Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1884181-A-Demons-Designs
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1884181
Parry discovers Knock, a student he is attracted to, has become shrunk in the locker room.
It was gym time, and Parry was, once more, locked in the bathroom stall off the changing room. The pink haired boy always felt so uncomfortable when it came time for the rest of his class to change together. In the past, when he was younger, this had not been a problem. It wasn't until he became aware of the other boys that things had changed for Parry. Rip had such a strong muscular frame. His dark brown skin rippled when he purposefully stretched his arms over his head when removing his shirt. Gash had these two strange scars on the backs of his shoulder blades. On cold days they were a bit of a darker pink color then the rest of his skin. Slash had the most perfect smile. His warm golden lips were always parted just enough to show the pearly whites of his teeth. His blue eyes sparkled with this gleam that made Parry think that he was always amused at something. Knock had beautiful red hair. It was as long as a girls and swept over one shoulder at all the time. Parry always noticed how his hair smelled scented like flowers, always a different flower scent each day too. And Stryk...His blue hair was so pale it was just about silver. It was always reflecting the light in such a way that Stryk seemed to be encased in a halo. His dark blue eyes were mysterious and deep, he could never tell what he was thinking behind the pair of oval glasses he needed to wear.

And these were just the boys he noticed every time they entered the locker room together. So Parry had taken to changing in the bathroom stall, afraid that somehow his eyes would linger too long on any one of these boys. Afraid that he would be rebuked for the curiosity he felt at these noticing feelings. Parry always stayed in the bathroom stall until the last of the footsteps faded and the last joking laugh's echo was gone. Parry leaned against the door and exhaled his held breath. The others had never questioned his reason for changing in the stall, and he was grateful for it. He supposed they assumed he was just embarrassed, which he was! Parry was small. He was at least a head shorter then everyone else. While Rip and Gash had filled out with muscular frame, Parry felt like his own muscles had withered. His arms and legs were slender, his skin was still so pale, he hadn't shown any of the growth that his friends had. He looked at his hands. The fingers were slender and just slightly pink on the palms. All the color seemed to be slowly draining from him, at times he wondered if he'd turn as white as chalk and how that would affect his life.

Since the locker room was quiet, Parry pushed the door of the stall open and stepped out. His blue gym shorts and white gym shirt felt a little too big on him..had he lost more weight? Was he sick again? Parry didn't feel weak or tired... As his sneakers silently walked across the tile a tiny squeak of a sound caught his ear. Parry paused mid-step and glanced around on the floor. Was that a mouse? Something moved along the line of the lockers, a faint flicker of red disappeared around some discarded cloths. Parry furrowed his brows. If there was a mouse in here, odds were Rip or Gash would either kill it or catch it. If they caught it he knew where it would end up, tossed into the girls dorms on the other side of the school grounds. He didn't want the poor thing to suffer the fate of screaming wails and thrown shoes. "Here mousey." He whispered softly as he pushed the cloths aside.

Parry paused to look at cloths. White and blue? These were gym cloths. What were they doing on the ground? Parry glanced up at the lockers and found one that was unlocked, Pulling the door open, he scooped the cloths up and tossed them inside. He couldn't help his impulse to clean things up. It was part of the reason why Rend refused to let him move out of their shared dorm room. Rend was a horrible brute of a boy who enjoyed the fact Parry couldn't stand the dirty cloths on the floor, the messy bedsheets, and the discarded food containers. So he cleaned up after the other. It was just second nature now to pick things up and put them away. It was the shoes however that made Parry's brow furrow in concern. Discarded gym cloths was one thing, but who walked around without shoes on? Parry picked up the standard issued black sneakers and put them in the locker as well.

The squeak came again, right near to his knee's. Parry glanced down and his purple eyes widened with such shock! A small red haired figure was hiding behind one of the legs of the changing benches. A fearful and confused face looked up at him. "Knock?" He whispered softly.

Knock nodded his head up and down and began to speak in a rapid manner. If Parry listened hard, he could hear the others small voice.

"...and then I'm small! My cloths were all around me and I was terrified someone was going to step on me! When I got out I thought I was all alone! I'm so glad your still here Parry! If the gang came back in here they never would have noticed me!" Knock rambled while glancing at the double doors that led out to the open courtyard.

