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Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1891413
A search for reality by "Vivek". If you had watched "Matrix" movie, it would be nice. :)
I (asked on touching the chair) : This isn't real?

Morpheus : What is "real"? How do you define "real"? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, taste and see, then "real" is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain!!!

I (indifferently looking) : Ohhh...Hey who are you? I think I’m inside you? Isn’t it? Where am I?

Screen : Of course. As this is my theater... Not only you, but all of them who came here will come inside me.

I (feeling relieved) : Oh!! My goodness... It’s just the "Matrix" movie. I was not Neo. I am Vivek. Thank GOD. Now I came out of you.

Screen : Is it?? Really?? Just make it sure. Ask yourself... Seek for the truth. Hope soon you will find it.

I (looking crazily) : You're kidding me... Anyways, nice movie. Bye....(I left the theater)

I (feeling tired) : Hey man, who are you? Where are you taking me?

Mr.Dark : Oh boy... How many times will you ask this? and how many times I can tell you the answer? You see, you can know me only after I left you. I’m taking you to my world.

I (feeling weird) : Oh sorry. I don’t remember you either. By the way, what is your world?

Heaven : Welcome & Have a nice play!!!

I (excited) : Wow... Perfectee... It’s all cool. Hey what is that?

Morpheus : These are the stairs that will let you to where you want to go...

I (silently walking) : Hi there, I’ve seen you somewhere. Do I know you?

Computer : Master! I am your forever servant... Order me...

I (with pleasure) : Oh... That’s nice. Could you please bring me my white rabbit?

Rabbit : Neo, I’m here. You are over me, near my third eye. Don’t you see clearly?...

I (scared a little) : Where are those stairs? They all gone?? Where am I?

Eye : Just come into me. I want to show you something...

I (fear filled throat, murmuring) : It seems to be an old theater...

Screen : Welcome back, Neo...

I (thinking deeply) : Is this real? It seems to be I had been inside you already. It’s like a De-ja-vu. Isn’t it? How did I come out?

Screen : Just your master pulls you back. No problem. Just get in. Come on.

I (feeling normal) : Hi friend, could you please show me the way to my home?

Agent : Mr. Anderson, we have been waiting for you. (Arresting me...)

I (questionful) : Excuse me, I am not Anderson. I am Neo. What have I done?, Officer. Why are you arresting me?

Agent : Don’t try to escape. You are accused for trying to betray the Screen.

I (indifferent) : Screeenn?? What screen?? Who the hell are you? What actually is your job?

Agent : Pity, Anderson. Screen is your own master. I am just a part of your Master's play. My job is to lock you forever inside here...

I (shocked)
: What??? I cannot trust you. You are just telling me a story. Where are you taking me?

Agent : You believe it or not, I’m taking you to the dark Eagle as its feast today...

I (sad) : Oh my GOD.... :( :(

Eagle : Oh boy oh boy oh boy... Feast!!! Feast!!! Yum yum yum so tasty to take it completely as a whole....

I (closed my eyes)
: Where am I? Anybody here?

Friend : He can’t hold you forever in his stomach. Doesn't he?

I (looking helpful) : Hi, do you know how to get out of here?

Friend : From where?

I (requesting) : From this nasty dungeon, my friend. By the way, where did you come from?

Friend : Sure, I am a friend of all and I come from very far outside this little Screen.

I (exclaimed) : Really!!! Then take me out of here.

Friend : Sure. But it is a bit difficult as the screen is your master.

I (so bold) : So is it true? Ok. Whatever it may be, I don’t like to be trapped here.

Friend : Just close your eyes... (After few seconds) Now open. Hahaa... Here what you want.

I (foolishly anger) : Hey man, What have you done? We are still here in this dungeon.

Friend : Oh. Sorry... I think it doesn't work. It’s because of you.

I (anger) : Me?? Why me? How????

Friend : You just wanted to be here.

I (controlling anger) : What are you blabbering? I don’t want this place.

Friend : Yes, exactly this is what I’m saying. Again and again you are telling me about this place only. So whatever I try, I can give you only this.

I (different) : What should I do?

Friend : I will take you to a person who can do what you want.

I (sighs)
: Ok. Who is that?

Grandma : Calm down, My boy. It’s me.

I (excited) : Grandma, you? Thank GOD. I’ve seen you.

Grandma : It’s my pleasure too, Vivek. Just take rest for some time.

I (tired and questionful)
: Vivek? Am I… I...??? Oh...I am Neooo...I’m tired... (Some time passed...)

Grandma : Wake up, Vivek. Just tell me where you want to go?

I (relieved) : I have to go to school, Grandma... (Walking towards school)

Agent : Come on Neo. Why are you walking, when I’m here as your driver? Come on. Get in the bus.

I (feeling happy)
: Thank you Sir. By the way, who is the teacher today?

Agent : Professor Morpheus.

I (getting into school) : Oh fine. It will be so good then. Bye, Sir.

Morpheus : Welcome Neo, Today classes will be more interesting for you. Before we begin, I just want to ask you something. Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and real world?

I (asked on touching the chair) : This isn't real?

Morpheus : What is "real"? How do you define "real"? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, taste and see, then "real" is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain!!!

I (indifferently looking) : Ohhh...Hey who are you? I think I’m inside you? Isn’t it? Where am I?

I (aware & weird) : Ohhhhh wait wait wait... I’ve seen this before... Yes yess yesss... I’m very sure that I’ve seen this before... Where am I?? Is it a dream??!!... (Floating on air).. Oh yeah, I’m sure this is just a dream. What can I do now?? (thinking...)

Friend : Wake up Vivek... Wake up... It’s time to go to office. You're still sleeping because of late night movie "Matrix"...Wake up, you Idiot...

