out for me to see and glorious it was! For a minute I just stared at his manly love. I never imagined it would be this big and thick. Damn, I can’t wait for him to lay it down!

I take him into my hand trying to get the full feel of him. Still in awe I reluctantly let go as I feel myself about to fall over. He takes my hand as he’s telling me to sit down and relax, that he will take it from here. He reaches for the faucet so that he can re-heat the water and replace some of the lost water do to my escapades of earlier. After he makes sure that the water is to my liking he slips in behind me. Soapy, wet and naked body to body we lay in the tub not saying a word. “We Belong Together” is chiming from the speakers. I start to think to myself about all the songs that was on this CD he made me. I could smack myself for not seeing it before. Every song on here is about being together, sex or friends being more. Well DAMN!!!!

He wraps his arms around and says quietly to himself “I’m where I wanna be!”

Chapter 2
We lay in the tub for a bit longer sipping our champagne and exploring each others bodies. We never changed from the position that we’re in. I stayed nestled between his legs with his manhood probing the small of my back. He feeds me strawberries and feels my champagne glass without me requesting it. Finally, he speaks as if he’s been sitting here thinking of something to say this whole time. Which is strange because talking and conversation always came so easy to use. I hope things don’t change but that thought didn’t last for long!

“Khandi, you know things will never be the same after tonight. We will never just be friends.” I could hear a but in his statement. “but I never wanna be friends again.” he paused. Tears started to form in my eyes and the silence was killing me. I think I just lost my best friend. Then he broke the silence, “because I want you as my lady, my lover, my partner, my better half, my other half, my girl, my world, my all, my everything!”

Now, there is no way in hell that I can stop the tears the are plummeting down my face with every word he says. With one mistake my whole world is changing. My dreams are coming true and my world seems brighter.

I turn to him so fast that water is sloshing all over the floor. I look him in his eyes and tears are running down his face as well. Words at this point don’t seem like they can describe the exhilaration in my heart and joy in my body. My kiss has too speak to him because that’s all I can do. The kiss was deep, passionate and real. I stand up. Step out of the tub and grab a towel. I wrapped the towel around my waist then I hand my Boo a towel. I take him by the hand and lead him to my bedroom.
Before I was fully thru the bathroom door my towel hit’s the bathroom floor. Now he sees me, just me, no hiding me, all of me! My hair swaying as I walk, my hips switch from side to side, my butt jiggling with every step and MY MAN loves every bit of it.

With a smack on my ass I turn to face him. His dick is erect and ready for me too take my position. But now its my turn to tease him, to make him enjoy for me, to make him yearn what I have to offer!

I lead him to the bed and sit him down on the edge. I turn to enter my closet and retrieve a few items I bought for a special someone, that I have now found! Once inside my closet, I just stand there for a moment relishing the conversation I just had with my man. Yes I said MY MAN. Knowing that I’m where I wanna be and my life will forever be different and better than it was yesterday.

I slip on a three piece red lingerie set and some red pumps. Now I’m ready to let him know what he’s been missing! I sashay out of my closet and walk past him into the living room. I love this CD but its time for something a little different. I hit number 8 and the CD changer starts loading up my music. I hit the volume button and the smooth sounds of  TLC “Red Light Special” filled the house. I sauntered back into my room. Stopping about 5 feet from the foot of the bed where he sat. Partially because I was getting ready to give him one hell of a strip tease and partly because I noticed candles lit around the room, the curtains drawn and the French doors to my balcony open. The breeze was wonderful and it was an effect to my strip tease. My hair blowing in the breeze while I start to perform a private show for him was a damn good plus.

I look over at Mycheal and he has definitely made himself comfortable. He’s leaning back on my bed resting on his elbows with a look of intense and need in his eyes. It seems at this point, the room could catch on fire and he wouldn’t know. He has tunnel vision and the focus of his affection is ME.

I turn away from him. I sway my hips from left to right while slowly bending at the waist. I took a look back at him and his eyes are following my every move. Fixated on the every move my body makes.

I finally reached my destination. My hands are resting on my ankles with my hips still swaying from left to right. I take a dip down low and slowly rise with a little pop and bend of my back. I rest my hands on my knees to bounce up and down really slowly for a second so he can catch a glimpse of what he’s in store for later. I hear him suck in air and the word DAMN softly kisses his lips as the words escape his mouth and it’s like music to my ears! I know I got him right where I want him. I stand straight up with my legs spread apart, hands on my hip and looking over my left shoulder at him. By this time he had sat up and started to make his way over to the chair in the corner of my room.

