Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1883773-vision-of-the-night
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Emotional · #1883773
seeing hope in the darkness and finding love

Late night in a city that never sleep's I saw the tears
sliding down hoping to wash away the pain in a land
of the bound where death left its stain a crying soul
still remains.

Down in the city where the heart would be
I searched for love only to find that love became lost at sea
the people cried lord knows they cried a terrible cry
all hope became lost and the future died.

The tears went up to heaven and quench the angels thirst
and the tears came down to heal the land and was drowned
in the worlds darkness so much for love it ran like a coward
back to heaven smiling on us who didnt make it.

In the night I saw a light greater light more beautiful
than any in sight it illuminated the world and destroyed pain
and transformed the tears into rain and fed the world a vision.

In the night joy came running awaking me from a deep sleep
and I touch the hand of the man who walked the land and healed
the lame and died on calvalry with out fault or blame I seen the
fire and felt the flame.

I saw the thunder and felt the rain and smelled the soil lost my
mind and recieved a great vision form above and the city cried
a terrible cry becuase the lost of love.

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