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Rated: 13+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1887026
When life hammers you down, you just have to get right back up

Chapter 1

The hardest part about being the only guy in a household, is well simply being the only guy. My Mother, three sisters and our dog fluffy, and no I didn’t name her. Obviously, many other things go with the territory: lack of bathroom access, no chance to listen to decent music and absolutely no privacy.

Of course bonuses to being in a house of all females: Eye candy for one, let me guess you’re thinking I am perverted right? How can this guy so easily admit to looking up his own family? That is where you are wrong. Hot females have hot friends. It is practically a law of the universe; gorgeous chicks have gorgeous friends. Naturally, my sisters are good looking, so at least 4 times a week I get a steady stream of tits and ass parading in front of me for hours.

Finally, if you catch them in a good mood they will give you all the insiders on any girls you might be into. Now, this one isn’t a privilege that I have taken advantage in a while as I have had a steady relationship for close to the last year. Though the odd gossip you pick up can be very sweet.

Today’s topic seemed to be about Julie Enders and Tommy Jones, apparently her boyfriend had been caught some random from the cheer squad. None of them seemed to be sure who it was with but there was a clear consensus that Tommy was a prick and Julie deserved much better. I knew Julie, faintly, we had shared a biology class in the 11th graded I had sat near her. If I remembered correctly, she was pretty good looking and seemed to have the whole package body, brains and some football star boyfriend.

I sighed as they switched topics and got away from the good stuff. Sometimes having Sisters was a total pain, as they have a horrid tendency to talk about boys, which for some reason I find horribly boring. Might be that I am not a fag, weird how that works don’t you think. Sighing, I sat back and flipped out my phone, which tells you just how bored I was, it wasn’t like there was anyone to talk to. Lisa, my girlfriend was at a family outing or something, she had been vague, and I didn’t press. My friends were out doing shit, Mark was at a ball game with his dad, bonding time he had told me grimacing, Jeff having a very strict parents and no phone left me with no way to dump my boredom on him.

As I said I had flipped out my phone and hoping for something exciting to occupy my mind when I saw I had received a text. Now normally if I do not know the number I just ignore them but my sisters were talking about some new guy that had gone out for the soccer team and where giggling about something else I hadn’t bothered to listen to.

The text it’s self was short it read, U may want to come over here now it’s Lisa. Immediately texting back ‘who is this?’ I sat back and waited for a reply. It was fast in coming. Julie. This answer not helping me, I text back ‘where’ and got the reply of 38 Eastwood drive. It was about 20 minutes away, getting up I grabbed my jacket, my truck keys and took off. My sisters barely noticed I left the room.

It was a nice night, the moon was out, and a warm breeze blew unhindered by all the buildings and small hills that dominated my town. The drive seemed to take ages, when I finally found the street I saw a few cars and people loitering outside of what I assumed to be the right place. By this time, all my apprehensions and fears were magnified.

Parking the car I opened the door, without thinking I made my way to the house not sure what I would do but sure that whatever trouble Lisa had got herself into I would be there to get her out. As I neared the front door I saw a good looking blond get off of her seat and start to make her way towards me. She didn’t have a drink but I was too worried to really pay attention to her, looking at the party going on inside the house. Shit can happen at parties, bad shit, shit people don’t recover from.

“Matt,” she sounded nervous and was fidgeting. Looking at her for the first time, I stopped walking towards the house. “I was the one who texted you.” She said by way of explanation.

Raising my eyebrow impatiently, I waited. She blushed slightly; it was a very pretty blush. I was in a rush, but still took the 5 seconds to quickly check her out, she was hot. About five nine with a smallish rack, I had seen smaller and a very nice pair of legs. Defiantly hot.

“Umm, follow me.” Making my way through the people, I followed Julie up the stairs, to find small gathering around an open door. Now I am not a tall guy, about 6, 1” but I was tall enough to easily see what was going on in there. I saw is my girlfriend scratch that Ex-girlfriend riding some dudes cock in front of three cameras and 20 other dudes.

