Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1889136-Zutara-Week-2012---Serendipity
Rated: E · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1889136
My entry for day 1 of Zutara Week 2012.
Katara P.O.V

The train arrived pushing a wave of cold air crashing into Katara’s face. After a week away from home, she couldn’t wait to get back again.
“Mind the gap.” The intercom blared emotionlessly. As always, she jumped from the side onto the train scared she would fall in the gap. Walking past the cabins, she saw a load of different people. Families, elderly, some teenagers and lone travellers. All of them busy chatting amongst themselves happily. Eventually, she came across an empty cabin and sat next to the window. Sitting there, she watched as the other people went by looking for cabins to sit in for the journey.
“Is it alright if I sit in here?” an elderly women asked poking her head through the door, “Everywhere else is full.”
“Yeah sure.” Katara replied smiling. The women sat opposite Katara and stared out the window. The train slowly began to move picking up speed until the view out the window was all a blur. All that could be heard through the cabin was the light murmuring of the train as it passed through the countryside on it’s way to Omashu.

Katara’s job took her to places all across the world from the frozen mountains of the southern water tribes to the fiery volcanoes of the fire nation. Being a healer, she had seen every disease or illness possible and, in every case, did her best to make sure the victims of these illnesses were nursed back to full health no matter how long it took. In doing this she would often miss the home she had in Omashu and the people she loved the most.

“Where you going dear?” the elderly women asked politely. Katara looked towards the elderly women who was now looking at her.
“Omashu.” Katara replied as the sound of crying came from the cabin next to theirs.
“Ahhh Omashu. A bit far for someone as young as yourself to be travelling in one go isn’t it?” Katara just gave a small shrug.
“I’m used to it,” She explained, “My work takes me everywhere and I try and get home as quick as I can.”
“Let me guess,” The women inquired, “you have a lover waiting for you at home.” Katara blushed slightly just thinking about that one person who was waiting for her to come home.
“I thought so.” Everything was quiet then apart from the clattering of the train and the crying next door.

Zuko P.O.V

An orange glow lit the station’s platform as Zuko stood on there waiting for the 7’o’clock train to arrive. He hated being outside when the sun had set but it was these special occasions that he didn’t mind being out. Only a few people were on the platform but they were all waiting for the same train to arrive. Ding! Dong! Went Omashu’s clock tower, welcoming the hour of seven into the city. Zuko look down the 5 mile straight track but there was no train coming. Yet again the train was late keeping him from the one person who he would wait past sunset for. Looking behind him, he saw everyone all leaning trying to see if the train was coming. They all had homes to go to and were getting impatient with train for it was late yet again. Looking back, he was greeted with the headlights of the train far off into the distance. A smile spread across his face as he watched the train come closer and closer to the platform.
“At last.” Someone sighed with relief.
“This is the third time the train has been late this week,” Another person mumbled, “They need to revise there schedules if this keeps happening.”

The dying sun just touched the horizon as the train pulled into the station. It screeched to a halt as the doors automatically opened and a avalanche of people rushed out the train. Zuko was pushed and shoved as everyone was rushing to get out of the station and into the city.

Eventually, things calmed down and the train was off to its last destination. He looked up and down the platform but couldn’t see her. Zuko began to think the worst when he was hugged from behind.
“Hey!” He shouted turning round giving the girl a hug in return. She giggled looking up at him with her ocean blue eyes.
“I missed you so much.” She said hugging him again.
“I missed you too,” Zuko whispered in her ear as the sun disappeared behind the horizon its glow still shining.

Zuko put his hand in his pocket and picked up a long fuzzy box. When Katara finally let go he took a deep breath and got down on one knee.
“Katara of the southern water tribe,” he announced holding the long blue box towards the startled waterbender, ”Would you do the honour of becoming my wife?” with that he opened the box to reveal a blue lace necklace with the fire nation symbol carved onto a blue pendant. Katara stood there speechless her eyes sparkling.
“Yes I will.” She replied eventually. Zuko stood up and placed the necklace round her neck.
“It’s beautiful.” She whispered touching the pendant. Zuko placed his hand on her shoulders and lightly turned her to face him. He placed his lips on hers, the wind blowing her hair everywhere. Nothing could have been better than that moment when their thoughts became one in perfect harmony.

Train Conductor P.O.V

The next day the train conductor came into the station to find a young couple curled up in each other arms on the bench fast asleep. The two looked so peaceful together reminding him of the days when he was younger. He left them as they were so as not to disturb the time they had together. He knew that every moment with a lover was special and should be treasured since not everything lasts. A tear came to his eye as he walked onto the platform to wait for the train since he, not long ago, had a special someone who he loved more than anything and would do anything to bring her back.
© Copyright 2012 amy77824 (amy77824 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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