Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1884620-Dreams-gone-wrong-chapter-1
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #1884620
6 people go to disney and get more than the expected
There are news trucks all on my front lawn waiting for me and my older brothers to come and tell our story about what happened at Disney three days ago. It is not something I want to remember ever again. It was the most horrifying week of my life. It all started when my eldest brother, Kenneth, told me and my two other brothers, Kendall and Kevin, that he scored five Disney tickets for the week and we should all go.

I sighed I never had the greatest time at Disney; I always ended up puking on somebody, and that’s never fun. Kendall heard me sigh and frowned. He felt my pain. That’s the deal with twins, we usually feel what each other is feeling.

“Come on Kels, please come and I'll ask Kames to come” Kendall whispered, that always gets me. Kames is Kendall’s best friend that I’m totally in love with.

“Fine but I won’t like it though,” I whispered back to him.

“So when are we going?” Kevin asked.

“Whenever you guys want but we have to figure out who the 5th ticket goes to.” Kenneth said.

“I vote Kames!” I shouted.

“Surprise, surprise” Kevin said.

“Hey you shut up!” I yelled at him.

“How about you both shut up!” Kendall yelled.

“Ok ok calm down the three of you Kelsey I’ll ask Kames when I go to work today but we need a back up in case he can’t come. I vote Valerie.” Kenneth said. Big surprise there, Valerie is practically Kenneth’s girlfriend.

They obviously like each other it’s just not obvious to them. “Well that sounds good to me. Im going to take a nap” Kevin said.

“But you just woke up 5 minutes ago!” Kendall said.

“So what’s your point? I can sleep as much as I want to you’re not my dad.” Kevin accused.

Now that struck a chord. Kendall is very sensitive about that subject. Three years ago our dad died in a car crash which drove our mother insane to the extreme. We were forced to hospitalize her. Kendall was the closest to our dad so bringing up him was way below the belt. Kendall stormed off and slammed his bedroom door behind him.

“Good going Kevin! You don’t have to be such a jerk,” I yelled. I turned and almost ran to Kendall’s bedroom. I knocked on the door and I heard Kendall whisper, “Come in” I walk in slowly “You alright Ken? Talk to me.”

I walk into his room fully to find him lying on his bed staring at the ceiling. I cross the room and sit on his bed that’s when I saw the tears on his cheeks. “Ken doesn’t listen to him. He is an idiot. You’ll forget all about it when we go to Disney.” I said.

He sat up and looked at me “I don’t think I can be with Kevin for that long. Give Kames my ticket and Valerie the extra one.” He cried. I hugged him.

“Ken please don’t do this to me again. You know I can’t live without you for a week! I can barely live without you for an hour! If you’re not going, I'm not going. Simple as that.” I argued.  He broke out of the hug.

“You will not stay home! I forbid it! I’m sick of you always not doing things because of me! It my decision not your's.” he breathed.

“You’re not only my brother you’re my best friend. I don’t want to go without you. It wouldn’t be fun without you. Please come. If Kevin messes with you he will have to answer to me and it won’t be pretty. Trust me.” I said.

I reached out to hold his hand but he jerked his away. “Kelsey I don’t want to do this to you again please just go. I'll keep myself busy with something.” He said.

“Your coming whether you like it or not. It’s not your choice anymore you need to get out of this house. So you’re going.” I got up and walked out of his room. I marched to my room and slammed the door. I plopped on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I can’t believe this is happening. He used to love going places no matter what Kevin or anyone else said. He was always the life of the party, but ever since dad died he just stopped trying.

Then I heard a knock on my door I sat up. “Come in if you dare” I said. Kenneth walked in looking like he is ready for work.

“How is Kendall? Is he taking it hard?” he asked I sighed.

“Ya he doesn’t want to go to Disney because he doesn’t think he can be around Kevin that long. I told him that he either has to go or I stay home with him and you know how he is. He hates that I sacrifice myself because of him. But it’s the only way he wont be alone all the time you know? I'm just sick of his attitude towards life the past three years.” I vented.

“Kels he is getting over depression you just have to be patient with him don’t force him to do anything he doesn’t want to do. It’s just something we all have to deal with. Yes, I know Kevin is an idiot and insensitive, but that’s just how he is. He didn’t mean to bring up dad around Kendall, it just popped out. But I agree with you that he has to come. It will keep his mind off of things even if it is for a little while. I guess I have to beg and plead Kames to come with us because it seems he is the only person that can cheer Kendall up when he gets in these moods. He can try and convince him to come with us. Hopefully he can do it.” he explained.

“Shouldn’t we decide when we are going before we go asking him? So he can make sure he can make a decision?” I asked.

"How about next week? Does that sound like a plan to you?” he persisted.

“Ya that sounds fine I got to start packing!! Get out, get out, get out!!!!” I yelled as I pushed him out of my room.

“But I’m not finished talking to you!” he cried.

“Ya ya love you too. NOW GO!” I slammed my door and started packing as fast as I can. If I was going away for a week I had to start planning now. Plus I will have to force Kendall to start packing and I may have to go shopping for prettier clothes. This is got to be so stressful week but so worth it.

But step one get Kendall up. That’s going to be a problem. I go to the kitchen and grab some chocolate chip cookies that I made yesterday and started walking to Kendall’s room. Before I knocked on the door, I heard him whispering something. I creaked open the door and saw him talking on the phone. But I doubt it was anything –I hope- and I opened the door wider and said “Knock knock cheer up time. Oh sorry I didn’t know you were on the phone I'll just leave now.” I backed out slowly

“No, no I was just closing up this conversation one sec.- ya I know, I'll try. Love you too. Bye. -Sorry that was mom, what did you want?” he asked.

“I just wanted to cheer you up with these cookies and let you know that we are going to Disney next week; we can start packing now so we can go shopping later for what we know we need.” I said calmly.

He sighed loudly but said “Okay let’s get cracking” we started packing like crazy and making a list on what we needed to shop for.

Finally, after five hours of searching, stuffing, sorting and listing we finally got down to the bare minimum and we weren’t even done with the packing, because we had to still shop for the things that we lacked. “I’m tired, we should go to bed. You know, before we go shopping.” I yawned.

“No we shouldn’t we are on a roll lets go!” he said. He grabbed my hand and practically ran towards the garage. We got in the car and he sped off towards the mall. He definitely cheered up that was for sure. When the phone rang it was a total surprise since it was like was like ten O’clock at night but it was Kenneth and he is always up late.

“Hello” I said, “Guess what Kames can come and Valerie said she can afford her own ticket and all the other extras she needs so the six of us are going together!” he explained.

“That’s great! It will be fun! Yay! Okay well listen I have to go I am about to go shopping with Kendall so see ya later love ya” I said

“Love ya too see you at home” Kenneth said and we hung up.

“Guess what Kames AND Valerie are both coming with us!” I exclaimed

“Awesome! It’s going to be epic!” Kendall yelled. Ya it definitely will be an experience I will never forget, just not the kind experience that I wanted.
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