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done for an english class based off an ernest hemingway story |
A bright sunny day, one of the few each year, a bunch of people are at the park which is just a big grassy field, having family time. I come here every chance I get and sit on one of the benches and people watch like most of the people here. Every time I come here I see this guy. I cant tell if hes young or old but hes here every day. He is always sitting on the shipping dock just staring out at the water. Douse he even have a home, his clothes look raggedy, but he is always sitting there. Is there something mentally wrong with him , is he homless or douse he just enjoy watching the water? “MARIA,MARIA” he yelled, with anguish in his voice and tears streming down his face well then I guess there is a reson. Should I walk over and see if he is ok? Maybe not. There is someone trying to talk to him but hes just yelling at the person. Ok so I’m going to see if I can help him out. “sir is everthing all right” I asked, being conserned ”Where is my maria? She said that she would be back and waiting for me here” he said, in a very scared and mater of fact sort of way “what was she going to do” I asked, “she was going to sail on a ship overseas to see her family and promised that she would come back to me” he said, starting to tear up again “when did she leave?” I asked being curious “93? Ya that’s the year 93” he said in a sad tone “ I’m sorry sir, but I don’t think she is coming back its been 18 years” I said in a sad voice “No! she will come back I just have to wait.” He yelled gitting very mad “I’m sorry sir I didn’t mean to make you up set” I said in a soft voice Maybe I should go look up the ship. “sir I don’t mean to bother you again but do you know the name of the ship she sailed on.” I asked “yes! It was...um…it was the rosemary” he said “ok thank you do you need anything” I asked “no thank you I’m fine” he said looking back out to sea “oh an if you see her please tell her I’m still waiting” he said in a depressed yet loving way “ok I will goodbye” I said Ok time to visit the library. Lets see here the rosemary was built in 1990 bla,bla, bla and it was sailing the Mediterranean in 92 bla,bla,bla and in 93 it sank with all passengers and crew. The ship was never found. Man I don’t have the heart to tell him that I guess its best he doesn’t know and what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. |