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Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1891244
The first in a number of episodes about a ex WWII hero and his life after the war.
Episode 1

Pharmacy of Terror

Year: 1948, Time: 3:00 A:M, Location: Big Al's 24 hour Pharmacy .

John C. McDonald was sleeping peacefully when he heard

noises coming from his son's room. He got up to see what the

problem was in his son's room.

"What's the matter, Son?" John asked.

" My legs won't stop itching, Dad!" yelled Charles.

"I'll go down to Big Al's Pharmacy and get some anti itch cream"

stated John.

"Hurry Dad my legs are killing me!" exclaimed Charles.

John got in the family's DeSoto and headed to the pharmacy.

He walked inside and headed to the cream isle

As he went to grab the medicine, the lights in the store

went out. John wonder what was going on. He heard a noise

that came from the back of the store. It was a robbery thought John

as he crouched down and started over to the noise listening to hear

any sound.

"Get that safe open Chucky we ain't got a lot of time before

the cops show up," came a voice from the darkness.

"Eh zip it . I can't work my magic with you yappin in my ear,"

said Chucky.

As John drew closer, he found they were in the

manager's office. As he was walking, he tripped over a display and

made a loud clanging noise.

"Eh, what was that noise? " Chucky asked.

"I don't know. I'll go see. " said the other crook.

As the crook moved down the aisles, John jumped him from

behind and knocked him out. When the thief hit the floor he made a

thumping sound. The other thief came from the manager's office

with a gun! He saw John's figure in the darkness and fired. John

managed to get out of the way in time. John began to sweat

uncontrollably as he remembered the horrors of World War II. He

sees planes catch on fire and himself maneuvering his plane from

the anti air guns. But as another shot rang out he was brought back

to conscious level. He maneuvered himself around the store and

climbed up a shelf and jumped on top of the thief. They struggled

for a moment but John was able to dish out an uppercut and knock

the thief out cold. The lights finally came back on when the police

entered the building.

"Hey is that John C. McDonald?" a cop asked

" Yeah, it is him" another cop said

" America's greatest war hero stops a couple

thieves," said a third cop.

The End
© Copyright 2012 James Kinney (conwrites at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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