Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1887128-Redemption-Part-1-Chapter-3
Rated: · Fiction · Other · #1887128
Sometimes life knocks you down,
I awoke at about two in the morning, my phone vibrating in my jeans pocket. Groaning I pulled it out and flipped it open. It was Lisa I saw 128 unread messages she must have been going at it for hours. She had always been like that, hated to be ignored, threw some of the biggest tantrums, I had ever seen, at one point I found it cute. Now it was just annoying. Turning off my phone I had another thought, which made me smile as I laid my head back down, guilty consciences are a bitch. With that thought, I drifted back into semi oblivion for the next few hours. I have always been lucky like that; I rarely had a problem going to sleep especially picturing Lisa getting annoyed and little worried as I ignored her.

Morning came swift and nosy the house seemed to wake up at six in the morning consistently. By 6:30, there was generally a high-pitched argument, something being thrown and my mother yelling goodbye as she headed off to work.

Now the fact that I was awake at six didn’t really mean shit, I refused to move at any time before seven-seven thirty. Generally, this meant me walking in my pajamas down the stairs past three franticly moving teenage girls, trying to perfect their hair, make up and whatever else they worry about.

Walking past Angela I blearily saw green on her feet pointing out that she may have foot rot and that she might not want to wear flip-flop’s today. Ignoring her indignant gasp, I continued on my way to the bathroom, Donna still occupied. Grabbing her by the shoulders I physically shoed her out the door which I promptly slammed in her face. Hearing an outraged squeak, I let myself smile and stretch.

As always, my shower took about 10 minutes starting with cold and working its way to near scalding then back to freezing cold. Shaking my head, I started to brush my teeth. Fifteen minutes after I entered the bathroom I walked out. Journeying in a towel towards the stairs, Donna as usual was waiting by the door and immediately rushed in. After about three seconds, I heard and outraged squawk as her feet got drenched in a puddle of water.

I raised my hand in a small wave, as I thought she had been staring at my back and quickly called out a, “fuck you too asshole,” Smiling I flipped her of and turned to climb the stairs. Jessica was coming down the stairs she was the youngest of the children, being 14. She smiled at me at glanced quickly at my torso then away she blushed slightly moving to the side so I would have room to climb up the stairs.

“Hey short stuff,” I said rubbing her head, seeing her go an even darker shade of red I chuckled just loud enough for her to hear, which of course made her blush even more. Barely able to stop myself from laughing aloud, I mounted the stairs going to get dressed.

The rest of the morning flew by quickly, as we piled into the truck. I was driving, as it technically was my truck. We reached school about quarter to nine, as usual. Dropping the girls of at the west end, I proceed to go about a block down and pulled into a convenience store driveway, my friend Joey’s mom worked there and said it was no problem that I park my truck there. As I did every day, I pulled in locked the doors and met joey who had just started for the driveway. It was oddly ritualistic, as many things seemed to be.

“Hey man, what’s new?” he asked not bothering to look at me.

“Nothing much. You?”

“Same, ball game sucked, almost fell asleep by the third inning.”

“Caught Lisa fucking another dude.”

“Damn,” Curiosity peaked he looked at me expectantly. “You watch at all?”

“Nope, backed up and tried not to kill someone.”

“Huh, shame I missed that she has one hell of a rack.”

I snorted, she did, big bouncy and oh so firm. “You have any idea how to block people from texting you.”

“Nope, she spamming you?” He asked looking at my phone but not seeing a damn thing.

Handing him the phone he whistled in appreciation then quoted, “You have three hundred and seventy-eight unread messages. That’s gotta be a record.” Suddenly stopping he was staring at the screen, “dude you are not going to believe this.”

“What?” I asked trying to get a look but not seeing a damn thing.

“She sent you a picture of a pussy with white shit leaking out of it.”

“No, fucking way.” I said wrestling my phone at him. As I got a good look at the screen, he started laughing and proceeded to walk towards the school again.

All I saw was a row of sad faces, “Dude,” said as I pulled up beside him. “you’re a fucking asshole you know that.”

Walking backwards, he smiled, “isn’t my fault you want to see Lisa’s pussy leaking another guys cum.” Holding his hands where he imagined her breast were, he started bringing them up and down in a poor imitation of bouncing boobs. Turning just before he hit the glass doors, he opened them and waited
for me to enter.

