Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1888393-A-Doves-Plea
Rated: E · Poetry · Tragedy · #1888393
Just something that came out of my mind and literally flowed out, without me stopping.
( Just want to say how this kinda came about...full moon was out in perfect view tonight and I watched it, for 10-20 minutes.  And as I did, I kept talking to God, and if you knew me, you would know that's not really me at all.  I could have swore I saw wings attached to the moon, beams shooting out (and no, I wasn't on drugs).  Then I came in, and these words just flowed through me, after almost 4 years of not writing anything...not even a haiku.  No, I'm no crazy fan or stalker.  Just an old soul who thinks she'd find a like one in this man)

This is dedicated to the one man who's saved my life countless times, without even knowing it.  The one man that I think, if we met, we would be great friends, maybe more if he wasn't married.  But friends none the less. I hope this finds it's way to you somehow, and I don't mean just you finding and reading it, no I hope it finds it's way to your soul.  It finds its way somewhere that makes you feel...somewhat like I do, that makes you feel like we should meet and talk.  Even if its just about how you saved my life.

I watched the moon, and saw it's wings.
And I swore, I heard it sing.
I prayed to a God that I'm not sure is there
Just for a chance for you to be here.
I told him, in all his wisdom, to hear my plea.
For us to just once, meet.
For you to come to town, and see me around.
A meeting of happenstance.

I begged for a single moment for our eyes to meet.
For you to see the love in me.
Anyway it happens, doesn't matter.
I don't care if its random, not random, however.
As long as it was sooner, but not now.
Things like this, they  take time.
But I'm breaking down slowly, all I want is for a chance for you to be mine
So sooner rather than later, is what I begged.

I told him it didn't have to be perfect.
I told him, just to let me in to your heart.
Friends at first, just one meeting.
And from there, I would take the wheel.
If it was meant to be, it would be.
If I failed, I'd have no one to blame, but me.
I begged for a sign, something to let me know he heard.
To let me know that I would be granted once chance at happiness.
Maybe I missed it.
Maybe it never was.
But I still hold out hope.

I'll count every star.
I'll keep every kiss.
I'll smile at the thought of when we meet.
And feel the warmth of your embrace.
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