Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1886238-Where-Do-We-Go-When-The-Earth-Is-Dying
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #1886238
A short story about what to do when the people of Earth have run out of time.
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Where do we go when the Earth is dying?

If you’re reading this you have found my message in a bottle, so to speak. I have sent this message with the hope that I can help you appreciate your time and your planet. When ever you are reading this message it should appeal to your soul and your intellect.

I live in California in the year 2012, but I am not from around here. I am from the future, I have traveled here with the idea that I would just blend in and not make waves. Because you see the Earth from the future is not what you might think it should be. Yes, the Earth and its people have had a long history and yet we all knew it must come to an end someday. We have made many medical and scientific advances. Our ability to create life, save lives and renew our power supplies has surpassed any and all dreams of our forefathers. However, we cannot prevent the death of a planet. You see we have used up our non-renewable power supplies and in doing so we have destroyed the ozone layer and the atmosphere is becoming uninhabitable. Our days are numbered in the future and that is why we have chosen to transfer to the past and live out the remainder of our lives in the 21st century.

I was sent back in time like many of the people from from the future. You see, we had a choice to find a time to relocate to or perish with the planet. I chose to bring my family to the 21st century. Not a perfect time; the people complain, but they also have hope for a brighter future. They can never know of the future I came from, I am here with my family, my delightful husband, Jonathon and our three glorious children, Jonathon Jr. (JJ for short), Valentina and Marie. They are 19, 17 and 13 respectively. We are here and allowed to live out our natural lives and yet we have rules that limit the extent to which we can engage the people of this time period. Our children are not even allowed to have children, because that would increase the world population exponentially and disrupt the space time continuum. We all agreed to come to this time period and agreed that a limited life would be better than certain death.

So how do you explain to your children that they are different and they must work hard to be mediocre and not make waves in the historical path of the planet? It is not easy but they understand the choice our family has made. They go to school and while they are light years beyond their classmates, they have been taught how to act like their peers from this time period. It is like what you may call a witness protection program. Work hard enough to support your family, keep your identity a secret and your head down. Our family has made great sacrifices to be here. For example, our friends and loved ones have chosen other time periods and even if they chose to come here and now, we are not allowed to make contact with them. As these alliances could cause ripples in the Earth historical timeline.

My education in the future was as a physician, so that has made it easy for me to seek out the appropriate documents to work in this time period. On the other hand my husband repaired robots and machines from the future, using technology that will not be developed for thousands of years. I am not saying my work is easy; I work everyday around; what seems like, basic Stone Age technology and I must pretend not to understand parts of human physiology that is common knowledge in the future. Thus, while our industries are different, I know how he feels. Unfortunately, he needs more time to learn about the technology used today and then he will be able to find a more satisfying 21st century occupation.

I hope to share my story with you, so you can understand how precious the Earth of today really is. In the future that I come from most people are quite different. They are smug and pretentious. They have learned so much that they have little need for the simple things in life, such as the soothing sound of a summer rain or the comfort in a hot cup of tea. These so called enlightened people of the far future are nothing more than organic life forms with the mind set of a machine. Their daily life consists of attending to the lifeless occupations chosen for them at birth by the Earth Commonwealth Coalition; the ECC which it is commonly referred to as, is in charge of everything. Where you go, what you do and what you think. I for one, along with my family never felt like we belonged to that time period and we were very glad to sign up for the transfer. You know that feeling something is not right and you just don’t fit in, well that was us. We were out of sync with the entire planet and given the global condition that may not have been a bad thing.

When I get done telling you about how many of us have transferred to the past Earth timeline, you may never look at strangers the same way again. I hope that I can also help you acquire a special appreciation for the time we live in because this lifestyle will not last forever. While you personally may not live long enough to feel the effects of the ECC, your future descendants will and the message needs to get out that the human race will survive beyond what your people believed, but at what cost. I can only tell you the price we’ve paid.

I must add that there was an alternative to time travel and certain death. The third choice was to be placed on an interstellar transport or a Terra Nova Colony ship that is destined for a star system believed to have a planet similar to Earth. This planet is believed to be adequate to sustain our migrating population. This may sound like a desirable choice given the drawbacks of the other two. However, I am here to tell you, that plan was not as perfect as the commercials would have us believe. (yes there are commercials in the future) Have you ever been on cruise ship that never docks and everything goes wrong? Well that is what the news is from the underground communication network. Word is that they have had food and water shortages, work shift shortages and ECC financial credit delays. These problems have led to riots in the corridors, secret crime lords that extort credits and goods from the store owners and families living on the ships. The once floating oasis of refuge and pleasure is now a crime ridden death ship heading for God knows where. The ECC has created this distraction so that the people of Earth would not think that the ECC had failed to plan for the end of the world. Yet many of us believe that these ships have no way of really reaching their destination.

