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Rated: 13+ · Outline · Other · #1885001
Victors overview

-Open with a farmer and his two children running across a field toward a barn. The family goes inside the barn and the father comforts his children before telling his older son to take care of his younger daughter, before leaving the barn with an axe. The kids hear gunshots, then screams, then, finally, something starts banging on the doors, eventually the doors open, and as the zombies swarm in, the title credits roll.
-The full group in bus, listening to the radio, the driver is talking to someone in the back seat when they hit a zombie and blood splatters all over the windshield. Everyone freaks out. When they all calm down, they hear on the radio that the entire East Coast is being abandoned, that all evacuation vessels have departed, and for everyone left to stay put and stay low.
-Once at the house, they prep the boat, and then it is brought up that they should try to live at the house for as long as they can. When taken to vote, they decide to stay.
-They stay in the house for a while, living off the supplies in the house. Eventually it is brought up that no one has seen a zombie since the group arrived.
-They send out several teams to scout the neighborhood, finding all of the houses abandoned. Chris’ team finds a small arsenal, and Daryl’s team finds evidence that leads the group to believe that there is a survivor settlement deep in the woods near the house.
-Chris, Daryl, Brandon, and Tyler go on a scouting mission to the local supermarket, encountering--and sloppily disposing of--several zombies that are wandering closer to the store. They also find, to the group’s surprise, a cop wounded by riots during the Great Panic. The group helps him to the house, also grabbing what few supplies are left on shelf.
-The Cop introduces himself as Terrance.
1 week later-
-Terrance, mostly healed in his leg, begins training the group in basic survival methods like shooting, fishing, making fires, cooking raw meat, and other things.
-Kienan, a friend of Chris’ and martial arts black belt, begins training the group in basic hand-to-hand combat.
-Keith, a character whose girlfriend, Bridget, had been a longtime friend of Chris, started harassing Chris about rescuing Terrance, saying that he was just another mouth to feed. Chris tells him that he should pay attention to Terrance’s survival tips, as they will save their lives soon. Keith says that they could have found that on the Internet and that Chris made a big mistake in saving Terrance. Chris reminds Keith of when Chris and Daryl rescued Keith and Bridget during the Great Panic, and says every life is worth saving.
-While listening to the radio, the group finds out that none of the ships are coming back from England, and that government officials are now telling people to head to one of the safe zones in Tampa, Atlanta, DC, Richmond, Philadelphia, and Boston. Sage, angered by this, storms off outside. Tyler goes to retrieve him, leading to a long discussion on Christianity and why, if a God exists, would he do this to people.
-The next day, Chris, Daryl, Gerard, Max, and Katya, the best shooters, go looking for supplies closer to the beach. They take out several zombies without using their firearms, but soon converge on a swarm and are forced to use their guns. Eventually they flee into the ocean, losing the zombies, and swimming to a different part of the shore. At one point, a zombie hidden underwater pulls Max under and bites him. Katya kills the zombie, and Gerard, being a close friend of Max’s, says it’s his duty to kill Max, and finishes him off with a bullet to the head, before leaving him to eternally rest at the bottom of the sea.
-Back at the house, while Sage and Tyler are fishing off a nearby bridge with Terrance, Keith assembles a scouting party to go into the woods. Brandon tells him that they should wait for somebody who knows the area well like Chris or Daryl, or even himself, but Keith ignores him, Brandon tries to stop him but is knocked unconscious by Mark, one of Keith’s best friends. Bridget tells him to stop but Keith slaps her and leaves with his group.
-Once on shore, the surviving group, depressed and without the supplies they gathered, starts to head to another store, but gets a call on the radio from Brandon, now conscious again, saying that Keith has gone. The group rapidly starts back to the house.
-Chris’ scavenging group returns to the house. Brandon is furious that none of the other survivors backed him up. Bridget says she did, but that only makes Brandon angrier, saying he was probably unconscious for that. Chris and Daryl, being the two that know the neighborhood and forest the most, create two separate groups to track down Keith. Brandon, Katya, Gerard, Kienan, and Brian go with Chris. Tyler, Sage, Anthony, and Dominik go with Daryl.
