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A bartender serves everyone. |
A beautiful woman and a handsome man were at the island bar sipping on their tropical drinks. The small bar was a little oasis on the beach, surrounded by a small picket fence. Only the guests at the Hotel were allowed through. The man, the woman, and the bartender were the only ones present. The bartender Juan wasn't used to this kind of silence. He spoke with a accent, "The drinks okay, amigo?" The man answered, "Bien, amigo, por favor." The ice was broke, to the woman he said, "You regret it don't you?" The woman's eyes lifted from the drink, "No, Tom" "You do, you do regret it, I should've known. Whatever." "Tom..." "What?" he finished off his drink, "Uno mas, amigo." "Tom, I told you before I didn't love you. I just did it because it was the right thing to do, I couldn't tell my parents." "I give you all this and this is the thanks I get? You're really something you know that?" The woman gave a chuckle, she received an evil look from the man. "Can I get another, bartender?" She drained her drink. "And a shot of tequila" "Real smart, Linda, real smart, you want it to come out unhealthy, you go right ahead." A happy couple came in, sat across the bar and ordered two cervezas with lime. The couples couldn't see each other, the shelf with the bartender's spirits was in the way. The bartender open the bottles of beer, stuck the lime in, gave them to the happy couple and returned to the other side of the bar. "Hola, amigo, I bet you like working here, huh? Beautiful women all day long, happy couples to serve, must be real nice, real nice indeed." Linda rolled her eyes. "Can I get another, bartender?" "Sure?" The woman answered with a look. He served the drink and took the empty glasses away. "Wow, Linda, just wow." Only the bartender saw the happy couple leave. Only the bartender saw where they went. |