At first I was stunned, then I got angry really angry like enough to barge my way past 3 rows of people to pull my girlfriend, Ex-girlfriend off of the dudes cock, but I didn’t. Julie had grabbed my arm and was shaking her head not to. It is probably I very good thing I decided to follow her advice. Instead, I decided to get wasted. Drunk enough to forget the sight of Lisa fucking another dude, and perhaps everything. Clean slate like, just start over and forget the past.

Julie led me to a series of empty sofas, before sitting down; I saw a bunch of booze nearby and grabbed a few bottles. I didn’t take enough time to look at they were before I sat down and got to drinking. I had offered Julie one but she declined. I really didn’t care as my goal was to forget, not get a hot blond chick wasted.

The next few hours passed by in a blurry haze as I attempted to drink myself into oblivion. At some point in the night, Julie said that if I ever needed someone to talk to I shouldn’t hesitate to ask. To which I responded with a rude snort, and continued to drown myself in self-pity. Julie for reasons unknown to me just sat with me for the night, not saying anything just being there if I needed to talk. It was perhaps three in the morning when I attempted to stand up and make my way home. She stopped me, took my keys, and offered to drive me home. Grunting I let. I didn’t stop notice Lisa up against a wall fucking a different guy. I just kept on walking.

About a half hour later, I was home after ungratefully saying my goodbyes as I headed for my room, deciding to smother myself in my pillows, perhaps I would suffocate and forget everything.

Chapter 2

Morning came all two quickly as the sun beat mercilessly against my eyes. Sleep alluding me I made to get up, but feeling the blood rush from
my head I decided against it. My pillows I decided where right where I needed to be.

My peace was short lived at I head my mother pound at my door. She didn’t barge in on me with four teenagers my Mother quickly learned to never do that. Yet, nothing stopped her from pounding on my door and hollering much too loudly for my taste, to get off my ass and find the goddamn truck. Which of course brought back memories of the previous night, reminded me of my girlfriend riding another guys cock and pushed the goddamned truck down to the bottom of my need to forget list.

After five minutes or so she did decide to barge in, I was fully dressed and looking like shit. Still face down and looking like shit, I didn’t bother to move as she came in. I doubt she expected me too.

“The Truck,” She said impatience and worry in her voice. Grunting in reply, I made no attempt to move. After about ten seconds of waiting, I heard a very bossy NOW and my door slam. What can I say my mother is a very to the point kind of person.

I felt my pockets for the keys, this I realized could be a problem. I spent the next fifteen minutes soul searching trying to figure out where my fucking keys were. Groaning I opened my phone and texted replied to the last text I had received 38 Eastwood Drive.

I asked Julie if she was in possession of my keys.

“Yep,” She said by way of reply.

“Can I have them back?” I asked

“Sure, be there in an hour.”

“K thx,” my fascinating conversation over I headed to the shower.

As I was pulling on my shirt, forty-five minutes later a car pulled in, Julie. Hearing some shouts from my Sisters, I ran down the stairs.
Unfortunately, they got to her before I did. As I rounded, the staircase I saw Julie at the door being mobbed by my three sisters. As I started to go down the stairs I got a good look at her she was wearing a thin sweater with a high nick and long sleeves, it looked good. No never mind she looked good, really good, like really really good. The kind of good that totally makes you forget that your eyes and feet can work at the same time or that your mouth is allowed to be shut. Hell I am not even sure I was breathing. After staring dumbly for what seem to be n eternity I remembered to start climbing down the stairs again. Half way down my eldest sister Donna turned toward me, with a scandalized look she mouth, ‘oh my god Julie Enders, really?” Shooting her a dirty look, I finished my decent.

Looking at me Julie smiled, and said Hello. It took me a second to realize she was speaking to me. “He says Hi also, don’t you dork” I felt a hand swat the back of my head. She is so going to pay for that, I thought darkly, just wait until you have a guy come over Angela then you will see how over protective a brother can be. This of course didn’t show on my face as I slipped on my shoes.

“Anyway,” Julie said by way of changing the subject, “here are your keys.”

