Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1884698-Dreams-gone-wrong-chapter-2
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1884698
chapter 2 of the last thing i posted
We decided that we are going to do a road trip since we don't want to waste any time together as possible and we don't have to rent any cars when we get to Florida. So we all got packed and ready in record time and were on our way. We took two cars since we couldn't fit all of our stuff and us in just one car there was Kames Kendall and I and in car two was Valerie, Kevin and Kenneth.

This was a really good deal because it was basically the "elderly" car and the "young in" car. We had a blast randomly singing and punching each other when we see punch buggies.

The kind of things we used to do when we were little. "So what do we do now? Any ideas?" I asked, "I have no idea we have ten more hours of this. If we don't come up with something I am going to go crazy" Kames said. "Then how do we explain you know? Normal?" Kendall asked.

I started laughing really hard. I guess it was a little too hard because Kames and Kendall looked at me like I was insane. I coughed and felt my blood rushing to my head so I had to be blushing. This made me blush even more.

"Any way why don't we play truth or dare? But the dares can't be too big because we are kind of cramped" Kendall said as he motioned throughout the car. "Ok ill start Kelsey truth or dare" Kames asked. "Ok if I had to choose I would pick truth." I said. "Ok then who do you like? And you can tell us we won't tell anyone. Well at least I won't tell anyone I can't say the same about blabby blabberson over here" he looked at Kendall with a sly smile.

"Hey! That's hurtful! I know a whole lot more of her secrets than you do trust me" Kendall smiled. "Whatever Kelsey just answer the question. Please I need to know these things." He said and smiled. God I love that smile. "Sure I'll tell you there is this guy in my math class last year. His name is Randle. He is really cute in a nerdy way. But cute nonetheless." I said.

Kendall gave me this really weird look that said "Are you kidding me?" but I ignored him. I know I was lying through my teeth but I couldn't tell Kames that I was truly and deeply in love with him. It would just make things awkward between us and I don't want that. Our relationship is fine as it is.

"Ooohhh have you talked to him at all? I need to know what he looks like because I want to set you up with him because you have been alone for way too long and you need a boyfriend like desperately. I would take you out myself but best friends sisters are off limits. You know the guy code. So I need to know who he is. It will be my life mission to set you up with him," Kames said.

I sighed. Stupid guy code I hate that guy code why can't he just be immoral like most other guys? "I will show you a picture of him when we get home. But I don't think he is the dating type since he is one of those nerds who larps and plays lots of mmorpgs and stuff like that. But he plays the bass and the drums and the guitar and the banjos very beastly so he has the whole mysterious musician part of him. So I don't think he has time to go out with people like me." I said,

"Well when we get back I am going to do my best." He said determinedly "Whatever you say big guy whatever you say." I sighed and looked out the window "Okay Kendall your turn truth or dare" Kames said and it kept on going until I drifted off to sleep my dream was all mixed up with clips of the evil witches from Disney throwing knives at pictures of all the Disney characters and saying enchantments that sounded like they worshipped the devil or something. All of a sudden Maleficent turned toward me and threw a knife. I woke up with a start. The sky is completely dark.

"What time is it? How long have I have been out?" I asked. Kendall looked at me and smiled Hey Sleeping Beauty it's midnight you have been out for like 8 hours. You must have been really tired. Or you had an amazing dream. But we stopped and hour ago so Kames can sleep we can't have our driver running on no sleep. I'm going to wake him up in about an hour. So we can get a move on," he laughed.

"Hey why don't I drive I have my license and I got a lot of sleep and you guys got like none. It's only fair." I offered Kames eyes opened wide when I said that. He jumped up and dashed out of the car the opened my door.

"Come on im dying to get sleep and go to Disney plus we are only 2 hours away from Orlando and I want to get a hotel near Disney so we can freshen up and get proper sleep and stuff." He said dragging me out of the car and pushing me into the driver's seat. "Ok calm down and take a chill pill I can handle 2 hours of driving. You just get some rest. You too Ken I want you to try and sleep to." I said as I buckled my seat belt.

I started the car and took off. This is the first time I have ever driven longer than 10 minutes. Usually my brothers are the one driving. Probably because of the whole male pride thing with a tad bit of the car obsession. So I'm a little nervous but excited at the same time. I finally get some practice that has nothing to do with driving to Wal-mart to pick up some milk.

But I am dreading the silence because of my stupid dream. I wonder what that meant. I shook off the eerie feeling I had and started concentrating on the road. It helped a lot and time flew by because next thing I know the welcome to Orlando sign was passing by. I threw a pillow at Kendall and he woke with a start "hey! That hurt! What was that for? I was sleeping!" he yelled

"We are in Orlando I'm going to stop by a hotel so we can get freshened up and wait till Disney actually opens. Call Kenneth and tell him what we are doing because he probably is running low on sleep plus we have to get something to eat I know I haven't eaten since lunch. So maybe we can stop by an Ihop." I said. "Alright I'll call him even though you could" he sighed and took out his phone and called Kenneth after a few minutes he hung up and looked at me

"He said that's fine he will meet us at the Best Western by the Disney gate so we can check in and go to Ihop or Dennys that is near there and we can go back to the hotel afterwards and sleep and do whatever until Disney opens. Then we can go to the hotel there and get settled so we can maybe hit the parks or the fancy pool." He said, "That's fine" I replied,

"Hey what that was answer earlier when Kames asked you that truth or dare thing. You were lying through your teeth. Why can't you just tell him you are in love with him?" he interrogated. I sighed deeply.

"You heard his answer when I told him that I liked that Randle guy. He told me that he would have taken me out but it would have been weird because of the whole guy code thing. I don't stand a chance. Plus even if he didn't honor the guy code it would still be weird I look too much like his best friend. Stupid twin genes." I laughed. He started laughing with me

"Well that's true we do look alike. Too much alike I think. But I'm more stunning to look at" he said. I laughed, "Get a grip. I have the youthful look since I am 5 minutes younger. Get some more sleep you need your rest if you want to chow down later" I nudged him.

"Then you have to respect your elders. But ok I will if we are going to have that pancake eating contest like we usually do." He laughed and closed his eyes. I smiled and laughed to myself how easily he can just wipe off things like there is nothing to worry about.

I wonder how most guys that just not worries about thing. Their minds are so complex but so simple. It just makes me wonder what they are truly thinking about. Life would be so much easier if I can just make sense of their brains. I bet guys think the same thing about us.

It will always be a mystery. I thought about all the possibilities of the things they think about while I looked for the best western Kenneth said to meet him.
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