Needless to say when my manager told me about a plan to help us relocate to a different time period, I was delighted. Basically, like living in a real life history lesson. I went home that day and sat down with my family and we discussed the pros and cons of each choice and decided to choose the time relocation option and then we had to choose the year and place. So we looked through the brochure offered by the Time Tech Institute and we chose California in the 21st century. With my health care background and his technical background we felt we would fit in just fine. The children were a little nervous, but excited to have an adventure ahead of them.

One day I got off work a little early and my husband was still at work and the children were at school, so I decided to relax and read a book and if I dozed off; no big deal, I probably needed it. You see I hadn’t been sleeping well. I have been sleep walking and having nightmares. Weird dreams that placed me back at the Time Tech Institute walking the halls of the scientific labs. Things were blurry so I could not see the details clearly. Regardless they were unnerving. It was a part of my life I wanted to forget. So I made a pot of relaxing herbal tea and warmed a few sweet biscuits, grabbed the latest installment of my favorite mystery series and curled up on the couch with a cozy blanket.

With all of my accoutrements close at hand, I opened the book and began to read. I was extremely sleepy, my eyes grew weary as I turned page after page. The book was great and I could not put it down. The next thing I knew, I was back at the Time Tech Institute and I was walking the halls again. The walls were a dull grey and there were many doors with small windows at eye level and computer keypads just to the right of the doors. I kept walking hoping not to run into anyone, I just wanted to find the transfer department and make my way back to my family.

Unexpectedly, a sharp loud siren started blaring and red flashing lights filled the air. Soon a robotic voice came over the sound system: “Code 3! Contaminate detected in Sector 7.” I looked up and noticed that nestled in the dull grey paint were the words “Sector 7” I couldn’t help but think that I could be in danger or that I could be the reason for the alarm. The robotic voice repeated itself and the lights and sounds continued to blare. The sound was most distracting, but I knew I had to keep moving. So I ran down the hallway and checked the doors to see if they would open. Anything to get me out the way of the containment team that would soon fill these halls.

I finally found a small closet near the end of the hallway and ducked inside. Soon after I closed the door, I heard the elevator door open and many padded footsteps ran by. I could hear the workers dragging loads of equipment behind them on a squeaky cart. In the dim light, noticed that I was in a supply closet and to my surprise there were containment suits in here, with full breathing tanks. So I began to suit up, for my safety as well as for my next move. I wanted to leave this area as soon as possible and undetected. While the cacophony of the code 3 continued, I slipped into the nearby elevator. I thought to myself. Let’s see, which floor was the transfer unit on? 13, I believe, most buildings do not have a 13th floor, but in this case 13 happened to be the designer’s lucky number, so that is where they placed the transfer equipment.

I pressed 13 and waited impatiently for the lift door to close. With a breath of relief the elevator went up. My heart sank when it suddenly stopped on the eleventh floor and as the door opened I saw two suited and masked workers waiting to get on the elevator. They entered the elevator and looked at me questioningly. Then one of them abruptly asked “why are you suited up and heading away from Sector 7?” I wasn't sure how to answer him, so I said; “I accidentally pushed the wrong button, out of habit.” Wishing I had a way out this situation, I reached out and pushed the 7. The other masked figure reached out with an override key and the lift shifted direction and returned to the 7th floor.

We all exited the elevator and headed toward the area that needed containment and decontamination. I was startled to see so many workers trying to find the problem. They had detectors in their hands bleeping and buzzing. Finally, one of the workers got word over the ear com, that warehouse 727 was the source of the leak. The group headed for the door labeled 727. The leader peered in through the window and proceeded to press his handheld detector against the tech panel near the door frame. His handheld device began to buzz and light up. I hoped this meant we were safe and could get out of here soon. Unfortunately, that was not the case, it meant we needed to go inside room 727 and contain the source of the alarm.

I grabbed a useful looking pack, and placed myself near the back of the group. Someone at the front of the team opened the door and a flood of yellow gas immediately seemed to creep along the floor. The containment team worked fast to vacuum up the escaping gas. The leader; then radioed back to command, that this level should be sealed until containment and decontamination were complete. Two of the vacuum pack workers entered first, clearing the way for the rest of us. The leader used his handheld to scan the area and then pointed straight ahead. I walked behind the group trying not to look out of place. I looked around and saw these strange glass cabinets, rows and rows of them. They were about seven feet tall and three feet wide and they seemed to be filled with the same yellow gas that had escaped when the door opened.

