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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Other · #1880650
A women finds herself captured and taken over.
         Hot. My blood is boiling screaming at me within. I close my eyes and images of thirst quenching juices flash before my closed lids. There in the distance I imagine it, the cooling water smack around my naked body. That’s when I feel it, there a small bead of sweat slowly travels down my back and with it catches a breeze. I tug to wipe it away but my hands don’t move,  I open my eyes  and tied above me clasped in chains are my small wrists.
         A breeze once again travels down my back  as I grind my knees into the dirt floor and I become aware that I am naked. I look about me my hair wet with sweat stick to my face and I take in my exposed flesh. My tanned skin was flawless no marks  of combat were upon me  it only glistened in the fading light. Which made me come to another point the sun was setting and even through I was in some stone chamber I was able to notice.  I pointlessly tugged at my chains again but I didn’t magically come loose. Slumping I faced the wall before me, the position made me uncomfortable and I didn’t like not  knowing where I was or how I had gotten here.          
          Being here meant that at some point I had become helpless something that I fought with every part of my female will. I was not the type to be taken lightly my family were of the warrior clan., and I a daughter of Griffin had a family reputation to live up to. Frustration filled me and I pulled at my chains once again trying to stand and get a better look at my surrounding and find a way to escape. But my attempts were useless no  matter how much  I struggled to stand I could not. My last attempt made me slip and knees gave way to the sand and had me clinging helplessly to the chains.

         “ My what a beautiful sight you are mistress” The voice that appeared out of no where echoed around me. I froze trying to listen to where it had originated from but the chamber made it impossible. I tried to correct my pose vainly trying to obtain decency.
  “Please mistress do not try to hide such a beautiful and pure sight just for me. Surly one such as yourself  can appreciate a pose that even the most highest goddess favors?” The voice seemed to vibrate against my skin as though he was near me  but I could not feel the heat of his breath. 
         “ Who are you?” I tried not to sound desperate  but my voice almost sounded anxious, I prayed to the goddess he did not hear it.
         “ I am but a humble servant for my mistress.”
         “ If you are as such then I  demand that you free me at once:” this time I came out a bit more authoritative  I hoped the push in my voice was enough.
         “ I am sorry mistress but that is something I can not do. But if you are in need of anything, such as water perhaps? Then I will gladly get it for you.” The calmness in his voice angered me.
         “ What I need is to be released, Now free me at once!” I said this through clenched teeth trying not to shout my words, trying not to show my anger. But I could tell that I was failing, surly he could tell too.
         “ Now why would  I do that?” He said this in a whisper and once again with out me noticing he had moved. The words were spoken against my neck, his breath brushed against the fine hair that grew there. And for some reason I shivered in utter pleasure from it. Glad that he could not see my face I closed my eyes to fight the urge to moan. There was no way I could react in such an indecent manner to this males voice, I was a daughter of the griffin clan  respected warriors through out the land. I was not some harlot begging for a mans touch. Surly this male pushed magic on me that had to be the reason.
         The silence hung between us, the question Left ringing in the air. He was waiting for my response and I was kneeling there enjoying the even breathing that brushed against my neck. I had to answer.
“ Because if you do not, when I get loose you will be the first to regret not befriending me when you should have.” I was proud of my answer. I sounded as I should have with strength and authority, surly this would convince the male to take my side against my captor. that’s when I felt it the sudden touch of skin against skin. It was not too much pressure but I could feel every bit of that burning sensation from the back of my neck slowly going down my back. When he stopped midway I almost whimpered. My back became tense burning where he touched.
         “But Mistress I have no need to fear you . This is what you want. No maybe not want that will come later this mistress, is what you need.” He pulled away the intoxicating pressure no longer there this time I could not hold the whimper that escaped my lips. I missed the warmth of his touch even though it was so slight.
         No! I can not be this way pride filled me as I fought my reaction “ who are you to tell me of my needs! Dare you exclaim of my wants. You know nothing.”
         “ Ah my mistress as I said before I am but a humble servant it is my duty to know of such, how else am I to serve you well?” He touch was back again this time I could barely see his skin under my breast. I tried not to breathe but the need for his hand to move against me made my breath come quick.
         “ you see mistress…” he said as his hand moved slowly down my ribs. “ Your body is most truthful but your words are not. That is quite dishonorable of you, tell me mistress let me hear words of truth from you.” his hand had moved to my stomach nails slowly racked against the skin there. “ You would not deny me truth now would you, please grace me with those words.” I squirmed underneath his hand my chest moving heavily with deep breaths.
         “ I…..I need…” I could not finish the words between my gasping. I tugged at my chains needing to have a touch at that hand that left me helpless. He chuckled against my skin a knowing sound that left me  feeling almost defeated. Then he was  gone the heat that singed me faded and grew cold the presence in the room left me alone. I cried out infuriated at my self for acting as such and at the male for leaving me this way.  One way or another his body will be the sheath for my sword well before I become one for his.