-Keith and his group are walking through the forest. They find a giant campground, full of supplies and a few weapons, but everything is abandoned, except for one zombie, which bites Malcolm on the leg before he kills it. He doesn’t tell anyone.
-It starts to get dark, and neither group has found Keith, so they head back to the house.
-Terrance picks up a radio transmission from a local SWAT team, saying that no matter what they throw at them, they never seem to die. Terrance takes a team to help them out, consisting of Alex, Peotr, Lucas, and Elizabeth.
-When the search groups come back, they find out from Bridget that Terrance has left, and attempt to radio him. Alex responds, saying the SWAT team was dead by the time they reached them, and that a zombie got Terrance. Alex also tells the group that the SWAT van, while damaged beyond repair, contains a large arsenal.
-The group holds a funeral for Terrance. Afterward, the now heavily-armed search group heads out in search of Keith and his group.
-Members of Keith’s group are scavenging the campgrounds, when a zombified Malcolm bites Mark on the neck. The group opens fire, with their few bullets hitting Malcolm in the chest several times, but Malcolm bites Tim before finally being put down by Jose. A swarm of zombies, having heard the gunshots, come bursting through the tree line.
-Chris’ and Daryl’s groups, now combined, also hear the gunshots, and run in the direction they came from. They soon reach the clearing, with Keith’s group heading towards them, and a herd of zombies close behind.
-Bridget and Gloria are making lunch for the rest of the group when she gets a call from Chris to have everyone pack the boat and then lock down the house.
-Chris, Daryl, Keith, and the others are running through some tall grass, when suddenly people start getting pulled down by crawlers. Everyone keeps running, though their numbers are rapidly diminishing. They finally make it through the tall grass, and into wooded area full of more zombies. At some point, Keith throws Jose at a group of zombies to keep them occupied as he passes. They eventually reach another clearing, where they are almost surrounded on all sides by zombies.

-Bridget and the others are packing the boat and fueling it. She gets a call from Daryl, telling her to give them an hour, then lock all the doors and not let anyone in. She’s worried.
-Chris, Daryl, and the rest of the group are shooting everywhere, surrounded on all sides. Brian grabs something from his backpack, lights it on fire, tosses it on the other side of the zombies, and tells everyone who’s shooting to stop. The sparkler goes off, emitting loud bangs and drawing the zombies towards it. He throws two more before leading the way through an open area in the herd. All of a sudden he trips, and is dragged slowly into the large crowd of undead. Chris tries to go back but Daryl keeps pushing him forward. The survivors start running through the woods again.
-Bridget and the others, now heading inside, hear gunshots in the distance.
-The survivors break through the woods, and onto the streets. Zombies hot on their tail, they make it to the street the house is on. They make it inside, and Alex is waiting, and holds off the zombies as the others get inside. Eventually Alex gets swarmed.
-Once inside, Chris does a headcount. Daryl, Brandon, Tyler, Sage, Katya, Gerard, Anthony, Dominik, Keith, Bridget, Phil, Kienan, Peotr, Lucas, Gloria, Morales, Elizabeth, and Kate are the only ones left.
-Brandon tells Keith that it is all his fault that everyone is trapped in the house and that they lost almost half their people. Keith says that its Chris’ fault, that if they had taken the boat in the first place it would have never happened, Brandon counters but is pushed out of the way by Keith. Chris pockets a knife from the kitchen, and the two keep fighting.
-The zombies have the house completely surrounded, almost no way out.
-Keith pulls out his gun and Chris taunts him on, telling him he was always a coward, and that he never went through with any of his threats. Bridget tells them to stop, and all of a sudden the gun fires, winging Chris on the shoulder, and hitting Bridget in the stomach. Everyone besides Chris, who is on his knees holding his shoulder, and Keith, who dropped the gun and is frozen in shock, rush over to Bridget. Chris looks back and forth, between Bridget’s body and Keith, before getting up, taking the knife out of his pocket, and charging at Keith. Keith reaches down for his gun, but Chris stabs him under the chin. Chris drops the knife, and walks away. Phil screams at him that Chris is now also a killer, and is no better than Keith was. Chris yells back that Keith would have killed everyone if given the chance, and that it needed to be done. Brandon and Daryl rush to back him up, and Elizabeth takes Chris into another room to stitch up his shoulder. Tyler reminds everybody that there is still a large problem outside, and Daryl and Brandon assign watches throughout the night.

