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Let's stay on target.. um I mean topic. |
Let's assume for a second that Mitt Romney cares about you. What is his platform? Mitt is in favor of banning abortions! So, doesn't that make more welfare moms? Mitt wants to replace Obama Care with Mitt Care! What's the difference? How much of the budget is spent on the military? Is the billion dollar a day occupation of Iraq paying off? Maybe, the reason there are so many unemployed Americans is because of the unlimited spending on the war on terror/oil rich countries. Does anyone remember why the U.S invaded Iraq? THE HIJACKERS OF 9/11 WERE ALL SAUDIS! BINLADEN WAS OF THE SAUDI ROYAL FAMILY! What? We haven't invaded Saudi Arabia for sponsoring terrorism? Let's bomb them flat.. Nope. No can do. The Saudis are one of our biggest Presidential funders. Mitt Romney wants to make the country prosperous! HOW?! The deficit is 16 trillion dollars. Neither candidate wants to raise taxes. Where's the 16 trillion dollars going to come from? How about another war with Iran and China will defend them? The federal reserve will no longer be obligated to pay off the Chinese debt. Now, a real clean sweep would involve Russia too in this war on Iran. WW III would balance the budget and fry the competition. Is this inevitable? Oh, and most of us, surplus population, will be toast. The only downside in a nuclear holocaust is that it might burn off the atmosphere. But, that's the gamer in Republican hawks. Oy... Muzzy |