Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1883375-Facing-The-Inner-Fear
Rated: E · Poetry · Self Help · #1883375
Written during my Creative Writiing class and it was published in my College's magazine.
It was a casual day
I ride the county bus to College
Nice, bright sunny day
Then someone I knew and feared came

My enemy that supposed to
Be my parent was in my sight
Mood changed, heart skipped
But I decided to be strong

She tried to talk to me
But I said nothing
It only enraged her
Thought I tried to tell her
I was now grown up
And free to make my choice

She was still unhappy
I was being assertive
And not mean, but she
Tried to manipulate me
By claiming I was disrespectful

But I ignored her
She was trying to make me
Talk to her and reconnect for
Her self-centered schemes

She threatened if I was going
To treat her that way, she wouldn't
Pay me in Child Support
But Court orders says she must

Feeling an inner battle in my mind.
I then focused my energy to calming
The negative, I had to focus again for classes
Seek inner peace

So I called for my heavenly father,
And my angelic companion for courage
I remembered my loved ones' wisdom
And heard the voice of my hero
Offering his wishes to do well in College

I also envisioned an orb of energy
Forming a water drop dripping down
Catching in my hand, and flowing it
Around my arms and palms

The energy was emitting white light
And soothing my cords of stress
Cleaning away the shadows of lies
Keeping my mind clear

Upon arrival to College
I ran to the building, looked back
And she didn't follow
Why she was on board the same bus
I can imagine was to go
To another town elsewhere

I was emotionally drained
Still breathing hard in relief
And tired from running
Couldn't think about much else

She tried to say she hated how I treated
Her, and to remember to honor her
As said in the ten scared rules
She knew my faith and tried to make me
Guilty of disobeying her and showing disrespect

But I know what's in my heart
Truly matters and that I have the right
To not let her back into my life
After all the pain and scars she caused

I can feel I did nothing wrong
And handled it with respect
And kept it positive as best
I could using what I have
© Copyright 2012 Adrianna G (aghostwriter10 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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