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by Ex!
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1880221
Part 5 and final addition to this story on this site.
Part 5

A tear falls down her cheek.  Not from fear, but to acknowledge the emotional pain she have caused her father.  The beast roars loudly, frightening her, then drops her to the ground, then turns to run off into the darkness of night.  Alezander runs to scoop her up in his arms as they look into the night for a sign of Ozias.  They can see none, but Alezander feels the creature that was once Ozias, rumbling in the distance until he feels him no more.  As the night deepens, they cuddle together and listen to the sound of the world around them.  The soft night breeze flows over their bodies and the pitched tents’ material billow gently.  Alezander kisses Lexine’s face, as she lies in his arms with her eyes closed. She smiles at him without opening them.  He hugs her tighter to him and she responds by letting out a comforting sigh. The events of the past few days have been cruel to them.  They have shared so few tender moments and the unrequisite love they have for each other have already been tested.  Alezander moves Lexine’s head back to look at her face.  She slowly opens her eyes and smiles at him.  He slowly and softly presses his lips next to hers and they share a kiss.  Lexine rises to her feet and stares at Alezander seductively.  His eyes affix on her voluptuous curves and ample bosom.  How her body seems to defy human symmetric.  Her waist so small, her hip so round, all supported by sensually long legs.  She leans down to him and takes him by the hands, pulling him to his feet.  Without a word, she guides him to the tent nearby. Inside the tent they create their own world.  As the outside world continues with its’ rhetoric, they create a world of sexual desires and sensuous movements to be fulfilled.  Their feelings are that of two lovers.  The night darkens and the celestials are seen, shrinking brightly upon the tent of the new lovers.

In the hallowed halls of Olympus, the titan Typhoeus sat upon the throne of Zeus.  He was in deep thought when Echidna approached.
“What troubles you so my lord?” she asked.  His eyes continued to look forward as he answers, “The mortals pray for and curse the human called Alezander.”  Echidna, very puzzled asks, “What matter is that to you? Mortals are always cursing and damning each other. What is one more to the mighty Typhoeus?” Typhoeus crosses his hands in front of his face, still thinking. He then answers Echidna,, “This mortal matters to me because my mother has endowed great power unto him.  My mother has birthed many beings.  Why then would she favor this mortal?”  As Typhoeus’ question lingered in the air, his older sibling, Orkrus entered the hall.  Orkrus was not as fearful as his brother, but he was formidable nonetheless.  He stood 12 feet tall with exceptional musculature, short tight horns emitted from his skull.  His lower jawbone jutted out showing a jagged row of teeth.  His sloped forehead protected his red eyes.  As mighty as Orkrus was, even he feared his brother.  In an attempt to stay in Typhoeus’ grace, Orkrus says, “I will go to the human’s world and destroy this mortal in your name.”  Orkrus stands with chest inflated and poised to act.  In his mind, he hopes that Typhoeus accepts his offer, for Orkrus had plans of conquest of his own.  Typhoeus carefully thought out the offer put before him.  If he allows Orkrus to kill Alezander, it would be Orkrus, not Typhoeus, who would incur the wrath of Gaia if she retaliates.  If she didn’t retaliate, then the mortal men would know that it is Typhoeus who rules Olympus and they would pay homage to him.  Either way, Typhoeus would win.  For a moment Typhoeus considers killing the mortal himself, but he still wishes to battle and defeat Zeus in front of all the other so-called gods.  Typhoeus stands and walks to Orkrus.  He places one hand on Orkrus’ head and infuses him with additional power.  Then he tells him, “Go kill the mortal…in both of our names.”  Orkrus bows his head slightly then turns to leave the great hall of Olympus.  Once Orkrus is gone, Echidna approaches Typhoeus and curiously asks, in a soft whisper, “My lord, do you think that Orkrus will be loyal to you after he defeats the human?”  Typhoeus responds calmly, “Loyalty is given by those of weak wills and received by the arrogant.  Orkrus is not weak of will and I trust no one.”  He stares at Echidna coldly making her very uncomfortable.  She sheepishly retreats her position and slithers out of Typhoeus’ sight.  He sits on Zeus’ throne brooding about the upcoming events.  His resolve will give him victory over the cowardly god.  Then he will lead a new and greater era of titans! His thoughts betray his persona as, in the confines of his privacy, Typhoeus smiles.

This story continues elsewhere.
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