-Montage of the bodies of Keith and Bridget being stored, the blood on the floor being cleaned, and zombies surrounding the house.
- Chris has a flashback of the first hours of the infestation.
-Daryl is taking a shower; he gets out, and finds the entire group zombified. He wakes up.
-Brandon is radioing for assistance every half hour.
-Anthony and Dominik find Brian’s fireworks in his backpack.
-Phil watches over Keith’s dead body. Then he walks away.
-The group sees a helicopter, and contacts its crew through the radio, they circle a few times before saying that the entire neighborhood is infested, but they will come back soon.
1week later-
-The group decides that they need to leave, and plan an elaborate, but risky, plan. Katya will open a window on the East side of the house, drawing all the zombies to it. Then Dominik and Anthony will go out the North side of the house, and draw the zombies away from the house entirely using fireworks and sparklers. Then Kienan, in Terrance’s riot gear, will kill any stragglers. The rest of the group will bring the remaining supplies through the South, and get the boat started.
-The plan goes off perfectly, up until the point where everyone heads to the boat. Chris, Daryl, Brandon, Tyler, Sage, Katya, Gerard, Phil, Lucas, Morales, and Kate are already on the boat, when Elizabeth, Gloria, and Peotr head towards them with the last of the supplies. A group of zombies come from the other side of the house and cut them off from the boat. Gloria gets bitten and torn to pieces as the other two escape and run off. Left with no choice, the rest off the group heads towards the lift, with Morales driving the boat.
-One at the lift, the group gets off the boat, and Chris starts the lift up, bringing the boat to the saltwater side of the canal. Elizabeth and Peotr appear at the other side of the canal, and attempt to cross the thin concrete bridge one by one. Peotr goes first, but halfway across, Phil, who says there isn’t enough room, shoots him repeatedly. Chris, busy with the lift controls, tells Kienan and Lucas to restrain him, but Phil knocks him into the water and shoots Lucas in the shoulder. Chris, still with a hand on the lift controls, takes Daryl’s pistol out of its holster and shoots Phil multiple times. Lucas gets up and kicks Phil’s body into the water.
-Anthony and Dominik are still running through the neighborhood, the horde hot on their tail.
-Kienan reaches the side of the canal with Elizabeth on it just as the boat reaches the salt-water side of the lift. All of a sudden a hand reaches out and pulls Lucas into the water. Kate runs over to try and help Lucas, but a group of zombies emerge from the water and walk up the steps to the dock, grabbing Kate, and devouring her. Everyone else gets in the boat, and push off from the dock. Another group of zombies has reached Kienan and Elizabeth. Kienan, in his bite-resistant riot gear, starts fighting off the zombies and tells Chris that he will radio in later so they can meet up.
-Anthony and Dominik make it to the bridge and attach C4 and other makeshift explosives to it. The boat passes underneath, and as they are about to jump, onto it, Dominik is bitten. Anthony refuses to leave him behind, but Dominik pushes him into the water before pulling the pin on a grenade, setting off all of the other explosives and demolishing the bridge.
-The group searches the rubble for Anthony, and try to contact Kienan, but to no avail.
-In the abandoned house, the Helicopter crew tries to contact the group through the radio, telling them that they are on their way.
2 months later-
-Most of the group is fishing on the boat. Chris is reading various Max Brooks books.
4 months later-
-The group stumbles upon an island with a bunch of abandoned boats anchored off of it. Morales says they can siphon for fuel, get supplies, and possibly get a bigger boat.
6 months later-
-The group washes up on a beach, dazed after a hurricane wrecked their boat. They find Morales dead body, and wander up the beach. A man with a hunting rifle comes over and points it at them, asking if any are bit. Once done inspecting, he tells the group to follow him off the beach, and welcomes them to the Bahamas, a safe haven for survivors for over a year.
-End credits roll
-After credits, a scene of the group on the roof of a bombed out building, looking at an abandoned Miami, and discussing the easiest way to get supplies.

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