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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Adult · #1891083
A story that I have never been able to tell until now about a dear friend taken to soon.

-Evelyn Adour-
Keaton Foster

*Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5*

At night
In the darkness
Far beyond what’s right
I can still see her face
She has a name
Sometimes I pretend to forget it
But I know it all too well
She and I were best friends
Inseparable beings of circumstance
She and I held the hand of the same fate
During our childhood
We both faced broken homes
Full of dangerous beings
Far more capable than most
We never talked about what happened
We only talked about surviving it
We always had a plan
A way to forever escape
A deviation of our shared fates
But implementing such plans
Became quite impossible
We had nothing
Except for each other
We had no food, no money
No one that could or would care for us
Beyond the walls of our childhood homes
She and I were molested on a regular basis
Raped by our stand in fathers
Brutalized by our life giving mothers
We stood absolutely no chance
Defenseless we became
All that we had was each other
Her name was Evelyn Adour
I wish that was not her real name
I wish this was all some made up
Display of what people are capable of
But sadly that is not the case
She was a real person
My closet and dearest friend
A fellow victim that I could share my pain with
Someone of understanding
I say “was” because on June 23, 1983
At the age of twelve, Evelyn Adour
Was again raped, but older in her ways
She had enough and she tried to escape
Her father caught her as she attempted
To crawl out of her bedroom window
Right there in the backyard of her home
The rage in him exploded and he
The man that she called father
And her darkest of master
Brutally beat her to death
After he was done
After he killed his little girl
He went back inside his home
Knowing that others
Had heard Evelyn scream in such terror
A scream that only comes from people
In the midst of their death
He waited for the police to arrive
Once they knocked on his door
He put a gun in his mouth
And blew his brains out
I was one of the first neighbors on the scene
The homes that Evelyn and I grew up in
Were no more than a hundred feet apart
I never saw her father, his body was covered
At first the police did not even notice Evelyn
Brutally beaten to death in the backyard
I saw her first, an image that to this day
I can still see with absolute clarity
Her face was caved in
Her skull was misshapen, oozing with blood
Her precious eyes, sunken into her skull
Her battered and bruised body was so broken
Everything that made her beautiful was gone
I ran to the front of her house
I screamed of her death as I pointed outback
The cops ran to her side
Seconds later they, just as I did
They knew it was far too late for Evelyn
They covered her body with a blanket
And shuffled me off to my own home
My father, my own tormentor was there
At the door as they walked me inside
The police spoke to him as I went to my room
I laid in my bed and began to pray
For my friend as well as for myself
The next morning, at the age of twelve
I left my home, I left all that I knew
From that day on I did what I needed to
Survival became my only agenda
I never went back and I never saw my family again
Years later I would learn of the deaths
Of those who hurt me so much
Only then did I begin to feel truly safe
Only then did I know that I would continue to survive
Much older now, I still remember my friend
When I close my eyes, I see Evelyn Adore
But not as she was in death, but as she could
Have been in life if she would have survived…

Evelyn Adour
Before you ask, this is a true story
Evelyn Adour was a real person
Now you know in part why I am the way that I am.
I miss my friend, her and I for a time shared a fate.
Written by Keaton Foster Copyright © 2012.

© Copyright 2012 Keaton Foster: Know My Hell! (keatonfoster at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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