Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1885797-RubyRed---Just-Another-Birthday
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Other · #1885797
Just another Pokèmon story with a take of moden ideas.
He was having the dream again. The one where he was falling. Falling slow. Spinning and turning so gracefully. 

Then as he looked around, everything else was falling. 
Men in bright red suits, aiming guns at men in light blue suits, while trying to dodge all the flying debris.

He quickly reached out for something. It was a round object, giving off a huge noise. "TICK, TICK TICK", it went, as it formed into a clock.

As he touched the clock it soon went -


"ANDDDDDD COMING TO YOU LIVE FROM GOLDENROD , ITS THE GOOD MORNING JOHTO SHOW!" the alarm clock started blasting out, not caring about Ruby's dream at all.

As Ruby opened his eyes and rubbed them, he noticed something was in his room. Something different. Someone was looking at him. He slowly turned around to the window to see another pair of eyes stare right back at him. The pair of light blue eyes belonged to one person and only one person.

"GOOD MORNING RUBY!" Sapphire yelled at the top of her lungs, not caring about the fact that it was still, 8 am. "Oh, yeah I forgot. " she  added quickly before Ruby could speak  pulling a hand into her bag and coming out with a small, red box. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOTHERF-"

Ruby put a hand over her mouth before she could yell out. "Shhh. You now that its 8 in the morning right?"

"Yes, but I had to be the first to congratulate my boy on being 14!  I would just die if it was your mom who told you! Now what kinda freind would I be?"

"The one who would let me sleep. Thats who." Ruby laughed to himself as he grabbed a T-shirt and he glasses, putting both on, before taking the box and opening It slowly . "You didn't have to get me anything..."

"Pshhh, yeah I did. Why do you think I did?" Sapphire smiled and looked eagerly as he opened the box to find....

"CONTACTS!" Ruby's face grew with excitement as he held them in is hands. "But, how did you know?"

"Rubes, it's not that hard to tell you hate your glasses. And look! They make you're eyes look red!" She pointed out the ruby red cornia in the center of the contacts. "They are hard to put on the first few times but afterwards its just like putting on shoes! "

"T-t-t-thank you..." Ruby stammered, fighting the tears forming in his eyes.

"Your welcome, now get your ass ready, my dad has something to give ya!" Sapphire yelled as she got up and ran out of his room, then eventually, his house.

After she left he got up and got ready, trading his pajamas for red and black pants and a vest. After breakfast, he opened his birthday present from his Mom, a pair of Air Jordans, called Running Shoes. Saying thanks he quickly ran out the house, and into LittleRoot Town, Hoenn.

Ruby and his small family had just moved from Pallet Town, Kanto. He remembed being able to see the legendary Pokèmon Trainer Red battle the Elete 4, than the trainers of the Pokèmon league, then come out of a near death battle with Green.

But that was four years ago. Now everything was different. Nobody thought that he would win. Everyone knew of his defeat of Team Rocket, the evil Pokèmon group that stole Pokèmon from their trainers. That was evil back then.

After that Red dissappered without a trace.

After that Kanto fell into a slump. The economy fell, there was riots everywhere. 

Ruby's dad, Norman, found a job as a Gym Leader in a far land called Hoenn.  He quickly packed his things and took it. Every week he would send alot of money to his family back into Johto, while trying to find a house for the family.

Soon his freind, Professor Birch, who was also Sapphire's father, told Norman about a nice house in Littleroot Town, and after seeing it, he bought it.

That was six months ago. Now it was Ruby's birthday, and he was walking to the town square, looking at a small gathering of people. As he joined the crowd of people watching a man with red hair talk. Around the man there was 4 people, 2 on each side of him sitting Down.

The man on the stage gave a smile, he was wearing a black  formal suit and he looked at the 4 men in the chairs. Each of them had on a dark red hoodie with tight red pants.  As the original man stepped up to the microphone, he gave a happy wave and started to speak, "Testing, one, two, three." The crowd laughed at the man, who had a comferthing but strong voice. He smiled once more and began to talk again.

