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Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1885247
Part three of All In The Past
Erica manages to get out of the way just as the dog reaches her. The dog’s head collides with the side of the house. While the dog is trying to come to, Erica gets up and runs into the junk yard. As she weaves in and out of the cars the dog starts to catch up with her. Once she starts to slow down the dog takes another leap towards her. Just as she spins around to stab the dog he hits her with incredible force.
The blow knocks her backwards into a car. Just as the dog starts to pounce again Puriel shows up next to her and throws him into a pile of cars. “Go I’ll hold him off,” Puriel says.
Once again Erica runs towards the wooded area behind the junk yard. As she starts to get deeper into the forest she hear a low growl coming from behind her. As she reaches for her gun the dog’s growl gets louder. She closes her eyes so she can sense the dog’s movements. Just as it leaps again she drops to the ground. As the dog soars over her she takes aim and fires. The dog’s lifeless body drops to the ground.
Once she gets back to the junkyard she finds Puriel healing a massive gash on his leg. “I’m sorry I tried to hold him off,” Puriel says as he looks up from his leg.
“Don’t worry about it, I killed it;” Erica replies as she helps Puriel off the ground.
As she bows her head to make sure no one is coming their way she senses Dean, and Bobby looking for them. “Crap, come on,” she says.
She pulls him along by his wrist as they run towards one of the many garages. “Will you keep an eye on them while I think?” Erica asks while she paces through the garage.
Puriel just nods his head as he focuses. Erica suddenly drops the ground in pain. Puriel notices and runs over to her. Just as he reaches her she throws her head back and her eyes glow ice blue.
Erica screams in pain as the blue light explodes throughout the room. Dean and Bobby here her scream and start running towards the garage. By the time they get there both Erica and Puriel have disappeared.
When Erica wakes up she is in a dark room and tied to a chair. Suddenly she hears a door open. As she raises her head a very tall guy walks up to her.
“Can I help you?” she asks sarcastically.
“Lilith warned me about you,” the guy growls.
Erica smirks as she works to untie the ropes that bind her to the chair. Just as she gets them untied another guy walks in. As the first guy walks over to him Erica slowly slides a knife out of her belt.
“Are you sure this is her?” the second guy whispers.
“Yes I’m sure,” the first guy growls.
“Fine,” the second guy practically yells as he walks over to Erica.
As soon as the guys reach her she lunges from the chair and stabs one of the demons in the neck as she kicks the other one in the chest. The demon disappears before she gets a chance to kill him. “That was too easy,” Erica says in between breathes.
Once she is outside of the building she pops back to the woods behind Bobby’s house. Knowing that Dean and Bobby are still looking for her she takes off running towards them. Just as she speeds around a corner she slams into Bobby and Dean.
“Hey are you alright?” Dean asks her.
She nods her head yes as she catches her breath. “Something took Matt,” she says as she sits on the ground.
“Who’s Matt?” Dean asks.
“A hunter who saved my ass,” Erica says while avoiding eye contact.
Erica stands and starts to head for her car when Dean grabs her wrist. “Where are you going?” he asks.
“To find Matt,” she says as she jerks away from him.
Once she gets back to the house she tells Ty and Bobby she will be back in a few days. She then drives to the closest motel and gets a room. Once inside she pops back to the warehouse to try and find Puriel.
After searching for what felt like hours she finally finds a trap door which leads her to what looks to be a torture chamber. “Great idea Erica, go down into the creepy room without backup,” she tells herself.
As she reaches the back of the room she notices a hallway. She grabs a torch off the wall and heads down the hall. Once she reaches the first door she starts hearing voices so she continues down the hall. The voices continue to get louder the further she walks. Suddenly the voices stop, and Erica freezes where she stands. As she backs into a gap into the wall the door opens. While she listens to the whispered voices she feels a hand wrap around her neck and yank her through the wall.
The hand lets go of her and she slams her head on a table. Erica manages to keep from blacking out as the cut heals. Just as she starts to stand someone grabs her by the throat and throws her across the room. “Alright that’s it,” she says as she waves her hand and throws the demon across the room.
The demon quickly recovers but still isn’t fast enough for Erica. She pops in beside him, grabs him by the throat, and pins him to the wall. “Where is Puriel?” Erica asks.
The demon grabs at Erica’s hand as he tries to wrench himself free. “Tell me or suffer,” Erica says as she shoves her hand harder into his throat.
“I will never tell you,” he says in between breathes.
“Suit yourself,” Erica says.
As Erica’s hand is engulfed in with white flames the demon has a change of heart.
“Okay okay I’ll tell you, he’s in a crypt in a cemetery on the edge on town;” the demon confesses.
Erica flies over to the crypt only to find she can’t get in.
“Great, now what?” She asks herself as she slams her fists against the crypt doors.
Suddenly the doors fly open. The force throws Erica into a headstone. “Who do we have here?” the demon asks as he steps closer to Erica. “Your worst nightmare,” Erica says as she stands.
Erica tightens her fists as they are engulfed in white flames. As she raises her right arm the flames are thrown into the demon’s stomach, and he is thrown backwards. She bolts for the crypt, and barely makes it inside before the doors slam shut behind her. She charges down the hall towards the room where she senses Puriel. As she reaches the door she can hear a scream come from the room.
With a wave of her hand she sends the door flying. As enters the room she sees Puriel standing over a dead body. “Impressive,” she says as she heads out the door.
Once out of the crypt she pops them both back to the hotel. As she pulls into Bobby’s driveway she spots everyone waiting for her on the porch. Just as she steps out of the car Ty comes running up to her.
While Dean glares at Matt, Erica suddenly feels lightheaded and collapses.
© Copyright 2012 Danni Michaels (samm1947 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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