I waited for him to get comfy in the chair. He sat back for a sec then decided to lean forward with his elbows rested on his knees. “Please continue. Don’t let me interrupt!” he said breathlessly.

By this time the song has changed and Beyonce’s “Dance For You” is playing. I make slow staggered moves to the beat of the song. I turn to face him while rolling my body and using my hands to search for the treasure that are placed under my red lingerie. I reach up and slowly remove the sheer see through robe that I have on. It drops to the floor and the sexy underneath is revealed. Now I stand here in a one piece corseted red and black boostier and a black g-string leaving nothing to the imagination. His mouth drops open and he realizes what he has been missing all these years.
I walk over to him slowly as I reach down and slip my fingers under the sides of my g-string. I leave my hands where they are until I reach him. I place my leg on the arm of the chair and the other one strategically placed between his legs. I gyrate my hips as I tug at my g-string giving him a glimpse at my hot wet pussy; all while making sure my leg that is between his legs keeps a steady movement and rubbing against his by now rock hard shaft. “Baby, why are you teasing me like this? I’ve waited a decade to get my hands on you. I’m about to bust. My dick is throbbing like never before. I need you!” he cried out.

He reached up to touch my pussy which by now was so wet that I could barely stand it. I pulled back from his reach. “No touching Daddy. Its worth the wait. I promise.”

As I step back to him I put my leg up on the chair once again but this time I took my fingers and slide them into my wet tight pussy. When I pulled them out they where cover with my wetness. I brought my fingers to my mouth licking me off of them. Then without hesitation I stuck my fingers in his mouth so he could get a taste of what he will be devouring in a short while. He sucks every drop of me off my fingers and didn’t want to release them from his hot steamy mouth. As I pulled my fingers away I moved in for a kiss. The taste of my pussy on his tongue was enough to make me cum where I stand.

I stand up fast and tell him to hold on to his chair. Its lap dance time because I know what song is next. I run to my dresser and pull out two scarves. I tie his hands to the arms of the chair. He looks at me with a grin on his face and without saying a word he knows its time to get down to business. A few seconds later “No Hands” starts blaring from the speakers. He starts laughing and says, “I’m ready for this.” I know he’s thinking about the time we went to the strip club and the dancer was dancing to this song.
I say confidently, “Imma kill this song. She aint got nothing on me!”

He smiles and casually nods his head.

I start off standing facing away from him. I’m dropping it for him and I’m so close to him I can feel the heat escaping his body and attacking me. I slowly back up until my ass has made contact with his dick. I start to grind slowly not wanting any penetration. I reach back and grab his dick in my hand with a little pressure applied. I hear a faint moan come from my new lover. I relax my body on top of him. I rock my hip back and forth never letting go of his dick. I throw my head back onto his shoulder and he struggles to free his hands. Laying against his chest I can feel his heart beating and I match my rhythm to his bodies excitement. The music coming from the speakers changes to a slow syncopated rhythm as Robin Thick croons “Sex Therapy”. I reach behind him and grab his neck pulling him to me. He starts kissing on my neck and I know I can’t hold off any longer. I need this man inside me more than I need my next breathe. With our bodies in sync and his tongue roaming my neck as if he’s searching for his next meal I feel the pulse in his dick start to speed up and him getting stiffer in my hand. I tighten my grip and speed up the motion I’m making. His grip tightens on the arms of the chair that has become our love nest.

I stand up to change positions but I never let go of the muscle in my hand that I am craving to have in so many ways. I am now facing him and I am able to see the look in his eyes. That look was desire! I position my legs over the arms of the chair but under his arms that are still bound by scarves. Now sitting facing him I have much better control of my hand work. I go to work on him with two hands making it hard for him to control what his body is trying so hard to release. I lean in closer, letting his dick head feel the wetness that is seeping from my pussy onto my panties. “Damn baby. I don’t wanna cum like this. I wanna be inside you!”

I catch his words with my mouth as we embrace in a kiss so passionate that I lose it. I remove myself from his mouth before I finish without even being touch. I make my way to his neck and I search for that spot that’s going to drive him insane. My grip tightens once again on his dick and it stiffens to my grip. “Baby we have all night. Your gonna nut like this and you have no control over it.” I whispered in his ear before my tongue delves in.

