Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1884981-To-prove-the-point
Rated: E · Other · Religious · #1884981
Observation of atheist/religious debate over existance of God.
                  To Prove the Point

My wife and her atheist cousin were going at it a bit on facebook the other day.
And the word proof kept coming up. I spent years as an atheist and learned alot.
Maybe the most important thing I learned was that no one can prove anything.
Human kind have been trying to prove everything there is. And that's the problem.
Everything there is allready exist. You can not prove anything. God is a big one and
of course christians claim faith and atheist claim science. But the truth is unless God reveals Gods self to all human kind no one will prove it to anyone. So here's what I learned about proof. To prove something takes frustation. All the while that you are searching for the evidence (proof) you struggle through every avenue that you think will take you to the proof. Except no one can prove anything because everything that is allready exist.
We discover!!! what is, how it works, what makes it what it is. Example:: If a man climbs mount everest and reaches the top he has not proven anythig to anyone. In fact what he has done is to discover for himself that he could do it. Because before he made to the top
he did not know wheather he could. When you allow yourself to discover you leave frustration behind. Everything we do is based on our existance, our enviroment, There is nothing in the entire universe and/or beyond that we can prove to exist. When we find it/discover it we have not proven anything because it was allready there. Dont get frustrated over trying to prove something. Let life bring everything to you. A scientist looking for a cure will use what he/she allready knows about science to do thier research as a starting point but a smart person knows the answer could be anywhere even in the most unlikly of place's. An atheist will never prove thier is no God because the only way to do that is to obtain infinite knowage of all things and thats not going to happen for a long time if ever.
Also,the christian has the same problem of proof. So, the effort to prove either point is a waste of time and life, full of frustration and disapointment. Religion says to have faith.
An atheist can have faith that all things that are will be discovered in time. So keep your faith (which ever way you believe) and enjoy all of your wonderful discoveries in life.
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