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Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #1885742
A Sensual Love Story
A Sensual Love Story–2,990

         ‘POW!’ HM2 Siggard landed on his ass, scrambling for cover, although he was sightless. His face was red-hot, and he was furious at the support team that was assigned to help him deal with his blindness.

         “You go off on me again like that, and I’ll break your ass, pussy!” the voice snapped out.

         Pussy? How dare she? SHE wasn’t blind; SHE wasn’t bound up in plaster casts; SHE didn’t have to ask for help taking a piss, for god’s sake! Who the hell did she think she was, anyhow?


         Twenty-five years old, Karl Siggard, once a Navy Medic assigned to the U.S.Marine Corps group defending a Consulate in Afghanistan, when his life changed forever. Passing through the checkpoint on his way to the city market, he was met by a local vegetable supplier to the Consulate, and they nodded in greeting as they passed each other.

         A few steps later, Karl was hit by a tremendous blast against the back of his body, and thrown several yards from where he was walking, waking later in pain, and in complete darkness. His whole life had been thrown into the cauldron of hell.

         Now, back stateside and in therapy, he was being tormented by the “Bitch Therapist From The Abyss.” ‘You can do this, do that, think about what you’re doing, press on, and blah, blah, blah,’ was driving him nuts. He screamed back at her, “I can’t do this, I can’t do that, I’m fucking blind you bitch!” But her response was always the same. “Pussy!”

         Their last encounter ended with him trying to strike out at her, aiming at the sound of her voice. He struck thin air; her response was to slap him aside the head, dropping him to the floor. Again, he heard her now familiar epithet; “Pussy!”

         Weeks went by without any apparent progress, and finally the time came when he was led to a panel of therapists to review his regimen. During this examination Karl attempted to dispense with his current therapist, and get one that was a bit more sympathetic to his plight.

         The panel deliberated for several hours, and in that time Karl discovered that his current practitioner, Miriam, was considered one of the premier therapists still handling cases such as his, and there was a consensus, excepting him of course, that she remain active in his case.

         Inwardly, he screamed; but he couldn’t rock this boat too much, as he couldn’t predict who would take over his therapy if Miriam were reassigned. She was the ‘Devil he knew.’


         Again, Miriam confronted the angry veteran, and again he rejected her attempts to bring him back into productivity. But this time, she held back a few minutes, simply waiting for his response to silence. He waited, breathing heavily, and hearing nothing, he quieted his own breathing, turning his head to pick up any sound that would indicate someone was still there.

         “I know you’re still here, bitch!” he snarled. “I can hear you breathing.”

         Waiting a few seconds before replying, Miriam asked in a flat voice, “What else can you sense, Pussy?”

         More moments passed, and finally he replied, “I can smell you, you vicious cunt! Even if you move, I’ll know exactly where to slap the shit out of you!”

         Chuckling to herself, she slipped silently a few feet from where she was, knowing that he was beginning to extrapolate her location; progress of a sort in the therapy. He was beginning to utilize the senses that remained, but was unable to realize that he was doing so. A little more time, she thought.

         “I dare you,” she said.

         “What?” he replied.

         “I dare you, Pussy!” she returned.

         “Dare me to do what?” he screamed.

         “I dare you to remain absolutely still, until I tell you to move. Can you do that, Pussy? Or do I tell your buddies that you couldn’t even do that simple task? Or, are you afraid of me?”

         “Afraid of YOU? Are you fucking kidding? If I ever get my hands around your throat you’ll be sorry you ever started to torment me!”

         “Well?” she continued. “Do you accept my challenge? If you do, you can have your opportunity to put your hands around my throat; I promise.”

         More moments passed, then “Bring it on, bitch; I accept!”

         More silence. “Freeze, Pussy!” she snapped.

         When she was satisfied that he was complying, she moved towards him.

         Feeling the heat from his body, she reached out gingerly, and touched his chest, establishing a point of reference. He flinched of course, her having surprised him by her touch, but she kept her hands gentle and soft against his body.

         Smiling, she continued to stoke the surface of his body, admiring the contours of a man, physically fit, and in the prime of his life. It was a pity that he’d been given this cross to bear, but he had everything needed to continue to excel in this life, if he could only be convinced of it.

         He was beginning to squirm under her touch, so she immediately brought their dare back into his mind; “What’s the matter, Pussy; can’t handle a little dare?” He immediately stiffened, and allowed the dare to continue.

         “Can you hear me, Pussy?” she asked.

         “Yes!” he hissed.

         “Can you smell me, Pussy?” she asked.

         “Yes!” he barked.

         “Can you reach out and touch my nose?” she asked.

         She waited for his response, and it seemed to take forever. Soon, though, she felt the touch of his finger on her nose. She smiled. We made some progress today, she thought.

         “Bitch,” he said.

         “Pussy,” she replied. She caught his smile during that short exchange.