We all walked straight ahead as a group until the leader pointed to the right down another walkway and then we could all see the cause for the alarm, an open vertical closet with a clear glass door except for a frosted mid section and inside were strange looking clamps. The clamps looked as though they may have once held a human head at the top, arms in the middle and legs near the bottom. There were tubes spiraling in the air, shooting out yellow gas. The leader then radioed back to command that they have had a breach in security, that subject, he paused and closed the glass door to reveal the name of the subject. I was scared and surprised at the same time, as he stated “Subject 134672, Ellie Hensworth – destination time period 2012.” You see to my surprise, that was my name. A whirlwind of questions went through my head. Why would my body be here? What is going on, is this a fraud? Why did I wake up? Is something wrong? But then I saw my beloved husband’s name on the next glass closet and then my three children right next to him. How can this be? We were promised transfer to the past to live out our lives and instead our bodies are trapped in these living caskets. Was any part of us really in the past or was it all a scheme of the ECC to make us feel better about the end of the world.

The leader watched intently as the workers finished the containment and decontamination and then they proceeded out the door. How many rooms were filled with people who thought they were living in ancient Greece or having tea three blocks from Queen Elizabeth I? This was a disgrace and I was determined to get to the bottom of it and make everyone aware of the ECC/TTI scam.

For now I must stay with the clean up workers, soon we reached the area where they were to remove the protective garb and run through the decontamination showers. This was going to be a problem, because I would surely be recognized. I noticed in the corner a private area for the leader to disrobe and apply his usual TTI work suit. So I waited casually for him to finish and then went in and asked the wall based computer for a uniform that would fit me. I was safe for now, however an identification badge was going to be necessary soon. I heard the workers talking; they were wondering what happened to the missing subject. Their leader spoke up and said that the security team would find her soon. Her bio-scan would be sent to every sensor across the division, she would be found soon, dead or alive. My heart sank even deeper, dead or alive!! What did that mean? I could possibly die, why? How? Then the leader continued to state that the people from life tubes could not sustain natural life outside the tubes for very long without the TTI reversal treatment. I looked at my hands and then looked in the mirror. My skin was yellow and I was starting to feel sick. I was scared. I was worried my family would miss me and that I may never make it back to them in reality or the sub-reality this place some how created.

I just could not take any more, so I left the work room and headed down the hallway. I saw people coming towards me, so I pretended to be occupied with looking for something in my pocket. I kept moving down the corridor. I did not know where to go. Level 13 was out of the question now, given the fact that the whole transfer thing was a hoax. If I turned myself in, they would just hook me back up to the life tube again and probably wipe my memory. Hey wait a minute, these corridors are like the halls in my dreams. Have I been here before? Have I escaped this life tube thing before? Why do I feel like this is not the first time I have walked these halls? I kept walking, not knowing what was around the next corner. Then a tall man in a grey suit and a glowing clipboard turned the corner. He said “say nothing and follow me.” I did not know what to think. I felt like I knew him and since I had nothing to lose. I followed him. He led us to a large room labeled 713. We went in and he closed the door. The room was very bright, white walls and white furniture. Very different from the grey upon grey I had seen everywhere else. He said his name was Griffen Stegleheart and that he had been friends with our family before we were placed in the life tubes. “I do not remember you.” I said. He said “that is because the administrators at TTI had wiped your memory”. I was beginning to get a sensation like some of my memories were returning. He said that he had a plan to get me and my family out of here if we wanted to or I could get back in the life tube.

I said immediately I wanted to get out of here. But he said “wait until you hear the rest of the story, you may change your mind.”  I could not believe that there was a better choice than getting out of the life tube and trying to live out our lives. I knew the risks. The planet was dying and the other choice was getting on a Terra Nova Transport ship. One of those has to be better than living in tube for the rest of our lives. I could not believe that the Time Tech Institute had carried out such a fool proof lie and had sold it to so many people. But I guess the people of my time had become too trusting in the ECC and TTI and chose not to question the so called “progress”.

We sat down and had a cup of tea, herbal my favorite. Griffen proceeded to tell me more about the Time Tech Institute. He explained that the life tubes had been a great idea and that telling people that they were being transferred to the past, helped seal the deal. The consumer thinks they are being sent into the past, but in reality they are here and their minds are channeled into a vast network that creates a virtual reality. TTI then is responsible for the maintenance of the bio-forms. This seemed like a great plan until the end of the world seemed to come faster than we had all planned. This meant they needed to find some place to keep the bio-forms safe until the end of their natural life span. So Griffen explained this is where it gets tricky. “Wait” I said to Griffen “have I been here before? Because I have had dreams of places like this and I wake up feeling very exhausted.” Griffen let out a small chuckle and said “yes, you have and this is why I have chosen to let you know all of the secrets, because you are obviously not happy with your last three choices.” “Three choices!” I shouted. “Ssshhh!” Griffen said “we do not want to draw attention, remember they are looking for you.” I whispered “what do you mean three choices?” Griffen looked away and started again” you have escaped the life pod on three separate occasions and you have chosen to return based on the choices of a life pod verses a Terra Nova Colony ship.” You mean I knew about the life pod?”  I said. Griffen smiled and said “you all knew about the life pod, but your minds were cleaned of any memory so as not to alter your virtual reality life.” Shocked at the prospect that my husband and I knew about the life pod, I asked “so what are my options, since it seems I cannot be contained and I cannot live on Earth.”