I (tired) : Oh boy, what happened now to time? Let’s go late...I had completely a weird dream you know...

Friend : I think Grandma helped you to make you to go where you want to go. Isn't it?

I (shocked) : What??? How do you know that?? Not woke up?? Still inside dream??

Friend : Wait wait... Don't get worried. Be Patient. It will be alright if you see our boss. Come on let’s get to office.

I (confused) : Ok... Let’s go...

Boss : Is it true that Mr.Vivek finally got an idea to come here?

Friend : He came here because of me since he listened to me...

I (shivering) : Ok... Now what??

Boss : How was the movie, Mr.Vivek?

I (casually) : Yeah, it was good and confusing at times.

Boss : Which movie you are talking about?

I (straight)
: Which movie you asked? “Matrix”?

Boss : No. Not at all. I just asked about your own. :)

I (confused again) : My.. What???

Boss : Yes, Vivek. I’m talking about the movie in which everything seems to be going on your wish; Anyways you always don't want to make your wish fulfilled; the movie which makes a master as a slave and makes the master to delude in the movie itself to make you to think as the hero and makes a slave as a master.

I (straight bold) : Stop stop... Could you please explain clearly?

Boss : Ok. As you have finally came to me, I will tell you the exact truth as you seek it. Right now, you may feel a bit confused about the things that are going around you. I will make everything clear for you now. Yesterday, you went for a movie. Many of the persons like you actually don't know the truth behind watching a movie. It will take your consciousness i.e. you, to a different kind of reality in which you will act the character which interests you, mostly the hero, without knowing that you're inside it. You will completely forget yourself since if you came out of that, you can't feel it well. At that time, the movie screen is your master as the screen completely responsible for the existence of the movie character in the movie. So only, you without knowing, felt yourself as "Neo" - The Hero of "Matrix".

I (calmly listening) : Thennn...

Boss : The screen actually doesn't want you to leave. But you wanted to leave and left. The Screen warned the "Big Screen" about you. So the Big Screen comes into play....

I (interrupting) : What?? Wait wait... who is that "Big Screen"?

Boss : Be Patient, Vivek. You will know it shortly. The Big Screen fears a lot that you may leave it too. You came home after watching the movie and you are tired. The thing called as Mr.Dark took you to the place called Heaven. Actually "Mr.Dark" is just your "Sleep" and "Heaven" is your "Dream". As the Big Screen fears, it got reflected in your Dream. You seek the truth and you seen the Screen again in your dream. Inside it you found the agent. "Agent" is nothing but your "Emotion". As you are panic, the emotion lifts you to the dark "Eagle" which is nothing but "Sadness". You got trapped by Sadness. Inside it when you are alone, you found your "Friend" which is nothing but your own "Intuition". Intuition will do what you exactly want along with your true wish. As you wanted to leave the Sadness, although your wish was not it, Intuition can do nothing and it gets you to "Grandma" which is nothing but "Calmness". Calmness knows you well as Vivek and makes you soother and you wanted and wished exactly to go for "Happiness" which is nothing but your "School". This time, the agent i.e. Emotion had lead you to happiness and so it respected you very well. And finally you have seen "Morpheus" who is nothing but me - your "Boss" in your dream. I tried to explain you about reality. But I can't as you aware of your dream and woke up. Anyways, Intuition again leads you to here in this reality to know the truth. The truth is the things you experienced inside that dream is just a representation of the true Life. You always got locked by the emotions. Either sadness or happiness, you don't actually want it and you jump here and there like a monkey. The only friend you got is your own intuition to seek for the truth. The truth is you are viewing your own “Movie” called "Life" in a "Big Screen" called "Mind". Life is like a movie. In a movie, you will unconsciously act out the characters in your own mind. You will get sad when sad events happen and so for the happy events you will become happy. Thus you will be completely addicted to the movie unknowingly. But as soon as you recognize, you are not inside that movie, you will realize that you are an observer of the movie watching it outside of it. This recognition is the ultimate truth. This realization will make you free from all the emotions you got from the movie and make you "Enlightened". Like this movie, is your life. You are not the actor; You are the observer; You are not your body, mind, thoughts and emotions; You are the pure soul; You got deluded by watching the movie of Life and thinking that it is yours and you are binded with it. As soon as you know the truth, you will no more bind with this. Can you understand everything now?

I (with wide open eyes) : Its Wicked....seems terrible... But who are you my Boss?

Boss : I am the thing called as "Wisdom", my boy. You - the pure soul deserves the position of "Master". The Big Screen which is your Mind must be the “Slave” of you. Remember... Mind is the best slave, but the worst Master. Now the choice is yours. Living inside this movie, or setting yourself free?

Loud Voice (gladly) : Well. feeling more encouraged of you. When you told all these things, got more Self-confidence inside. And you see, my good Wisdom, "I" choose not to leave this movie as "I" have realized that "I" can't do it as "I" is the actor who depends on me. It is my responsibility to be in this bond to make this "I" to act in this grand movie of life. So you see, Where is “I”? "I" is only inside the screen. Pure soul is me who is the ultimate reality and in no way this “I” inside can touch me although me too got the responsibility to make him to handle such emotions and this is what all the life itself means. “I” must always mean to live the life the way it is. Like a movie, if “I” either got bored or tried to find out the level of exactness and correctness of the things go around, it can’t be calm. It will wander all around and will found nothing. If “I” want to really enjoy the movie, it has to accept all the twists and turns it gives and should not expect in back for anything. As is the movie, so is the life. Here and forever “I” live the life really. This is what REAL!!!

-- A Reality by "Vivek.R"
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