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Mental Internet Micheal Hardgrove If all the world were blind Seeing the Moon at night Would be a symptom of madness. Be great in act, as you have been in thought. We would be hardpressed to find a single person on earth who has not had an experience tha has made them almost believe in Telepathy. Everyone has had the certainty that a certain someone was calling and then been astonished that it was, in fact, him or her on the phone. However we are programmed not to believe in such things, our brainminds will not accept it. We'll then quickly dismiss it or attribute it to other causes. We don't have Telepathy. We are Telepathy. It's mind over matter when I type. Through the obvious implications of quantum theory, we knot that the Universe is not a clockwork machine but a great sea of Mindstuff. We have “proven” scientifically that the ancient way of believing in God (which is now “dissed” by Christianity as being “paganist.” God is Nature. If God is not Nature then why did St. Paul say (in Acts 17:28) that we move in God. There's only one reality I move in. But we must know that God does not fill all the heavens and all the world and come to a schreeching halt at our skin which won't stop a pin. I can explain how that belief came to be. At the end of the Dark Ages, with the Renaissance that began round the world, the peasants started asking the priests, “If God is everywhere, why do we need you? Why do we have to keep you well-fed while we starve?” There was a general panic in the priesthood and they ran to the Pope. The crafty old Pope came up with the idea to tell the people were to be told that God was “almost everywhere.” I know why the peasants of those times believed it. The hope the Church promised was the only hope they had. But people still believe it to this day. They believe that God is everywhere but sort of in another dimension. But God (or whatever word you choose)is not “almost everywhere.” When we are very little, we believe only in Oneness. We see no difference between what's inside us and what's outside us. When a baby is first taught its name, the first thing it does is give it to the mother, the father, the TV, the puppy. Through gentle correction (programming) the baby is taught to use its name only to refer to itself. When the babe first believes that it is separate from the world, the ego (and personal memories) begins. That's why early childhood experiences can cause so much trouble in our lives. But the sense of separate self is a lie. There never has been a thing called separation. Quantum physics 101—everything interpenetrates everything else and that includes living things. Everyone is everything and everyone else. In the Conscious Universe Mind directly communicates With Mind despite the Rumors of Space and Time. Okay. I wasted my time in the Light in the shadow of books, lost in thought. I say it like this sometimes: I followed the road of truth To its end in the wall of paradox Upon which is inscribed “Everything must also be the opposite Of what it is if it is to be at all.” Not able to get over that intellectually I crossed the median to the Road of Beauty And I found that not only does the Road of Beauty Lead us to our destiny It leads us home Follow what's beautiful to you Follow what's beautiful to you Keep your heart kind To brighten your mind And follow what's beautiful to you. If you think the way I write is unsuitable, please consider that I might be writing it thus for a very deliberate purpose. Which leads me to the point in our time together in this thinkpiece where I will start giving you information that will help you to use your Telepathy. Of course, if you don't believe what I'm saying, it is just a waste of time. Now I'll share something that will, perhaps, help. If not, well, I tried to do Love by helping you. Of course, as we all know, I can't force you to accept this help. But if you open your mind you can be helped to gain the Power of MIND that is your birthright. You can always close your mind later if you want to. I can use the analogy of the computer and the physical Internet to explain how Telepathy works. An analogy is a way of explaining something by relating it to something else. Of course, you knew that. Sometimes we can help explain the unfamiliar by relating it to something familiar. How Telepathy Works When Dr. John Von Neumann designed the first computers, he used the way we think as a pattern for them. You can reverse the process to explain Telepathy. I shall endeavor to do so without boring you too much. The power supply, without which we cannot “live” is Electricity. Physics books say that everything's electrical. We too are powered by electricity. In one of his last recorded quotes, Thomas Alva Edison said, “We don't know what or who electricity is. We only know it works.” It is my belief that Electricity is another of our names for God. If you understand that different words don't make different things (“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”)then it's easier to understand my idea of God. By “God” I mean not the concept of God that only resides in the brain but the Presence of God that fills