Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1880971-Mom
Rated: ASR · Other · Relationship · #1880971
For 800 word contest.
Title: Mom

“Oh honey, I’m so sorry. Are you ok?”

“Yeah, I’m ok.”          

“Well, don’t worry. You’ll find someone else. I never thought the two of you had much in common anyway.”

“I don’t know mom. I’m kind of sick of this. Maybe it’s too much trouble.”

“What do you mean? What’s too much trouble?”

“You know. Dating. Relationships. I’ve been in relationships constantly for more than twelve years. Maybe only six or seven months of being single in all that time. I’m starting to think maybe all this just isn’t a good idea.”

“You’re not some old guy, son. You’re only twenty-eight. You’ll find someone you like. Remember Marie? I really liked her. You two were so good together. You can find something good like that again.”

“Yeah, well. Marie was pretty great. She really was. But I broke up with her remember?”

“You know you never did tell me why that was.”

“I don’t know I was just… dissatisfied. Restless. After three years things were kind of stagnating. Then we moved in together. I thought it would make things better. It didn’t. I was just… unhappy.”

“Well, maybe she just wasn’t the right one.”

“Mom, I’ve been trying at this relationship thing for well over ten years. At the end of the day I’m just never happy. The first year is always great. Then things get complicated.”

“Like the glow of a new relationship is over? Real life sets in? Things like that?”

“Sort of, yeah. Like when you are first giddy in love it’s no effort to overlook all the faults and potential problems. Both in the relationship and in the other person. It’s a blast. Just fun and excitement and you know… sex. But that’s just an illusion. It’s just me or us ignoring the situation.”

“Well, that kind of thing is not so bad. Every couple needs a time to fall in love if things are going to last. That’s what carries you through the all the road bumps along the way. Your affection and commitment to each other.”

“See, I’m not convinced attachment and commitment to each other against all odds is such a good thing. What do you think of grandma and grandpa? Or aunt June and uncle Mike? All they ever do is argue. Anyone can tell they are either somewhat unhappy or profoundly unhappy pretty much all the time. I don’t want to live like that.”

“Oh… well, it’s not always so bad. They still care about each other. Even if they do drive each other crazy sometimes.”

“Drive each other into shouting matches you mean. It’s a much more serious situation than just driving each other a little crazy.”

“All right, well your aunt and uncle and grandparents do have some problems. But it’s not always like that. I mean, take a look at me and Frank. We’ve been together fifteen years and still going strong. We’re happy with each other.”

“Yeah, but that was after you and my dad got divorced after five years together. There aren’t that many great examples in my life of relationships and marriage working out. My dad also ended up divorced from his second wife you know.”

“Honey, you can’t be such a pessimist. You’ll be lonely without someone in your life. And what about as you get older? You’ll be really glad to have someone there when you start getting on in years. Trust me, I know.”

“I don’t know. An unhappy relationship seems like a high price to pay for companionship and extra security.”

“Companionship and security is nothing to turn your nose up at. And relationships can be worked on. Both parties just have to be willing to change. It’s worth it, even if you have to work through some dissatisfaction in your relationship.”

“Maybe. I don’t know. I think I’m going to stay single for a while though. I need a break from all these relationships. Need to look at things.”

“So you’re not going to date anyone? For how long?”

“I don’t know. I’ll probably still go on dates I guess if the opportunity shows up, but I’m going to keep my distance from anything serious and committed for some time. I’m starting to think the whole thing might not work for me, long term. I’ll have to think on it some more.”

“You do that honey. I should go. I was in the middle of making dinner and Frank should be home soon. Thanks for calling and telling about Anne. I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Ok mom. No problem. Love you.”

“I love you too honey. Bye.”

Word Count: 767
© Copyright 2012 MindArtist (mindartist at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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