Parry reached his hand out and curled his fingers around Knock while he looked at the doors. As his slender fingers wrapped around Knocks small naked body, he was aware of just how soft he felt against his palm. Knock gave a yelp of distress as he was grasped. His head poked out the top of Parry's fist and his knee's dangle from the other end. "Your so..small." He murmured with such wonder. Knock looked at Parry and squirmed, making Parry all the more aware of how soft yet firm he felt in his fist. Parry lifted Knock up closer to his eyes, so he could get a better look of him. Aside from the fearful expression on his face, Parry had no doubt that this had to be Knock. Parry tilted his hand back and uncurled his fingers enough so he could look at his naked body.

"Parry what are you doing? We have to get help!" Knock spoke as he dug his fingers into the sides of Parrys palm.

"How?" Parry found himself honestly asking. How did they find help for this? Who did they go to? Knock's features flickered as he struggled to answer that very question. During this moment of silence, Parry took advantage of the opportunity to really look Knock over. He never realized how soft a pink his skin was. The muscles on his belly and chest were just defined enough that he could see them. Gently Parry placed the tip of his finger on Knocks chest and he began to softly rub his finger over the small creases.

Knock arched his back and pushed at Parry's finger with one hand. "H-hey! Stop that!" He cried out at the touching. Parry though ignored him. His finger moved over Knocks chest, then drifted downwards over his lower belly. Knock's stomach was so soft...he could feel where his rib cage ended, and with just a small press he got a small 'ooofh!' from Knock. Parry lifted his finger up and watched as Knock crossed his arms over his lower belly. He was panting, clearly that little push had been uncomfortable, but it had not hurt. Knock wasn't crying or screaming.

Parry moved his finger to Knocks shoulder and pushed him back flat in his palm again. "Stop it! Parry!" Knock's voice called out to him with a edge of panic to it. Now he was getting scared of him. Well...Parry supposed that out of all the boys he did seem the least likely to be dangerous. Parry ignored the sound of Knocks voice, instead he pinched his fingers onto Knocks left arm and pulled on it slowly. He lifted Knock up from his palm, the red head's voice rose in a fearful wail as he was lifted up to his feet. His arm was trapped between parry's own fingers, and he felt the other boy pinching firmly on it with a growing strength.

"Ah..Ahhh!" Knock started to scream as Parry's pinching went past uncomfortable and became painful. Parry immediately loosened his fingers and Knock fell back into his palm. Knock held his arm with one hand, though Parry could easily see the red mark forming into a bruise. So...Knock was not as delicate as a glass figurine...but he still had to be careful or he'd break him. It occurred to Parry to wonder why it was so important to make sure he knew how durable Knock was.

Parry reached his hand down and again grabbed Knock, though this time it was by a leg. He gently tugged on Knocks leg, until he had him sitting perfectly in his palm. "Why are you doing this!?" Knock finally found his voice again. His pretty sea green eyes filled with tears when he looked up at Parry. For a brief moment Parry felt shame. He struggled for a answer...but he just could not. So, he decided not to answer. What did it matter anyways? Knock was too small to be of anyone's notice now. If any of the other boys had come in here and found Knock first, he was sure one of them would have just stomped down on him without a second look. So technically Knock was as good as dead without him.

Which was a shame. Knock was so pretty. He felt so soft and he smelled... Parry lifted Knock up to his face. Cupping him gently, he pressed his nose to Knock and slowly inhaled. Knock's hands pushed against his cheek's and his knee's were pushing against Parry's lips. He could smell the faint scent of vanilla on Knock, one of his favorite scents of the red head boys. Parry ignored the small squeak of indignation as he took another deep sniff of Knock's scent. Knock pushed harder with his palms and knees, and for a moment Parry could feel his soft knees parting his lips. Parry let them slip open more, and before he even had a second to think about what he was doing his tongue had poked out and rubbed against Knocks thighs.

Knock gave a shrill scream, causing Parry to pause for a moment. His tongue was still out...he could taste Knock's smooth skin and smell his delightful scent. "What are you doing!? Get off me! Stop it!" Knock's voice was shrill, and if Parry had any sense he would have stopped right then and there. Yet... his tongue began to move again. Parry closed his eyes and moved his tongue slowly up between Knock's thighs. The tip lightly bumped between Knocks legs, and he felt something so small and soft. Knock's voice became a louder scream, so Parry curled his fingers around him. Tightening a few of his fingers, he pressed down on Knock's rib cage. It took such little pressure to compress his lungs a little, and just like that Knock was no longer screaming. He was gasping, struggling for breath as his leg's kicked. Parry kept his eyes closed as he moved the tip of his tongue over Knocks crotch. His ballsack seemed so...squishy. His tongue rubbed against it, pushing it around in little circles. He felt his shaft shifting, and must to his surprise it began to harden. Knock's gasps were changing from the frantic fear induced wheezes into something else. They were pants, and..yes..there came a soft groan... When Parry pushed his tongue tip against the hardened shaft, Knocks his thrust upwards. That was when he loosened his fingers on Knocks chest. Knock was no longer struggling to push him away, but his body was shaking.