Resuming his place at my side, I immediately forgot about him as I saw Julie and a couple of her friends, coming down the hall toward us. Trying and partially succeeding not to stare, Joey and I made our way down the hall. As she got closer I saw a small wave and smiled in return, fairly sure that she was waving at me as we stared into each other’s eyes. My heart, it seemed, was practically racing as Joey and I finally walked past.

“No fucking way,” he exclaimed, “you have been single how long 2 days max and Julie fucking Enders is already hitting on you.” Muttering to himself, Joey resumed talking to me as we neared the stairwell that lead to our algebra class.

“Anyway as I was saying you need to find yourself an ass girl.” Raising my eyebrow, he continued. “Not all ass mind, proportion is the key nice bit of ass with a good rack.” Holding one hand over an ass cheek and the other one imitating a breast, he started to walk up the stairs. As he rounded the first flight, he turned and looked at me, “see all in the proportional.”

Laughing, I pointed out the fact that he was rather lopsided, only having one breast and one ass cheek.

“Easily fixed, use your hands as the breast and I will use mine as the ass.”

Drawing his hands back, he imitated a provocative walk, as he climbed the stairs. By the time we made it to algebra class, I was nearly red in the face from laughing.

Taking our seats, I felt my phone vibrate. Sighing I pulled it out preparing to turn it off, when I saw it was Julie.

“What class do you have?”



“lol, turn around and tell your friend to stop staring, Kathy is getting the chills.”
Looking at Joey I saw his mouth slightly agape. I started laughing all over again.
Turning around I saw Julie wave, waving back I quickly texted her.

“Tell Kathy to wear cloths and perhaps people would stop staring.” Seeing Julie look down and start giggling. I watched Kathy look at Julie’s phone and quickly flipped me off grinning, getting the response she had hoped for. I just smiled innocently. Texting Julie again.

“You look good,” I said and she did wearing a tank top with a thin button down sweater that hugged nicely to her subtle but striking curves. With a killer pair of jeans that left plenty to the imagination and enough eye candy for you to want to imagine what the rest looked like. Doing a small pose she blew me a kiss.

Laughing I texted, “Joey just jazzed in his pants.”

“lol, u look good too,”

Smiling I responded then waved farewell as the bell rang.

Class was a total bore as the teacher got up wrote our note, gave us our questions then resumed marking work from her other classes. Thankfully, the period ended leaving the class free to escape from the grasp of Miss. Hanstrum. Joey was slightly subdued as we made our way to Biology class. Taking our seats I looked at him frowning, “What’s up?”

He was looking at his desk thinking about how to put his feelings into a coherent language. Finally he sighed, “It isn’t fair,” he started, knowing this to be an introduction to whatever speech he had prepared I waited. “You have it all,” he continued. “You have a great family, gorgeous sisters, an awesome mom, a nice house, a truck, and every girl in this school drooling over you. Dude you have it all and it is a total bummer.”

What do you mean every girl drooling over me?” I asked genuinely interested.

“Look at Julie,” He said emphatically trying to get his point across without raising his voice above a whisper.

I looked at him frowning.

Sighing at my apparent failure to understand he decided to spell it out for me.

“Ok, first she says hi to u in the hall, with a small and slightly shy wave of the hand. Then 10 minutes later, she shows up outside the classroom door and starts texting you, while making sexy poses and blowing you kisses, and you didn’t do a damn thing u just became single.”

Slightly amused I argued just to see how far he was willing to take it. “She was goofing around it isn’t like she meant anything by it.”

Exasperated Joey just stared at me then started laughing. “You really are that clueless and all this time I thought it was an act. Do you really think she goes around and does that to every guy?” Not going to lie he had me there I highly doubted she did, actually I was positive she didn’t.

Shrugging unconvincingly I said, “That doesn’t mean she’s drooling over me.”

Raising his eyebrow Joey turned around and waited.

“Hey Matt,” a cute read head said walking by, her ass swaying back and forth seductively.

“Hey,” I said automatically, having no idea who she was.

Joey turned around a triumphant look in his eyes. “What’s her name?” He asked when she was out of hearing range.

”I haven’t the faintest idea.” I said shaking a negative.

“Her names Annabelle and she has been doing that for the last three weeks”

Grinning Joey shook his head, looking at my phone and then back at me, he started to speak again. “Alright then, I will make you a bet, text Julie and ask if she has any plans for lunch then if she doesn’t, ask her out.”

A few minutes later, I looked at him shocked and rather excited, just from seeing my face Joey knew he had won the argument. “I have a date,” I said, suddenly wondering if I really was a total chick magnet.
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