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Your reading this?! Home Land Defense has just marked you as a Red Flag! Yes, any internet topic that deals with .. Red Flag issues is immediately sent to a minimum wage clerk at Home Land Defense to read. If the clerk reading this Looks like that Charo actress on NCIS please contact me. First RED FLAG QUESTIONS! What is a terrorist? The Revolution of 1776 in this country was called patriotism by the Continental Congress. King George called it treason. Is the President a Tyrant? The Continental Congress wrote in their Declaration of Independence that the people had a right to take arms against a tyrant. Is this why the NRA supports the sail of assault rifles to civilians? Yes! The NRA is a counter revolutionary organization! They have written about and spoken on broadcasts about the right to take up arms against the President of the United States of America. Is the NRA a terrorist organization? I'll let you decide. And just to tweek big brother: The President lives in the White House in Washington D.C. P.S. I voted for President Barack Hussein Obama. Anyone who has read this is marked with a RED FLAG! Muzzy |