Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1887983-My-Pumpkin-Life
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1887983
pumpkins, persevrence
My Pumpkin Life
I love pumpkins! They're wonderful. Pumpkins are as far from complexity as one can get. They are basic and bright. The pumpkin has the capacity to bring joy and fun in ways that nothing and no one can. Just one look at their splendor can literally transform a person.

I've always wanted to grow my own pumpkin patch. It all started last year. I went out to the store and bought my first pack of seeds. As soon as I returned home I started digging in the dirt. Five hours later I had removed what I earlier thought was going to be a "few" rocks. I didn't have a large patch, but it would do. Sure enough, a few weeks later there were plants with big orange flowers. I was on my way! Or so I thought. I nurtured the plants all summer long. Every day I went to the patch to look for a pumpkin. Every day I was disappointed. September finally arrived, yet I had not one pumpkin to harvest. I was completely discouraged and crawled in a cocoon of misery. My plans for a great autumn were foiled, cursed. There would be no jack-o-lanterns lined along the driveway. No roadside stand to earn some extra Christmas money. No pumpkin donations to brighten someone's day. It was all over.

This past spring I crawled out of my shell and got to work. This year would be better. I knew I could have a pumpkin life as long as I was committed. Once again I started digging and weeding. I even invested in good soil. Yes, this would be the great harvest!
Throughout the hot summer I cared for my patch. I gazed out my window at the clusters of orange flowers. I watched. I waited. I prayed. Yet, by the end of July there still was no pumpkin in my patch. I didn't understand why and at this point, I didn't care. It was all over. That afternoon I walked away from my patch defeated.
On a lovely September evening I was out near the "flower patch", as I now referred to it. From a short distance I thought I saw something in the patch other than the usual nothingness. Slowly I approached it. This was a very intense moment. There was something round lying in the patch. Inside I felt a glimmer of hope. Carefully I lifted the flowers and leaves..... I did it!!!!!! There was a real pumpkin in my patch! It was only the size of an apple and very green. And although it wasn't big and orange, it was all I needed to start making plans for next year.

In October I picked my precious pumpkin! Not being large enough to carve, I painted a happy face on it. My glimmer of hope had now become a great goal and a beautiful dream. Ha! Next year is going to be "THEE" autumn! Perhaps I've been thinking too small. Oh yes, I can see it all now. Along with the jack-o-lanterns and donations, I can create pumpkin everything! Next October there will be pumpkin coaches, parties, people, contests, crafts, soups, cookies, pies, games, ..... This could be infinite!!! I must get busy planning. Wait, am I maybe getting carried away? No way! My dear pumpkins, we are going to have a very happy future!

Yes, oh yes!!!
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