and is all. I must defend my use of the word “God.” For those who have read the Bible, I can illustrate my strange idea that God is everywhere by referring to the explanation of God that St. Paul gave to the Athenian Greeks on Mars Hill as recorded in Acts 17:28... “God is the One in Whom we live, move, and have our being.” Now I know you've heard that God is “almost everywhere.” But that never was true. The sad story is that at the end of the Dark Ages in Western culture, the people started awakening in the Renaissance and started asking questions like: If God is everywhere, why do we need you priests?” Of course, the priests panicked and ran to Rome. The Pope at the time sneeringly told the priests to tell the gullible peasants that God was not everywhere but almost everywhere. The peasants accepted the absurd lie because the hope of heaven was all they had. I don't know how but it's darkened our understanding of God's everywhereness ever since. There is no “almost everywhere.” God(or “Love” or “Buddhamind” or whatever word you choose) is everywhere that anything we can imagine can possibly be. God fills everything and everyone. Does God fill all the heavens and all the earth and come to a screeching halt at this skin that won't stop a pin? No. Unless we understand that Spirit is everything “inside/outside” us, we cannot be free from ego. If we cannot be free from ego, we cannot use Telepathy well. And, lest you think I digress, let me add that this is important to Telepathy because we can never be powerful unless we have the power of the knowledge of the oneness of all. Mark Twain, the author of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, was as popular in the late 19th and the early 20th centuries as the Beatles were in the Sixties. He is remembered for his ready wit and his fascinating stories. But he was also so famous that magazines of the time would publish anything he wrote. In one series of articles that he collectively titled “Mental Telegraphy,” he told of his experiences with and his theories concerning Telepathy. He described the fun he had with the phenomenon. He was a great letter writer as were many people of that time. He was in the habit of starting a letter to someone, putting it in the addressed envelope when he was tired of writing it and then pulling it out of the desk later to start fresh. He noticed that the people to whom he wrote such letters almost invariably wrote him before he could finish the letter to them. The articles were popular and gained him meetings with early parapsychologists In the Thirties, Upton Sinclair, a popular novelist of the time, wrote a book called “Mental Radio” in which he described experiments that he conducted with his gifted wife. As impressive as Mr. Sinclair's book is, the most impressive thing was the glowing foreword written by Albert Einstein. It's natural, I think, to name explanations of our oldest form of communication after our current wonders of physical communication. All we create reflects truths about our inner life. That's why I've chosen to title this discussion we've had about Telepathy “Mental Internet.” An apt analogy is one that can provide much information about something unfamiliar by referring to something familiar. The power supply is the same for all...ordinary extraordinary electricity. We plug into the power supply or we can do nothing. The power supply of Telepathy is awareness of, and belief in, our Common Mind (or Great Spirit in Whom we live and Who is the life of every being. Merely believing in the global (universal) Mind gives power to your Telepathy. The use of the keyboard is like the input of the personal brainmind. Here you make your decisions about what and who to search for. When you type a search term into Google and hit “enter” you know that Google will present you with a list of sites related to your query. From these you'll make further choices. When working with Telepathy, the search process is similar. Telepathy doesn't use words but you can use the word-based brainmind to release yourself from the personal brainmind and allow yourself to use the Worldmind behind “your mind.” Every religion has something similar to the incantations of Wicca. Priests chant the words of Jesus, Mohammed or Buddha. Witches simply use words to manifest their desires. In using Telepathy you'll find it helpful to use words to get your brainmind to rely on your Worldmind. Psychologists will tell you that everyone has three levels of mind—the conscious mind, the subconscious mind,and the unconscious mind. When he was living in the Swiss Alps, Dr. Carl Jung wrote, “The unconscious mind is nature.” Telepathy works in this great Mind of Nature. While believing you are already connected with the person you choose, repeat their name and let yourself imagine their face. With your mouth or with your mind, speak to the person as if they were actually present. You must believe the connection is real. You must see the person reacting to your words. Now you are one your friend's home page. Wish him or her well. Love is powerful. Let that be your only agenda—to wish them well. When you try to use Telepathy to hinder or control it always backfires. |