         The next couple of weeks went quickly, and Karl began to discover that the remaining senses managed to make up for a lot of visual cues he’d depended upon previously. He was already considering the remaining possibilities for him given the options that he’d discovered under Miriam’s tutelage.

         Months after they’d started therapy, it was finally time for him to leave the clinic and get on with his life. Still enraged over the unfairness of his condition, he now felt that he was much better prepared to cope with real world demands on his existence. Begrudgingly, he had to admit that Miriam had managed to yank his ass back into reality, giving him a fighting chance at life again.


         Karl sat dictating into his microphone, adding some details to the novel describing his ordeals in the Afghanistan conflict. The story had already been sold to a major publisher, and he’d managed to parley this one into several more in the months to come. This could become a pretty lucrative means of supporting himself in the years to come, and he loved doing it.

         The military had provided him training after discharge that could ensure a livelihood for him in the years to come. Massage therapy, a skill that suited both his medical training and his temperament became his new purpose for living.


         One afternoon, he felt the front door of his apartment open and close. Almost imperceptibly, the soft atmospheric pressure change alerted him that someone had entered his apartment.

         Keeping absolutely still, he brought all of his senses on alert, as he’d learned from Miriam. Probably his housekeeper, Aggie, he thought and smiled, although he thought she wasn’t scheduled for today.

         The sound of footsteps made their way towards him, but he discerned a familiar pattern about it, quite unlike that of Aggie. Slowly the steps crept across the wooden floor. Karl tensed, waiting for his senses to feed him more information.

         Then it happened; the sounds stopped, but the airways wafted a familiar scent his way, causing the hairs to rise on his neck. “Bitch!” he sputtered. The old rage however, was gone, replaced long ago by a sense of resignation and determination.

         “Hello again, Karl!” was her soft reply. Miriam smiled. “I trust you are well these days?”

         “To what do I owe this visit, Miriam?” he continued as old memories flooded into his mind.

         A long pause, then she said, “Call it a follow-up on your progress Karl; and a need to pay up on a dare made to you a few years ago.

         He heard her approach him more closely, preceded by her intoxicating scent.

         “How far have you come in your rehab these days, Karl?” she asked.

         He noted that she no longer used that hated nickname she’d tagged him with during his sessions of therapy. It could be noted that he’d begun to use her given name as well. Maybe a ‘Pax’ of sorts?

         “The dare?” he queried.

         He felt her approach him much closer, and he marveled at the sensory acuity that he’d gained over the past short years. He could never forget her sound or scent, as long as he lived. He was beginning to feel her body heat now, a kind of sensual ‘aura’ around her shape. A couple of years ago, none of this would have been possible.

         She stopped and answered, “I told you if you’d remain absolutely still for me, I’d let you put your hands around my neck. Remember? Well, you won that dare, and now I’m here for you to collect your prize.”

         Silence fell over the room for several moments, until Karl figured out what course of action he wanted to take in this situation. Win the dare he did, but things had changed over time, and he now figured out what he wanted from her visit. She might not like it but then again, she came to him; not him to her.

         He felt her presence directly in front of his face, and he knew that if he reached out he could touch her face with absolute accuracy. The last time he’d tried to reach out to her face she’d moved aside and smacked him on his ass! This time? He didn’t know. But what the hell, he thought. He knew what he wanted now.

         Reaching out towards where her face should be, he encountered—her face; soft, warm, enticingly curved and angular. As he felt her react to his touch, he said, “What’s the matter, teach? Need a dare to stand perfectly still for me?” A few moments passed, and he continued, “How about it, Miriam—a dare for a dare?”

         More moments, and he finally felt her nod.

         Continuing his exploration of her face, he wondered why he’d never touched her before. Probably the “Doctor-Patient Relationship” thing he decided.

         ‘She’s beautiful,’ he thought. He brought his hands down to her throat, smiling inwardly at the thought that she’d just complied with the conditions of their earlier dare. Feeling her pulse quicken against his sensitive fingertips, he eased her mind by sliding his hands down to her shoulders, massaging them gently.

         His ears picked up a soft sigh, encouraging him to take his dare to the next level. Stepping around to her back, he began to massage the tight muscles of her upper back, reveling in her feel and her familiar scent. Again, sensing no resistance, he took her arm and led her to his massage parlor area.

         Standing before his wide therapy table, he began to unbutton her blouse in preparation for a session. She quickly caught his hands in hers, and began, “Karl, I…” Putting his finger on her lips, he interrupted,

         “Shhh…! I’m the therapist now; let yourself go and see what I have in store for you. If you object, the dare is off, and you can leave.”

         Feeling her relax, he continued to remove her blouse, and kneeled to remove her jeans and footwear as well. Assisting her onto the table, he placed her on her stomach, arms alongside her body. Turning to warm the aromatic oils he used to massage into the skin and muscles of his clients, he said. “My dare still applies, so you may as well enjoy the ride.”