Griffen paused for a moment while he crossed the room and went to draw the curtain. He asked that I keep an open mind and think of my family. He then asked that I come over to the window that he wanted to show me something. I stood there by the window, waiting eagerly for him to open the curtain. He looked at me one more time before drawing the curtain and asked that I forgive him for keeping this secret.  That he had no choice; he was only trying to protect us. I took a step back and I looked him in the eyes and said “I am ready.” He pulled the curtain back to reveal a black sea of nothingness. I looked again and saw flickers of light in the distance and great swirls of color off in the far distance. It took me a few seconds, but I got my bearings and realized we were in space, we were in deep space. I was on a Terra Nova Colony ship heading for God knows where. I was in shock, I had to sit down. I reached for my tea for comfort, for home. My head was spinning. “How could this be? When did this happen? My whole life has been a lie. Maybe this is why I cannot rest in the life pod?” I said to him. He nodded his head in agreement. He continued “This is why I have chosen to share all the details with you, so that you can make an informed decision for you and your family.”

I wondered how to proceed. I asked him how the security was on these ships and if they continued to have the problems and the riots. Griffen, proceeded to explain that many of the problems had been fixed, but that life was not in complete harmony. I asked how the planet was doing. He stated that it had lost all forms of plant life and the power sources had diminished and the atmosphere was uninhabitable.  I grieved for my planet and wondered what to do next. I asked Griffen, “So what are my choices this time?” “The planet is gone, the time travel transfer was a hoax and I am already on a Terra Nova Transport ship. What choice do I have? Stay on board this ship and live in a virtual reality life pod or live on the Transport ship in the general population and risk my family’s security to riots, crime lords and food shortages.

I thought for a moment, while I looked out the window at the vast blackness of interstellar space. I always loved space and the adventure of travelling through it might bring. But I am here now and my family is at risk. The adventure brings a cold and bitter bite. I am not excited about the choices I have before me. I asked Griffen if he had a family and what would he do, given my choices. Griffen smiled and said “I have a family and they were in life tubes and I visit them everyday.” He continued “To them I go off to work everyday, and for me, I get out of the virtual reality pod and work around the station.” He paused briefly looking out the window, and then said. “My scientific contributions to TTI have afforded me this luxury.” He smiled at me and said. “I have the best of both worlds, I work to maintain the colony and my family is safe and sound in a life pod.” I thought to myself as he shared his secret with me. He leaned in close and said that he was the only one in his family that knew they were living in a virtual reality life pod. He also said that most people cannot handle the idea, so the administrators at TTI have found that wiping the memories of those in the pod was conducive to them believing they were living happy lifestyles.

Griffen and I talked some more about the needs of TTI and where I could fit in. He stated that my medical background would be good for the management of the bio-forms and that I could have a similar arrangement to him. I would see my family in the virtual realm and work in this reality to ensure the safety of the bio-forms during the transport. This seemed like I could have the best of both worlds too. I asked if my husband could have the same opportunity, because his technological talents were being wasted in the 21st century virtual world. Griffen agreed that his technical skill would be useful to the colony and that the arrangement could be extended to him as well.

Griffen pulled out a communication device and punched a few buttons and waited. Next a woman’s voice came on the line. Griffen proceeded to tell her that I had understood the options and that I had agreed to the dual life option and that my husband should be revived so that we may speak to him as well. He closed the device and proceeded to tell me that we are the only one’s with this arrangement and that no one else should learn of it.

We brought Jonathon out of the life pod, he was as shocked as I was and sympathized with the troubles I had been having and he agreed that the dual lifestyle would be good for him too. He wanted to make a real contribution to his family’s future and he was getting really frustrated with the antiquated technology of the 21st century. We also discussed a plan to release the children from the life pods. We would wait for a time in the future when the living environment was better on the Terra Nova Colony transport ship. Their safety and happiness was our chief concern.

It is about now, you may be wondering, how I got this message to you? Well I was able to send an email to the past. I am not able to send key information that might alter your future or my past. But I can send you notes of wisdom. Now that you have read my story, which would you choose?

P.S. So, when you go to work and you feel like you have entered an entirely different world, think of me, because you may have just entered an entirely different reality. I promise you will never look at your co-workers the same way ever again. You may ask yourself what is real and what is a dream? Are they really there? Where or when do they go at the end of the day?

I am sorry that my ancestors did not care for our planet the way they should have, but it is impossible to see the future and know the error of our ways until it is too late. This is part of the message I wish for you take, please be mindful of the way you treat the planet because our future depends on it and so does your reality.

© Copyright 2012 Idylwild Summer (idylwild at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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