Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1884481-The-Ties-that-Bind-Us
Rated: E · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1884481
A/N: I don't own Pokemon or its characters!

Touko's POV

The feeling of adrenaline pumping through your veins is just... wow. Seeing my cute little Miki evolve into a Dewott... amazing! Just thinking that I along with my two best friends, Cheren and Bel(Bianca), had only started out adventure two months ago made my heart flutter. But the excitement of Pokemon wasn't the only think making my heart beat abnormally fast.

"Hey, Cherry-kun!" I say, turning my head to face the flustered, blushing Cheren. My bouncing brunette ponytail flowed behind me, my eyes glistening off the reflection of the rain puddles. He merely turned around and flatly stated, "Touko, for the umpteenth time PLEASE don't call me that!"

Cheren's POV

God.. how do I even put up with her? I know I hate it when she calls me Cherry, but this is outrageous! No... Touko... don't give the Lilypup eyes.... c-can't resist.... "Yes, Touko?"
God. I can't believe I keep falling for that look! But.. the way her hair bounces so swiftly.. and the way her chocolate-brown eyes sparkle in the water.... now I remember why I put up with this every day. I'm in love with her.

"Sorry..Cheren... I was just wondering... how would you and Bianca like to go out to lunch with me at the cafe? I'll pay." Touko asks, trying to resist the urge to use the nickname. Bianca shook her head, as if to say no. As she turned to leave, she leaned up to my ear. "Good luck winning her over.. She's a toughie."

My whole face burned a passionate shade of red as Bianca scurried off.

Bianca's POV

"Hehehe... time to put plan Get Cheren and Touko Together into motion, Iris!" I say, into my X-Tranciever. "Suprisingly, Cheren was the one to blush first!" The tan girl on the opposite end of the call snickered. " This is brilliant, Bianca! Pure GENIOUS!"

"Perfect. Now, just to get a hold of the cafe owners. Iris, do you remember Cress's number? What about Chili's or Cilan's?"
After recieving the numbers, I quickly dial one of them. " Hey... Chili. I have a plan to do....."

Touko's POV

" Hey, Cheren~! What did Bel-chan say to you? Why are you blushing so hard? Tell me, tell me!" I poked my face mere inches infront of his. His face turned even more red, I thought he was going to explode. He was frozen. " What the hell did Bianca tell you, Cheren? What is wrong? Tell me now or else-"

" Bianca's trying to get me to kiss you!" Cheren yells, but immeadietly covers his mouth. I copy him in the intense blushing. Maybe... he likes me too. This is what makes my heart flutter.... his rare blush... the cute faces he makes when he's embarrassed.

Cheren's POV

Oh. My. God. I just lied completly to Touko. Well, not a COMPLETE lie... I think.
I make my move and grab her hand. " L-l-let's g-go g-get l-lunch.... Touko." I end up dragging her a few feet behind me. All of a sudden, she trips and yelps. I turn around as she falls foward, and we fall in an awkward position, with her knee in-between my legs, and me trying to hold her up by placing my hands on her breasts. " T-Touko! S-s-sorry f-for d-dragging you b-behind.... now... c-could y-you p-please g-get up?"

Touko's POV

We were in the most awkward position two lovers could ever be placed in. Especially in the middle of the Route, with multiple trainers walking by and staring. " Oh! C-Cheren! I'm so sorry!" I quickly sit up onto my knees. All of a sudden, I felt dizzy. I shook off the feeling and stood up. I stuck out my hand to help Cheren up, but he refuses. " Suit your....self." I fall backwards, my eyes closed. I had expected to hit the ground, but instead I felt a hand wrap around my waist. My last consious sense was hearing a voice call " Touko! Touko!!"

I wake up in an unfamilliar bed. My head hurt. Bad. As I regain counsiousness, I see a blurry figure hovering over my head. " Cheren...?" His face looked red and wet. " W-were y-you crying? O-over... me? Ow!" My head hurt, as well did my stomach. There was a sharp pain in the bottom of it.

Cheren's POV

"Touko! Touko!! You're awake! A-and yeah.. I was kinda crying..."
I was so relieved she was awake. He fever, on the other hand, wasn't as good. It was just... too high to be natural. It's as if... she was bitten by a poisonous Pokemon...! " Hey Nurse Joy, is there any dangerous Pokemon around here? Like, poison types, or such?"

*beep beep*

"Ehh? My Pokedex is going off."

" Possible Trainer Threats on Route 9." It says. " Garbodor. Pokedex no. 569. The gas it puts off is toxic. Being a very strong poison type, anyone who inhales it is bound to be poisoned. It is very rare for one to not inhale it. Some are immune, so they aren't affected. It is more common for young females to inhale it than males." Tears were running down my face. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Why Touko? Why couldn't it have been me? Why, dear Arceus, why couldn't it have been me?
" Tomoko.... i-if you don't make it through this... I need to tell you something. If I don't I will never forgive myself! I l-l-love-"

" Cheren! Touko! I heard! Give me all the details!" I didn't even hear (more or less remember) my X-Tranciever go off.

Bianca's POV
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