"Hello Littleroot, Hoenn! My name is Maxie and I am the CEO of TM!" Ruby noted how calm Maxie was, as if he had been practicing daily. He also saw that as the man talked, he moved his hands often. He also motioned to the men on the chairs, and the crowd.

"Now, I know most of you have a job to get to, I also know that most of you are wondering, 'What the hell is this man going on about?' Well, I'll tell you. We believe that ALL teenagers should have a Poket Monster, otherwise known as a Pokèmon. Now, will all children aged thirteen to eighteen please come up?"

Ruby started to go up as did two other boys, all older than him. As they stood on the stage Maxie looked at them and asked "So, how old are you young men?"

The two other boys looked at each other, and one of them said, "Younger and better looking than you ever were." The crowd started to laugh and Maxie smiled, getting a little red in the face.

"I see, I see, and what about you?" Maxie said pointing at Ruby.

"Me? Um, well, today I turn fourteen ." Ruby replied, trying hard not to say anything bad.

"Birthday boy huh. Well how about you get the first one?" He quickly threw a ball to Ruby as he caught it.

"Thank-you." Ruby replied, fighting an ear to ear smile as he held the red and white PokèBall in his hands.

"You know how to call it out right? " The boy next to him whispered as the other boy got his.

"Yes, I do."

Soon each boy got their Pokèmon and slipped back into the crowd.

"Thank-you for your participation today! We hope that you will be seeing more and more of us as we grow bigger and bigger!" Maxie said with a smile as he called out his Pokèmon, a Starraptor, got on him, and flew away. Soon, the crowd disperced as Ruby walked to the professers lab.

As he walked, he tossed the ball into his hands and back. "I wonder whats in here. Hopefully something rare, like an Eevee!" He told himself as he reached the lab. It was then when he noticed the large white button on the ball. He pressed it and watched in amazement as it jumped into the air and opened up, a blinding white light droping from it as it closed and fell back into his hands. Faster than it happened, the light turned into a shape as it gained colour and turned into a Growlithe.

"It's a dog." Ruby said as the dog looked around and sniffed its surroundings. Suddenly the ball fell onto Ruby's glasses on his head, making them fall and break onto the floor. "MY GLASSES! I CAN'T SEE!" He yelled out. Suddenly he felt something warm and fuzzy rub against him. He also heard the door to the lab open and someone step out.

"Ruby? Where are your glasses? And is that a growlithe?  I didn't know your Mom let you have a Pokèmon!  " It was Professor Birch. The smartest man in Hoenn, Sapphire's dad, and Norman's best freind. 

"My glasses broke! And the dog is from man that was talking today." He could feel the growlithe leave his legs as he sniffed the professor barefeet.

Birch laughed and reached into his pockets, pulling out an extra pair of glasses and gave them to Ruby. "Here, you left these last time." He told him as he gave it.

"Thanks." Ruby said as he put the glasses on. He then reached down to pick the Pokèball and Growlithe up.

"Who was this man?" Birch asked Ruby as they walked inside. Soon they sat down and Ruby told him the story of TM and Maxie and the Growlithe. When he was done the dog was asleep and Birch was rubbing his chin.

"TM? No, your thinking of Team Magma. Maxie is in charge of that group of bastards." Birch finally said.

"Bastards?" Ruby questioned.

"Yes. Team Magma is the new Team Rocket, but much worse. Instead of kidnapping Pokèmon, they kidnap children and train them, then make them steal the Pokèmon."

"B-b-b-but Maxi-"

"Thats not all." Birch interrupted, "They kill anyone who gets in their way."

Suddenly, a man come bursting in the room, swearing hard and freaking out. "THEY TOOK HER! TEAM MAGMA TOOK HER!"

Birch stood up quickly. "Took who? Who did they take?"

"Norman's wife! They took her!"

Ruby gasped and stood up, waking the dog in his hands. Birch looked at him and shook his head. Soon Ruby was on the floor, sobbing into the dogs orange fur, as Birch ran to comfort him.

What a great birthday.
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