Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1890162-Though-I-Walk-Through-the-Valley-Intro
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1890162
First attempt at posting online stories. Story of teen in a post-apocalyptic world
This is my first attempt at posting stories. Comments are welcome.

Of course I had it all figured out, I was a seventeen year old senior in high-school. We teens always know everything don't we? What we haven't had the time to learn yet, is even when you "have it all figured out" that doesn't mean that the rest of the world is going to follow the rules.

I still remember it as clearly as if it were yesterday. I was in my period one anatomy class at my college prep school, my class was so focused on working on our dissection that at first we didn't hear them, the civil defense sirens. I first thought that that it was just another run of the mill first Tuesday ten o'clock tornado drill, but there was nothing normal about what triggered them that day...

A good ten minuets passed, but the sirens didn't stop and my lab partner, George turned to me and asked, "Victor, why do you think the sirens are still on,"? I turned towards him and said, " I don't know, its probably just an electrical problem and they can't switch off the sirens." Right at that time the school intercom came on telling us that Chicago had just gone into a state of emergency and was going to go into martial law due to some kind of terrorist attack in the city. All of the sudden I head the collective sound of my class checking the news on their phones, texting their families, or calling them. The problem was, with the state of emergency, everyone in the Chicago-land area would have that idea as well, so of course the phones didn't work. That or it was the damn cell phone blockers just put in. Understandably, people started panicking, so I took the opportunity to slip into the hallway unnoticed, and check the doors to see if they still worked, and just as I feared, they were electronically locked. My school was in lock down!
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