The time that passed could have been hours or days I am unaware but each time I awoke He was there . I have become dependant on him bringing me water and food. Every time I was  not permitted to see his face only ever his hands. When it came time to feed me he would cover my eyes with silk and then feed me as if I was a child. He never told me what it was he had given me so I was always surprised by the flavor that slid across my tongue.
         As always when I awoke I was facing the wall but this time I noticed that the chamber was lighter then usual. It must be day time. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end He was is the room , another thing that I had  not been allowed to notice before. What was different about today? What has changed?
         “ Servant.” There was no need to ask this I knew he was there.
           “Yes my mistress?”
         “I am thirsty bring me water.” I heard shuffling behind me, soon the familiar hand came into view and the cup was brought to my lips I drank slowly enjoying the cold liquid as it flowed down my throat. When I finished he took the cup away and did not return to my view, but I could feel him watching me waiting for my next command. The air was tense from the need of this.
         “ Servant”
         “What is it you need my mistress?”
         “ free my hands.” My voice was gentle as I said this but it could not be mistaken for nothing else but a command. I heard shuffling behind me once again and suddenly to my surprise cloth was put around me wrapped tightly around my breast covering  them completely the cloth pooled around my body. I never knew how good it would feel to be clothed. Then arms raised above me and hands held on to my chains softly touching my skin. His breath was light on the back of my neck. 
         “ As you wish my mistress.” with  that my wrists were free. My knees gave and my hands feel onto my lap. I stared stupidly at my hands turning them thinking  there was no way they could be free. My wrists were red and bruised from the chains and they ached as I moved them.  A chuckle came from behind me and I turned slowly not truly wanting to see the one who belonged to the hands that became all I have known.           Closed eyes were directly before me, the rest of the face was covered by a dark cloth, it wrapped around his head leaving only the eyes visible. I stared at those closed lids taking in the dark long lashes that seemed to sweep gently against his skin. A chuckle  came from behind the cloth. I frowned at this unseeing male. Sick of the games I went to pull the cloth from around his head and would most likely strangle him with it, I was not to sure on that matter yet.  Before I could the lids burst open I was staring at harlequin eyes. I was mesmerized by them, one eye was an ice blue while the other was a soft green. I froze slightly before drawing my hand back.
         He stood then a long lean frame that emanated power.  I looked up at him and felt like a child. A memory played into my mind, I was but 8 summers old and my father was in his the meeting room brooding over adult affairs. I was still in my night dress as I walked up to him the marble floor cold  beneath my small feet. I knelt before him and set my head at his lap, absently he had petted my head. I felt like I did then at this moment. This man with power pouring from his dark clothes and the strange eyes looking down at me.
         A hand came towards my cheek and  touched me ever so gently I basked in this my eye’s closing slowly. Too soon I had trusted in this stranger for a hand rapped around my throat and brought me off my knees. My hands grasped at his hand trying to pry it open but I was not strong enough. I glared at him as I tried to find my breath. Slightly he bent putting his covered mouth to my ear.
         “Is this the freedom you wanted mistress? Did I do well?” I could do nothing but grunt as air was denied me.
         “surly my mistress will reward me. Maybe even command me again, I am in need of this.”
         “ air” I force out with the last little bit left in my lungs.
         “ Is that a command my  mistress?” I nodded slightly as I felt faint, he suddenly released me.
         “ thank you my mistress for commanding me, I crave for such as your humble servant.”


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