         Naked, except for her bra and panties, Miriam shivered slightly as the cool air in the room drifted across her body, unseen but not unnoticed by Karl. He’d been in her position before, and aside from her knowledge of his current profession, she couldn’t truly know what was in store.

         Warming his hands beside her, Karl took a bit of scented oil and lubricated them with it. He was about to test a special body rub technique that until now, was still theoretical. Alicia, one of his instructors in school had described this technique in detail just before he graduated, and had sworn by its effectiveness in seducing the recipient of its process. She had also sworn Karl to secrecy, cautioning him of the danger of misuse, and the possibility of losing his certification if caught.

         He was willing to take that chance now though, he thought.

         Beginning at her scalp, his gentle fingers worked their way towards her back, massaging tension from her neck, while softly stroking the areas around and behind her ears. As he did this, he blew into her ears, feeling her tremble at his touch. He smiled to himself, knowing that the combination of warm oils and sensations on her skin were doing their work.

         Next he rubbed the oil into the muscles of her neck, feeling the quickening pulse of her heartbeat against his fingers. Her shoulders, initially tight and tense, gradually fell victim to his manipulations, as did the muscles branching out from her spine.

         Working his way down her back, he paused for a moment, then released the clasp on her bra, causing the straps to fall away to either side. There was no protest from Miriam, he noted; indeed, she took in a large breath, and slowly released it in apparent pleasure. He reasoned that since he was sightless, she didn’t feel threatened by that gesture.

         Hard, followed by soft manipulations, he paid particular attention to known erogenous areas, grazing the skin, teasing, tantalizing. He could hear her breathing quicken, the silence broken more often by her sighs of pleasure. Reaching her buttocks, he paused for several long moments.

         Finally, he grasped the waistband of her panties, and began to expose a bit more of her body. He smiled inwardly as he felt her lift her hips in an invitation to remove them. He did so, again using easy non-threatening motions, caressing the soft swells of her ass cheeks. Not surprisingly, he felt the stirring of an erection in his groin, and he wondered at the final outcome of his actions.

         He massaged her ass cheeks tenderly, coming closer to the entrance to her treasures. Again, she reacted to his manipulations by easing his access, slowly spreading her legs. The warmth from her groin, and the fragrant muskiness now rising from her body began to work their magic on his senses. This was becoming a trap set both ways, and he felt an incredibly strong attraction to his one-time tormentor.

         Shaking off his sudden weakness, he moved his hands to the backs of her knees, softly caressing the tender skin on both. Again, he felt her tremble, and leaned into the figure to blow warm gusts of his breath on the pathways his hands were traveling. Evidence of his success continued to be groans of pleasure and an occasional gasp as he touched a particularly sensitive part of her body.

         He wanted her badly, but he knew in his heart, this wasn’t the way to win her. He quietly resorted to more conventional massage methods, but he couldn’t help but absorb the essence of this delightful creature. Touch, sound, scent—it all came together in a terribly neat package, particularly when it came to Miriam, he thought. He’d struggled with that fact for too many months not to recognize what was twisting his heart about this woman. He was in love with her.

         While he was pondering this thought, he felt her turn over onto her back, sigh, and whisper, “What’s the matter, Karl; haven’t you figured out the mind of a woman yet?”

         Confused, he paused for several moments before continuing his gentle massage, again passing his hands over her face, marveling over the exquisite symmetry of her features, but his passion soon overtook his caution, and he quietly dropped his head to where he supposed her lips might be, and unerringly, pressed his against hers.

         Instead of a rebuke, he felt her hands press behind his head, holding his lips to hers, tongue twisting into his mouth, taking command of his senses. He’d dreamt of this moment, but now that it was at hand, he wasn’t quite sure where to take it.

         Suddenly, her hands took over, reaching out to pull him onto her, all the time fumbling for the seams in his clothing. Once his face was again directly before hers, she said, “Karl, you are the dumbest patient I ever had; don’t you know what’s happened to us?”

         Her sweet breath caressed his face, and he inhaled deeply, hoping that they were entering a relationship much more meaningful than their previous doctor-patient one.

         As they kissed, Karl noted that he was naked now, lying across Miriam, with his erection pressed onto her pubis. Her legs were open, inviting, and to remove any doubts about what was to come, Miriam grasped his cock, and guided it into her body.

         The endurance of the treatment table was tested hardily that day, and Karl and Miriam simultaneously discovered that his training in sharpening his remaining senses should be an ongoing project.


         Miriam recalled Alicia’s remark while checking his progress at the trade school.

         “That man has magic hands!” She’d told her, breathlessly.

         Miriam didn’t want to dwell on how Alicia knew that, but it turned out that she was definitely right!

         She DID know however, that things were going to be much different around there from now on.

H - *Anchor*
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