Parry opened his eyes a little, and he pulled his tongue back into his mouth to wet the tip again. As he did he looked over Knock, and was pleased to see the small boy's cheeks were flushed. With his tongue whetted again, Parry started making little licks over Knocks cock and balls. Every time he licked him, Knock gave a moan. His left arm wrapped up into Parry's own fingers, and his right fisted in his lovely red hair. With another lick, Knock moaned a bit louder. Knock tasted so good. His scent was so arousing...Parry closed his eyes again and pressed his lips firmly over Knocks hips. With a careful suck, he sipped on Knocks cock. The reaction was surprising to say the least. Knock screamed again, but not in fear. This was pleasure, pure and unrestrained pleasure. Parry continued to suckle on Knocks crotch. His tongue slipped back out and pressed against Knocks balls between each sipping motion. Only minutes before Knock had been crying for him to stop. now though his cries were encouraging.

"Ah! Yes! Oh god! Yes!" Knock screamed out. The warmth of something wet and slightly rough rubbing over his senstive cock and balls sent tingles through his spine and what felt like electric up his spine. He wasn't thinking any more about how afraid he was, just how good he felt. When Knock climaxed, he felt like his heart and lungs came to a stop. Parry's lips were still smoothly pressing in onto his cock, the slight pressure form his sucking seemed to pull the cum right from the tip of his cock. The warm and wet tongue tip pushed his hardened balls with just the right amount of firmness.

Parry felt Knock stiffen up, and he tasted what seemed like a few droplets of saltwater on his tongue. When Knock's body gave a violent little shudder and started to go limp, he pulled his lips away and carefully licked them. Knock looked exhausted. Sweat glistened on his body and his hair was a bit more messy then it usually was. He looked beautiful. Parry leaned back against the lockers as he admired Knocks panting body. Slowly his eyes drifted down between his own legs, where his own cock was pushing against the tight material of his shorts. Parry was having another impulse now. A stirring of a idea that he did not have fully realized yet. With his free hand, he slipped his fingers under the band of his shorts and underwear. His fingers pulled the material up, and he felt his stiff cock brushing a wet tip over the inside of his palm. With his other hand, he gently wrapped his fingers gently around Knocks body. Knock did not stir or open his eyes...not until Parry twisted his hand around, so Knock was facing downwards. His eyes opened in time to see himself descending into the little cave formed of Parry's fingers and underwear.

"Ah!!" He cried out. Fear making his voice shrill. "Parry! NO!"

Of course Parry did not listen. He did not stop. He pulled his free hand out, and there was a soft snap of the band of his pants closing. Parry's heart was racing now. He could feel the brush of Knock's hair against his lower belly when he pushed his hand down further. Knock's voice was still shrill, muffled, but clear enough for him to still hear. "Oh god no! Stop! Parry please no!" Something about the begging was even exciting. Parry pushed Knock's body down onto his cock, then flexed his fingers to wrap around that too. Now he had Knock gripped to his shaft. His kicking feet was thrumming against the head of his cock. His soft silken hair was caressing the base of his shaft. Parry leaned his head back against the lockers and stared at the tiled ceiling of the locker room. Gripping Knock in a careful grip, he started to pump him up and down his shaft. He felt the soft bumps of Knocks cock and balls rubbing over his own shaft as he forced the boy's legs to part and straddle his shaft. His hair was sweeping back and forth like a silken whisper. He felt Knocks butt bump against the head of his cock, then down he pushed him. Knocks screams were suddenly silenced when his face was pressed into his ball sack and his face smothered. Parry could feel a small vibration though, a result of Knock's attempt to scream despite having Parrys soft sack pressing into his face.

"Oooh..." Parry finally moaned. He closed his eyes and continued to stroke himself with Knock. Up and down...up and down... His fingers tightened the quicker he moved his hand. Knock's shrill screams turned into soft muffled protests after just a few moments of being rubbed into Parry's cock. Having his head pushed into Parry's balls over and over again stole his breath away.

Parry was in no hurry to reach his own climax though. The pure joy and pleasure that came from having Knock in his shorts had him in a elated sort of haze. He moaned, softly making whimpers while pleasuring himself with the helpless schoolmate turned sex toy between his legs.
© Copyright 2012 Lucausfox (lucausfox at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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