Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1885318-Vices
by Blake
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Dark · #1885318
Every man needs a few vices, until those vices become fatal.

      Jorge pulled open the oven. The aroma made his mouth water and his appetite was so immense he almost forgot to put on mitts to remove the pan.  He placed the pot roast on the dinner table and effortlessly cut six even portions.  Jorge shoveled the tender meat into his mouth.  He smacked as he ate and made little um sounds.  He paused, fork in hand, and stared across the table.  “What’s the matter?  You not hungry?” 
Mina sat upright at the table smiling back. “No, not right now” she replied. 
“Very well then” said Jorge as he pulled her plate over next to him and scrapped off the remaining slab of pot roast.

    After dinner Mina and Jorge took to the couch to watch an old episode of the Andy Griffith show.  Jorge removed his shoes and socks and propped his swollen, cracked feet up on an ottoman.  His hands rested on his perceptible paunch. When Jorge laughed out loud at the TV Mina would follow suit and giggle with him. Once his food had settled he turned off the television.  He stretched out then put his hands on Mina’s lap and kissed her neck.  Her chin tilted upward as Jorge continued kissing around her clavicle.  Jorge’s breathing was loud and he was already hard.  He proceeded to put his hands on her breast and as he began kissing her she looked at him and asked “How was your day Jorge?”  He lifted up her blouse and said “It’s about to be much better.”  He turned her around so that her rump was facing the air then slid his fat fingers underneath her panties and tugged them down to her knees.  Jorge penetrated her, she did not restrain.  Mina lay silent as Jorge grunted and struggled to finally finish.

  The next morning Jorge picked out a pair of jeans and a white v neck shirt for Mina to wear.  He had purchased the outfit a week ago as a surprise. Mina’s old wardrobe was becoming quite worn and faded. He admired her nice legs as he helped slide on the blue jeans. Mina seemed to like her new clothes as she modeled the new attire by walking in small circles. Jorge went outside and started the car.  He grabbed a pack of cigarettes from a carton in the back seat and lit up as they pulled out of the driveway.

         The nursing home reeked of cough drops and mothballs. As they strolled down a long corridor an old perverted goon tried stopping Mina to show her his underwear collection.  Mina smiled and acknowledged the old man’s collection of undergarments until Jorge grabbed her hand and pulled her along.
         Jorge’s mother sat on the end of the bed staring at a calendar on the wall. When Jorge and Mina entered the room her face immediately brightened.  “Oh Jorgey!  It’s so nice to see you son.  And look…. you brought that pretty girlfriend of yours Mary.”
“Her name is Mina mother.” 
“Oh yes, I’m sorry my dear.”  She held out her wrinkled hand and Jorge helped her trembling body off the bed and gave her a big hug.” 
“Jorge you smell like smoke.  Remember there are no ashtrays in heaven.”
Mina walked over and Jorge’s mother kissed her on the cheek.
They made small talk for a while until Jorge said he and Mina must leave.
“Here I want you to have this.” Jorge’s mother gave him a one hundred dollar bill.  “Take your beautiful girlfriend out for a nice dinner tonight son.”
“Thanks mom.  You take care and we’ll see you again next week.”
“And Jorgey, one more thing.  Get outside and get some exercise will you. It might do you some good.”

      Mina stayed in the car while Jorge went into the grocery store with the money his mom had given him.  He bought a package of hot dogs, a bag of frozen French fries, a can of chili, sausage patties, a case of Dr Pepper, a frozen lasagna, Texas toast, some shredded cheese, a dozen doughnuts,  a half gallon of strawberry ice cream, and an extra large bag of potato chips.

    Jorge scraped the bottom of the ice cream tub and licked the spoon dry.  He tossed the empty tub into the trash and opened a bag of potato chips then sat down next to Mina to watch the evening news. Jorge noticed a spider emerge from Mina’s dark hair and walk up her neck and onto her face. The spider stopped in the center of her eye. Its legs spread over her entire pupil, almost a quarter size in diameter.  Mina’s eye lids remained wide open, she did not blink. The spider crawled up enough where it blended in with her long eye lashes.  Jorge grabbed his shoe and swung at the spider hitting Mina squarely on the cheek. The spider fell to the ground and hurried off.  Mina continued smiling but her synthetic flesh gave way to a cratered temple.  Jorge hugged Mina and apologized.  He gently ran his hand over the indenture but his attention quickly shifted once he heard the commentary from a television ad.

        Are you tired of the same old one liners and stale conversation?  Are you ashamed to bring your android to a restaurant only to have them watch you eat?  Do you need more real life excitement from your android? If so you have got to come on down to see this for yourself folks.  The one and only real life android model RL-550 contains the logic E chip which has the functionality of food consumption and over five hundred sensory responses and get this…it starts at only $46,999 !!! It can be difficult taking a RL out in public but now with our new RL-550 model with the sensory E chip you can take your android anywhere and feel completely comfortable.  Bring in your old RL model and get a ten percent subordination credit on any new RL-550. So why only have a bedroom buddy when you can have an everyday companion?

      Jorge froze with anticipation - a new droid that could share his love of food! He must get his hands on one of these.  But where would he get that kind of money?  The cost of Mina depleted his retirement funds and the resale value was very poor for a model T robot, especially one with a dent in the side of its face.  He went outside and smoked a cigarette while he pondered a solution.  He knew his mother’s will would almost exclusively include him and the inheritance should be quite large.  Surely she would not live to see the next calendar year he thought.  A small dose of dopamine was released which put Jorge in a celebratory mood.

    Jorge led Mina into the bedroom.  He undressed completely and rolled onto the bed.  Mina spread open her legs and allowed Jorge to nestle into her womb.  The temperature in the bedroom hovered around seventy five degrees and Jorge could not get comfortable.  “Oh Mina, I am going to miss you!” Jorge said as he twisted and turned inside her.  He began to experience a shortness of breath followed by a numb tingling feeling that shot through his left arm. He continued to have sex but felt more agony than pleasure.  He was exhausted but determined to come. Drops of sweat fell from his nose and chin onto Mina’s face.  His upper back and jaw simultaneously tightened and he let out one final grunt before collapsing.

    Two days had passed and Jorge’s body still lay on top of Mina.  A motionless mass of blubber enveloped Mina’s petite frame.  His arms lodged to his side with his palms facing up and mouth agape.  A string of mucus hung from his purple lips which had dried on Mina’s shoulder.  The alarm clock was still buzzing as Mina patted his back in a circular motion. “How was your day Jorge?”
© Copyright 2012 Blake (badblood at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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