“Thanks,” I said, managing to move through the pack of hyenas surrounding the door. Getting the keys from her hand, I quickly stuffed them inside my trouser pockets.

“Do you need a ride?” She asked looking towards the driveway there were no vehicles as mom had gone off two work.

“That,” I said before my darling sisters could say something I would regret, “would be awesome.”

Smiling Julie said goodbye as I very pointedly closed the door hard on their faces, swearing revenge every step of the way. As we made our way down the walk I saw them crowding in the front window and sent them a multitude of dirty looks, each one promising a gruesome payback. To which they responded with sticking out there tongues. They were obviously quite worried about what I could do in recompense.

Julie just smiled and sent me a sympathetic look that fell apart in a burst of giggles as she saw my pained expression. I am not going to lie those giggles were fucking sexy. Getting into the passenger side, I saw my sisters leave the window deciding that the show was over.

Smiling faintly Julie pulled out of the driveway, taking a quick look of her profile. Her face was , angelic I really don’t know how else to describe it everything just blended together to make a stunning image that was full of life and laughter. Yeah, I decided for the millionth time in the last 10 minutes, she was hot.

There was an awkward silence as we started to make our way back to my long lost truck. The truth was I didn’t really have much to say I mean I didn’t even know her, but not wanting to have an awkward silence I said the best thing that came to mind.

“Umm… Thanks, for this.” Slick right, I know I am a Casanova.

“Not a problem,” Julie said, taking a quick glance at me smiling. “Sort of a bummer, what happened.” She said approaching the subject, not intruding just letting me know I could talk if I wanted.

“That’s one way of putting it,” I snorted closing my eyes as my hand went to my temples. “I’m still in shock I think, I’m not angry just numb, so very numb.” Shanking my head, I leaned back exhaling loudly.

“Yeah I know the feeling, it isn’t a pretty one.”

Snorting again, I looked at the roof. “She said that her dad wanted to have family time, said that he thought they were not functioning as a cohesive whole.”

“Said Coach was putting them through a strict workout regime for the playoffs.” Sighing she shook her head and refocused on the road.

I almost face palmed myself right then and there. Of course Julie Enders, my sisters had been talking about it last night, my god I thought I am such a dunce. She had said something that I had missed, coming back to reality I realized we were there. Damn that was fast.

“Well, Thanks again.” I said opening the door to the Honda Civic.

“Oh and Matt. ”

“Ya,” I said turning around. I saw she was holding my keys from where they had fallen out of my pocket.

“Your keys.”

Smiling I thanked her again and grabbed for the keys. As we both pulled away, our hands grazed, the touch was electric my hand skin felt numb for the rest of the day. Damn, I thought waving goodbye Tommy whatever was an idiot for letting that girl go.

To say my sisters interrogated me when I got back to the house is the equivalent to saying that the starving man picked at the bountiful meal. In other words, it is a major understatement it was disgusting. First they wanted to know what happened, then how did Julie get my keys and why was Julie talking to me in the first place. He last one now that I think about it is just kind of insulting.

“Either way,” Donna declared boldly, “she totally has the hots for Mattie here.” Which I am not going to lie, shocked me.

“How do you get that?” Asked Jessica, my youngest sister.

“Oh common, didn’t you notice she was totally checking Matt out as he came down stairs. Also she couldn’t take her eyes off of him as they walked to the car.” Donna was in her zone, supreme, confidant and in control.

Now don’t get me wrong, I wanted to believe this was true, I wanted it bad, but I wouldn’t let myself. Seeing the denial on my lips Donna started talking before I could form the words.

“Then how did she get your number?” Donna asked smiling knowing her victory was near. This time Angela spoke up.

“I gave it to her.” This of course was news to me and apparently Donna as well. Giving me the ‘I told you so’ look, she headed out to the kitchen.

Sighing I left the living room my thoughts in a muddle as I decided that what I needed was some sleep, a lot of sleep. I managed to fall asleep. It was dreamless.
© Copyright 2012 Lost In Depth (cmcarl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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