Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1888016-the-walk-home
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1888016
part two, surviving the splash is part one.
April 4 2022

Time: sometime in the morning 830 I think

location TBD

Well shit its really fucking cold this morning; guess that nuclear winter is starting to set in, id better get moving and fast. I read in some article that this type of winter is like an ice age but worse, oh joy can’t wait for that. It’s about 8:30 here or at least that’s what my watch says, could be wrong I’ll never know any different anyway. All the planning, all the assholes I had to whack, it all leads up to this. Today is the day. I start my long walk home. I got my gear, my rifle, my ammo and some shitty canned food all ready for the trek and I’m finally getting the fuck out of dodge. Late is better then never I suppose. Today I plan to get out of this dead city shouldn’t be too much trouble as long as I stick to back road and avoid choke points along the major highways where the good city folk have set up kill zones. Well I better leave while most are sleeping. Wish me luck.

Time: late night 1030

Managed to slip past 2 raid parties and one kill zone. Unfortunately had to off 3 people, 2 male, and 1 female. Poor bastards. Guess I better tell what happened. I was eating lunch in a usual spot and same as always I set up my safety bubble. I had stolen a couple of claymores off a LAV about a year ago so like always I put them out. /one of these people (still unsure of what they were raider, or just survivors.) had the misfortune for meeting one of em. Blew the guys leg right off, he died instantly. The other two went total ape shit, the two of started firing wildly into the buildings yelling “cover me!” or “light them up” bullshit phrases they heard from video games and movies. I had to take them down. It was either that or I was toast got the girl with central mass and the other guy with a clean headshot, I doubt they even saw me. The old m4 I got still works like a charm. Then I heard the yelling of “what the fuck was that!” looks they were closer then I thought. That really put a damper on my meal time; I of course quickly left the area. Man I never even had time to pick up my claymores so unless these jack offs have a working understanding of bomb disposal their still out there and alive. But then again i don’t know shit about em either but I got the pins. Aside from that I got out pretty good, well minus 3 claymores and 3 human lives. Now I’m just sittin here in the sticks outside of town. I can hear the distant gun fire from the town, kind of like fireworks from the “old world “except deadly and depressing. War has really changed its not countries and beliefs anymore, its people and survival. My my how the times have changed. I got a long open road ahead of me I think I might stick to the tree line just in case someone found a gas source that hasn’t gone bad or been used up. The idea is to head up to Washington and then New York. Washington, man I think I might have to bypass that place I heard before even thing went dark it was hit hard with a ICBM and a big one at that. My gas mask won’t help me then and I doubt if I walk in there I’ll get super powers. I should do a gear list tonight just to figure out what I got and what I need before going to the point of no return. What I need right now is a shower and some female companionship if you know what I mean. Walking alone makes you a bit crazy, maybe if I found a group i wouldn’t be going as crazy as I think I am. It’s odd doing this I was never one for writing and I doubt these scrapes of paper will get me a movie deal. Then again the fact Hollywood is gone to the ground doesn’t help it either. But I digress right now all I want is sleep I got a long walk ahead of me tomorrow. Goodnight
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