The moans start again but at this point I don’t know if its from him or me. I lean in closer to him and I let his dick rest on my clit. The music stops. The CD is over. The only sounds in the apartment are the love sounds that escape from my bedroom out the French doors and down to the street of Downtown Chicago.

Before I could stop myself I was bouncing up and down in his lap letting his dick massage my clit. It felt to good to stop and I know I didn’t want to but this wasn’t my plan. “Fuck it. The plan has gone out the door. I want you in me so bad. I can’t take this anymore than you can!” When the words seeped from my mouth I knew it was too late.

I’m massaging his dick with two hands and bouncing up and down pleasuring my clit. At any moment we both will climax without penetration. At that second, in that moment he erupted. His hot semen splashing onto my clit sending me in a frenzy. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. It was coming out and it was hard. He rips his hands from the scarves and enslaves me in an embrace so tight. My body is in an uproar. Y pussy sends out a gush of hot liquid all over his penis which lays between my wet lips. I collapse on him in sheer ecstasy. His arms go limp around my body and we lay there for a minute in rhythm with one another panting for that next sweet breathe.

Chapter 3
An hour later we lay in the bed in silence. Outside the rain falls at a speed so fast it sounds like the drum line is coming down the Chicago streets. I’m thinking about what just took place, I n my room, in that chair and I know this is the man for me. An orgasm without penetration is not something that happens to me.

I turn to him and watch him for a second. His eyes are closed but he wears a grin so big. What’s he thinking? What’s on his mind? That’s what I’m thinking. I couldn’t help but laugh because I knew he was thinking about what took place in that chair or that pie in the kitchen.

“Mycheal are you sure this is what you want? Me? A relationship? Are you positive? I solicited hesitantly.

He didn’t say a thing. He rolled to his side facing me. He took my face into his hand and pulled me in close for a kiss. The only words he spoke where, “Now its my turn!” with a wink.

He gets out of the bed and walks over to the infamous chair. He grabs the scarves and comes back to the bed. Now he is standing on my side of the bed. “Turn on your back and put your hands above your head.” I did it without a word of defiance.

He grabs my arms and place one on either side of the bed post. Behind the post he ties my wrist together and pulls one more time to ensure its tightness. I let out a small whimper. “Had to make sure you couldn’t get out because I could have gotten out whenever I wanted to.” Mycheal lets out a playful yet mischievous laugh.

I stick my tongue out at him and he proceeds with what he’s doing. The next scarf he uses to blindfold me. Normally, I wouldn’t let anyone do this but I trust this man with my life!
“Don’t go anywhere!” then I hear a boyish laugh moving away from me.

Now I’m laying in my bed with my hands bound, sight gone and fully undressed! All I think about is where did he go and if he is in there eating pie I’m going to kill him.

A moment later I hear Mycheal re-enter the room. I feel him crawling onto the bed. His hand traces the outline of my body and I get chills rising up my arms. He straddles me and says now its time for a little teasing on my part. OH SHIT! I can’t take this.

I feel his dick laying on my stomach and I can’t figure out what is about to transpire! I feel something on my lips. Its cold and smells sweet. “Open your mouth baby.” Mycheal pleads!

I open up and I taste the sweetness of strawberries feel my mouth. I bite down and welcome the moisture it brings to my tongue. Mycheal lifts himself from my pelvis and I feel him sliding down my legs. He comes to rest on my knees and again I’m confused. I’ve never been a patient person and I find teasing to be unfair but fun when I’m doing the teasing.

Then a cold stream hit my stomach and splashes. This is followed by Mycheal’s tongue. He’s licking this liquid off my body like it’s the last drink he will ever have. My body tightens beneath his tongue and the wetness is back with a vengeance. He moves down my body never letting his tongue lose connection with me. He circles around my naval which causes me to let out a little giggle. He moves further south to the region that I crave his tongue to attack. He opens my legs just a bit and with every little touch my body goes into a whirlwind. Now I have to fight my body to stay still. He continues to lick towards my soaking wet pussy. Down, down, down he goes and finally he reaches that sweet mound of pleasure. He licks down my pussy lips barely parting them open with his tongue but he doesn’t stop. He continues down and my frustration must be noticeable because he laughs.

He’s kissing his way down my right leg and when he comes to my foot he kisses every toe before moving to my left foot. The kisses travel up my left leg and he reaches my pussy again…….

© Copyright 2012 Miss Lovely (misslovely1983 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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